The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo quickly found a spot to transform back without being seen. Once she was in human form, she ran back, using her heightened senses to follow Lawrence and Jason.
Lawrence looked up at a sign. "We are on Johnson street. Just hold on okay. He's gonna take care of you." And he kept looking around for the secret location.
"Some excuse." Jason mumbled. Jason put a mental barrier between the secret entrance and him and Lawrence. " We aren't going in there." he said. "Put me down on the sidewalk."
"Well at the corner Johnson street there's a old black apartment complex, a pub across the street called the the Irish tavern. When you get here walked up to the old apartment and pushed push on the little yellow sign and go inside the tunnel." He looked down at Jason and tried to walk in but he was stopped be a barrier. "Come on Jason we need to go inside the guy that life's here can help you."
Flare nodded "I'm coming now." she said, hanging up the phone and hurrying. It was rare that she wore shoes, so she was running in her bare feet. Soon enough, she made it and headed to where Lawrence and Jason were most likely at "Jason...Lawrence?"
Lawrence put Jason down and left him leaning on the building. He ran towards Flare and hugged her. "Oh Flare thank god your okay."
"While you were gone where ever you went we were attacked. We barely escaped with our life's. Jason got shot in the back. He's having a hard time. That's why we're here.
Flare walked over to Jason, pulling off his shirt and running a hot flame on it so the blood stopped bleeding and started to harden on the wound

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