The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo pulled a box from under her bag and opened it, revealing an assortment of gems and strips of leather. "Use whatever from there." She added to both of the boys.(Cya)
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He looked through the box. "Alright sounds easy enough." It took him a few minutes but he got a leather hilt. He looked at Halo. "So how long have you known Flare and Jason?"

(Bye Bye)
Halo had to stop and think."Lets see, ran away at about 9, lived as a wolf for 4 years soo, about 3 years." She concluded. "Wow has it really been that long?" She said staring at the ceiling. "Wow, I never found out what happened to my parents when I left. They had no clue I was leaving...." She said spacing out.
Lawrence commanded the sword to float over to the wall. Then he sat down on the ground. "If you don't mind me asking. Why did you run away from your parents?"
Halo sat down too. "I was scared they wouldn't accept me. I didn't know about my powers until I was 'bout 9, when I accidentally changed in front of my friends. Long story short they screamed and threw rocks 'n stuff at me and ran away. I figured, 'If they won't like me now, who's to say my parents will?' So, I left. Never thought much of it till now..."
"Well that sounds like a lot of people's stories, and all of them are still saddening." He sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Halo shrugged. "I don't really care much at this point." She lied. "There's good people here, people who will accept anyone, and that's good enough for me. What's your story? If you're comfortable sharing, that is."
Theo returned with a bunch of wood and threw it down. He saw the looks on Halo and Lawrence's faces " Am I interrupting something?"
Halo almost made a joke but she was still upset from remembering her past. "Jus' swapping stories." She said pulling a knife from her pocket. She started cutting the bark off the logs.
Lawrence clasped his hands together. He noticed Theo walking in. "Alright well believe or not I wasn't born with this power of metal control, or Titan. Yeah I was once a normal child. But my parents who were both brilliant scientist tried to get me power with a special statue they found years before having me. So when I was five months old they started to experiment on me. They called the experiment project Titan. When I was five years old child protection services finally heard about all that and took me away. I went to a adoption center until I was seven. That was when I went to my first foster home. That's also when my first incident with Titan. Nine years and over a dozen homes later I finally ran away. Now I'm with the greatest people that I've ever met." He didn't noticed that he started to cry.
Halo didn't know what to do when she saw Lawrence cry. She jumped up and started pacing. Suddenly she dropped Kodlak in Lawrence's lap. "Animals sense emotion." She said frowning. She was half talking about herself when she said this, but she made it sound like she was talking about the wolf.
Theo decide to give his story " When i was about 6 I fell off a cliff, and then i found out i could fly when i fell, but a man saw me and kidnapped me to experiment on. but i was able to escape and then i lived in the forest until about 4 years ago. Then i traveled around with Blizzard. Theo wanted to share as much as he could without too many details.
Lawrence tried to stop crying. "See what I mean? The ability with adaptation is a gift." He started to pet the pup.
"Hey! metal control is amazing. wouldnt that mean you can control guns. if so no one can shoot at you" Theo said, he always wished he had the power to understand people
Lawrence continued to pet the wolf pup. "Sure I can. But you have no idea what it's like to control a two thousand pound metal monster from bursting out. It's a tough daily battle."
Halo nodded in agreement to Lawrence's comment. "It's not the same thing as a giant metal guy, but I have to keep the thoughts of hundreds of creatures at bay. Probably more by now. Sometimes they take over completely." She said remembering the two times she turned into a demon. "It's also why Jason can't read my mind or control it for that matter. He picks up the thoughts of EVERYTHING." She said with a slight shudder.
(IM SO SORRY!!! DX I got no alrts AGAIN!!!!! DX)

Flare was sleeping in her room
Halo picked up the pup, scratching between his ears. "I really dodged a bullet today... Imagine what woulda happened if Flare found out about all this." She said looking around the room. "Probably be my head on the wall, not swords." She laughed
Lawrence got up. "Speaking of Flare I'm gonna go see her." He walked up stairs and then he was at Flares room. He gently knocked on the door. "A Flare. Can I come in?"
Lawrence. "Hey there. Sorry to interrupt your nap." He walked in and he sat down next to Flare. "I just want to say. You did a great job with the house."

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