The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo's tail flicked back and forth. "I'm not done with you!" She roared, still taken over by the demon form. Batllike wings sprouted from her back and she flew up high, before diving at Caleb.
He held maco in his hands"What the fuck is going on" 
Caleb shot a small laser at halo and then moved awy from were he was standing still holding his cat
Halo stopped mid-air, noticing Theo's jaw had healed. "Wha? But I heard you?" She said, puzzled. Halo didn't notice the laser that bounced harmlessly off her shoulder. Halo slowly landed on the roof and transformed back. Halo's feet touched the roof and she plopped into sitting position.
" I am not sure myself you became all powerful and tried to kill us both when Halo took Moca" Theo explained "So in conclusion we need to attach you to that cat permanently "
"Apparently i can prevent any small physical damage i remember happening to me before from happening again!" Theo exclaimed excitedly.
"Thanks for the explanation but im still that powerful just choose not to attack sort of a pacifist. 
(im not sure shattering a jaw is small physical damage...? but ok)
(Well anything that only affects one spot and is not fatal i suppose small wouldn't be correct) 
Theo went to his room and went to sleep

Halo was unable to move due to the huge power drain. "Hahahaaaa I'M STUCK!" She shouted, lying on the uncomfortable roof.

He jumped up onto the roof 
"Well i know how to get you off the roof"He began to push halo towards the edge knowing she couldn't shift for a while
"On second thought, leave me on the roof! This way, if those men in the vans show up they shoot me first!" Halo yelled trying to inch herself away from the edge.
Caleb pushed her a centimeter forward, were she would fall was a rose bush that was covered in thorns. 
"It's flare or you fall into a bush, srry its one of the two and you touched my cat this is payback you know i was going to get pissed.."
"You or your cat won't live to see another day, DO YOU F578 HEAR ME? I WILL F878ING END YOU, YOU 484T880@#$#@" Halo screeched at Caleb

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