[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

So long as it affects incorporeal, you're good. I'd hate to waste that critical.

Also, I still need initiative.
oh yea.. Well wont be able to do that, can I use that roll for my initiative? witch would be 4 points higher
T_T Stefan goes from being borderline useless to being an actual disaster-causing liability. My only hope now is that he dies in this fight. He'd have asked permission before attempting a rewrite (Resurrection), but he's never even heard of a problem from a rewind (Heal) before, besides timeline degradation from repeated rewrites in a short time period (think recording over the same part of a VHS tape repeatedly)...

Initiative roll follows...

If it's an consolation, it's not ACTUALLY Stefan's fault. In fact, it's almost like, by taking on a leadership role, he's painted a giant target on his back for someone to find a way to cripple him........
Updated the Hall of Records with Stefan's new Power Point balance, the party-wide GM Fiat Hero Point...and because I'm putting Stefan through the wringer, he gets an extra Hero Point for this. Also, if he needs to develop a new complication, that's cool.

On another note, I'm not sure Grace can drink legally anyway xD
yea then its a bad day all around... And I really hate to have to rely on that ability but its more so one of those.... How the hell do i fuck with that... None of my physicle abilitys would have done anything to him and im pretty sure no one else could.... Probably could have goot like some kind of electrical dispersal dohickies but I nor the character are any sort of electrical engineer.
He killed himself, then Got rid of his emotion control fear in his dragon form, witch is 5 points, and moved those points as following. 1 point to his drain power so that it effects incorporeal, and put 3 more points into it so his drain effect is a 6 that can such 6 points of con from incorporeal creatures, if they have a con... And add 1 point to his super strength to pick up the feat to effect incorporeal so his strength will now damage it..
I figure teleporting is activating a power and therefore a standard action. Putting on the circlet is a move action. So I guess my round is done.
I just realised I probably should have tried to shift into bird form... and trans dimension
So, a one followed by a twenty on my saves. Great job dice, would have preferred it the other way around really, especially since a 22 doesn't save vs the DC 28 toughness.
S'ok shep, I saved my Defensive Roll to apply to the Toughness save since I didn't expect to make the Reflex, then made the Reflex with Evasion anyway... so my defense skill I've had all game still hasn't seen any use. :P
I can't find the immediate rule for it, but I've always generally added a bit of a bonus for crits anyway. There is a standard +5 damage for critical hits that's in the rulebook, and I did apply that to Vlad's initiative, and I'd be okay with you adding +5 to your toughness as well.
You each did better than poor Grace, who failed at everything. Not exactly sure if she will still be conscious. You all may need to start preparing your exit so Charity's phantom doesn't kill you.
I'm absolutely swarmed with editing work this week, and I've got the Canadian Thanksgiving coming up this weekend. I'm going to try to get a post in before the end of the week, but I make no promises.
It does. In fact, many of my conversations with customers on Friday ended with "Have a good long weekend!" "You too, eh!"

It actually ended up being the weekend from hell. Long story short, the hubby and I couldn't go to the family dinner three hours away because of some bureaucratic bullshit that evidently meant his car wasn't technically his yet. We got pulled over before we even got out of town, was told we couldn't drive the thing until we figured out why it wasn't legally ours (which of course we couldn't do that day because everything was closed), and ended up spending the entire day moping at home instead of enjoying turkey with the family.

I probably could have posted something, what with the sudden day of nothing to do, but I admit I watched Supernatural all day and pretended the whole thing never happened.

I will post something tonight, though.

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