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Futuristic The Hunt for the Codex

Her head shot up immediately at the sudden voice. She was having a nap... 'Ech.." She said while shifting to a crouching position. "You woke me up Leo." She said flatly. "Finally give up with the old git?" She asked. Venice rubbed the side of her bad leg's thigh. "Yeah, I'll look around. While I'm at it, get us a room at an Inn or something. I'm beat." She stood up and stretched. "I might not find much about it. Most people here seem like ignorant fools." She huffed and began to walk in one direction, she wasn't sure what she'd find. "And get me a brace for my knee." She called back. She regretted being so demanding toward him at times.

Venice felt her knee lock. This made her limp worse. She bent it farther as she walked, hoping to straighten it out. It made a horendous popping noise. that wasn't good. She knew it wasn't. But knowing her, she just ignored it.
Peritus casually followed the armored man outside.He went into an alleyway,climbed up a building,and began sneaking across rooftops.He tracked him down to another alley where the thief was located.Peritus knew it was wrong,but his curiosity made him spy on them some more.He was close to his apartment building anyway.All it took was a few short buildings and he could easily go through the window into his apartment.Peritus continued to sneak in the shadows and any other way he could.His reputation on sneaking was legendary,but part of him just wanted to return to his apartment and get some rest.Eventually,he just climbed up to the fire escape of his apartment and sat there,watching the armored man and the thief.He knew that they were up to something,but not anything bad.Peritus always considered a good side to people.She may have stolen some things,but he knew that there was more than evil in her.Anyone has some good in them.Peritus knew that and saw it in anyone he encountered.
Lukin remained quiet during the heated discussion between Josef and the two companions. His back was to them, so he never did get a look at their faces. Although Lukin prefers to be reserved in his discussions with people he, part of him wanted to speak out. He wanted to grab their arm and warn them against blindly chasing after The Codex. The rumors and legends behind it served no good purpose, many foolhardy adventurers meeting a bloody end before locating the fabled weapon. They were young after all and he had seen too many youths already have their time cut short. But Lukin never said anything to them, Josef was already doing a good enough job of scaring them away. Perhaps in time, Josef and Lukin could learn to bring others into the fold, but the danger and mission they had set themselves demanded secrecy at least at this stage. But as with the world at this point in time, you never know when an ally could come in handy.

Once the room's atmosphere had returned to normal, Lukin looked at Josef and considered him for a moment. Only meeting a handful of times but always holding lengthly conversations, he felt like he knew Josef a lot longer than time itself dictated. Always quick to anger and blunt, Josef had always been stark contrast to the more reserved Lukin, but nonetheless through the years have maintained communication. So it was here that Josef had asked him to meet, a room arranged upstairs in one of the many floor and a long night ahead of planning.

"So Josef, I have turned all my belongings in, everything has been put on the line. Tell me the new information you have found." Lukin leaned in to hear what Josef had to say.
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After that confrontation, Josef was certain that someone had followed them. Only when he checked every place he could think of, did he begin to calm down. 'First of all, Lukin, I am sorry you had to give up so much to be here. My intention was not to make you into a poor man, nonetheless I commend you on your commitment in being here. Now, enough of the pleasantries', Josef seemed rushed. 'We must leave at once. There is a military outpost near here. There, we will meet the muscle of our journey. You'll probably like him, he talks less than you. This man, however, is not someone I know well. He has been vouched to me by several of my old comrades, so I believe he can be trusted. Even if I believed otherwise, he has given us a destination'. Josef paused briefly, he felt a fear rising in his stomach. 'One last thing before we leave: As you know, I have done much research of late into the nature of this weapon we seek. There are no records of it before 400 years ago, not even of this Codex'. Josef stared directly at Lukin as he spoke these next words, 'This may purely be coincidence, of course, we lost much in the disaster that still scars this world. If what I believe is true, however, we may be looking for the exact thing that irrevocably changed this planet...' As he said this, Josef found himself shrugging, 'Or I'm completely wrong. Either way, we deal with it when we find it. Now, we must leave before those children start chasing us again'.
Leo nodded and started out of the alleyway. He took a small pad out of his bag and began wrapping in in a then white cloth. As he walked the street he looked around for somewhere to stay. Hopefully they'd find somewhere to stay soon, sleeping in an alleyway wasn't going to be ideal. Leo noticed the word inn sketched into a building and walked in. He was greeted by a concierge desk and wall of keys. Leo said to the concierge "Id like a room." The man nodded and Leo set some money on the counter which was quickly swept away by the concierge. The concierge handed him a key and gestured to the stairs beside him. Leo then spent some time trying to find Venice, he knew she wasn't feeling to good, but she wasn't exactly one to wear her emotions on her sleeve.
The door burst open and a man scrambled inside. He looked rushed and was breathing heavily. Sweat started to form on his brow as he shut the door behind him and locked it. He ran for the window on the other side of the room, but tripped on a chair leg as he made his way to the window. Luck was not with him that day. He heard the thud of footsteps moving along the corridor, stopping outside the locked door. He started freaking out, his eyes wide with fear. The door burst open and a figured appeared, clothed in what appeared to be military issue mat black combat fatigues. He stepped into the room, throwing the chair to the side and picked up the trembling figure off the ground.

Vladimir tossed the figure to the other side of the room, causing the man to break a set of draws standing next to the wall. Finally, he caught him. He caught the man that had led him on a wild chase through the streets of Greater Petersburg. He turned around and made sure no one was coming down the corridor, and locked the door again, wedging a chair in place behind it just to make sure. He turned and looked at his target. Blood trickled out of the mans nose, landing in droplets on the floor. Walking over to him, Vladimir stood over him and asked "What do you know of the Codex?". His voice was stern and cold, his eyes firmly fixed on the man. "I'm... I'm not telling you!" The man yelled as he spat the last of his words, blood spraying Vladimir where he stood. "That is not what I asked" Vladimir stated, his words laced with malice.

With his right hand, Vladimir knelt down and grabbed the man by the throat, turning and throwing him in one single motion on to the table centered in the room. With his left hand, he reached behind him and produced steel stake, no longer than his forearm and as thick as his thumb. "You will tell me what you know or you will understand why they sometimes refer to me as the 'Impaler". The man produced a small laugh, more out of nerves than anything else. "Try your worst you pathetic fool". The man spat more of his blood at Vlad's face. Before the man could smile at his small act of defiance, Vlad had raised his left hand and pushed the stake throw the mans left shoulder, puncturing the table beneath. The man let out a loud scream, and grimaced as he tried to endure the pain. Vlad rotated the stake in a clock-wise direction, ensuring he learnt the follies of his ways. 'OK! OK! OK.. Please.. OK.. Stop. I will tell you...if you let me go".

At these words, Vlad stopped turning the stake, but did not withdraw it. He loosened his grip on the mans throat, allowing him to speak properly. "I know that the Codex has within it many treasures, but one treasure is the greatest of them all. A weapon. It is believed that this weapon grants its user great power. Power beyond belief. Although it is not easy to get to. Many have tried and failed miserably and no one truly knows the exact location of the Codex, or the vault that houses it". Vladimir studied the mans face and his expressions, his own remained emotionless and unmoved by what the man said. "These people you spoke of, where did they go? and how did they get inside?". "Well, as I said I don't know the exact location, but they went south. To deep within the Kovian Empire. I do not know where they went after that, but I know someone who might. A girl. A girl named Alina Dinu. She lives in the Capital of the Kovian Empire I am sure, but she will know. Go find her. Now let me go please. I told you everything I know."

Vladimir withdrew his stake from the mans shoulder and holstered it with the others behind his back. He stepped back, allowing the man to ample room to get up. "Thank you.." The man rubbed his throat and shoulder, both very tender and sore from the ordeal. "I thank you for your assistance to the state of Greater Petersburg." Stated Vladimir. "However, I cannot allow you to live Boris. Your crimes against the state are extensive. Just last week you ordered a hit on a local family because their son was sick on your doorstop from the pollution in the air. You are a disgrace to everything this nation has provided you. I'm sure no one will miss you. Your judgement has come." Before Boris could speak, Vladimir had punched him across the jaw, disorientating him momentarily. He lifted him up with both hands and charged over to the window. In one action, Vladimir launched Boris through the window, sending him plummeting out of the apartment block and several stories to his death.

Vladimir waited till he heard a distinct 'thud' from below and knew Boris will no longer plague anyone else. He checked his watch. He still had several hours till he met his fellow patriots at the prearranged meeting destination. A military outpost, only 2 clicks from the city entrance. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small towel, which he used to wipe Boris' blood from his clothes. He walked over and moved the chair away from the door and unlocked it. As he stepped into the corridor, he noticed some occupants in the next room were staring at him, unsure of whether he was working with the Cartel or the military. Vladimir decided to leave them wondering and walked away from the room and moved to the lift, which he caught down to the bottom floor.

As Vladimir left the building, he noticed a small crowd building around a figured that was prone on the ground. He smiled to himself and knew Boris deserved it. All of the Cartels deserved it. He knew what was really happening within Greater Petersburg. His time at the Secret Intelligence Security Organisation had provided him with ample knowledge on the happenings within this mega city. He knew the real power the criminals held within this city. With every passing day, their grip on the lower sectors tightened and it was only a matter of time till they expanded to other sectors. He knew he had to stop them, and the Codex seemed to be the best possible answer in order to prevent an all-out civil war. He made his way towards the Southern gate of the city, slipping through crowds of people with ease. He strolled pass an alley and noticed a large figure in armor standing near a girl with orange hair, crouching on the ground. He gave them little thought and continued on. He moved on past a bar which he knew contained delinquents and mercenaries. The types of people he wouldn't associate himself with.

Some hours later, and several trains, Vladimir arrived at the Southern gate of the city. The large walls that protected Greater Petersburg stretched in either direction as far as the eye could see. In front of him stood a large, solid concrete door that was as wide as an apartment block, and just as tall. Going down the middle was a small line that ran the length of the door. This line was wide enough for several people to get through, as one of the halves of the door was angling inwards, to allow people to move in and out of the city. It was at this gap that several dozen guards stood, checking papers, searching caravans and trade goods moving in and out of the city. Other guards were also stationed further back from the gate, to ensure that people couldn't crowd the gate and in fact, made people form a line which they had to wait in for a chance at leaving. Vladimir knew his badge could get him through with no explanation, despite no longer holding the rank of Captain anymore.

He approached the guards, moving his way through the crowd of people and sidestepping several individuals having an argument about their own spots in the line and who pushed in. As he approached the door, a guard stepped in front of him. "Where do you think you are going?". The guard snarled at Vladimir as he regarded him. Vladimir halted and looked at the Guard. He reached into his shirt and produced a small badge, obscuring the view of it so only the guard could see. His eyes went white with fear. Startled and hesitant with his words, the guard said "My apologies sir, your papers all look in order." He stepped aside and fell instep with Vlad as he continued towards the door. Other guards looked at Vlad and the approaching guard with confusion. After a few brief words with the other guards, Vladimir was allowed out of the city.

Moving through the gap in the door something of a new experience for most people, but not for Vlad. He had done it many times before. The smell of pollution, sweat and humidity was replaced by a cool breeze that blew the length of the gap. Small metal trenches ran the length of the gap on the ground running parallel with the door if it was 'closed', which told Vlad how the door itself, as big as it was, was able to move in order to shut. Small runners moved the bottom of the door along the trench, which forced it to open inwards. The door itself was 50 meters thick, ensuring that no known weapon in the world could break open the door itself. Passing through to the other end, a guard regarded him as moved through. "You are now leaving the security of Greater Petersburg. I hope you know what you are doing." With that lasting comment, the guard motioned for Vladimir to continue. On the other side, a line of people extended into the distance, all waiting to try and get into the city. Tents of varying sizes extended in either direction, as displaced people and refugees waited for their turn at trying to get into Greater Petersburg. Barren and desolate, there was not much to see on the other side of the wall, but it was a welcome relief to the sight of mega structures and buildings. At least it is not as humid out here as it was inside Vladimir thought to himself. He then set off down the road, in the direction of the Military outpost. He knew it wouldn't be too long before he reached it and his new comrades.
Lukin was shocked at what Josef was suggesting. The nuclear fire that engulfed the first world was horrific enough, its repercussions still being felt now. But to say that The Codex was linked to those apocalyptic weapons was troubling news indeed. It only cemented the ideal that they need to be the first ones to locate The Codex. If it fell into anyone else's hands, Greater Petersburg would most likely end, and along with the rebuilt world.

Lukin composed himself from the reociling statement and released a deep sigh. Josef was always rushing somewhere, and usually Lukin would also incline towards keep mobile, lingering in one place too long. However, Lukin did intend to enjoy the subtle pleasures his beloved nation had to offer. He had barely sipped his drink before Josef was already demanding to move onwards. Lukin will stay at least to indulge his drink for a while longer before moving onwards. Besides, getting past the guard stations would only work during the morning, when someone who owes Lukin a favour will man the gate. Since afterall, Lukin ensured he still had legs to stand on, and prosthetic limbs were not cheap. Not only this, the night held mutated terrors that only nightmares could conceive. But alas, Josef was not one to have considered the dangers that lay beyond the walls.

"Josef, that is troubling news about The Codex, however we should stall our glorious crusade till dawn's first light. A Guard Captain by the name of Dimitri will be manning the gate tomorrow in the morning. He will be our best bet in leaving the city, after all he owes me big time." Explained Lukin, before leaning in and adding, "besides there are terrors that roam this world when the sun shines no more. It would be next to suicide to travel this time of night and i want to see this quest through to the bitter end". Lukin leaned back and nestled his drink against his chest. He could see the ice cubes melting, indicating he had been listening and talking much more than he realised. "Relax old friend! Let us enjoy this last drink together, before we leave these luxuries behind us." Lukin raised his glass, and clinked it softly against the strong drink that Josef was holding. A rare smile broke across Lukin's lips.
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Venice removed one of her gloves and ran her hand down her face. No luck. She'd been searching. No one's conversations seemed to involve anything peculiar. She thought to herself. 'What was that old man thinking? Because we're young, he thinks that we don't have what it takes to find the Codex. He's wrong.' She grunted at the thought. 'We've searched everywhere it isn't.' She added to her thoughts. 'We just need to search in the right place.' Venice sighed and put her glove back on. She had no luck so far.

She decided to go look for Leo. She just gritted her teeth to keep from showing any sign of pain. She then had the urge to prove a point to that old man. Venice grinned smugly again, but her head hung and her bangs covered the top of her face. 'Leo and I are going to find that Codex first Sure, the old git has experience. But does he still have the strength left in those old bones of his to travel that far? So what. If he dies, he dies. It will only mean advantage. If I die, I die. I won't care if he gets fame and glory when I'm dead. But as long as I live, I won't let anything get in my way... Even if it means losing Leo.' She ran into something hard and cold. she looked up and noticed it was Leo. She'd been too lost in thought again. She clicked her tongue. "Lets go rest. My leg's killing me..."
"Yeah, follow me, I got a place we can sleep just his way. Oh, an I made you a brace or your leg." Leo said as he tossed Venice the leg brace. "Tomorrow, early in the morning we're getting through the walls. Those old timers and stupid or ballsy enough to go now, if we see them, which we will, we're following them, okay?" He said, walking towards the inn and stepping up the stairs, assumin Venice was right behind him. He unlocked the door and stepped inside the room.
St. Pitsburg. That is where she was now. She had a tenancy to float around the world, going from place to place. If she was banned, she would sneak in. That is just how things went. She hopped from place to place, seeking shelter each day. Mostly it was hopping from bar to bar, hoping to find the killer of her sister. She had already searched any residential area near her hometown and where she used to live. Now she just hopped from place to place, hopping with all of her heart that she would be able to avenge her. She shook her head, trying not to think about her sister. This wasn't the time to break down, not in the middle of the street. She looked around, soon finding a bar that was filled with people. Maybe she would even find someone to take her to the codex here. She shrugged and pushed open the door, walking inside.

It was very clear that by first look, a few people stood out. Amongst the scattered drunks around the room, there was an old man sitting with some others at a table. And soon enough, she heard a few words like "Codex." that peaked her interest. She then watched the girl slam her fist on the table and storm out, or as best she could with that leg. She sighed, walking out. Whoever that man was, she was seeing all signs not to trust him. And she really didn't want to stay in a bar with someone like him. She walked back out into the street, looking around. Slumping against a wall, she let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes.
She followed him into the room, and closed the door behind her. Venice sat on the bed taking off her boot and rolling up the pant leg, applying the brace. Her knee locked and she forced it to straighten itself. It pooped loudly and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from screaming. She let out a long sigh. "No." She said. "We're not going to follow them. That would show how little we know about the Codex, it would help him prove his point, and we don't want that. It'd just tell him that we're ignorant. We need to go our own way."

She stretched out her leg. "We leave when we get at least some information." She laid back. "I'm going to sleep for a while. Don't wake me up."
Lukin finished his fourth drink, the amber liquid burning its way down his throat. He felt exhausted, like the last few years were catching up with him, and they were in a way. This is the first time he had stopped moving for a long time. Fatigue had worked its way into his limbs, his hands hurt and his eyes grew tired. The world was growing heavy and slow, Josef was turning to the barkeep to order the next round of Petersburg's finest. But perhaps the most troubling of all was not the heaviness that gripped his body, but the strong barriers he built into his mind slacked a little as Lukin leaned back into his chair.

As Lukin fell back into his chair, the world rushed through him, the noise of the busy bar pushed through his senses and the room was replaced with another scene. He felt he was falling, looking up to a blue sky cracked and bristling with black clouds of shrapnel and smoke. The ash fell on his face and the sun beat down on his body. The gravel and harsh stones bit into his back, increasing the pain drenching his lower abdomen. His hand brushed his side and felt wet with liquid. Straining his neck, Lukin can see the red blood glisten in the sun, and the ruined mess of his side. The light was obscured as a head moved into view to blot out the sun. It was humanoid in shape but far from something he would consider kin. The beast bore a wide mouth, filled with jagged yellow fangs. Its broken noise punctured by metal studs and the skin reddened in places that were covered in blood red tattoos. The beady black eyes buried deep into the creatures head with a heavy brow buried over the top. It opened its mouth and uttered his name in a rash, grating dialect that was not meant for human throats. "Lukin Dragunov...".

Lukin did not hear the rest as hand grasped his shoulder. It belonged to Josef, a worried expression crossing his face. The world snapped back into place, the noise filtering back to normal levels. He sat up and brushed Josef's hand off. "I'm alright...I'am alright." Josef met his gaze and asked "are you sure? Your eyes were wide open gazing at the ceiling. Your mouth was moving but no words came." Josef was concerned for his friend. Sighing Lukin replied "yeah i am alright, i have not relaxed in a long time, excuse me friend let me use the bathroom." Lukin pushed himself out of the seat. A hard venture given his state of fatigued. He moved through the crowd to the bathrooms, passing many people talking of their tales of violence in the street. Reaching the bathroom, Lukin pulled a small bottle from inside his coat, one of many kept on his person. Seeing no one was looking, he grabbed one of the purple pills and swallowed it. It was a custom mixture made by his own hands with a single purpose, to drown out the buried memories of his past. Lukin washed his face and stared into the mirror. He saw the tortured pain behind his eyes slowly recede. Perhaps he should call the rest of the night off here and retire to his rented room? Lukin figured it would be for the best, no need to make problems for tomorrow. Lukin exited the bathroom and moved back towards Josef to let him know.
Peritus stayed a while after the armored man and the thief left.He watched the great city and compared it to other parts of the world.Deep sadness flooded his mind.Other parts of the world did not have advanced civilizations such as this one.This made him reminisce all the trips he has taken,traveling to every part of the eastern hemisphere and then some.All of the trading and saving people was getting to him and he remembered that he had pain all over his body.Soreness,a headache,and trauma.Some of the many prices he had to pay for the life he lived.It probably wasn't the best thing,but at the end of the day,he had saved many people and made some good money trading things here and there.Peritus got up from the fire escape floor and entered his apartment through his window.

He walked slowly,like a zombie,into his bathroom where he opened the cabinet in his mirror to finally get the painkillers.He realized that he had wasted the money on those drinks earlier because they did nothing.Two pills in one hand and a cold cup of water in the other.He swallowed one pill after the other and then walked over to his bed to lie down.Peritus tried really hard to forget the bad parts of his memories,but his mind was unstable.No matter what he tried to think of,he could never set his mind on one thing.Everything rushed into his mind at the same time,forcing him to relive the deaths of innocent people while remembering times when he had made lots of money.Every night it was the same.Peritus never got any help for it.No family,friends,or even acquaintances.He never even received medical help.No one was there to help relieve some of the pain.So now,Peritus is lying on his bed,hands on his face,regretting his whole life.He thought that everything he did had led to nothing.He was gonna spend the rest of his life doing the same things over and over again,being a vigilante and trading at the same time.The world was never gonna change.He felt he was doing the right thing but it really takes a toll at the end of every day.One tear from both eyes ran down his face,and then he closed his eyes and let the pills do their job.
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Having traveled through the late afternoon and into the night to get to the gate, Vladimir waited outside the gate till he sighted a caravan traveling south along the road, towards where he needed to go. Traveling at night was a very different experience to moving through the day. The lack of electricity and power beyond the walls meant that nighttime got dark, and got dark very quickly. The only source of light were various torches the guards carried, not wanting to use their technologically enhanced lanterns beyond the wall, and the various fires dotted throughout the refugee camp. The lack of light meant that traveling at night provided trade caravans an extra source of security, as raiders and enemy forces would not be able to clearly identify the group, how many there were, and what types of goods were being carried. However, there is also still the constant possibility of attack regardless of day or nighttime.

Moving pass various tents and camps, Vladimir made his way towards the trade Caravan. He fell instep with a man leading the group, his face concealed by a cloth that covered most of his head except his eyes. "Greetings. I notice that you are heading south, may I tag along with your group some of the way? I myself can help with protecting supplies and changing shifts with people if needed." Vladimir was looking directly into the leaders eyes, holding his gaze. He forced a smile, a rare occurrence for him, to help win the man over. "Hmmm, how far along are you traveling? Why should i even trust you?" He spoke with a deep Romi accent and instantly knew they were all capable warriors. Well the man was right for one. Why should he trust Vladimir? "Well, if you must know, I have family some way down the track. It is my nephews birthday tomorrow and I wanted to surprise him by being there when he wakes in the morning. Other than that you have to take my word on it." The leader halted, and so did the rest of the caravan. He seemed to be analyzing the words Vladimir said and was clearly have an internal debate over it. "Very well you may join us, but you can never leave our sight and you must inform us well in advance the destination which you seek before we arrive." Vladimir quickly thanked the man and fell back took his place towards the middle of the trade group.

The trade caravan was not too big. 3 large wagons were pulled along by slaves in a line, with an overseer sitting on each wielding a large whip. Every now and again there was a distinct 'crack' as the overseer motioned his slaves forwards. With the destruction of most of the known world, no animal was strong enough to support the weight of most caravans, so slaves were often used to pull them along. It was a rare thing to see a horse drawn wagon, and even less to see a motorized convoy around these parts. Most motorized groups resided deep within the badlands, seeing as the Greater Petersburg military generally removed them from the general area around the city. 12 other people walked along the sides of the caravan, their eyes scanning the hills that flanked either side of the caravan for any movement. The only source of light was that which the leader held as he walked in front of the group and some flashlights that various members held, used to help identify any moving shapes along the hills. It was incredibly silent, the only noise being produced from the whip and the cracking of the wheels on the wagons. No one talked to Vladimir, but occasionally whispered to another trade member in hushed voices. He was always being watched, and knew he would be. It didn't worry him that he was. With the only sources of light being directed to the surrounding area, Vladimir was able to slip over his eyes his night vision goggles. Smaller and compact to most goggles, they allowed him to view the night as if it was still day, without the bulkiness of his regular goggles protruding from his face.

They snaked along the road for hours, often stopping at regular intervals if someone noticed something moving, but there was never anything. A cool breeze blew along the road, a welcome feeling to Vladimir to replace the feeling humidity and the taste of pollution in the air. After sometime, Vladimir noticed, in the gully below, torch lights appearing the distance. He knew what it was. It was the outpost he was after. He moved along the edge of the caravan to the leader and fell in step next to him. "Greetings Antonio. Up ahead is the place that I seek. I trust I have been good company and I request permission to leave you and your friends company when we reach there?" Startled and lost in his own world, Antonio didn't realize that Vladimir had walked up beside him. "yes.. Yes that will be fine. I trust you had a nice journey?" Vladimir regarded the man and replied with a nod. "I did. Your companions are a welcome sight indeed along this highway of death."

The Military outpost appeared in the distance. From the distinct light sources throughout the area, Vladimir could make out the 4 distinct concrete towers, stationed at all four corners of the camp. The Towers themselves stretched 12 stories into the air, provided the base with a clear view of the surrounding are. Several solid buildings were established throughout the camp, however their purpose was unknown as it was hard to make out details at this distance. The road the caravan moved along ran directly through the middle of the camp, intersected by two distinct concrete gates, one at either entrance.
LibertyPrime said:
Having traveled through the late afternoon and into the night to get to the gate, Vladimir waited outside the gate till he sighted a caravan traveling south along the road, towards where he needed to go. Traveling at night was a very different experience to moving through the day. The lack of electricity and power beyond the walls meant that nighttime got dark, and got dark very quickly. The only source of light were various torches the guards carried, not wanting to use their technologically enhanced lanterns beyond the wall, and the various fires dotted throughout the refugee camp. The lack of light meant that traveling at night provided trade caravans an extra source of security, as raiders and enemy forces would not be able to clearly identify the group, how many there were, and what types of goods were being carried. However, there is also still the constant possibility of attack regardless of day or nighttime.
Moving pass various tents and camps, Vladimir made his way towards the trade Caravan. He fell instep with a man leading the group, his face concealed by a cloth that covered most of his head except his eyes. "Greetings. I notice that you are heading south, may I tag along with your group some of the way? I myself can help with protecting supplies and changing shifts with people if needed." Vladimir was looking directly into the leaders eyes, holding his gaze. He forced a smile, a rare occurrence for him, to help win the man over. "Hmmm, how far along are you traveling? Why should i even trust you?" He spoke with a deep Romi accent and instantly knew they were all capable warriors. Well the man was right for one. Why should he trust Vladimir? "Well, if you must know, I have family some way down the track. It is my nephews birthday tomorrow and I wanted to surprise him by being there when he wakes in the morning. Other than that you have to take my word on it." The leader halted, and so did the rest of the caravan. He seemed to be analyzing the words Vladimir said and was clearly have an internal debate over it. "Very well you may join us, but you can never leave our sight and you must inform us well in advance the destination which you seek before we arrive." Vladimir quickly thanked the man and fell back took his place towards the middle of the trade group.

The trade caravan was not too big. 3 large wagons were pulled along by slaves in a line, with an overseer sitting on each wielding a large whip. Every now and again there was a distinct 'crack' as the overseer motioned his slaves forwards. With the destruction of most of the known world, no animal was strong enough to support the weight of most caravans, so slaves were often used to pull them along. It was a rare thing to see a horse drawn wagon, and even less to see a motorized convoy around these parts. Most motorized groups resided deep within the badlands, seeing as the Greater Petersburg military generally removed them from the general area around the city. 12 other people walked along the sides of the caravan, their eyes scanning the hills that flanked either side of the caravan for any movement. The only source of light was that which the leader held as he walked in front of the group and some flashlights that various members held, used to help identify any moving shapes along the hills. It was incredibly silent, the only noise being produced from the whip and the cracking of the wheels on the wagons. No one talked to Vladimir, but occasionally whispered to another trade member in hushed voices. He was always being watched, and knew he would be. It didn't worry him that he was. With the only sources of light being directed to the surrounding area, Vladimir was able to slip over his eyes his night vision goggles. Smaller and compact to most goggles, they allowed him to view the night as if it was still day, without the bulkiness of his regular goggles protruding from his face.

They snaked along the road for hours, often stopping at regular intervals if someone noticed something moving, but there was never anything. A cool breeze blew along the road, a welcome feeling to Vladimir to replace the feeling humidity and the taste of pollution in the air. After sometime, Vladimir noticed, in the gully below, torch lights appearing the distance. He knew what it was. It was the outpost he was after. He moved along the edge of the caravan to the leader and fell in step next to him. "Greetings Antonio. Up ahead is the place that I seek. I trust I have been good company and I request permission to leave you and your friends company when we reach there?" Startled and lost in his own world, Antonio didn't realize that Vladimir had walked up beside him. "yes.. Yes that will be fine. I trust you had a nice journey?" Vladimir regarded the man and replied with a nod. "I did. Your companions are a welcome sight indeed along this highway of death."

The Military outpost appeared in the distance. From the distinct light sources throughout the area, Vladimir could make out the 4 distinct concrete towers, stationed at all four corners of the camp. The Towers themselves stretched 12 stories into the air, provided the base with a clear view of the surrounding are. Several solid buildings were established throughout the camp, however their purpose was unknown as it was hard to make out details at this distance. The road the caravan moved along ran directly through the middle of the camp, intersected by two distinct concrete gates, one at either entrance.
Even though I don't like reading a lot of text,this is really freakin' good.It's very descriptive and detailed.You got some serious skills.Kudos.
Ethan moved through the sweaty haze of the market, his garb was meant for such an environment but even so, the temperature still left Ethan in a state of constant discomfort and the sweat that his body dispelled rolled off of Ethan's body in large drops and as he walked he wiped his clammy face with the sleeve of his shirt, leaving a barely perceivable streak of moisture upon the part of the sleeve he had used to mop his forehead. The market that Ethan found himself in was the first of two massive markets within the city of Toth. Both the markets were massive in scale and it stretched on for over a mile in each direction. It was easy for one to lose their bearings within the massive market and if Ethan hadn't hugged the western edge of the market, he would have most likely lost his way within the jungle of a market. The markets of Toth were a marvel to capitalism and all around him dozens of merchants bartered with stubborn and haggling customers and the noises of the thousands of interactions stifled Ethan's senses. The amount of noise that emitted from the eastern market square of Toth blended together into a blank and overwhelming white noise that incapacitated his ears, no individual noise could be heard over the drone of the market, only a monolithic drone of voices and live animals from various food stalls was perceptible and all around him the hustle and movement of the city made him feel more out of place and homesick than he had felt before. Along with his sense of hearing being impaired he felt slick with his own sweat underneath his white cloth garb as he moved through the market as the massive amount of body heat from the hordes of people around him mixed with the heat of the desert city, creating a sweaty haze of heat and sickly humidity that overwhelmed the northerner who's body had never grown used to the heat of the south.

To Ethan's right was a stall that sold various weapons, many of which were old world weapons, and the old world weaponry that the owner of the stall had invested in were in surprisingly in pristine condition, if Ethan had been in a better place, financially speaking that is, he would have surely stopped to admire and potentially buy a weapon, but to window shop on a tight budget was an exercise in masochism, and as such he moved past the stall selling firearms and munitions sitting his sweaty and parched body onto the bar stool of a small temporary and shoddily built bar that sold various drinks and packaged food goods. The stall was built using dirt cheap materials and compound board made up the majority of the structure. The bar itself was a rich oak but it was only a couple of inches thick, beneath the oak plank was a plywood structure that appeared frayed on the edges. Behind the bar were several rows of cheap brews and next to the man who worked the stall was a large barrel that presumably held water. Above Ethan's head was thankfully a cloth awning that covered the mercenary in a blanket of shade, a welcomed change of pace for the northerner. The man behind the bar was of southerner descent and his skin was a dark tan, partly a result of the natural hue that his genetic coding gave him and part a result of a lifetime living within a desert underneath the hot and unforgiving sun of the Romi desert he so clearly had originated from. The man raised his eyebrows impatiently before speaking, obviously off put by the northerners lack of understanding regarding southerner customs, as for the Romi, the customer always addressed the merchant before the merchant acknowledged the customer.

"Can I help you?" the man asked as he eyeballed Ethan with a pair of dark eyes, framed by a worn and wrinkled sun damaged face that was in turn framed by a large and bushy beard. "I'd like my canteen filled with water and I'd like my flask filled with the cheapest and hardest stuff you got" said Ethan casually as he eyed the menu above and behind the man's head, considering to himself weather or not he would buy something to fill his aching stomach on the way to his rendezvous point. "Anything else?" asked the man who's irritable demeanor had begun to rub the ex mercenary the wrong way. Ethan chose to respond to the man with the same callous approach that the merchant had brought to the interaction, silently withdrawing his canteen and flask from his pack, handing the two to the man without a word. The man filled the canteen and flask to the top with the requested liquids before looking back up to Ethan. "One part silver for the drinks" he said, his tone now more friendly as a result of Ethan mistakenly using proper Toth and Romi customs of silence during transactions. Ethan reached into his satchel and withdrew a small nugget of the precious metal, sliding it across the bar before collecting his canteen and flask, turning as he did so towards the main area of the market.

As Ethan tipped back his head to take a large swig of his freshly filled canteen, he noticed the auctioneers platform that had been raised in the center of the market. The wooden structure stood over fifteen feet in the air and as a result it could be seen from quite the distance and atop the platform was a row of slaves being sold to various owners. A large and quite fat man stood behind a podium atop the platform. The man was dressed in an ornate set of clothing that had long since gone out of style in common circles. His suit jacket was far too thick for the temperature of the desert and Ethan silently wondered to himself how the large man kept his consciousness within the thick business wear he had donned. From his position the large man spouted a stream of words into a microphone that had been rigged up to a pair of speakers that were in turn rigged up to an old generator. From his distance, Ethan could hardly make out the words of the man but he seemed to be advertising a Romi warrior that had been captured after a failed raid on the behalf of the Romi. The warrior was a physical specimen and was clearly much taller than the average man as he towered over the other captives to his sides, furthermore his body was a testament to Romi military training as he sported a body of pure muscle. Ethan felt a pang of empathy for the man, his pride, his history and his skills would now only serve his master and his master's interests in the fight pits. The slave would die a thousand miles from home in an arena dedicated to making his overseers rich, it was a tragedy but not one that was undeserved for the Romi warrior as the majority of slaves that were sold were actually sold by the Romi, the captor was now the captive, in a way it was poetic justice.

Ethan put the thoughts into the back of his mind as he spotted an alleyway that led away from the stifling market while also giving him a more direct path to his destination. Without a moment of hesitation, Ethan ducked into the alleyway. He was instantly gifted the reprieve of the shade of the alleyway and he exhaled deeply with the relief of the sudden drop in temperature and the now clean and dry air that entered his lungs. Furthermore the alleyway was a perfect venue to confront the man that had been following him since Ethan had entered the city's limits. His tail was crafty and quite good at blending into the background, but in the tight alley that Ethan had turned into, the tail would either follow him and expose himself, or back off, either way, Ethan was the winning party, and he was ready, in his hand he now held his forty four caliber revolver, a relic of the old world and a weapon that Ethan was an expert at using. He hoped he wouldn't need to shed blood, but if he man following him exposed himself, it was a sincere possibility. Ethan steeled himself at the sound of his pursuer behind him and turned to face him, bringing his weapon up from his side in one quick and practiced motion.
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Lukin pushed past the crowd and made his way back to his seat. The crowd had partially dispersed by this stage. Most people departing as the time dragged into the early hours of the morning. Lukin found a short glass infront of his seat and the grinning face of josef gesturing to drink. "I got this one especially Lukin. Just like old times." Josef pulled a large smile, enjoying the flash of digust across Lukin's face. He sat down and grabbed the shot glass. The liquid inside was a deep brown and hinted at an exotic drink contained within. But looks were deceiving. He clinked the glass to Josef's and downed the drink. It was hard, bitter and overpowering. The alcohal stung his eyes and one too many bad experiences with this drink came up to haunt him.

Lukin grimiced and pushed the glass away from himself. "No more for tonight Josef. It tasted like old times as well." Josef mearly laughed, clearly enjoying himself. Lukin pushed himself out of the seat and regarded his companion. He dropped a set of keys infront of Josef. "This is for your room friend. It will be next to mine and it is three stories up. Ill see you in the morning." Lukin pointed a finger at Josef. "Dont be at this all night, we will need our strength in the morning." Lukin added half jokingly. Josef mearly replied "I am not sure what you are refering to Lukin." Josef smiled cheekily. Lukin smiled, he had barely changed at all. Lukin left him at this point and made his way to his room, and turned himself in for the night.

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As the caravan moved up to the entrance of the outpost, Vladimir could make out several figures moving around the top of the towers, scanning the surrounding area and the approaching caravan. The caravan moved up to the solid concrete doors themselves and stopped, waiting for someone to let them through. As they waited for several minutes, Vladimir noticed it was distinctively quiet, the only thing he could hear was his own breathing, a slight breeze passing through and the flickering of torches as the flames danced with shadows across the towers. Then Vladimir could hear a clear 'click' from behind the gate, and the doors moved slightly inward, as a figure strolled out through the gap in the middle of them. He was wearing grey khaki clothing, with a few distinct badges displayed on his chest. He moved out towards Antonio, the leader of the caravan, in a few solid steps and halted in front of him. The torch that he held allowed Vladimir to make out the disfiguring scar that ran down the left side of his face slicing through that eye, giving the man a very menacing look. "Greetings, I am Staff Sargent Drezinsky of the Greater Petersburg 5th Forward Regiment. Please identify yourselves and state your business."He spoke of years of experience and stern discipline. Vladimir already liked this man. "Hello Officer. My name is Antonio, and this is my trade caravan. My business is exactly that, business. We wish to pass through so we can be on our way before the Sun truly rises. Oh, and this is Vladimir." He quickly gestured toward him with his left hand. "He wishes to stay here to visit family." Staff Sargent Drezinsky regarded Vladimir and looked him up and down. Who is your family member and why do you wish to visit them?" He turned started to eye Vladimir with both his good and bad eye. Vladimir stepped forward towards the officer, in order to keep his voice down. "My family is something I would wish to discuss with you in private. I wish to surprise them. May I discuss it with you in your quarters? I don't wish to hold up Antonio and his fellow travelers."

After giving Vladimir a long look, Staff Sargent Drezinsky stepped to one side and signaled to his guards in the towers. The doors opened to their full extent, to allow the caravan to pass through the camp. "Farewell Vladimir. I hope your family is in good health." said Antonio, as he gestured to his followers to move their supply train through the camp. Vladimir simply nodded to the caravan leader, he felt like he didn't need to say much else. As the caravan continued to move through, Drezinsky turned to Vladimir, "Come with me. I will need to have a firm discussion with you." As he said this, two guards appeared from the darkness to escort Vladimir through the camp to the officers quarters, located towards the back right corner of the camp. Vladimir let himself to be led through the camp. He past several buildings, all ranging in size, till he was brought in front of one that looked no different to the rest asides from the 'Officer' sign hanging above the entrance.
Josef awoke in the early morning, his head pounding. He remembered little of last night and still had the taste of liquor in his mouth. He got up and peered at his reflection in the mirror. 'I'm too old for this sort of torture' he slurred, referring to the intense headache he felt due to the excessive drinking of the prior night. He returned to the couch had passed out in, finding Lukin waiting for him, fully dressed and packed. He knew what Lukin was thinking, 'Yeah, yeah. I know. Shouldn't have had that much, blah blah blah. Let an old man enjoy his luxuries'. Josef quickly collected his belongings that he had packed before the farewell drinks began the prior night. 'Now, get that stupid look off your face. We're heading over to the gate.'

The city of Greater Petersburg lay mostly quiet. Most of the city was yet to wake. Josef thought how nice it would be to visit the old outpost again. Despite of now being retired, he missed military life and his old squad. He missed being a combat engineer and, more than anything else, he missed blowing the old ruins of buildings up. Of course, he only did this to clear the path for the rest of the army to advance, but he always believed it to be a perk of the job.

The gate shone in the early sunlight. He noticed how unusually quiet it was and attributed it to the ridiculously early hour of the day. As he and Lukin approached the gate, the guard seemed to recognise them, or at least recognise Lukin...
Beams of light began to cut through the morning pollution. Already the massive city was beginning to stir into life. And this was extremely true of the movement around the city's colossal entrance. As Josef and Lukin approached the gate there was a line of segmented fencing which filtered the crowd from moving to and from the gate. Manning this gate was an intimidating number of guards, some of which held nasty looking automatic weapons or manned mechanical weapon turrets. Enough to discourage anyone foolish enough to make a run through the security barriers. As the pair approached, one of the guards nearby peeled off and moved towards them.

Although it has been close to 5 years now, Dimitri had barely changed at all. He wore the grey outfit dressed on so many of the guards and shouldered an old world automatic rifle across his back. He had short, cropped black hair and stern brown eyes to match. He bore a scar that crossed one cheek and traced up to his ear. His right leg was slightly thicker than his left, and the smooth black metal made a clicking noise as he approached them. It was a high grade prosthetic limb which would normally cost a small fortune, however Amalgam was able to locate and obtain one at a fraction of the price. The one drastic difference Lukin noted though, was a small array of badges and medals across his chest, numbering a total of 5. His friend had been promoted.
Dimitri held out his hand, greeting the pair. "Lukin you old dog, time has served you well these past years. Who is this whom travels with you?" Lukin quickly replied. "Dimitri it is good to see you. This is an old friend Josef, we served together a long time ago. But I see time has also served you well." Pointing firstly at his badges and then his leg. "I see you are climbing the ranks, and hopefully a good leg to do so?" Dimitri smiled. "Needed someone with experience, and the leg is great. It helped that I also had the best." He replied, visually relaxing as the conversation moved on.

Slowly he lead the two veterans towards the gate itself. Silencing any salutes or comments from the guards as they moved along. Lukin and Dimitri talked about what had dealt out over the last few years. Most of the tales revolved around violence with the growing gangs. Soon the crowd was so thick that they were unable to keep track who was crossing their path. Dimitri took them to the gate and allowed them special permission through. His rank carrying more weight than any protest would. They were to join a munitions and supply train heading towards their destination. Within the cargo train was troops to rotate with the guards stationed at the exterior posts as well as a civilian segment which was kept to the back. The main vehicle was a monstrous truck, towing a secondary carriage. Both carriages were metal and no doubt inside was ammunition and other supplies. On top was several man operated turrets, scanning the surroundings for potential enemies. Dimitri explained they would be allowed in the armoured transport itself. But it wont leave for two hours until the civilians who were permitted to travel were allowed in. Dimitri soon left, leaving Josef and Lukin to board the cargo train.

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