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Fandom The Hungry Earth- Unique Warrior Cats (Always Open)


Junior Member


Welcome to The Hungry Earth

Salutations y'all!

Do you miss watching Warriors roleplays roam across the roleplaying threads like they used to?

Are you fed up with halfhearted, unoriginal, uninspiring plots?

Are you looking for a place to really breathe life back into your role as a Warrior in the world Erin Hunter has created for us?

Do you have the nose for danger, betrayal, murder, adventure, secrets, and romance?

Than my friend "The Hungry Earth" is the place or you!


Far far away from the clans we have grown to know and love; lays and three islands. Surrounded by water and completely isolated from the rest of the world; these islands form a chain connected by sandbars and short stretches of water.

In the heart of the largest island, the one where our story takes place sleeps a mighty volcano, the clans here do not believe in a Silverpelt or StarClan, instead they have Firetongue and FireClan

Amidst the towering tropical trees, brightly painted flowers, and sandy beaches dwell three clans. One graces the upper realms of the trees with their long powerful legs and carefully honed senses, a second finds their home shoulder to shoulder with a magnificent beach, they watch lazily as the tide laps the delicate white shores. The third clan finds their territory sliced in two by the highway of volcanic ash that has settled over centuries and now remains as a permanent part of the island, but not all is lost for these island dwellers as the ash is rich in nutrients and the island blooms forth around it.

The clans have always exceptionally lucky as they have lived in relative peace for generations; there are tales of intense squabbles when the clans were originally set, but it has not been the case since.

Unfortunately, peace has a way of burning off and especially under the hot sun of the island it was only a matter of time.

It all started with an ill fated meeting beneath a full moon. The words between the four that were gathered could not be heard, but the moon's reflection on the water was able to capture the hot, red sprays of blood that belonged to three of them.

With no one stepping forward to confess to the gruesome murders and no leads the clans fall into disarray; murder, thievery, and deceit becomes common place in the formally peaceful island.


That was when the volcano started smoking, at first only the occasional belch of smoke, but it developed quickly and soon the clans witnessed their first angry tongue of fire reaching out it the volcano's great maw.

And then came the stranger; he claimed the anger of Firetongue was brought on by the murderous nature that the clans had adopted and that there was only one way to satiate the deity's anger.

Once a month, a cat must be selected and marched up the side of Firetongue and tossed into its depths, until the amount of blood offered is equal to that which they have shed.

The stranger gave his condolences and promised he would return with members from his own clan who he swore lived on the other side of the great mountain.

The stranger was gone and with his absence he left the clans to begin their dark task.

They wait anxiously for his return.

1. No power playing etc.

2. Fade to black and go to PM for romance

3. First 4+ day absence without warning is excused as long as you're back within a week. Second time is a PM warning. Third is a boot and will kill off your character/ write it out of the story. You're free to come back another time, but it has to be with a new cat.



5. We expect a whole range of character ideas and personalities so be kind to one another, but there's nothing wrong with enemies (If anything we encourage it)​

In addition to the normal plot, "The Hungry Earth" will also include the following:

- A randomizer that will assign events such as illness, injuries and more within your clan

- "Master" posts made by myself, some that effect every clan or not.

- Want a romance? pick one yourself or take a chance and let us randomly pick one for you. This encourages cross clan relationships

Posting Order:
Post characters in order of their clan and in the colour of their clan.

Remember to post each name before another character post

(Refer to my first post to see what I mean)

AshClan, BlueClan, and TreeClan









Welcome to The Hungry Earth!
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Coconutfire let out a long calculated sigh and she paid close attention to the feeling of air leaving her lungs; a habit she had formed a over a year ago. She new with every breath she came one step closer to her fate; whatever that might be or what it might mean for her and her clan.

Her lungs began to shake and wheeze at the same point that they always did; that is if she took a deep breath. The sound rattled in her chest and if her lungs had had fingers they would have been desperately grabbing at the molecules of oxygen as they were called back up her throat and into the dank air.

That was when the cough came and it rattled with more fervor than her chest ever could and with each ragged intake of breath the world tore it back out of her ten fold leaving her gasping.

The sound was one that someone with emphysema might have and every time another cough shook the air out of her she could almost feel the parts of her lungs that had once worked like a well oiled machine, but now they stood as an empty warehouse made useless by a raging inferno.

With one final cough she wiped the saliva that had accumulated around the corners of her mouth and breathed in slowly so as not to bring on another attack.

Leaning forward in her nest she looked out the door of her den; the dank air made it a little easier in here and she enjoyed the earthy smell it had.

It made her think of her mother.

The white she-cat had lost her mother....

Was it a year ago?

She couldn't remember, everything had blended together into one terrible memory after another, but at least here she felt close to her mother.

The former leader of AshClan had moved the leader's d
en to this burrow because her lungs were also failing her and the cool air helped to make her struggles easier. Now Coconutfire was to share the same fate as her mother, but she withheld her illness from her clan.

They had already dealt with losing their leader of many many moons, she could not break their hearts again.

The only one who knew was Sulfurstorm her deputy and Sagepelt, her faithful medicine cat.

In fact it was those two she had sent for,

How long ago was that now? she wondered.

She held back another cough as her big satellite dish ears perked towards the mouth of her den.

Surely they'd be here soon.



Coraltooth loved the feeling of her strong lungs pulling air into them; pulling, expanding, filling up as much as they possibly could handle and then being pushed from her with surprising strength. How she loved the feeling of inhaling the day's first real breath; a real breath is not the breath you take upon waking, but the one you take when you set off on the day you have before you.

Taking it by the ears and pulling it along behind you as you take everything by storm.

Continuing her early morning breathing she looked down at the black sand beneath her feet; it was because of Firetongue and it's influence even all the way down at the beach that made the sand black.

Spreading her toes wide she wiggled the dark, wet sand up between them; she knew when she did this that Firetongue was watching over them.

She took another aggressive breath of the salty air and cast her intense blue eyes down the length of the beach, stopping at the hulking mass that lay at end of the black runway that was her beach home.


The great volcano rose up stark against the morning light as if it was watching the island come to life; the fire point warrior knew in her heart that that was exactly that was happening.

Everyone had grown up on stories of Firetongue and it's connection to the mighty FireClan.

Everyone knew that one day they would all be lucky enough to join the thousands of rocks that line Firetongue's belly and be an official member of FireClan.

Times were so uncertain these days, so much was uncertain, which was why maintaining order was more important than ever and the deputy of BlueClan always started her day the same way no matter what.

It started with a heart run down the beach; as far as she could go and she had been doing this since apprentice hood.

The warrior could easily make it to the end of the beach, where their territory melted away and back before the clan was awake.

She did admit that she got up at an hour that most would deem unnecessary to keep up this routine, but for the duty bound deputy it was an element of self care that she could not ignore.

The white and red warrior rolled her powerful shoulders back, stretched each leg, bent low to stretch her back and then a back and forth rotation cracked her neck.

All in preparation for the moment that her feet grabbed the earth and flinging it out behind her launched her forward into the day and when she saw the faintest yellow hue to break the horizon she knew the time had come.

In an instant the cat used her powerful hindquarters to propel her body forward; she was a blur racing down the shoreline.

She knew that Ripplepaw would be awake soon; the young black and white tom would soon be joining her on her daily runs, but for today it was just her and FireClan.


The smell of the apprentice's den was what awoke him; he jolted upright in his nest, a sharp intake of air cleared the sleep from his head, he loved the tang of salt water on the air.

The next breath was the careful kind as he took a gulp of salty air large enough to expand his lungs to their limit to their breaking point and began to pick through the apprentice's den. Making his way towards the portcullis he prayed that he would not step on Ripplepaw's ear or Sealpaw's tail as he was mulling these thoughts over in his head the tom almost stepped square on Rockpaw's gut. The surprised launched him into the air in an attempt to avoid the earth in entirety, luckily for him the seemingly ill fated leap landed him right on the lip of the den he shared with his clanmates.

Looking over his shoulder Crabpaw confirmed that everyone was still asleep, their easy breathing came in contended sighs as they dreamed of warriorhood or catching a fish that was hard won.

It was then that the anxiety began to churn in his stomach; before long he knew it would morph from churning to needle teeth rooted in the pit of stomach.

He prayed that today was not one of the days when it became so overwhelming that the world began to swim around him like a wild tuna right up until he blacked out and had to be sent to the medicine cat's den.

To most it would seem a very unlikely situation, but since the death of his brother and only confidant the BlueClan apprentice had suddenly found himself very afraid.

Nightmarish creatures now haunted his dreams, he wished for once he could hear from his brother instead of gnashing teeth and unforgiving dark waters that made him feel as if his head would explode.

He tried to shake the images from his head as he ducked out of the den and stopped; looking one way and then the other he made sure that the clan was empty before he slunk across its widest point.

Coraltooth stood just outside of her den; eyes closed, he knew that the deputy was preparing herself for her morning run; she didn't know, but the young apprentice came out every morning just as she left for a little routine of his own.

As her bright white feet kicked off she shot down the shoreline leaving Crabpaw the opportunity to slink across the camp and right up to the edge of the ocean.

He seemed in a starting contest for several moments with the ocean as he watched it lap against the dark beach.

A long breath brought his eyes to closing; he tried his best to keep it even, but it caught in his throat here and there.

Fighting the urge to close his eyes the brown tom took a small step into the water; it lapped up over his toes as if inviting him in for a swim.

He knew better than to answer her offer, instead he walked in far enough that all four feet were in and he stood deep enough for it to come up past his paws.

His heart shot up into his mouth as he fought another urge, this one being the urge to extricate himself from the water immediately.

In response to his resistance the cat's breathing quickened to the point that he was having trouble maintaining composure; a small whine escaped him.

This was why he always practiced when the camp was still asleep, so that no one was there to watch a proud swimmer standing in the shallows trying to overcome his fear of the ocean.



"Yes, yes, it's the smell" he mumbled to himself, paws working frantically at something of which he was bent over.

"Yes, yes" he muttered again to no one except himself, he wasnt normally secretive about his work, but this, this was something that would take the whole forest by storm.

He was sure of that.

The prophecy that had brought his parents together would finally be fulfilled and he'd be taken as less of a crack pot.

His dark eyes glittered passionately; his pink tongue doing a dance as he manipulated something between his gray paws.

"Yes," he breathed a little more excited this time "Yes, it's the smell," "For it to reach optimum effectiveness it must be inhaled in through the lungs. Chewing, yes yes, that's all fine and happy, but it's in the lungs where everything happens,"

He took a large breath of his own now as he took a step back to survey his work.

"Hmmm, not right, not right" he said, shaking his head.

Turning his back to what amounted as a work bench the medicine cat of TreeClan began to pace.

This habit was so much so that he had long ago worn a groove into the floor of his den, and now it guided him back and forth along the soft earth.

It was for the best seeing that Palmtail's mind was in a different world entirely, the erratic tom was known for his tendency to become completely absorbed in his work to the point that he had smashed into something.

Other members of his clan were not out of the realm of possibility although he was more likely to just wander off into the forest all the while making notes to himself out loud.

"So if it's the smell, then how do I make it easy for one to ingest in such a way? I must find a way to break it down to the point of vaporization."

He stopped for half a second, his long bushy tail did not stop as fast as its owner and ended up whispering down his black hocks, almost kissing the earth.

He turned again, giving his tail little time to rest, it billowed out behind him as he took back to pacing.

How he longed for an apprentice, someone to bounce ideas off from, someone to help him carry things from the high trees.

FireClan had not sent one to him and he had been the medicine cat for many moons now, surely he deserved an apprentice?

"It's know of course how capable I am, yes yes, of course of course, perhaps FireClan expects me to fulfill this prophecy alone?"

He did like his solitude, but he somehow found himself hoping he'd get help of some kind; he had so many plans and ideas that he was having a hard time keeping them in order.

"FireClan, maybe I must go to them straight away, by myself and perhaps, yes yes, perhaps they have a message for me of some kind."

His tail began to quiver, a sure sign that the tom was getting an idea.


He enjoyed the morning's first few breaths of air; the flowers never smelled the same as they did during that first breath of morning air.

He loved the way the trees smelled, the way that flowers and fruit dappled here and there throughout the canopy all worked together to create a unique perfume that the forest spritzed on daily.

It was not unheard of him to go into the trees for a quick spell to roll in a few choice scents and then groom them into his pelt which was always immaculate.

Pulling himself out of his nest the apprentice gave an exaggerated stretched followed by a generous yawn; the early morning light glittered off his fangs in a manner he assumed was impressive.

Looking around the camp he was a little surprised to find the camp almost empty; he heard someone speaking in mumbled tones somewhere off to his right.

"Palmtail" he meowed, shaking his head, "He's always at something, I wonder what it is today,"

He meditated on the idea of going over and trying to see if he could spy on the strange medicine cat before he noticed him, but thinking on how feisty the otherwise harmless tom was about his den he reconsidered it.

Twitching his tail with curiosity Tanagerpaw wondered where Spiderfall was, his mentor was always up and ready; sometimes before the tom was able to get enough beauty rest.

"Looking this good comes with a price" he meowed, she laughed and he chuckled with her too as they enjoyed the joke, except there was a thread of truth in his words.

He was lucky enough that his androgynous looks made his transition a little easier, but he hoped that age would not work against him.

He knew that soon he would be physically ready to bare kits, what would those hormones do to him? He wished there was a way to make it stop.

Tanagerpaw tried not to think about that, he was popular with the ladies both his age and even a little older. Certainly that would not change, his tact with them was only getting better.

The apprentice was known for his piercing eyes and he had no problem working them to his advantage whenever possible, but he supposed there were those that weren't fond of him.

Those that used derogatory statements and said hurtful things when they knew he was in earshot.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tried to think about the words that his parents had always told him and about the love that he and his siblings had always shared together.

There were no differences than or right or wrong, so why must those times end?

He'd been thinking about it more lately that he wouldn't mind having another cat to share his friendship with, he wasn't sure about romantically, but a close friend with be a good start.

He supposed that Spiderfall would be the one to help attract other cats to her apprentice, especially if he did well and than maybe he would begin to garnish attention for something other than his charm and looks.
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It couldn't be bothered for the young, nigh owl of a she-cat to awaken at the mornings first rays as she rolled around in her sleep. In her dreams, Spiderfall was leaping from tree to tree way past the borders that contained them and even farther past the open sea until she was rudely interrupted by a small poke in the side. Trying to ignore it, the she-cat grumbled slightly and continued where she left off in her dream as she was just about to cross the waters when... "Spiderfall," a small whisper called to her.

"Spiderfall, I figured you might want to get to your new apprentice," the voice was none other than her quite, shy sibling that was a dreadful morning person.

"Turtlegaze! I will decide what I want to do," she growled as her own green eyes met the gaze of her siblings. Poor Turtlegaze slowly backed away with a crestfallen look causing guilt to her dear sister.

"I'm up! See!" she exclaimed in an attempt to make her sister happy as Spiderfall stretched and arose for the morning.

"Very," Turtlegaze purred before hurrying out once again besting her sister.

"If only the other cats knew you like I do they wouldn't think you were so mysterious," Spiderfall grumbled under her breath as she considered lying down once more. Sadly, the dream was not going to return and the thought of her own apprentice waiting for her got Spiderfall's blood pumping. Leaving the den, she noticed the calico tom looking around curiously. The tom had been use to Spiderfall getting up rather early, but that was only due to her sister's constant pestering.

"Tangerpaw," she called as she bounded over. She quite like the tom born she-cat. For once her more masculine aura was something to be praised or at least where Tangerpaw was concerned. Spiderfall wasn't one to even think about gender as a thing so she never went through an identity crisis. In her mind, her gender was Spiderfall and that was that.

"Sorry, I was caught up in such an amazing dream," the tabby cat stretched and gave a slight turn of her head.

"So how about an early morning climb to wake up? Perhaps practice top hunting?" she suggested.



Leaving her sister to her own devices, Turtlegaze waited anxiously for Tangerpaw to be distracted by Spiderfall's overwhelming presence.
Okay, just wait for Tangerpaw to not be watching and go, the silver she-cat told herself as she walked in a fast pace towards Palmtail's den. Already, she could smell the wondrous concoctions that the tom was making and it made her anxiety vanish. Picking up scents of ginger-root and aloe as well as all the other herbs she had slyly listened in on Palmtail naming them.

Now getting ever so close to the entrance, she could hear loud and clear Palmtail chatting among himself as he was busy creating something amazing. Even though most cats saw Palmtail as overwhelming and a little weird, Turtlegaze liked his overly chatty nature and quirkiness as it complemented her own shy and hidden way of being.

"If only I could be as useful as him," she said lightly, but accidentally out loud and she was right outside his den. Freaking out over her own voice, she tripped on a fallen branch and fell to the dirt as embarrassment burned her fur from head to tail.



Dropping an ashy vole onto the dwindling pile of fresh-kill, Sulfurstorm sighed as he worked out as schedule of hunting patrols for the morning and throughout the rest of the day.

"That will need to be taken care of," he meowed as he scanned the pile disapprovingly.

"Until then I must see Coconutfire," the patchy haired tom informed himself as he headed towards his leaders den. He was not expecting very grand news and that worried the him. Cococutfire had not been doing well as of recent and Sulfurstorm knew the days were dwindling. Though confident in his abilities, the wolf like tom did not wish to be left as the next leader of this clan. In the back of his mind he thought about his father's insanity and that he could possible turn just as dark even though he has tried to live a virtues life.

I feel as if I am not suited, he thought to himself, but he would never show it to his clan. The leader knew about his fear about becoming like his father and she had tried to inform him that it is not a sickness, but Sulfurstorm could not by it. From the tales of about his father, the tom had seemed like a rather normal cat until darkness set in that same darkness that Sulfurstorm could feel building. Arriving to his leaders den, the tom stopped at the entrance.

"I have arrived Coconutfire," he called and then proceeded to enter.


Swanblaze & Shadeshine

Awakening from her short sleep as she had been out last night practicing, the feathery white she-cat arose from her den with elegance. Her brother was no where to be seen, but she could assume he was probably out picking wild flowers or something, she scoffed at the thought. Sulfurstorm was near by and she thought about asking the older deputy if he may want to spar later as she knew how intense he got when he fought. As she was about to approach him, Swanblaze noticed him enter the leader's den and became curious.

"I wonder what could be so urgent so early in the morning," she spoke her voice like a mermaid luring the sailors to their deaths. Swanblaze's curiosity was dangerous, though, since the she-cat was rather ambitious and cruel not at all against exploiting others to get what she wants. Just as she was about to head that way to get a ear full, Shadeshine appeared.

"Good morning my dear sibling," his voice rang as clear as a bell, but all Swanblaze heard was a kits chatter.

"What is it with you?" She growled at her brother with disgust.

"I just wanted to make your day pleasant," He purred not really worrying about his sister's growing hostility.

"Leave..." She warned him, but he only remained. Raising her paw, she strikes at her brother who ducked just in time only enraging her further.

"I've been practicing!" He boasted proudly only trying to get his sister's attention, yet he seemed to receive the wrong type.

"My dear brother, you really want to practice?" she prepared herself to attack her much less skilled brother as he looked at her with a knowing gaze filled with sadness.
Does she really hate me that much, he questioned as he received his answer much quicker than he anticipated as his sister pinned him to the ground with her claws digging into his shoulders.

"Leave me alone or I will destroy you," she threatened before letting him up and disappearing out of camp, her mind long forgetting the leader and her deputy. Shadeshine winced at his new bloody marks and considered seeing Sagepelt, but he didn't want to admit to anyone about his sister's utter hatred of him to the point of harming her own little brother. Instead, he went to a shaded area in camp and licked his wounds quickly before anyone payed him any mind.

"I'm sorry, mother," he sighed.


Sealpaw & Foamfire

The young tom kept his eyes shut as he felt Crabpaw awaken and attempt not to step on anyone. Moving his tail just an inch, he avoided a clumsy paw step from Crabpaw, but also from being seen as awake.

Why am I pretending to be asleep? He thought, but no answer came up as he watched the young tom leave. Stretching himself, Sealpaw decided to awaken for real this time as he considered the possibilities of the day.

"Good morning everyone," he meowed to the other sleeping apprentices as to wake them up before he himself left for the den. The salty air hit his muzzle as he took in the clearing.

"Good morning Blueclan!" he called loudly enough to get the attention of his aging father.

"Morning Sealpaw," he mewed to his son as he approached him. It was odd how these two were related when one was so calm wild the other seemed like he would run out of his fur.

"Why are you up so early?" Sealpaw began to inform him that he does this ever so often, but decided to keep his secret adventures to himself.

"Clumsy Crabpaw woke me up," he meowed only a small fib as he had already been awake before Crabpaw walked over him.

"Well, since you are up, how about we discuss how your training is going?" Foamfire suggested, but Sealpaw was already half way across the camp.

"You know what? I just remembered that I promised Crabpaw we would go for a swim," Sealpaw darted off with his father's voice fading on the sea scented wind as he informed him it was too cold to swim, but Sealpaw already knew that. Racing towards a secluded part of the beach, Sealpaw avoided coming into contact with Crabpaw or Coraltooth as he had no desired to be lectured by the likes of either of them.

@Infernalisx @EloquentlyPut @BlackJack @RagingNoodle @ManyFaces


His breaths were steady as he remained warm in his next. Shellsong was not keen to wake up this morning as he had spent most the night training Rockpaw and all he wished for was rest. Still, his internal clock, as well as his sister's constant waking him up at the same time, caused Shellsong to toss and turn.

"No sleep, gotcha," he meowed begrudgingly as he got out of his loving nest.

"It is for the best, my love," he called to his nest before stroking it with his tail.

"We could never truly be together forever, but only in death shall we forever meet," Shellsong sheds a fake tear before leaving the den. The chill of morning made him desire to race back to his nest, but the scene of the leader and his son made him forget about the cold. He listened as he watched a sad Foamsfire gaze at his unruly son with worry. Shellsong had heard Foamfire talking about the young tom's training, but Sealpaw did not seem to want anything to do with it.
Sort of heartbreaking, really, the relaxed tom thought as he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed a bite to eat.

"Ah, at least I will be up before Rockpaw," he spoke out loud to himself.

"Sometimes I think she hates that I am always lazy," he laughed at the thought because he could swear it was true, but he liked messing with the young apprentice. She was so different than he was. Shellsong continued to eat as he waited for the others to awaken.


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[[ Ratbite ]]

- Ratbite sat at the back of the camp in a ray of sunlight. His long brown fur soaking up the warm golden rays shining down through the leaves above. He was running his coarse tongue through a thick clump of fur on his back. It was a clump of muck, of which he acquired from stumbling through the brush in search of his favourite spot to lounge. A small area blocked off from the clan, yet not too far so he could be called back easily and not upset anyone, or at least he hoped it didn't upset anyone.

Once he had gotten the clump out of his fur he began to travel the short distance to the small clearing that he regularly sunbathed in. Like usual he stepped onto the warm slab of stone and took in a deep breath before sprawling out onto the luke-warm stone. He felt the heat slowly sink into his fur and then onto his skin warming him up almost immediately. He slowly closed his eyes as the warm sun enveloped him and a smile crept across his face. This was the only time he felt safe and in control, where he didn't have to feel so nervous, so broken. He could see the warm colours of the light through his eyelid and scanned over the colours, both fierce and yet so serene.

The light danced across his face as a short gust of wind swept through the canopy moving the leaves ever so slightly. The gust of wind brushed a bit of dust onto his back and into his fur.

It was going to be a while until everyone woke up so he had his time to enjoy this while he could and he was hoping to soak up every second.


[[ Goldenstep ]]

- The golden she-cat was awake, staring off into the forest. She was listening to the sound of the rustling leaves and the crackle of creatures scuttling around her. It was as though she was in a daze, unable to move, unable to recognize what was what anymore. She just blinked and twitched and shuffled her feet. Possibly in her own world, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath mumbling to herself something she had said moments ago.

"I'm going to ask to take my son on a patrol today, I'm going to ask to take my son on a patrol today..."

She was a broken record trapped on repeat, this went on for a while as she scratched at the ground with her right paw. It had been obvious by how deep the hole was that she had been at this for quite some time and to be honest she was beginning to lose her grip with reality. How long was she going to keep this up? To keep others believing what she wanted them to believe? It wouldn't be long before they found out that she was gone, she couldn't continue living like this anymore, it is not only bad for her, but also for the clan. Caring for someone with such a debilitating illness like hers would be too much for the cats of Ashclan.

She stopped and breathed in deeply, inhaling the scents of the forest. The smell of ash, what they're clan was known for, was most prominent. It felt more intrusive than anything, causing problems for most of the lovely cats in the clan. She loved it here, she loved everything about her clan and the cats in it, she cared deeply for each individual despite their attitudes towards her. It was just how she was.

She then realized she had spent so much time thinking about this that she had lost whatever she was repeating to herself. She swore and stared down at her paws, like that was going to help in this situation. It was about time that she headed back to the clan and so she stood up and made her way back, retracing her steps carefully as to not get lost.


[[ Ripplepaw ]]

- Ripplepaw was fast asleep in the den, kicking at his bedding as he slept. His paws were twitching while his back legs lashed out, throwing his bedding behind him. His was dreaming once again, a happy dream with him, his mother and his father all out swimming in the blue sea. The water was cool and refreshing and the smell of the salt water filled him with joy and longing. He kept looking back at his mother as she encouraged him and then back at his father who was leading him in the water.

It hadn't been long ago since their last swim, but he loved his mother more than anything and this always helped him when he felt down. Of course he didn't know that he was dreaming, the saltwater didn't sting his eyes, the heat didn't bother his black fur and he felt more peaceful than ever.

He didn't realize he was sound asleep while all the other apprentices were out either training or enjoying the morning. It was evident that Coraltooth was going to be upset with him, this didn't happen often, but when it did he knew he was going to be in trouble.


[[ Rockpaw ]]

- Rockpaw had been awake when Crabpaw had left the den, her eyes open just a sliver as she watched him fumble around the other sleeping apprentices. She was prepared to swat him away if he landed on her or even if he came too close, but luckily enough for her all of that was avoided as he jumped to the exit of the den. She wasn't ready to get up, the cool morning air was calming to her and she didn't get any sleep last night, hence why she was awake at this hour.

Her brother always slept beside her despite the fact that they both hated each other and all night he had been kicking in his sleep and whimpering directly in her ear. She swore she'd only put up with it this once, but this wasn't the first time it had happened. He would do it as a kit too and she was getting sick and tired of this ridiculous habit.

She shuffled her paws under her to try and get a little comfortable before she actually had to 'wake up'. A short sigh passed through her body releasing some of the frustration she had bottled up and relaxing her stiff muscles at the same time.

She was left to her own devices for awhile until Sealpaw got up and that was around the time she arose and exited the den. There was no reason to really be up this early since she knew her mentor wouldn't be awake at this hour, the tom-cat annoyed her and she truly hated having him as a mentor. Their vastly different personalities clashed so often that she barely got any training in until she couldn't take it anymore and she just ended up storming off to sulk in the shadows. It seemed as though hissyfits were her specialty.

She stood outside the apprentice den for a few minutes until she spotted her mentor. She was so surprised she didn't speak for a while, just stared off with a confused expression plastered onto her face. The light wind passing through her fur shook her out of this state and she called out to him "Shellsong." she said in a dull voice.


Kelpwave felt her fur warm up,the sun must have come out or atleast started to come out but the more she thought about it the more she questioned herself,and over such a purposeless thing.She got to her feet quickly and opened her eyes stretching from within her den,something felt different about this day like something new would happen.It hit her right in the face today had to be the day she met her apprentice,she wasn't enthused about having to look over what she considered a kit but atleast she would have someone to help her feed the cats of her clan,some of which were to helpless to do it themselves.She sniffed the air and caused her whiskers to tremble with excitement "I do hope I get a good hunter and not some mousebrained kit i'll need someone who can keep up with me.." she mewed softly still slightly asleep and padded her way to the exit of her den,she could worry about her apprentice later but now she would have to get something to eat



Sagepelt had awoken from her nap within her den to see Goldenstep padding around the she-cat didn't look well to Sagepelt she would help a cat in need especially one of her clan.She stretched and padded over to Goldenstep,her tail swished back and forth with worry as she didn't see any other cats Goldenstep was out of place and also seemed to be going somewhere but Sagepelt just wanted to check on her."Goldenstep what are you doing out here on your lonesome,you need plenty of rest to keep health.." she mewed in a soft tone,she avoided looking directly at Goldenstep as well since her bright colored pelt would irritate her eyes,she hoped it didn't seem rude.


StoneFace's eyes opened slowly when he heard ShellSong wake up and lovely say goodbye to his nest. He was still really drowsy so when he heard shellsong say all that lovey dovey stuff to his nest StoneFace didn't register it till ShellSong had left the warrior's den. After StoneFace processed what was said between nest and cat he began to laugh softly. "Oh ShellSong your always flirting". He closed his eyes and slowly begin drifting back to sleep, dreaming of laying on the warm sand while feeling the warm sun on his fur.

StoneFace shifted a little when KelpWave woke up and left the warrior's den.
He herd her mumble something to herself but he didn't catch it. He re-positioned his paws and got comfortable again. It was of no interest to him she was probably going on about what she would have for breakfast today. At least that's what was on StoneFace's mind. It is much to early for me to wake up yet. Half the clan is probably still asleep and the fresh-kill pile is probably empty right now. He shifted again but couldn't seem to find the right position to get comfortable. "well maybe it's time to wake up. My apprentice is probably already up and ready to learn." He slowly got up yawned and stretched. "after all i would be excited if i had a mentor as great as me" He smiled at his own comment and made his way out of the warrior's den. He looked around the camp and slowly made his way towards the fresh kill pile for some breakfast. Hopefully i wont have to go on many patrols today Stoneface began thinking of things he wanted to do today. Fishing sounds really nice and maybe i'll have sealpaw tag along. He grab a mouse and walk over to a small clearing and sat down with it. He began to eat it slowly still feeling a bit drowsy I wonder where sealpaw is. A long sigh escaped him. That apprentice is always running around somewhere.

@DemonKitten @ManyFaces


MonkeyFoot gracefully dropped down from a tree making almost no noise as he did so and began making his way to Hawkfire's den. He had gotten up early this morning to scout out the trees for signs of monkeys but had been lucky enough to find none. He was on his way to report this to his leader dreading the conversation that was about to come. He didn't hate reporting to Hawkfire but he always found it...awkward. HawkFire always seemed grouchy and when hes not hes just confusing. Whenever i go to report something to him, he just seems to not care. Or he'll respond with one of his weird jokes that i never seem to understand. "Oh FireClan give me the strength to make it through this day". He whispered to himself as he approached the medicine cat's den. As the smell of herbs hit his nose he heard a voice he turned his head to see dirt fly up and a small puff cloud of dust escape the entrance of the medicine cat's den. "hmm..strange" he said to himself but not stopping to take a look.

He was to too lost in thought to investigate the commotion.
PalmTail's probably dropped something while pacing, oh well it's probably nothing important. His mind quickly shifted gears and began thinking of the morning patrol. He had forgotten to plan this mornings patrol last night which was unusual for him. MonkeyFoot's tail began to twitch a bit with stress. Relax MonkeyFoot he told himself. I'll lead the morning patrol to make up for my poor planning and I think i'll ask Spiderfall to join me with her new apprentice. He nodded his head in agreement and continued to make his way to HawkFire's den. yes yes everything should go according to plan he thought as he approached his leader's den, his tail still twitching. Well here we go, please FireClan let my leader be in a good mood for once.

@EloquentlyPut @DemonKitten

Raggedpaw had been drifting in and out of slumber through the night. Once the sunlight had reached into the den he felt it on his eye lids and slowly opened one eye to look around his surroundings. The day was starting to become warmer and the ground beneath him felt less chill from what he remembered when he fell asleep. He got up and stretched forward his tail raising in the air as he yawned. He felt his claws come out as his muscles stretched in a way that felt good. Once finished with his morning routine stretch Raggedpaw started to make his way out of the apprentices den. The camp was quite as it usually was this time of day. Everyone was either still asleep or just starting to wake up. The dark long fur soaked up the sunlight that hit directly onto his back. He yawned once more feeling the familiar warmth engulf him into a state of calmness. He was always like this at this time of day.

What kind of day will it be?

He pondered and sat on the now warm ground waiting and just soaking up the moment he was in. Raggedpaw glanced above him to take in the suns position then back down to the ground and laid himself down. Waiting.

It was clearly morning the leader of Treeclan was no where to be found, throughout the weeks he had been a lot more lazy, probably just sleeping off all his anger for everyone but no one really knew what he did in his spare time. He was quite the quiet cat when it came to his free time. But everyone knew who he was when he actually did get up. Hawkfire stretched his paws outwards as he padded out of his nest heading for the den exit. Once at the entrance/exit of his den he came face to face with his deputy. Oh this was gonna be great. Hawfire looked at him drowsily and grumbled, it was clear what mood he was in right off the bat. Hawkfire looked into his apprentices eyes...no his deputies. "What, are you here to lecture me on my sleep schedule, I'm a grown cat mother, you cant tell me what to do anymore." Hawkfire says squinting at Monkeyfoot "I wanted to wake up to the nice smell of the trees not to the screeching of your voice, talking to you not only makes me develop a mouse brain but also takes away my lives. I'm at like 7 now." Hawkfire says joking about Monkeyfoot taking his lives just from their conversations. He was not super joke filled today. Probably did not get a whole bunch of sleep.

Hawkfire padded past Monkeyfoot so he could go sit and watch over the clan, the deputy could follow and you know...tell him so worthless news about like a random monkey that is miles away from the camp that poses no threat at all. The kit just wanted to tell him he saw a monkey. Hawkfire looked across the clan and took a deep breath. Was an awful day, the sun was blinding him, he was pretty sure his fir was sticking up near his tail from his rest. And he had a headache from just seeing his deputy. His face put him in pain. Just looking at the gross cat hurt him. "Morning everyone...I'm still waking up so ill just let Monkeyfoot to get the hunting parties and such going, sorry for torturing you with his voice." Hawkfire says in a loud tone to the clan moving back and staring at his deputy "I swear if you are here to tell me that you have a crush on a she cat or that you saw a monkey I will personally charge you into a rock somewhere. I will go through the effort to find a rock to hit you into it. Now what was it again." Hawkfire says still squinting because he just woke up and was adjusting.


Seaheart was already awake, staring off into the body of water in front of him. He seemed very happy, and content. His posture told it all, his tail was limp on the ground as he happily watched the water. He planned to go swimming soon. He did hear the leader and his son yelling in the background but he paid no attention really. They were doing there own thing and he did not want to bother. Seemed everyone was waking up now so it meant he could not stare aimlessly off at the water. He probably would need to get up and go hunting for the clan. But not until someone told him to. Because for now he would just watch the water and think about what he planned to do today. He turned away from the water and padded back to camp to get some food, he was starving and had not eaten so he took a kill and sat down to eat and watch as the clan bustled with life. Hopefully today would be a good day, maybe he would go out and hunt with some cats. That or he would take another lazy day. Nobody could ever predict what would happen but oh whatever.

@RagingNoodle @Anyone


Nincloud could feel the warm sun on her fur that poked through the holes of log she was in. This made sleep more welcoming. Though if she were to sleep the day away it would irresponsible on her part. Stretching out her front paws, tail in the hair she gave a good long yawn before kneading the ground and trotting out the den. Ninclouds eyes squinted when the rays of the sun hit them. It was a good moment before she opened her eyes to adjust to the bright day.

"Looks like a nice day" She thought to herself. Walking slowly to the center of the camp she made her way to the kill pile. Turning her head she watched the apprentices at play and smiled softly her tailed curling around her. Lowering her head down she took a dead bird between her fangs and carried it back to the den to chew on. Ninclouds eyes avoided everything but the ground as she made her familiar path back to her spot in the Queens den. Laying down her soft belly touched the cold ground. It felt good with the comparison of the warmth on her back. She dug into the bird making sure to not spill blood on her white coat. The newly queen frowned mid bite of her meal. She began to think of the lack of kits that has been around in the clan. She pondered the though of the kits in her own belly if they will survive through the storms and the massive amount of heat that come by each day. She grew nervous and felt the slight weight in the pit of her stomach.



Already up and ready to begin her training she sat in the bare area where they met up everyday. She was practicing her crouching and her pouncing. She wasn't stealthy in the slightest but she was trying. Gingerpaw was more of a fighter than anything. She huffed and pounced on nothing but grass between her paws acting out the scenario in her head.

"Take that..and that" she swiped her claws at the grass blades beneath her. She laughed to her self and pounced off the body. She stumbled but regain her balance and stood in a fighting position. Slowly she raised her self and sat down her tail swiping the ground. The sky looked lovely at this time of the day. The orange glow of the sun coming up from the horizon matched the fur on Gingerpaws body. She smiled to the sky lost in thought.

Something like this is truly a blessing to the earth.

Gingerpaw stood up swirling her body around so the sun was to her back. She went back to what she was doing before everyone else was suppose to show up. She practiced how low she went with her creep walk. She then slowly rose her body and practiced the motion.

@EloquentlyPut @DemonKitten


Coconutfire's ears pricked forward and she began to sit more upright in her nest at the sound of approaching paw steps; she could tell without a doubt that those paws belonged to her beloved deputy Sulfurstorm. His voice carried easily down the path and settled in her big round ears; his voice brought the leader great comfort, especially since her health had begun to decline.

"Come in Sulfurstorm," she meowed

The tom's shadow played across the walls of the tunneled entrance as he drew closer Coconutfire's nose filled with his scent and the built up anxiety she carried in her chest seemed to leak out if only by a little bit.

He stopped just in the right spot for the light from the outside to settle across his shoulders; the ruffled looking tom's pelt was set ablaze and the portions of fur that were particularly thin changed from gray to yellow.

The curly haired she cat rose from her nest to reveal a very lithe figure; the pale light played off her body revealing the faintest ridges of her ribs.

Coconutfire's long tail uncurled from around her petite little feet until it stood tall above her head; the tip of it twitching as she stepped out of her bed and met Sulfurstorm in the center of her den.

'"Sulfurstorm, good morning, or is it afternoon? I'm sorry, I cant remember." she looked at the dark earth beneath her feet after that and kept them there as she continued to question her deputy.

"How are the patrols? And fresh kill? What about Firetongue and StarClan? Has there been any word from them either?"

She took a deep breath before she continued, "I was thinking I would go out on a patrol today, it's been a couple days since I went and you know how important I think it is to keep making appearances.

She sheepishly looked up at him.



She was surprised when she returned to the beach and find her apprentice absent; the black and white tom usually pretty punctual. Punctuality was something that she had always driven into young cat's minds from the start.

Being their mentor and later their deputy she enjoyed the opportunity to try and instill a sense of duty right from the beginning and being late was something she had little patience for.

She strode across her camp, the sights and sounds of the camp waking up invigorated the red and white she cat; here there she greeted a cat with a "Good morning" or encouraged them to move along. The morning needs to go smoothly for a clan to have a successful day and she prided herself on having days that were full of achievements which was why being punctual was so important.

Leaving the center of the camp behind she tracked around to the side that held the apprentice's den all of whom were awake and paired up with their mentors and ready for the day to start.

rounding the corner to the den she could already see Ripplepaw's paws sticking out from the mouth of the pit that had dug out beneath a fallen palm tree that served as the apprentice's safe haven.

Unfortunately for Coreltooth's apprentice he was about to experience the abrupt end to his peace.

"Ripplepaw!" he meowed loudly.



He could hear the sounds of the camp waking up behind him and that meant that his personal time with the ocean was at an end and reality was coming back to him.

Turning his back on the massive blue expanse of water Crabpaw padded back to the center of camp; there was an unmistakable pit in his stomach this morning, maybe that was why his paws seemed to be moving at a glacial pace.

Today marked a huge change in the young cat's life; today was the first day that he was to spend with his new mentor Kelpwave.

Crabpaw's mentor had been the most recent cat to be sent up the mountain to meet Firetongue's fangs; he still had dreams of watching his mentor and best friend walk up the long mountain that made Firetongue's body. He remembered the moment when he had realized that he could no longer make out the features of the cat, he had turned into a silhouette that couldn't be distinguished from any other. Half of him hoped that this was just a cruel trick and at the end of his his mentor would pop out from behind a fallen log, but it was not to be.

Seeing the she cat not far off Crabpaw willed his feet to move with more confidence and trotted over to her, a quiet but friendly meow on his lips



The sound of Turtlegaze's body meeting up with the floor and the sound of air being beaten from her lungs brought Palmtail's pacing to a stop.

His eyes which always seemed a half size too big for his head locked on the doorway to his den, his tail twitched expectantly.

"Wh-wh-wh-whos there?" he meowed; his eyes being adjusted for the dark were having a hard time making out anything past the dark doorway of his den.

But when no response was sent back the was forced to step up out of his pacing groove and towards the doorway; the overwhelming smell of herbs and other tonics dulled his ability to discern the smells outside his dark home. As she padded closer he was sure that who ever hovered before his den was a she cat; a prickle of annoyance plucked at his pelt for he hardly cared for the medical problems of she cats. It always had to do with kitting as they always seemed to be getting pregnant at one time or another. Healing them required very little creativity or tact and that was boring.

He liked a challenge.

Being lost in his mind was no new matter to the quirky medicine, but it caused him to nearly step right on top of Turtlegaze.

Looking down at the heap of cat before him Palmtail felt some relief at who it was at his door.

"Oh, T-Turtlegaze," he chirped.

The quiet she cat was probably his most favorite in the clan; her quiet and pensive manner matched well with his own and she seemed to to be showing an increased interest in herbs of late.

"Is there s-something you need?"



Tanagerpaw perked up at the sight of his mentor Spiderfall, he had been spending too much time in his mind and was ready to put his mind and body to work up in the trees.

The she cat approached with her sister at her side, but as he and Spiderfall hooked up he watched out of one eye as the quieter for the two sister began to slink off in one direction. Whatever her business was Tanagerpaw wasn't that interested, but he flashed her a handsome smile as she went.

Her quiet nature had always intrigued him and her silver tabby coat was especially beautiful.

At the mention of Spiderfall's excellent dream the tom's ears perked up; he considered himself a connoisseur of good dreams and always enjoyed the opportunity to listen to someone else's, especially if they were of a saucy nature.

"Good dream huh? Tell me more!" he meowed "I had one myself last night; there was this beautiful she-cat who morphed through all kinds of coat colours and her voice was like a song bird's" he purred happily to himself.

"I'd love to stretch my legs this morning up in the trees, I bet I catch more birds that you Spiderfall," he flashed a handsome wink, his bright orange eyes glittering with mischief.


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