The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo passed by Caleb while on her way to the small clearing where she trained, ignoring him right until she stuck her arm out and pushed him into a small dip in the ground. She continued to walk with a quick smirk.
Halo swatted the flame out of her jacket with a scaly hand. "Is for earlier. Also, this is my favorite jacket!" She growled.
"So what if its your favorite jacket"He stood His bangs slowly turning black from the bottom"You friken pushed me for no reason, I said sorry you had a chance for revenge and you didn't take it."
Alice walked endlessly forward, not knowing where she was heading. She didn't know where she had come from but something was telling her to keeping going. She wore a school uniform, her shirt was no longer a white color, her skirt was ripped up and she had a jacket that barely holding on tied around her waist. She looked as if as she was hit by a storm. Her hair was wet, and was occupied with mud and tangles. She had some leaves in her hair which fit snug in the knots. Her face was scraped up and so was her knees. She was all sorts of messed up and it was only getting darker and colder. Where was she going. Before she knew it, she looked up and she was on the footstep of a house knocking on the door.

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[QUOTE="Robin man]Even though Lawrence didn't want to. He started to knock on the door with his head. Between knocks he tried to speak. "Flare... You there... Honey I got food for you.." He kept knocking for a few seconds then he stopped knocking hoping she would respond.

(I got no alerts -.-)

Flare woke up slowly ""
Caleb's right arm slowly transformed into a single sided Katina, flames would exit from his mouth as if there was a flame thrower at the back of the boy's neck. He stood there with out motion and looked at halo his hair slowly turning black.
"I don't got time for this Caleb, I gotta train!" She barked. She turned to walk in the opposite direction before pausing. "Someone's at the house. Someone new." She said. "I guess I will go take a look." She said walking off while morphing into a Bengal tiger.
He sprouted his mechanical wings"Ill beat you there his hair still black"Then he flew past the tiger at super sonic speeds"Goodbye halo!!"
Halo sprites towards the house as fast as she could. "That jerk!" She muttered to herself. Finally she made it to the house, and sat down, (still a tiger) and fixed her blazing green eyes on the newcomer.
Blood dripped out of Alice's clenched fist which she used to knock on the door. She turned her fist slowly from the door into an open palm facing her. There was a deep gashing cut from one end of her palm to bottom. Her senses were foggy and she didn't know what she was doing or where she was. Why her hand bleeding? What happened? She only recalled her name, 'Alice'

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Caleb beat the tiger by a few seconds, but he couldn't stop so what happened next is probably going to piss flare off.He flew through flares wall, still not stoping but he did say hello in a scared manner and continued to bust through the walls like a deranged idiot.
Halo roared angrily, noticing the destruction Caleb made, and completely forgetting that she might have scared the girl at the door.
He landed, he stared at all the walls he plowed through, knowing flare was going to be extremely pissed he walked through each and every hole in till he was outside near the new kid."Hello my names Caleb i'm the oldest and i should leave before flare kicks my ass, goodbye."He began to walk to a place that sold things he could repair the walls with.
Alice stayed complete still, she was in a daze staring at the blood on her palm. She heard the noises within the house and she snapped out of daze. She looked up from her palm, setting her palm at her side slowly. Her eyes looked as if she was dreaming or hypnotized by something. She obviously had no idea of who she was or where she was for that matter of fact. 'Go. Go. Go. Leave your old life behind. Go. Go. Forget.' But what was she supposed to forget?

Someone was talking to her but all she could hear was mumbles and whispers. She looked up at the man but she could only see his figure. He was blurry. Her nose started to bleed, her eyes rolled back, and with that so did her body. She laid on the floor with blood flowing out from her cuts and scraps and also from her nose.

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Tiger!Halo's attention snapped back to Alice. She roared loudly, and stood in a threatening pose, flicking her tail side to side. The girl at the door looked beat up, which only made Halo more suspicious.
Caleb came back with the supplies and stood next to halo, he was out of breath the things he carried were likely 200 pounds at the most."I really need to get a car,god,so the new kid she tell you anything?" 
"And halo maybe you should pay attention but were in the suburbs i'm pretty sure there going to call animal control on you" He pointed to a lady who didn't notice the kids at all. 
Caleb placed the supplies on the ground and headed for the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder"If you don't tell me who you are im going to blast your brains out.
Alice looked at Caleb and tilted her head. She felt as if she was on drugs. "W-Where am I?" She asked with a scratchy voice from not talking in a while. "Who am I?"
Alice felt the flick but didn't react. She was still in a daze. She put her cold bloody hand on her forehead to touch the spot he flicked her. "What's that?" She said pointing with her other hand at the Tiger. She showed no emotion, not to fear or even to pain.

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"Well that's a tiger and you sound like you don't know anything except for walking and talking" He looked Alice sadly."Would you like to come inside we got food, water and broken walls?" 
"And it looks like you need to be patched up,Good thing i'm training to be a doctor online"He pushed Alice inside"Go sit on that couch i need to grab somethings from outside ill be right back"Caleb patted the girl on the head and went to go get the supplies.He got back and stood in front of Alice"Do you remember your name?"He took Alice's hand and cleaned up the wound and then putting a bandage on it.
Alice giggled at the last statement unsure of why. "Why did I do that?" She asked now with a dazed face again. She was unsure what she just did. A word popped into her tiny brain. 'Giggling' is that what she just did? Such a funny word to Alice.

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Caleb looked at the girl amused at how she acted, he laughed like a total loon"Your an idiot you know that but a cute idiot."He repeated the same question he asked her a little bit ago"what is your name?"
'Alice' was her first thought so that what she said, "Alice.. I think. Am I right?" She asking tilting her head to the side. Cute.. Is that a good thing? By this time, Alice's skin was as cold as ice but she didn't say anything. She thought this was how you were supposed to feel.

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