The Hunted [Inactive]

Flare growled and set everyone's feet on fire, but controling the flames only to burn their feet a bit "STOP IT!" she growled, setting Theo's wings on fire too, but not enough to burn the feathers
Flare walked outside, her fire vanishing from Theo's wings as she looked at everyone "I go for a while and come back to see this!" clearly she was angry
Jason instantly started to run around the room waving his arms manically. " My feet are on fire!"

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Flare stopped the fire on Jason's feet too, glaring at him "You and I are going to have a long chat later."
Jason stopped realizing the fire wasn't as hot. " Before you deal out punishment." He said pausing. " Halo did it!" He yelled pointing at halo.

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"Same with Halo and I" he said angrily pulling halo aside. 
"I'm sorry about Halo though, she has no control of herself sometimes , this used to happened when she was a wolf" Theo explained.
"I am sensing you don't get the order Theo." Jason said pointing at him. "Flare is in charger

, then her boyfriend Lawrence, then me , and shitface. You have no authority over me or Halo. So you can take what you thought was 'authority' and shove it.

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Halo shook her head an opened her eyes. "Leave him, Jason, if he hadn't done anything I probably would've tried to kill you." She said, unable to look anyone in the eyes. "Sometimes when I'm in a form too long or try something too strong to fast, it takes control of me. Obviously I'm not ready to turn into a demon."
Flare was pissed now. SHe pulled out her fans and smacked everyone in the face with them, leaving a light burn mark on them. She didnt Hit rosia though. "I. Said. STOP IT!"

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