[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Camera.... The fact they all waltzed in without some kind of invisibility... Motion sensors, pressure sensors, heat sensors, cold sensors, thousand year old vampire sensors, They called ahead to let the enemy know we were coming, the enemy pulled an emperor and leaked the information to get us to go there in the first place, I mean there is about a million different things that could have gone wrong to trigger this, Im just hopping the critter cant see me and my invisibility is up.
Well, you're all senses, right? As in olfactory? Somehow you don't smell like cold, rotting corpse, so you're probably fine.

Unless I decide on a whim he can still sense you somehow.
Swear to god, my Day Job is making me stupider. It's Desmond that rolled the one. I even commented on it. Why the hell did I get it in my head that Vlad did?

Anywho, that solves that debate. Desmond's got all the subtlety of dollar store party favors. This'll be fun.
yes it is all senses but tactile and its your prerogative as story teller to do such a thing should the need arise to progress a story... But even if it was olfactory... he isnt dead... Hes just undying and relies on the blood of others to survive.... Hes a vampire in the sense that he lives for ever, has neat powers, is highly vulnerable to silver, can regenerate from anything save silver, and requires the blood of others to survive.. His regeneration keeps his body from dying, like I said early defective metahuman... Now older more powerful vampires who have gone into hiding from the sun might have started to smell of rottingness, and the like, but that's all on them.

Vlad just has that hole Romanian look about him, combined with the fangs, eerie look in his eyes, creepy aura of creepiness and the fangs...
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]
Anywho, that solves that debate. Desmond's got all the subtlety of dollar store party favors.

What can I say? The glowing guy isn't good at subtlety. Isn't that why he got left behind?
Yeah, pretty much running into the room. Feel free to post whatever reaction you'd like to finally stumbling onto the right place in a room full of bugs and nearly colliding into the token Battle Suit. I'll probably post this afternoon to wrap up the turn and start the next one.
well in her defense, unless she had like loads of damage reduction... or loads of regeneration, she might not have been so good in a fight.
Aaaand shit hit the fan.

Also, the Hall of Records has been updated to reflect the power points earned from last mission. Y'all get an extra one cause Stefan had some superior roleplaying going on, Desmond found out something interesting about his powers, Grace attempted a wipe of Charity from the PSO records (and made me think of Asylum of the Daleks in the process, so props for that), and Vlad took a hit that no one else could have.

I have this image in my head of Eric's suit metamorphing into a shovel and scooping him up like the leavings of a rather large animal. Dead bugs and all. He'd better check to make sure there isn't one stuck somewhere in his intestinal wall.
I technically didnt survive the hit... I just sort of cheat the laws of reality most of the time...
Because I got myself lost in storytelling, I forgot (again) to move us to the other thread. The second half of my post makes so much more sense if done actually at the HQ. Fixing now.

Edit: Fixed. Please continue to post in the HQ thread. I'm going to bed now before I break any more of my own guidelines :P
Was waiting to see if the other two would post something, but I can just move it on a little. Sam's got something to say to Grace anyway. As for Vlad, if you're wanting to do a night on the town, there's a new thread up for that.
ill probably hop into it, was wondering if he was going to get an earful from some one after pretty much saying he was going to eat some one.
I think they're in shock mode right now.

Also, I totally had bets going on that Vlad was going to offer to raise Stryker as a vampire.
this is the first time the site has loaded for me in days, I had assumed everyone one was having the same problem (I've only checked occasionally)

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