The Hunted [Inactive]

Flare turned to Jason, looking at him "What is it, Jason?" she asked, waiting for a reply
Flare spoke "I'm not going. So you're staying." she walked out the door and closed it behind her, walking down the hallway
"Lawrence." Jason whispered through a crack in Lawrences door. " You missed the school bus." He said

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Lawrence sat up looking around. He looked at his clock. He missed the bus. " Oh shit man I'm late!" He jumped out of bed so he can get ready. He ran all over his room to get everything. Clean cloths, brush teeth, his book bag, his mp3. He looked at his door "Jason how come nobody woke me up?!"
Flare walked down the hall and looked at Lawrence "...Someone should have woke you up...I'll write a letter excuse for you.." she said, walking down the hall again, her kimono hanging off her shoulders again (like in her pic)
Jason watched him running around like a chicken. When he ran past him Jason stuck his foot out tripping Lawrence.

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Flare went into her room, writing a letter before folding it and walking out again, walking towards the two who seemed to be quite..rude to one another. She took her finger and burned Jason's cheek slightly "...No tripping Lawrence. He's older then you..Respect him."
Jason grabbed his cheek. "Ow. You don't have the right to do that." Jason complained.

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Lawrence felt Jason's foot. He tried not to fell and luckily he didn't fell. He turned around to look at Jason " You ass." Then he punched him in the arm. A few seconds later flare walked by and she gave him the note. Flare talked to Jason about respecting elders and he saw halo walking by and she agreed with flare. He looked at Jason again " Yeah please I know I'm new here and I wasn't born with a gift but I would appreciated a lot." He looked down at his " Oh yeah I need to get going goodbye everybody." He left and started to run to school.
Jason used his telekinesis to lift Lawrence onto his feet. " Is that better?" he said with a smug facade.

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Halo muttered something rather rude about Jason's attitude before turning to Flare and playfully covered her own face. "Uh-oh am I in trouble for teasing 'im?" She laughed.
Of course before he got out he felt that he was getting lifted. He saw Jason. His heart rate started to rise he felt a feeling in his stomach then his pupils dilated then his brain called for any metal close to him. Then layers metal started to pile on him. He then felt himself falling. He heard his body landing on the ground he knows that sound of a two thousand pound metal body. He opened his eyes to see where he is. He is now the Titan. The Titan stood up then walked towards Jason's room "Get... Over here.... You little bastard." He walked towards the door then he punched down the door then he walked into Jason's room.
Jason saw Titan. " So this is why you didnt show us your powers." He said. His telekinesis was to week to lift him so he tried another tactic. He activated his mind control. "Calm down." He said, but he was too nervous to concentrate. "Flare!" He yelled.

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Halo transformed into a large serpentine like animal, staying just out of Titan's view, prepared for a worst-case scenario, her eyes focused directly onto the two figures in front of her
Titan was two feet away from Jason he's was ready to hurt him. Then he felt someone climbing on him. He saw Flare on his head. He heard what she said to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt himself falling apart. He opened his again and he was back into Lawrence. He was panting and was looking around frantically. He then looked at flare. " Oh god Flare is everyone alright?"
Flare landed on her feet and she looked at him, nodding "You just broke Jason's door." she sighed "I need to get another door..." she frowned "More money out of my pocket." She glared at Jason "Jason!"

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