The Hunted [Inactive]

"Jasons in the car in the driveway if you want him, I can't deal with that kid he can't make up his mind"Lance stormed up stairs. 
(Anyone still alive?)
The window on the attic wall let in light which woke Alice up. She opened her eyes, tired. She sat and stretched letting out a yawn, than rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room and stood up. She folded her blanket and placed, both the pillow and blanket in the box. She had the new clothes, still in bags, in her attic room. She picked out some clothes and changed, leaving the dirty clothes in a small pile in the corner.

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Jason saw the keys still in the ignition. He switched to the drivers seat and backed out of the driveway.

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Lance decided to do something to Jason for being so annoying, Jason stated to hear this unbearable noise that hurt so badly that he felt his ears would explode.

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