[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Technology is so wonderfully infallible, hm? :P

Just in the Delta Division HQ is fine. Follow Stefan into the common room, if you'd like, or head to the labs to analyze the information the team managed to bring back. Or, from there, you can hit the Streets, go out drinking or to the scene of the crime or something.
Desmond's response to this would probably to make a call or two to anyone who's still willing to listen from Aus.

Also: I have a list of symbol powered meta's. Should I stick them in my character thread?
There. I may add more if inspiration strikes, but that's what I got from looking at all the powers and at a list of virtues
So i now have the special effetss power.. Its a one point power that basically does the cool theme music in the background when ou show up, or causes a gust of wind to blow your cape and make you look win... Gives you like a plus 2 situational bonus on interacting with people if the story teller deems it appropriate...

why do i forsee lots of lightning bolts in the background coming in the future... <.<
That and I'm going to be running a m&m game for my friends sometime in the future. Those are npcs I came up with to demonstrate what you can do with the system and to support the pcs.

Edit: And here I was, considering taking resurrection as a healing extra. :oops:
Yeah, it helps to have a rolodex of characters. In case your players do things like....walk into a bar and strike up a conversation with a random group of people. Or wander for a night on the town and stumble into a fight club ;)

And hurray for flashy powers.
Honestly? I'm making it up as I go along, lol. But yeah, I've got a whole bunch of supplements that gives me some quick easy power concepts. Creating backgrounds and personalities to go with the characters some easily to me.
i need to buy up some defenses, if it isnt silver or my heart aint staked im going to stand back up and auto heal... I finally looked it up now that ive re collected some books, Ive realized I dont have to roll for my healing checks, it auto happens, and now that Ive spent some points I get a check for every level of health as a free action... Witch means sooner or later some one is going to shake some silver at me and Im gonna kill over..... Need to buy some toughness... lots more toughness...
You could get Grace to make a suit of body armour for you. She built one for herself and it is pretty point light for a few points of armour... of course, you can always take the limitation that I put on her other gadgets, that it only works when she knows it needs to be used. Which means on a night like tonite, you might as well be naked.
Ah, I only just reread the response I got and realized I needed to respond.

And on the topic of Resurrection, I have it.... but with a very short time limitation. When he heard "within the last half hour" he knew that meant "at least five minutes", and so didn't bother bringing up a power he certainly hasn't mentioned to anyone at Delta. His entire Healing set is probably unknown unless he's been near a serious injury as it happened at the facility.
I totally spent my points all wrong... That's it I buying reincarnation and the next time I die I'm rearranging my powers more efficiently... <.< shoulda never used that stupid hero lab program.
Like most automated programs, it's a matter of convenience best used along with knowledge of the system. I've always thought Vlad was a little squishy, but he's still definitely a workable character. Honestly, Drake wouldn't have left the two of you with Big Angry if he didn't think either of you could take it. Does that mean he knows that Stefan has the healing set, and more specifically, resurrection? Well, I'll leave that for debate ;)
Ya Ive got the power almost fully worked out, freed up nearly nearly another 50 points by doing some simple reworking.... I started noticing that the charecter was horribly stagnant as far as power went. EIther he would sash anything that showed up and wouldnt have any problems essentially walking over the challenge or he was going to get raped into the ground.. and outside of combat he was toabsolutely useless, minus the telepathy thing.. I have no Idea what i was smoking when i wrote this charecter up but it is holy inefficient... Any ways the next time he has to get back up from the dead hell have a few more interesting ability's.... and be cold and pasty....
Probably an educated guess, although specifically Resurrection, well....

Normal healing is accomplished by twisting tiny plot threads loose, assuming that an injury didn't happen or has already healed, or else updating a tiny portion of the target's body, just the injured part, with a copy from before he was injured. Reviving a killed patient is significantly more complicated and involves slightly divergent alternate timelines (and screws up that timeline in the process, but since that alternate timeline is HOPEFULLY just a "potential future" that just hasn't faded yet since "real time" didn't go that way, screwing it up shouldn't matter).

EDIT: Just read the Sam's office thread. I can't repeat the words I said in polite company, but my little sister looked at me like "did you just say...".
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Also might have something to do with the whole zombie invasion that was/is/is going to be going on in Stefan's timeline.
That totally has nothing to do with vlad <<.>> vampires dont start zombie apacolypses... <<.>> (hides in a hole some where till the apacolypse is over...) wait a minute if every one turns into zombies my food supply gos away... (stops apacolypse.)
Heh, as if poor Grace doesn't have enough on her mind right now.

But yeah, there was a reason I kept mentioning Sam getting a cup of tea.
Good thing Grace didn't drink her coke yet. They could both have ended up dying.

Of course my first thought was that Grace will let Sam die and take over Delta. I guess I am still hoping that I get a chance to play my Song of Ice and Fire character so I can scheme away.
Dr. Phantasos would be very impressed if she did, I think.

On the topic of Song of Ice and Fire, any similarities between Spyder and Varys are purely coincidental <_<
Btw, just so there's no confusion, Stefan can jump into the Streets thread any time.

I'm going to try to post later this afternoon. Things got busy yesterday after I got done work.
Ah, I assumed there was a little travel time involved and you'd mention I showed up (with kids in tow, how did that happen?) when it was dramatically appropriately ^_^

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