[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

well as he is the source of the lite and he isnt like superman in that he has to recharge like a solar battery it wouldnt matter unless he has the flaws always on, at witch point hes glowing like a lightbulb, or he has a flaw thats a weakness with something akin to slow fade without light, half power without light, doesn't work without light.. that sort of thing. Otherwise the light is generated from him.... at witch point hes basically a sun that hasn't gone nova yet.... Remind me not to awaken that <.< REALLY dont want a sun spontaneously forming right next to me...

Any ways this is all subject to interpretation on the story tellers part, especially the sun part, I mean it could be a giant of non sentient gas (where would the fun in that be) it could be a god, or in white wolfs case a really potent spirit, some random ass hole who happens to have glowy light bulb powers who had the misfortune of going all supernova and ate what ever planets mass he happened to be standing on to fule his stary status... Like I said all Speculatory...
Okay, so any given power in his array can only be used up to half the ranks it normally can, and he'd have half the points to spend into it. The important thing is he's not completely helpless if shit starts to hit the fan, especially if he were to get some sort of light blast to the face. His Absorption could compensate partially in that case.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Vlad lucked out by not being allergic to the sunlight, no? Though a sun forming next to someone is bad for anyone.
yea he lucked out on that, but yea, a sun spontaneously going hi is kind of a bad day..
I'm curious, did you go with Dante's Divine Comedy because of the era in which it was written, or for the content? I found those opening lines to be particularly apropos for Vlad. An eight-century old undead creature would certainly have a unique perspective on the text.

And before I start sounding too pretentious...I did have to google it. Though, not gonna lie...I kinda want that book now :P
a bit of both. Its a popular story, and one of my personal favorites, its old as dirt, and it took less then three seconds for the name of that book to come to mind as I was thinking of what kind of book he would be reading. Its old, its been mass produced, and it full of awesome quotes, so it was like a no brainer, that and i didn't want to go spending 6 hours goggling.
Due to the holiday Monday that celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday up here in the land of the True North, Strong and Free, I will be gone most of the day tomorrow. I'll post something to move us on Tuesday or Wednesday.
RL hates me, but not quite so much that I need to drop out or anything. Stefan's just being quiet in the back. I should be able to post tonight. :D
Shep, have you considered using a table-format to get multiple characters on one line of your signature, to make room for your banner? Or else maintaining an external character list and just putting a link in your sig? I can see only the very top of your Magician banner ^_^ thought some suggestions might help since you have a lot of active characters.
I apologize for my lengthy absence. Editing projects have been biting my ass. I'll try to post something in the next couple of days.
Effing crit! Making up for that string of 1's in the last mission, lol =D

That's a 19, a nat 20 totaling 26, a 20, and a 21 before counting the bonuses I mentioned in my OOC wall of text <3 I sincerely hope she's a sleepy pile of scientist on the floor at this point, soon to be hidden in an air duct for the rest of this run :P
Okay, I am a little confused. I thought I was at the top of the place, not in the vents. So my powers are pretty limited without direct line-of-sight.

I think I am just supposed to wait until the all-clear so we can go in and steal the data.
oh, my bad. I thought you were with Stefan, following behind Nicky in the vents. I get lost fairly easy in forum games when the party splits, though. Last mission confused me a little but once a fight broke out we were basically in the same place. This mission I ~thought~ I had straight, but I could be very wrong.
You would think, after taking on two editing projects at the same time, one of which was horribly late before it even got to me, I would learn not to do that again. I totally just picked up a really cool story...that "if you could be a dear, and get it done sometime last week?" :P

They didn't actually say it like that. But that and the day job is the reason I've been obnoxiously slow at posting. Sorry about that.
So lost my interwebs connection at home and life's getting a little hectic for me right now, so Ill try to keep posting and what not, but if Im a little late when posting that's why.
How were we supposed to copy the files? Do we have a disk, a flash drive, a digital uplink?

If not, can I "invent" something to do it?
I think I was intending to have Drake hand you something to put it on, a flash drive or something. Evidently that did not make it out of my brain. So, we'll say he slipped one into your pocket at some point.
Does this make sense as a symbol of power?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/bull.jpg.91433d4f0294345a116fc8de4bef0b46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/bull.jpg.91433d4f0294345a116fc8de4bef0b46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I just realised how much of Desmond's backstory I left vague. Do you care if I come up with a few guys that he knows, their powers and symbols? (Especially since I noted that there's a guy who is outright immune to Desmond and one who Desmond is outright immune to). Maybe the Moon symbol should be immune to Desmond, because it turns sunlight into moonlight. And Desmond is immune to Darkness because he illuminates it?
Stephan probably need to make a Bluff roll to see how well the Bluff works. Of course, if they guy has powers that mess up tach, he might think he has already ruined it and just backs away.

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