The Hunted [Inactive]

Jason heard tires screeching and ducked behind a trashcan. The black van parked in front of the house and men with guns silently surrounded the house.

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Lawrence looked around to see where Jason went. He heard what he was saying. "Oh goddammit." Then he ran after him to make sure that nobody heard Jason.
Halo heard the gunshots and it didn't take her long to realize what was happening. "You two take cover!" she yelled while running out into the street. Taking advantage of the space she took the form of a large, golden dragon.
In the time that Lawrence had he knew its time for Titan. He felt his heart rate going up he can feel himself getting heavier. When he opened his eyes again he was he was taller and ready to attack. He looked around and started to attack the men.
Halo let out large jets of flames surrounding the men and vans. Between the flames she would reach down and swat at one who tried separating from the main group.
"I'm useless." Jason thought. Then suddenly his whole demeanor changed. He ran to the van. Two men pointed their guns at him. He looked them both in the eyes. "Shoot each other." He said. The men did just that. Jason climbed into the van and started to run men over. He eventually crashed into the house, making sire to keep his distance from titan.

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The Titan was walking around and crushing vehicles. And making sure that none of his new friends would get hurt. He had a actual thought. And that was everyone inside the building. Titan started walking toward the building to make sure that everyone is alright.
Halo landed close to where Jason crashed into the house. "Did you just? Aww hell, these guys didn't kill us but Flare sure will finish the job!" She groaned
Jason got out of the car dazed." Dont remind me." He said. Suddenly man appeared behind Jason and shot him in the back. Jason flew to the ground.

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Titan saw Jason getting shot. "NOOOOO!!!!!!!" He ran towards him. He grabbed the man and threw him into another direction. He looked down at Jason. He picked his limped body up and started to carry him. He looked up trying to see Halo. "Halo we are leaving now!!"
"No doctors, they will be to suspicious." he said. " It's ok if I die." He said slowly closing his eyes.

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Lawrence was looking at Jason. "No Jason it's not okay. I'm your new big brother and I'm suppose to protect you no matter what." He was thinking for a second then he had a idea. "Hold on Jason I know someone that can help. He started running away from the men with guns.
Lawrence saw Halo. He put Jason on her then he climbed on. "Halo take us down town Jason needs medical attention now!"
"Damn it!" She roared. "Alright, we're landing soon! Get ready, I'm gonna drop you off and find somewhere out of sight to transform back. I will catch up to you afterwards! Got it?"
"A'right! GO TIME!" She shouted before using her tail to safely place the two down. "I'll track you down once I'm back in human form! STAY SAFE!" She shouted before ascending once more.
OK what happened. I got NO ALERTS this whole time! 
Something had happened to flare when this happened, but something snapped her back to earth and it surely has her in rage mode. Getting up, she walked out, bringing her fire fans with her as she walked outside, seeing some men and cars that were smashed "Whatever took me let me back at the right time." she glared at all the men who pointed their guns at her. SHe moved quickly, using her fire skills and punching the men in the face. No way was she going to lose to these men.
Lawrence was carrying Jason down the street. He pulled him over his shoulders so he can pull out his phone. He tried to call to call Flare. He waited for her to answer the phone. And he continued down the street until he found his friend.

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