The Hunted [Inactive]

"Its OK." Jason walked to the door and opened it. There was a man in a pizza delivery outfit holding a pizza box in front of his face. "What kind is it?" Jason asked.

"Open it and see." The man responded. Jason hesitantly opened the box. He screamed at the sight of the gloved hand holding a gun. Neo pulled the trigger shooting a tranquilizer dart square into Jason's chest. Jason flew back landing on his back. Suddenly men started to pour into the house.

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Flare instantly reacted with her fury, sending flames at the men and even punching some of them, leaving burns on their faces "Jason!!!"
Alice screamed and backed up from the door. She didn't know what to do and she didn't have powers to help. 'What do I do? What do I do?!' Was all that was rushing into her head

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Neo rolled on the ground landing on one knee. He pulled the trigger three times, all of the darts hit Alice.

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Halo was instantly cocooned by a cloud of blue and black. Once the cloud had gone she stood there in demon form. With a roar of rage she hurtled herself at the oncoming men, clawing and kicking at them.
Alice, shocked at what happened, looked down and saw three darts stabbed into her chest and stomach. She felt dizzy and within seconds saw only black. Her body fell back, landing on her back.

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The men started to gang up on Halo. Some were firing tranquilizer darts while others came at her and Flare with electricity rods. Neo pulled out a long electricity rod an ran at Flare.

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Demon!Halo ducked, grabbing her red bag and pulling out her best sword, her sapphire blue Katana. Blue flames covered her hands and the sword. In a voice that was not her own and a sadistic grin she turned to the men running at her. "Ever hear of a demon sword?" Her eyes glowed red as she slashed at the men.
Neo got back up and charge at Flare tackling her to the ground. He grabbed his gun and out it to her head. "Don't move." He said.

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Demon!Halo whipped around and pointed her katana at Neo's throat. "I won't hesitate to kill you." She stated, eyes fixed straight at him. She glanced at Flare. "Take them and get out" she mouthed.
"My son." He said quickly putting the gun to her chest and pulling the trigger. "Nighty night." He said getting up.

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Halo struggled and dropped her katana. She was soon overpowered by the two men, energy nearly gone from the strain of using demon form. Her image flickered between demon form and human as she writhed around spitting insults at Neo and his men.
Neo picked his electric rod up and slowly walked over to Halo. "See you on the other side." He said. He hit Halo in the back with the rod.

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