The Hunted [Inactive]

"I can make my own dinner." He mumbled. He walked into the kitchen to make some burgers.

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"Yes." Jason said instantly. "Now how would Claire do it?" He asked while mumbling. He grabbed a big bowl and put the ground beef in it. Then he added lemon pepper, olive, a weird thing he read as paprika, some mayo, ranch, and cream cheese. He then started to mix with a butter knife. The closest thing to him. "Halo i'm making dinner." He yelled.

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Lawrence tilted his head and started to chuckle. "Oh boy this should be good." He remained silent for a second " Hey Jason I'm curious. Besides you, Flare, and the talking cat does anyone else life here?"
Halo walked up from the basement. "Hopefully you won't poison us!'' She joked. "oh and that talking cat, is me." She added turning to Lawrence.
"Yea. There's one girl who stays outside all day. A phsyco guy and a girl who's 10. Her body turns into water." He said while "stirring".

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Lawrence turned around to see the cat. "I don't think we properly introduced ourselfs." He kneeled and held out his hand. "Hello my name is Lawrence Edwards. What's your name?"
Halo shifted back to human form laughing. "Oh man, you didn't think I was just some random talking cat did you? Oh HA HA JASON, lucky I don't kick you where it hurts for that!" She stood up and yanked Lawrence's outstretched hand to pull him up. "Name's Halo."
Jason used telekinesis to punch Kori the face, and when her head jerked back he used it to slap her in the back of the head causing her to fall on Lawrence. He did this without looking up.

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"Lawrence didn't know how to react to what just happened then when Halo landed he didn't know what to say. "Hey what the hell?.. Jason."
A deep growl started in the back of Halo's throat as she pushed herself up. "Sorry 'bout that Lawrence. If you'll gimmie just a second I've got an ass to kick." She walked over, transforming into a Polar bear on her way, and swatted Jason to the ground in a swift movement.
Jason got up and created a mental barrier between him and Halo. "Ah ah ah." He said wagging his finger at her. " Red light." He snickered.

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Lawrence was on the recent turn of events. So he stayed calm and he walked in between the two. "So I guess this is a pretty common thing for you two to fight like this."
"You and your damn, cowardly barriers." Halo growled. "Maybe I'll just go hunt in the woods instead. Watch out Jason, you might find dead bats on your pillow, or maybe live snakes." She taunted.
"Yep" Jason said answering Lawrence. " When Halo turned around Jason pushed her with his telekinesis causing her to fall onto Lawrence once more. " Smooth move." He said while cracking up

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"That's it!" She howled jumping up once more. She then took the form of a sabertoothed-tiger, hurling herself at Jason, using his distraction of laughing to find the weak spot in the mental barrier.
Jason had made a critjcal decision at that point. He used his telekinesis to shoot himself across the room and out of the front door.

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Halo laughed before walking to take the food off the stove before it burned. "He always runs." She said a little too proudly

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