The Hunted [Inactive]

Jason looked at Flare. " Don't laugh." He said appalled and crossing his arms. " Its not funny." He said pouting.

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When Lawrence heard the door opened his heart skipped a beat. When he heard Jason's voice he freaked out on the inside. He stayed at the door to the bathroom during Flares and Jason's discussion. When he heard what Jason said to him. "Well.. Um. Well... Um oh.. Shit." He couldn't think of anything to say to this situation. Then he tried to calm down by pulling out a metal marble. "Wait what talk?"
Flare grinned "..I do remember, but you dont need to tell me." she looked at Larence "...You'll find it out later"
Lawrence looked at Halo. "Hey glad that both of you are okay any. Wait what do you mean something finally happened?"
Flare looked over at Halo with a small a smile "...Yeah...I guess you can say that.." she said softly
Halo looked at Lawrence. "Oh come on! Throw a bunch of social rejects in a house together and something is BOUND to happen! It was only a matter of time. I could practically smell the tension when I walked in!" She said laughing.
"Anyway you said that kissing leads to more." Jason leaned over as if to whisper. " He wants the more." Jason gagged."Back away from my mother." Jason told Lawrence stretching his arms in front of Flare.

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He tilted his head down. "I guess you have point there." He cleared his throat and started to leave the room. He looked back at everyone. "Hey I'm going shopping do you guys want anything?"
Flare spoke into Jason's ear "...Not all the time that happens.." she said, looking at Lawrence "..Sleep is the best thing we need right now, we cant go..."
"Alright I'll go in the morning then." He walked back to his bed and jumped onto it and just layer there with the marble slowly spinning around his hand.
Flare layed down and looked at Jason, lightly playing with his hair. He was so much like her son
Jason leaned over to turn of the light and fell of of the bed hitting his head on the nightstand .

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"Yeah." He said getting back in bead laying his head on Flare. He started to whisper to himself what Flare told him when he was younger. "Be strong, pain is now. Family is forever."

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Flare hugged Jason, warming up her hand as she placed it on his head. It was like a heating pad.

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