The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence looked through on of his bags. "I think I got a spare pair of sandals in my bag." He pulled some sandals there Probably are too big for her. "Here try these."
Flare looked at them and she put the sandals on the floor, putting her feet in them as she walked with them "They're big...and heavy"
Flare nodded before turning at the intersection where Lawrence said to turn. She looked around, being on alert "if anything happens, run."
Flare lokoed at him "Lawrence. If I die, you would be able to live and take care of Jason and Halo for me'
"No I can't let that happen to you Flare. We nearly lost Jason. And I was worried to death about him. I can't imagine I would be I we lose you Flare."
Flare sighed softly with a small laugh and smile "You are all clung to me as if you are my children"
"Well I consider all three of you three family now so yeah of course I care for all of you. Especially you since you've seem to be doing a lot so people like us can life in peace."
Flare nodded "..that is the same with me...I couldnt bare to see any of you die out.."
Flare looked around for it. After about 15 minutes they finally made it "..Here it is.."
Flare walked in and talked with the man at the desk. Once done, she managed to get a room. 2 queen beds. So the girls in one bed, the guys in the othr
"Alright let me call Jason and see where they are." He pulled out his phone and tried to call him. He looked up at Flare. "Um do you know his number."
Flare didnt say anything and she put both her's and Halo's bags down and she walked to the bathroom, cleaning off her feet since they were dirty
Lawrence walked towards one of the beds and jumped on to the bed. He's tried to called Jason again. It went to voice mail again. He left a message this time. "Hey bud it's Lawrence. We found a place to stay for a little while. Once you got this get Halo to you guys at the motel on Johnston street. Get here soon okay. Bye." He hanged up his phone and put the phone the other bed. He walked up to the bathroom door. "Alright I sent him a message. I'll try again in a few minutes."

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