The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo reached into her bag pulling out a kunai knife that whizzed through the air and embedded itself in the wall next to Jason's head. "Better watch it kid." Halo said jokingly to Jason.
" So your the telekinetic Halo mentioned?" Theo asked Jason and then shifted his attention to Halo. "How have you been?" trying to ignore the knife above Jason's head
"You mean since you stopped coming to the forest?" Halo said with a slight edge. "It was great till about yesterday. Some men showed up and tried to kill us. Almost lost him." She said pointing her thumb at Jason.
" well we have been wondering about," Theo knew he'd regret what he was about to say" Blizzard and I have been stealing to survive and may have killed a few people." He changed the topic " I am sorry 'bout the house though "
"But im not going to beat him..."She stared at halo"I'ma throw dirt in his eyes" 
"And then dirt will stick on his body and be like mud and he'll have to take another shower"She shruged.
Halo put her hand on Theo's shoulder and smirked. "Nah, nah, I got this." She said as horns grew from her forehead and red and black scales scattered across her body. "Been dying to try this out!" She said, her voice sounding like a mixture of her own and another, that was very low and scratchy.
Jason lifted his hand and his clothes replaced the towel. " You aren't the only one with new skill. Come at me." He said challenging her.

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A still metal Theo punched them both in the face " both of you need go to seperate places and calm down!" he yelled
Halo's eyes glowed red. "Jus' lemme get one good swipe, that's all I need." She said with a sadistic grin, revealing shark-like teeth. An arrow shaped tail flicked around behind her. She readied her clawed fists.

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