The Hunted [Inactive]

Jason grabbed the marble and a tears started to fall from his face one by one. "I...." Jason couldn't even speak.

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"Because." Jason wiped his face. " I feel like a d-bag." he said. " Lawrence is new and I took advantage of that. It's just that i... I." Jason turned to walk away.

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Lawrence got up. He thought to himself "Bond with him?". Lawrence thought of something. "Hey Jason hold up man." He caught up and he gently put his hand on Jason's shoulder.
Lawrence looked at him. "Hate you? Dude I only known you for about three days I think I can't hate you. I understand why you acted like that. You probably don't like change so you wanted things to stay the same. I don't know much about you but whatever happened to you it was probably pretty bad for a person your age to be here. He tilted his head down "Trust me I've been down a pretty bad road myself before I came here." He started to tear up at the memory of his childhood.
Jason paused for a second then hugged Lawrence. " I've always wanted a big brother." he said. "Now j finally have one."

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Lawrence didn't know what to do at first. The hug surprised him. But he hugged him. "Hey I also wanted a younger sibling too. I'll make sure will happen to you or anyone else here. I'll make sure of it." More tears started to flow out of Lawrence's eyes. But they weren't tears of sadness they were tears of joy.
Halo laughed and changed to a wolf. "Form depends on mood actually" she said before changing back to human form. "Actually I was gonna offer you help with controlling tin-man. I'm not the best at controlling when I turn... Or even what I turn into, but I can help teach you to stay in control."
"'Course! But for now," switching back to a cat,"I'm gonna go take a catnap." She said wandering off to find a weird spot to sleep.
"Ok, well we could play those until it's time for dinner." He said happy that things were going smoothly. "Can I ask you something?" Jason asked.

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Hakai remained where she'd always be; a small clearing not at all too far from the house. It was the only place where she'd be able to think in peace. Now, she stood under a fair sakura tree and blew upon a flute that seemed to bring peace and tranquility to her. What with the commotion earlier, it seemed though she wasn't going to be needed for quite a while, considering the fact that there were already people there to aid eachother. She was more towards the unresponsive side. Course, ever since she's been here, there wasn't anything to say from the start. She was more of one to keep things to herself.

As she continued to play the delicate flute, she remained in solitude, watching the blue petals around her dance in the wind before falling down upon the soft grass beneath her.
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