The Hunted [Inactive]

"We got a pet gang over her!" Halo laughed tossing knives around Caleb with her eyes closed. "CLOSE. THE. DAMN. DOOR!" She said with a smile on her face.
"Not really, but it doesn't mean Flare won't kill me if she finds out!" She said with her eyes narrowed. "Aww hell, you ain't gonna tell her are ya?"
"Ill tell if i don't get to see" 
"theo im pretty sure talkin about the past won't get halo in trouble so shut it please..."
"Well I through part of it at you..." She said nodding at the knives. "If you're nice you might walk away with a toy!" She said chucking a large dagger at him that lodged itself in the wall above his head.
"if your going to come up with a lie make sure it fits with the conversation"He stared a theo. 
"so whats in the bag....And if you throw another knife at me ill burn your hair off with my laser cannon" he said sweetly
Halo responded by throwing a sword at Caleb, which narrowly missed his groin. "It's not a knife so you can't say I didn't listen!" She smirked. "Bag's full of weapons I made." She said showing them off.
"shut up kid were child hood friends i wouldn't really hurt her"he looked a Theo emotionessly 
"just stop throwing weapons in general you might hit Moca, and then i'd get pissed..." He stared at his cat.
"i known her for a long time and i get kind of overprotective with people I trust which right now is only one person."Theo responded "well im going to my room" Theo walked to his room. 
Theo then called for Blizzard who flew after him.
" Oh dear, the boys are fighting over me! Who do I chose?" Halo said with a trickster's smile. "Like I'd ever endanger an animal... You really don't know me, huh?"
"so you have a bagful of weapons, that i can use as blackmail so yeah..." He stroked his cat and laughed evilly. 
"i said you might hit her by accident and i don't want that to happen halo." 
"Well i implied it anyways"
Halo quickly grabbed Moca and dashed out the basement, Kodlak still on her head. Halo made sure she was careful with the cat, as she hooted, in an attempt to summon Blizzard. "You all adore your animals but watch how easily they take to me!" She laughed running outside and jumping onto the roof.
Theo who had overheard the conversation ran back to the basement and pointed a fist at Caleb "blackmail her and ill hurt you"
Blizzard sat on Theo's shoulders hooting some pretty mean things 
"you'll find out eventually, everyone seems to get in some pretty heated fist fights around here. I kind of doubt you and I would be an exception" Theo said truthfully
Caleb got extremely mad and went through his physical change he punched theo in the jaw instantly Shattering it, even if it was metal it was shattered. He stormed up stairs to halo he had his hand in a hand cannon position he was about to fire." Give me my fucking Cat now!!!!"
"Halo you got three seconds before i Fire" 
"One....."The cannon began to charge 
"Two.......Hand her over or say good by to your leg Halo.."The weapon was nearly charged.
Halo heard Theo and instinct came over her, she put the cat down and shifted into the same demon form as earlier. Black clouds swirled around her and her eyes glowed red. "YOU!" Her voice layered over a deeper one. "You hurt my friend!" She roared as she threw Caleb down in a swift movement.
Caleb quickly stood and fired at the demons leg if she was a human it would have been destroyed, Caleb then pasted out. 
His body then transforming into a indestructible metal for 5 mins.

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