The Hunted [Inactive]

He looked at the. He grinned. He whispered "So adorable." He started to typed in the password. After a halve second of suspense he was in. "Alright I'm in." He went to messages and he saw the message. He deleted the message and finally turned the phone. He looked at Halo. "Do you care to give a quick explanation Halo?" He was keeping himself calm.
Halo swatted Lawrence on the nose because of his first comment and grabbed the phone, putting it back where she found it. She walked backed and sat infront of Lawrence's room. "Shut up and come see for yourself!" She hissed playfully. "I have a feeling you'll like it, what with metal and all." She said before transforming back and walking down the stairs.
Lawrence followed Halo down to the basement. The mentioning was making him calm and worried at the same time. He thought to himself. "Well this can be good or bad. Or even a mix of both. More then likely Flare will be piss if she finds out." When he made it to the basement he looked around. "Alright so what's the surprise?" He remembered the ring. "Hey can I have the ring back?"
Halo's form briefly flickered as a dragon as she shot a puff of flame at her makeshift forge, illuminating the basement. She gestured to the assortment of finished and unfinished weapons lying around her room. "This is why I chose the basement." She stated. "You can take a weapon from that wall," She gestured to her left. "If you promise not to tell Flare. Also, feel free to come practice your powers in here. You can help with the shaping of the metal too." She said, swinging around a blue katana, her favorite of all the ones she made.
Lawrence walked around in awe. "Yeah that's sounds like a good idea for training." He looked at the wall. He saw something that looked interesting. It was a steel morning star. He looked at Halo. He thought about for a second. "Alright I will not tell Flare about any of this." He pulled out his hand. "Halo the ring."
"So you and flare huh ? sorry if i am being rude but how'd you guys figure out you love eacother? Theo asked just trying to make conversation
"Right. Deal's a deal!" Halo said tossing the ring at Lawrence. She noticed the flail in his hand. "Ah now that one, was a pain to make!" She grinned reliving the memory of the weapon's creation. "Specially the chain! It's yours if you want it. ALSO, if you do choose to help me make stuff like this, when I sell 'em, you get part of the money." She said staring into space. "That's up to you, though."
Lawrence caught the ring. "Well I'll like to make weapons just for the sake of metal. You can keep all of the money. He looked at Theo. "Well let's see. I don't know how to explain it. I guessed I didn't realized that I loved until last night. The four of us split into two groups me and Flare were one group. When we got an apartment for the four of us. So we got in and I just got onto one of the beds and Flare went to the bathroom to wash her feet. She asked me for help since her and water don't mix very well. So I helped her of course. After that I made the first move and kissed her. After there was fight with Jason and Flare. It got a little bad. But thankfully they made up. The room was dark and she was still sad. So I asked her if I can make her feel better. She wanted a hug so I hugged her. And you wouldn't believe how beautiful her eyes are in the dark. There like two campfires glowing calmly. Then I asked the big question of having a relationship." Lawrence showed him the ring. "She said yes. And now I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"Best part is, they thought nobody was listening!" Halo laughed, wiggling dog-like ears. Then she turned to Theo. "Lets see what you can do! Try to make a knife over there." She pointed at the forge. "Looks like we got a little business sprouting, huh?" She joked.
"Mostly steel. I got some gold and silver too, but not much. It's hard to get good stuff around here without stealing..." Halo said as she looked around the room.
Lawrence walked over to the gold supply. He grabbed a bar of gold then focused in on it. The bar started to shake. Then the bar split into two, then four, then eight. Now there's sixteen bars of gold. Then he showed Halo. "Is that better?"
Halo's eyes widened and she smiled. "Did I mention you're the coolest?" She said awestruck to Lawrence. She then turned to Theo examining the knife. "Hmmm. You'll do the small weapons and help manage the money. Can help gather non metal materials too." She said approvingly.
While those two were talking about spears Lawrence was making a sword with some steel. After a minute of working he got a good blade. He looked at Halo. "Hey how's this?"
Halo walked over to inspect the sword. "If I may." She said picking up the blade and swinging it around. "Its real nice, but you may wanna wrap the hilt in leather." She concluded handing it back and smiling.

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