[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Raw Healing probably won't help her, after we see the effect I'll post - if it doesn't help, Stefan will get involved. His Healing has most of the Extras to clean up stuff like poison and ability damage, etc.
:P I was telling shep, ya know, not giving you instructions. Here's hoping Stefan is actually helpful, as everything else I picked to make him stand out someone else already has.
Well, he seems to have stood out enough to get Drake's attention anyway. Leaders are always a sort of jack-of-all-trades. I still say he's the group's Captain America...the irony of which still amuses me.
we've got wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff going on, so it could be over his dead body and him survive anyway < 3 "I wasn't cheating on you, that's when you were dead" "I was only dead for two minutes!" "What can I say, I work fast."
Meh they all sleep some time, And it would be to insure she survives. its for a good cause <<.>>
Eh, the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff sounds good.

On a completely irrelevant note that I would never use at all......how much chance does Stefan's healing have of just completely effing up? Trying to see if it's an actual disadvantage you have, or if I'm gonna have to GM Fiat it hardcore. You know. Hypothetically.
well with normal healing ability, Such as regeneration, you have a roll witch is typically like a dc 10, their is a thing you can pick up that increases your chance of success and once you reach the ability to make a 10 without rolling you no longer have to roll you auto succeed.

on a side note every one is probably going to face plant when they spawntaniously get random visions and voices in their heads.
Stefan's Healing ability isn't flawed or anything, but no Healing is ever 100%, and his is low enough level that it can be a long-shot on weak characters. For anything short of dead, it's only a DC 10 Constitution check to recover one condition, even if that condition is dying, and I automatically return two PP lost to Drain and similar effects while I'm at it (Typically enough to restore two points of Constitution or other ability loss). But I'm only giving a +2 to the Con check, so if your Con blows normally or has been severely reduced you might still have a low chance to recover. On average...

human child, Con 5, needs to roll an 11, 50% chance to recover, 25% chance to heal twice

ordinary human, Con 10, needs to roll an 8, 65% chance to recover, 40% chance to heal twice, 15% chance for thrice

heroic mortal, Con 14, needs to roll a 6, 75% chance to recover, 50/25

true superhuman, Con 24, only fails on a 1, 95% chance to recover, 70/45/20

The plus side, though, is that I can try every round and automatically stabilize someone who is dying no matter what they make on their check, so they stop getting worse. I also keep restoring 2 PP lost to poisons and such per round of healing. If they actually die and I'm trying to bring them back from the grave, I only get one shot at it, and the Con check is DC 20 for them, still with just a +2 from me. That makes things iffy - the child above would only pass on a 20 even with my help, but at least he gets to roll. Everyone else would raise the number they need to roll by 10, lowering their chance to recover by 50%. Hopefully death cures little things like Con lost to ability damage, because that roll won't be easy for anyone.
To bad this doesnt work on Vlad, his healing is tied to his willpower now, hes officially dead.... well Undead....
It actually does, since it heals by reverting you back a few minutes, hours, or days in your personal timeline rather than by any biologic process. It'll work on anything that's only a living creature in essence- robots, undead - as long as they're sentient enough to be a character rather than an object. (rocks don't have personal timelines. There's nothing for the tether to grab onto for a rock. Stefan won't admit it, but the key requirement would be what modern humans call a soul. If you're important enough and sentient enough to make your own decisions and direct your own fate, it'll work.) Likewise, his Resurrection power would bring you back from death to undeath, were you entirely destroyed and he got to you inside that precious two minute window.

Nicky's Regeneration power, which he can share with others to help heal them, affect objects, using nanobots to rebuild damaged objects of any size. It probably wouldn't work on a vampire, but that very much falls into Lady Jane's area of decision making. It works things from tables to technology, and affects himself. Whether or not Stefan's Healing works on him - if he's sentient enough to have a personal timeline - is entirely up to her as well. It didn't work the last time Stefan tried it, but that several adventures and several upgrades ago - Nicky's more alive now than he was then. Not that Stefan fully understands the mechanics behind it - it didn't work, so he bought him the nanobots and hasn't tried again, and won't unless the situation is rather desperate.
Well that is a rather slim Chance that Vlad would need it, his resurrection and regeneration are perfect, except if he is staked in the heart, at witch point he enters a sort of stasis for his regeneration, you pull the stake out and he stands back up, or silver, witch hurts like hell and doesn't heal.. period, I would need outside medical attention if I got shot up with silver like for instance your tether or nano bots, coarse if they kill me with silver... well I'm pretty sure I'm dead dead, then again if some one can heal the damage I guess its up to the good lady for that one
Ah, I didn't know. Thought it was just Healing. Then again, I do have Restoration, which is what we'll need if it is a poison or disease effect. And, of course, Resurrection < 3 just in case.
Just gave Grace an immediate temporary power that she has no control over and is unaware that she used it. Something i will be buying sooner rather than later, but just want it as a RP element than an actual power at the moment. Let me know if it screws your story line.
Just reread my post. I think those last seven words ... well, if you saw a hint of fear in Drake's eyes, you might have another chance to see it if you missed it the first time. Nothing like a 14 year old super genius telling you that you are going to die.
Doesn't screw with my story at all. Ind rather expect a little fluxuation with powers with this kind of moment, especially in an adolescent.

Also, the hint of fear in Drake's eyes wasn't for himself. He's been mind-fucked by a Fae for a year, and the things he's seen...well, there are things worse than death. Besides, as Vlad pointed out, there's a certain irony in telling the most paranoid man on the face of the planet to be careful. No, the fear was a mild symptom of a bad case of unrequited love.
It's a huge ball of energy you're fighting, not a robot. Sorry, if that was a little unclear :S The healing tech malfunctioned (or something...?) and brought an alternate version of Charity out, and now you're fighting her incorporeal electricity form, while this timeline's Charity is still out cold on the ground. The only robot there is Nicky, and he's fine. Drake's making sure he's not being hurt by the electricity. Also, I thought I saw mind blast on your character sheet...?
I can do a shadow blast or go raven and telekinetic blast, or go Dragon and fire ice or electricity blast. Beyond that I can howl and every one capable of feeling fear and despair will feel it with no test.

And its ok its a hunk of intangible shadow that's striking it.

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