The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence looked pass Flare to see the door. He put his hand on her shoulder "Hey Flare don't worry about the door I'll pay for it." He heard Jason's comment. He walked past Flare his eyes were starting to glow again. " Hey watch you mouth. I'll go back into Titan again but this time I'll finish the job."
Flare took her fingers and lit them on fire, burning Both Lawrence and jason's necks just slightly "Stop. Or else I'll fry you both."
Halo coiled herself into a classic snakelike position before morphing back in a sitting position. "That was... Eventful, to say the least. I will put up a makeshift curtain or something to block the doorway for the time being." She said trying to ease some of the tension
Lawrence felt a sudden rush of heat on his neck. Kneeled instantly " Aaaahhh ffffuck." His voice changed into a more metallic voice. Lawrence was trying to stay calm again. He thought to himself " I need to stay calm." He repeated that several times.
Flare looked at Halo "Thank you, Halo..I'm glad you're here to help me and deal with these stubbern boys!" she looked at Lawrence and she grabbed his wrist, bringing him to a different room "You need to calm down, Lawrence."
Halo laughed to her self a bit. "If you think humans are stubborn you should try hanging out with some wolves." She said before running off to her own room where she hoarded all the good tools.
Lawrence felt a pull on his arm. He got up followed Flare into another room. He listened to what Flare said to him " I know know I do it's just so hard to some times." His eyes were still glowing, and voice was still metallic sounding. He shook his a few times. He opened his eyes he felt normal again. He looked at Flare " Alright I'm good I'm good. Oh About the door I'll pay for that."
Flare shook her head "No. Anyway, I want you to go to my room and relax there. You're staying from school today. I dont need you changing into metal-man in the school." she brought him to her bedroom since it was fearther away from Jason's room and she put him inside "Do what you want. but dont leave this room. I'm going to get a new door."
He followed Flare into her room. He wanted to disagree with her and pay for the door, but he knows better then to argue with her. He walked he into her room she listen to what she had to say. When she closed the door he pulled out his mp3 then started playing some Deadmau5 Ghost N' Stuff. Lawrence thought to himself " Yeah what a great way to start the day." He plopped onto her bed then he pulled three metal marbles then he started to control the and making them float in the air.
Flare went to the store, not having a hard time finding a door. Of course, the man just had to help her bring it back home. He did, and she led him inside to the messed up door. "I'll install it." she told him, shooing him out of the house before paying and closing the front door. She walked to her room and opened it, looking at Lawrence
Flare nodded "I'll finish it later." she sat on the floor, messing around with a small flame she summoned up. Her eyes watching it
He looked at her and he saw her starting a flame. He was a little aw struck. He got up and sat down on the floor next to her "So you can control a element too?"
Flare nodded and looked at him "I can." she stated, taking his hand and sliding the flame into his hand, still controling it with her mind, so he wasnt able to get burned by it
He didn't know at first what Flare was doing. Until the flame over to his hand. " Wow, watch this." He controlled the three marbles to float over to him. He started to make them float Around Flares head slowly to make sure she wouldn't get dizzy.
Flare set them on fire too, but they didnt burn. Her mind kept the flame from burning them but they looked cooler that way as they moved around her head "Now this...looks better and badass"
Lawrence chuckled " Yes it does." Looked away for a second then he looked back at Flare. "Hey Flare I just want to say thank you for letting live here. I can't imagine what I would be doing right now if you didn't said yes."
Flare nodded "This home is for people like us. There is no need to thank me." she stopped the fire and disappeared it "Thanking me only makes me want to owe something back to you"
" I came to apologize." Jason said with his head down. "So both of you stay." Jason's voice was very quiet.

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Halo walked in once again as a tabby cat, a form she had begun to grow fond of. She was eager to know what would happen when she saw Jason going into the room
Lawrence looked up to see Jason. "Hey it's alright man." He commanded one of the marbles to float around Jason's head. "Here take that marble that's my way of saying that I'm sorry."

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