[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Well, Vlad also did spend some time wandering around the streets. I figured it would all work out. I can intro you in with my next post.

And it's quite adorable that Stefan's being all big brother-like xD
It will probably happen the moment lad decides that a knew power set up is a good idea and decides to snap his own neck...

Either way... POST!
*shakes head* really? In front of the children?

Because poor Allen isn't entirely freaked out enough as it is.
What I like to freak people out i think its funny...]

And when I can Find the copy of the song thats playing ill post it but it but it seems impossible to find the proper version of the dammed song all they seem to have is the version from the movie with the chick playing.
Belial, I figured you meant post-cog, considering that was actually on your list of abilities :P

As for your other question that I think I might have done that thing where I see it at about three in the morning, make a mental note to respond later, then promptly forget...

Creation's Gambit

I need to put my signature up again...I keep meaning to re-draw it.
I changed up my dimensional movement from being any "Mystic" realm, because it dawned on me afterwords that magic wasnt available yet and "mystic" sort of implies thing and it to difficult to judge whats considered a mystic realm. I changed it to all realms and made it a requirement that i have to make search checks to essentially find rifts or tears to essentially travel threw. If you would like me to throw on any other flaws or limiters to it like make it random or take more time I can and ill just increase the wait of what I can take along with me.
Hrm. I posted today before I left, I thought, but it doesn't seem to be there. It really wasn't that important, though. Stefan doesn't have much to add, at least in the hotel room. He'll probably want to once-over the scene, but that can be hand-waved if it'll advance the story.
Hurray for hungry forums eating posts. I'll assume that you did and just move on a bit. Drake tends to be thorough, so you wouldn't have found much anyway.
Set up a convenient reason for Vlad and Stefan to be at Sam's office right now. If Vlad's really dead set on tracking down the fight club, then I suppose he can hang out on the streets for a while; but I'm about ready to wrap up this segment, after everyone's compared notes and such.
So, I just ran across a copy of Dante's Divine Comedy at the second-hand store that I work at. I doubt it's in its original Latin, but I'm still gonna have to pick it up later.
So I managed to pick up Volume 1: Inferno with the original Latin on one side and English on the other, and Volume 3: Paradiso with just the English. Now, the editions of both of them were published in the 1980s, so they're not quite as vintage as Vlad's copy :P

It's probably a good thing I don't work in the book department. I'd have even less no money than I do already.
methinks Vlad just volunteered to have his brains blown out o_O

but given that Stryker died on a crowded street in front of cell phone cameras, I'm not sure that plan will be that likely to succeed.

And poor Vlad just fell another notch in Stefan's estimation of him, as he still suspects Davis, I seriously fear their relationship is going to end in bloodshed (or blood drinking, one).
Poor Davis. He really was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And yeah... Sam's a PR master, but there's only so much spinning even she can do. Explaining away half of Stryker's head exploded all over the broken coffee shop window might be a little difficult.
Grace doesn't think Davis did it - not intentionally - but she is following the rules of Sherlock Holmes. You eliminate all possibilities until whatever remains is inevitably the truth. Plus, that doctor questioned her abilities so immediately Grace doesn't like her.

I doubt Sam will blast Vlad for using telepathy on her. Now, Drake might, since he knows you can regenerate from a puddle of goo. But I think Stryker's death will be a piblicity coup for whatever person decides to claim responsibility.
Naw, Sam doesn't care about Vlad using telepathic communication on her. Drake doesn't like it mostly cause of his history with the Fae, but he understands the practicality. Vlad got away with it when he did it before because he was being polite about it. So long as he doesn't try to go poking around in Drake's head, his immortal body will stay intact, as far as Drake's concerned.
Well vlads head could get splattered acros a window and he could get back up from it, hell in most cases resurrection takes time, like weeks.. vlad just spent a crapping ass ton of points in to his to be able to stand up 2 seconds later and pretend it didnt happen. The story could be spinned that the final touches required to fully put him down werent preformed, in conjunction with really good medical facility's possessed by delta, and his own regenerative quality's were enough for him to stand back up.

And vlad usually stays out of peoples heads unless there is a practical reason or need for it.. to mutch cluster to rummage threw
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I manage a bicycle store and this was Labor Day Weekend. Basically the weekend from Hell, as I work pretty much every hour the sun is up and part of the time it is down. I get home, shower crawl into bed. Wake up before dawn and do it again.

Monday is over now, so I only need to clean things up on Tuesday, then I can get back to normal.
Solyr, I do not envy you your weekend.

I'll leave time for everyone to get back into the swing of things, and then post something tomorrow.

And so you all are fully warned, my work is kicking off its busy season. As a second-hand store, Halloween is basically our 'Christmas', and lasts for over sixty days. I'm not working in the Halloween department this year (*sadface* it was really fun dressing up in a different costume every day last year), so I don't know how much it'll actually affect me. It's not likely I'll get any more than the 40 hour work week I already have. But I just might come home entirely too tired to post every now and then.

More importantly, that leads right into November, which for those of you who don't know, is National Novel Writing Month. There are people all over the world who shorthand it to NaNoWriMo and spend the whole month hammering out a fifty-thousand word novel. I am one of those people. That likely will slow down my posting rate, as I average about 1700 words a day for my new book. And then, as an old veteran of this wildly insane but super fun challenge, I've noticed I get massive writers block that usually lasts through Christmas. Gee who'd've thunk writing a whole book in a month would be creatively draining.

Fortunately, that usually coincides with the time of year that most people are (rightly so) more interested in family than a fictional fantasy world. By the time Christmas is over and the New Year has been rung in, I'm back to my creative self and I want to Write All The Words.

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