The Hunted [Inactive]

"Got you"He scooped halo up in his arms"Its my birthday to day im turning 18 you better get me a present" he jumped of the roof 
He then let go of Halo now only holding her left foot he dragged her to the basement and left her on the cold ground.
Halo was still spitting insults at him. "You want a present? Fine, I will kill you quickly, rather than painfully! How's that sound?"
He pulled out his phone and began typeing to flare " hey by the way halo has a bag full of deadly weapons and shes selling them to random people, its the red bag she never lets any one see" He showed halo but to far for her to grab it.
Halo growled. "Take the knife that almost hit you in the head! There's your stupid present!" Followed by a huge list of insults. "You couldn't have put me on t he bed? Jerk. Leave me be! I need to sleep after all that!"
"a knife really that your present ok" Caleb pressed send" i hope you like a yelling a screaming flare on your ass cause im really going to enjoy that knife"He picked the knife up and threw it between halo's Middle and pointer finger.. 
"Good day to you screw ass and let the potato god bless you" 
He walked over to Halo's bed and went to sleep in it.
(Holy crap all of this happened in one night. Awesome!)

Lawrence staid quiet for most of the encounters. He was thinking about everything that's been happening. He stayed close to Flare for most of it. Until he got to the new house when he got in he heard what Flare said and he picked a room. The one next to Flares. He unpacked all of his stuff. He went to the kitchen with all of the groceries from earlier. He got all of that taken care of he went back to his room. He pulled out his MP3 and his marbles. He went through his songs and found Moar Ghost N Stuff Deadmau5. He jumped onto his bed and made all of eight marbles float in the formation of the galaxy. He thought to himself. "More people to protect. Even though most of them seem to be able to themselves." He had another thought. His bag. He grabbed the bag and looked through it and he found a book. It was his fathers Journal from before he was taken away. He opened and he started reading it.
Halo sat up quickly, remembering that Caleb had actually sent the text message to Flare. "Now I have two choices, both equally hard." She said to herself. "I can just grab everything and leave before she wakes up, OR, I can sneak into Flare's room and delete the message before she sees it." She groaned. This was gonna be a tough choice. Failure meant certain doom, failure to ACT, however would be worse.
Lawrence noticed one of the new people walking up to him. He got off of his bed and walked to him. "I don't believe we had." He pulled out his hand. "My name is Lawrence Edwards. What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you Theo Youngblood." Lawrence let go of Theos hand. "So I'm kinda curious. How do you know Halo?"
" I was alone in the wilderness for a long time, I had nothing but a wolf form of Halo and Blizzard" he pointed to the owl that was inseparable from his shoulder.
As if on cue, Halo (in the form of a tabby cat) walked past the room as quietly as possible. She was going to try to delete the message from Flare's phone.
Instead of telling Theo what he does he showed him. He controlled the marbles to float over him and Theo. "I control metal. And there's also Titan. But now is not good time for him."
Cat Halo reached Flare's room and snatched her phone quietly. She sat a little bit outside of Lawrence's room and pawed at the screen. "Damnnit! She's got a password! Why didn't I consider that?" She hissed.
Theo walked up to Halo " maybe the boyfriend you mentioned knows it , where is he?" Theo said totally forgetting she told him it was Lawrence.
Lawrence noticed Theo was sad for a moment. He patted him on the shoulder. "Hey you will not believe how useful that power is." He saw Theo picking up Halo and he asked who's Flares boyfriend. He walked and picked grabbed the phone. "That boyfriend is me." He looked at Halo. "What are you doing with Flares phone?"
"You were just talking to him." Halo sighed. "An I doubt he'd help. Probably run an tell her if anything. Unless...." She made an evil grin for a cat, slinking into Lawrence's room.
Cat!Halo grabbed the phone and placed it next to Lawrence, before clawing her way onto his shoulder. "Caleb sent a message that may or may not endanger my very being." She started. "I need to delete said message before Flare wakes up. That's where you come in Tin-man. I know you know her phone password. Failure to comply and well, you won't be seeing this again!" She purred. She flicked her tail in his face, revealing that the ring he had previously made for Flare was wrapped up in her tail.
Lawrence looked at the ring. "I don't know I do know or not. We've been dating for about twelve hours. But fine." He thought about for a second what the password is. He looked at Halo. "Have you tired any passwords yet? So I know what not to use."
"Why do you all think blackmailing is so necessary." Theo sighed and pryed the ring fromm her tail. "please, just help her out.'"he pleaded holding the ring towards Lawrence
Halo hissed at Theo. "I had this completely under control Theo! " turning to Lawrence, "Tried the groups names, with no luck. Also tried 'fire'." She growled

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