[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

its all good. great.. now I got to figure out when American thanksgiving is and figure out if i missed again this year
American Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday in November. I think the last Thursday in November, but I could be wrong, it might be the third Thursday instead.

Lady, that really sucks. And we're glad you didn't post when you were that upset - we may not have survived ^_^
November. You're good for a few weeks. I think it's the third weekend? I'm not sure. I could be wrong

Edit: @gatherer818: Yeah, I'd be threatening you all with some kind of legal bullshit, I'm sure xD
Thanksgiving. That's the one where you all celebrate turkeys or something right? In Australia we just spend Cup Day (close to the same date) drinking and gambling. ;)
lols... I think i should be ashamed that people of other country's know my holidays better then me....
@shepsquared: Yep, that's exactly it. Legend has it there was once a Great Turkey who battled a legion of demons summoned around the time of All Hallows Eve. There's some argument about whether he battled this legion before or after the day we know as Halloween. This served to be the main point of contention between Canadians and Americans, and so they separated. That's why we're now two countries that celebrate Thanksgiving on different days.

Yep, I'm sure that's exactly it. *nods*
USA thanksgiving is always the 4th Thursday in November. The actual date varies year to year.

It's a celebration of an invitation to the native Americans to come into our homes where we gave them small pox and other easily transmitted diseases and killed off 95% of the native population. The turkey just made them sleepy enough to want to share our blankets which transmitted the disease faster.

Last weekend was Columbus Day, where we celebrate finding an entire population that we could steal their wealth and genocide their people.

And some people say America isn't the greatest country in the world. Go figger.
one thing i nver got was why we celibrate a man who was a traitor to his own people, got hopelessly lost trying to find his way to the orient not America, never stepped foot on mainland America, and brought death, plague, famine, and poverty to those who inhabbitted the shitty little Island he did land on?
Traitor to his own people is kind of what we're founded on, ya know. Plus, he was so random in his life it's really hard to tell who 'his people' are. He went by at least five different names (and none of them are known to be Christopher Columbus), by the end of his lifetime signed his name as some kind of cipher no one has been able to derive meaning from since, but did remain loyal to the Queen that sponsored his expedition.

I think it's kind of like Mother's day, where even if your mom wasn't the greatest, you still kind of remember "Hey, I wouldn't exist without her..." In that same vein, America - at least, as it is today - wouldn't exist without Columbus. It's much more likely we'd all speak Spanish and have immigrated up from Mexico and Central America, since most of the other European countries didn't start sending real settlers until after Columbus returned with proof he'd found something on the western edge of the map.
So, it seems that Vlad just went supersonic with the energy creature. By my calculations he's nearly a mile away now. Short of teleporting, I guess we are out of combat, except Vlad.
Desmond can move at 500mph, Vlad at 525mph. Only 1 rank faster (so if I get hit by a light based attack I can catch up)
Eh.....initiative's gone to hell again, so I might as well wrap up the combat anyway, lol. I'll post to that effect later this afternoon. Then we can start filling in details on what really happened. Sort of. Mostly.
Right 330m/s. I was confusing that with mph. Still, it would put him nearly a mile away, well out of range for Girl Prodigy to do anything on her action. And floating with no means of propulsion, she really couldn't do much.
From what I got, Grace did her mind blast thing just before Vlad took off. And Stefan's sparkly blast thing helped too. Either way, she's been taken care of. I'll add in the power points to the records later.
Sparkly... blast... all my power points are going into my friggin' laser from now on. I'm going to blow holes in EVERYTHING.
I don't even know if any of Grace's powers need to be redesigned. I haven't really used them. I have fired the mental circlet twice at least. Both times I didn't know how well it did because the battle ended right after I did.

Where is Charity's body after we land?
Yeah....describing it as that made more sense in my head. Well, it pretty much flashes light at them to calm them down.... xD It was past my bed time and what it was called had slipped my mind, and I was just too lazy to look up.

Charity got taken back to the infirmary by the medical staff, including the doctor you've been getting along so well with.
Awww.....Grace.... Seriously, if this was a television show, that would be the point I'd cry.

Man, I need to characterize Stryker a little better at the beginning. He dies, and everyone's all "bad luck, ol' chap." Charity passes out and...

Everyone loses their minds!

Hehe, now my brain is turning Stefan's uniform into some fairy godmother-esque outfit complete with wings, and the AMMO is distinctly wand-shaped and transforms Vlad from a dapper old man into a perpetual seventeen-year-old with strangely attractive hair.

My brain is really weird sometimes.
Vlad would murderfuck you... Then cry about it, or while he did it, or for belle.. all because he was Edward.... not even one of the half tolerable vampires in that movie but Edward.....

As for the hole Charity thing... Vlad didn't really care about the extradiminsional alien, Charity on the other hand is one of only a few people in history who would look him in the eye and take all his "IM a creepy vampire Fear me" bs and either have a good laugh, ignore him, or translate it into some kind of conversation.. SO basically every ones lucky he has the self restraint not to hump her leg...
There is no suicide awesome enough to cure Stefan now. Here I was hoping to salvage him with a blaze of glory exit to make up for the fact he's unplayably lame, but there is no blaze of glory bright enough to burn away a fairy godmother costume with a sparkly-vampire-creating wand.

The reason for the huge difference in reaction is two-fold, imho. One, when Charity went down the tension was already built-up and the characters were present and actively on the watch for threats to her well-being, while Stryker died off-camera with no lead-in. Stryker was the first hint of the dramatic tension to come, while Charity fell at the height (thus far...) of the tension. Two, the campaign has a few more NPCs than most players can effectively connect with quickly - Drake, Sam, and Marcus are about it for me, and that's mostly because Marcus is the one I happened to run into when we got a chance to explore HQ a bit. I literally have to look the others up when they come up to make sure I'm keeping them straight in my head. They're just faces around the planning table to me at the moment.

Two is a self-resolving problem, though. The better a job PSO, Solstice, and/or the Fae do at eliminating them, the more we'll care about the rest ^_^

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