The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence hesitated at first with the question. "No surprisingly. And believe me its really hard to control myself sometimes."
"Some asshole prick, who took me off of the streets and into his mansion just for publicity." Jason said clenching his fist.

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Lawrence walked up to Jason to comfort him." Hey it's alright bub I understand why you did it. We don't need to go over old wounds. Now come on let's go to the video games."
Halo passed by the room Jason and Lawrence were in on her way downstairs. She paused and poked her head in. "Yo, Imma go for a run in the forest and may stop by the store for some snacks. You two want anything?"
"One second." Jason ran to his room to get his wallet. When he got back he handed her 10 dollars he had " found" in someones pocket. "Chips, soda,candy." he said. "As much as you can get." he said handing her 5 more dollars and some change.

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Halo pocketed the money, "right-o!" She said as she walked off. 
Halo came back and tossed Jason's bag of snacks at him. "There's like fifty cents in there my the way." She said before heading down torwards her room, which was actually just the basement.
Lawrence quickly went back to Flares room. "Tell me when your gonna put the door up so I can help out." He then down to the room that him and Jason are going to play video games.
Jason started to list them. " Star Wars, COD1 and 2. I have Resident Evil 5 and 6 , minecraft, Skyrim, Socom, Halo, Splinter Cell... Tomb Raider and other stuff. Any requests?" Jason asked.

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Jason popped Halo in and placed the snacks on the table. After that he wiped his controllers with anti bacterial wipes handing Lawrence one. "Where's the remote?" he asked.

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Lawrence grabbed his controller. He started to look around for the remote. He looked through his chair cushion and he pulled out the remote. "Found it."
Jason turned the volume u and the two started to play. They played for a good 3 hours and stopped around 8:15. "Where's Flare?"

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"I don't know I haven't seen her since before we started playing. And she was in her room at the time so she might be there now."

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