The Hunted [Inactive]

"Guess I'll sleep on the floor." Halo said pulling out a rolled up sleeping bag from her large red bag and then quickly closing it, so it was impossible to tell what was in it. She then rested the sleeping bag so that the head part lay on the red bag.
Lawrence's marble fell into his hand. He got up from his bed. "I'll be back in a few hours." And started to head to the door.
"No." Jason said. "I am so tired of people leaving and separating. We will stay together tonight." Jason said using his powers to keep the door shut. "Halo can sleep here. She isn't the only one with cool gadgets." Jason threw a pad on the ceiling and an inflatable bed came out. He tried to lay in it realizing he should have added some thing to keep him on the ceiling. "Fine he said lying on the floor.

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"Don't worry guys I'll just be on the roof for a few minutes. You won't even noticed that I'm gone. Trust me." Lawrence sighed "I just need to think."
"Such a vixen." Jason said. "She is using sex appeal on you. This is grounds for relationship termination" he said while thinking "I'm so glad I am not in hitting distance."

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Flare looked up at Jason, glaring "..Thats not what I'm doing..." she said softly "Dont make me give you the talk."
Jason shrunk behind Lawrence. " You bully." He said. "As a matter of fact I have somewhere to be." He said.

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Flare got up from bed and she walked over "If you go outside, you're both getting your butts burned."
"Don't worry about me guys." He then looked back at Jason. "Where are you going?" 
He then looked back at Flare. "Um I prefer not to get burn." He then thought of something. "Will it be okay if I go to the balcony over there where you can see me? Does that sound good?" He gave a nervous smile.
"Heed the warning man. She will do it." Jason said taking hold of his collar. "She once spanked me with a fire fan for setting my bed on fire trying to manipulate it like her." He said.

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He gathered himself again. "Psh, you can't tell me what to do." Jason said moving behind Lawrence for good measure.

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Flare walked over and grabbed Jason's hand, dragging him to the bed and tossing him on. She crawled next to him and hugged him tightly, making sure he couldnt get away as she closed her eyes, wanting to sleep
Jason used his telekinesis to wriggle away from her and opened the door then running down the hall. " See you guys later."
Flare sighed and got up, walking and following jason, setting his feet on fire, she controlled it enough so it wouldnt burn him, but she did let it sting so he'd stop
Before Jason was taken to bed Lawrence put a thumbs up. "Thanks for the warning bud." He looked back at Flare "Thank you." He then walked towards the balcony. When he was walking over to the balcony he gaved him a brotherly smirk. "Good night guys." He's been thinking for a few minutes then he heard what happened. He then followed Flare to catch Jason.
Jason fell to the ground. " "Who says I need feet?" He yelled back using his telekinesis to drift slowly down the hall. "Dammit."

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Flare followed and soon cought up, stopping the flames on his feet and pulling him up "..stop running..."
Jason kicked Flare in the face on accident. He knew she was pissed. "I...... Am ....... So ........ Sorry." He said while backing up. He pressed the button on the elevator at the end of the hall. He hopped in and pressed the forced close button going down.

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Flare stumbled back and she fell on her butt. SHe only touched her face. She looked almost about to cry cause it hurt so bad. Flare was sometimes a fragile girl. But more fragile when it came to Jason hurting her.

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