The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence sighed and he wanted jump up and yell in happiness but he controlled himself. He looked at Flare. "Well let's make it official. Flare would you like to be my girlfriend?"
FLare pulled away, lightly cupping his face "...I...I love you too..." she said, looking at him
Flare closed her eyes and smiled softly "...Just know..protect all of us, not just me.."
"Of course. Now that I got a little brother to protect, Halo, and you. You know besides the guys attacking us at our home today's been the best day of my life.
"Night you two!" Halo laughed, revealing that she had been awake the entire time. She rolled over in her sleeping bag, still laughing.
Lawrence's heart started to beat a million miles per hour when he heard Halo. He sat up and threw a pillow at her. "How much of that did you hear?"
Halo threw the pillow back at him.

"Everything. I have to say, I'm a bit jealous of you two actually. Social rejects an yet you still manage to hook up!" She laughed
Lawrence went back to his thoughts. "Wow I'm one lucky guy. I just hope that I don't mess up." He pulled out one of his final marbles. "After this I'll only have one. Note to self need to make more marbles. Wait a minute." He pulled out his other marble. "Here we go." He made the marble split into two. Then the two split into four, then the four split into eight then he stopped. "Problem solved." He put seven of the marble back into his pocket. He then looked at the marble. He focused on it then the marble started to change shape into what looks like a ring. He then focused on it again then little letters started to form. It reads to the only love of my life Flare. Your boyfriend Lawrence. "Perfect." He put the ring in his pocket then he actually went to bed. 
When Lawrence woke up again the sun was out. He looked at his phone. Six a.m. He rubbed his and got up. He stretched out his body."uh man." He looked around to see everyone was alright. "Nothing happened good." He went and grabbed his wallet and he checked how much he's got. "Seventy bucks. That'll do." He put his wallet into his pocket. He looked around for a piece of paper and a pen. When he found them he started to write a note. It said "Good morning everybody. If you are reading this I'm going to the store to get some groceries. The store I'm going to is just across the street. You can actually see it from the balcony. I'll be back in about a hour from now. Your dear friend Lawrence. P.S don't worry about me when you have the power to change into metal Titan you can take of yourself." He put the note on the desk next to Flares and Jason's bed. He then left for the grocery store.
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Halo woke up and yawned. She looked around, noticing Lawrence was gone and the others asleep.

"Quick run through the forest won't hurt anyone. Plus I can look for somewhere for a cave or something. " she said to herself before slowly leaving the room. She transformed into a wolf, thinking most people would mistake her for a husky and headed for the woods.

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