The Hunted [Inactive]

Jason fell to the ground. "Dammit Flare!" he yelled. "You made things worse!" he yelled in a harsh tone. "At the angle the bullet went in its going to travel into my heart. I was gonna get it out but you closed it. You can't save everyone. If you had listened I could've survived now I'm going to die!" he said as he walked down the street.
Flare glared at him and opened up the back wound again "Lawrence, use your powers to pull it out just like you did with the marbles, just be careful. Slowly make it come back through the wound" she grabbed Jason "Just shut up!" she glared
Jason used telekinesis to push them all back. " I can handle it myself." Blood started to pour out of the wound. Slowly pieces of metal started to come out of Jason's back. After it all came out Jason dropped everyone and passed out in the street.
Flare slammed right into a car and she winced, sitting there as she looked towards Jason "Stubbern brat..." she said, getting up slowly and walking off, sealing the wound once again
Halo growled and pick Jason up once Flare had sealed the wound. "The damn fool. Well, how about a nice fly back brought to you by your friendly neighborhood shapeshifter?" She said angrily.
Flare looked at Halo, lightly placing her hand on her shoulder "Calm down..." she looked at Lawrence "We can still live in the house..I'll start with getting windows and new doors. Thats a start."
"Hate to admit it but I agree with dumbass over here." She said gesturing to Jason. "They know where we live now, we gotta find somewhere else." Halo stated
"You aren't much a help. You left us when we needed you most. I think you led them here." he said to Flare. "From now on I can't trust you."
Lawrence got in the middle of everyone. "I have to agree with Halo we need a new place. Now since those guys know where we are it's crucial to move."
Flare clenched her fists "if you dont want me anymore, fine." she walked away "Go ahead and fend for yourselves if thats how you feel." she added. not looking back
Flare instantly broke that control and she turned towards him "Im not your puppet, Jason!" she growled "I cared so much for you and now you hate me! If thats the case then dont bug me!" she headed home, not caring if it was a mess
Lawrence crouched down to Jason. "Don't move." He put his hand over the wound. He closed his eyes and started to move the bullet. Two seconds later the bullet is out of Jason. He looked at Halo. "Halo keeps pressure in the wound." He looked to where Flares going and he ran towards her. "Flare hold up."
Halo smacked Jason on the back of the head. "You idiot! Everybody, I'm gonna go look for somewhere to spend the night. You can all come or you can do whatever at this point. Just make your decisions fast." She yelled angrily.
Flare had tears rolling down her face. They held small flames but they were mostly water, she turned to him "Jason pretty much hates me now..So I killed the leftover guys for nothing, huh?" seeing her cry was something rare.
Then Lawrence looks back to Halo. "Alright we'll catch up, can you take Jason with you please?" 
Lawrence then hugs Flare. "It's gonna be okay Flare. I'll make sure of it."
Flare cried into his shoulder, her arms wrapping around him in a hug "All I do is make people unhappy.." she sobbed

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