[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

I swear I intended to post something over the weekend, but I was determined to take advantage of the long weekend (hurray for being Canadian!) and get the manuscript done that I'm working on. I accomplished the first round (yay!) but lost an entire day's work yesterday when my second-round edits abruptly disappeared.

Needless to say it didn't sit well. There was, of course, a mini-panic attack over the incident, and I spent the rest of the evening pretending the world didn't exist. Constructively, I swear. This is what video games are for. (I'm a relapsed WoW addict)

On the plus side, I have time to re-do everything I did yesterday. On the downside...I have to redo everything I did yesterday -.- So...many...commas....

Anywho. I'm going to try to post something tonight or tomorrow. Just so you know, if I disappear for a couple days at a time, it's usually work-related between my Day Job, and the editing job that I actually like doing ...You know. When it goes right.
uhu sure.... I see you over there getting that World of Warcrack fix you cant fool us. <.<

Jk but take all the time you need.
*steals LJ's authenticator* BWAH HA HA HA I WILL HOLD THE WOW RANSOM! To get your precious Night Elf Shaman back, deliver twenty pages of scene to THIS internet address, and do not call Blizzard Customer Support, I will know, and bad things will happen to your Shaman's raid gear....

*cough* I've never written a ransom note before, I promise. Please take your time, awesome is far better than rushed :D

Aw, hell.

1) Night Elves can't be shamans.

2) I play a Draenei Priest

3) My authenticator is on my phone, and if you take my phone, I will unleash my wrathful indignation on you. No one touches my phone.

Now would be a good time for Stefan to make a bluff roll from hell. He'll get a +5 bonus, though, if he goes with the name GP pulled up for him.

The dude doesn't have tech-nullifying powers (he is holding a tablet, and was talking on a cell phone); Stefan's gadget just looks so far beyond what he's capable of, he doesn't want to screw him over any more than he (thinks he) already is.

As for Desmond's NPCs, have at thee, by all means. I should note, that to really get the function of being immune to someone's powers, you'll want to take one rank of Immunity at one point per rank. That'll make you immune to his powers specifically. I'd rather do that then to make a blanket statement saying he's immune to anything with the Darkness descriptor. We've already got one person immune to one of the Fae's fancier tricks, which is fine; I'd just rather not have another player immune to them altogether. Though we have seen his light show be strategically annoying to the Fae, which is always good.

*deep breath*

There. Did I miss anything?
Oh, and incidentally, my priest just hit 90 (my relapse was as of only a few weeks ago). I'd be a little annoyed if you did something to all my dungeon grinding blues, but...there's actually nothing super spectacular on her just yet. :P

I do have the Frost Lord's healing cloak, but I'd replace that eventually anyway.
I've never gotten past 25 or so on WoW, despite four attempts. I picked Night Elf Shaman specifically because it was the one race/class combo I knew didn't work :P and yeah, should have figured they'd have an app for that now. Time to go see if I can RP up some more bonuses for that crazy bluff check, because I'm gonna need them...

EDIT: Well, an 18 before bonuses isn't bad, especially if the name is still worth +5 and his blather tones the guy's suspicion level down a notch or two. Still, Stefan is praying to most of the deities he can remember - with three notable exceptions - that Nicky figured out to relocate to silence the guy and his electronics in a hurry in case he starts trying to text security or something.
So I happen to have this really bad problem where if I dont have something constantly numbing my brain like music or tv or video games, I start to do this thing I hate witch is thinking, and then sooner or later I start reading witch adds to the thinking and imagining, and sooner or later I start getting creative and THAT is really bad cause no I'm all alone with my thoughts...

Well I haven't had work for a few weeks now because of layoff, witch normally i just shrug off by hanging out on the internet with some friends and watching tv while listening to music and playing video games while screaming I'm bored and watching anime or reading a manga while doing the forum role play *gods I must be super add.....* Well long story short my home connection to the web got severed and there is no cable at home so I have to go some where else to get my internet fix. Now I realize this sounds like a lot of complaining about problems but it isn't I can generally live with all that..

The problem is that with all this free time Ive been thinking and I have literally developed an entire tabletop role playing system thats stuck in my head I cant transfer it from thoughts to paper, or in this case computer, because every time i try it all wants to come out at once and gets jumbled up in translation so it all looks like a bunch of gibberish because i have this need to over explain things AND ITS DRIVING ME NUTS!! mostly because i keep thinking up knew things to go with it all...

I totally need to go back to work *twitch*
Belial, that actually sounds facinating, I gotta say. Been tempted to do that a time or two myself, but I am SO not a number's person.

I think I was in that situation for about a week. After the hubby and I relocated, we didn't have internet for a week, and I was unemployed, so...think I got any unpacking done? Nope. Read through the entire first book of the Song of Fire and Ice series. In two days. The rest of the week, I played all the way through LoZ: Ocarina of Time.

Back in forever ago, this setting was a freeform game, but when I needed to settle some god-moding, I introduced a real quick homebrew system that let the players put a certain number of points into the base six stats, plus attack and defence. Powers were subject to approval by me anyway, and the character was required to have some sort of weakness, be it physical or emotional or whatever. It worked out pretty well, actually. The game went on for nearly five years. Not too shabby, I'd say, given that the life expentancy of a lot of forum games is a few months.

A good setting, though, will get a lot of players past numbers that only sort of make sense. I mean, look at Exalted. The numbers need some serious overhaul to make the game playable in the way that actually reflects the story they're telling (I'm cautiously optimistic about 3rd edition), but the expansive setting is so powerful and magnificent it compensates.

The Forgotten Realms setting for Dungeons & Dragons is great too. The Freedom City setting for Mutants & Masterminds isn't bad; I'm honestly a little disappointed they caved into unoriginality by adopting the DC Universe setting for 3e. The Anima setting is evidently good, though I don't know much about it. Or there's any Cthulhu game, or Scion, or Shadowrun, or... I could go on. Point is, IMHO, it's all about the story you tell.

...wow, I got on a bit of a soapbox there, didn't I <_<
THAT IS SO MUCH CRAP! I have a plus freaking 14 to my initiative and I cant roll above a damned 4 or a 6 every time... <.<
Maybe you're uncertain about working with the team, so you hesitate to see what everyone else is going to do before you act?

Played a game where my character accidentally killed someone. Couldn't roll anything above a 4 for the rest of the night, which made sense in character, cause she would have been torn up inside about it.
He saw a big creature and had no idea what the hell it was so decided to take it slow....
Evidently. Or he couldn't see well through the annoying horde of bugs in his face.

Btw, the thing smashing a hole in the ground, and the group just happening to be on top of each other is in no way simply a conveniant way to not have split-party syndrome for combat <_<

...or is there something else going on? ;)

Btw, if I'm ever typing on my smartphone for whatever reason (in this case, my computer's powered down, and I'm curled in bed), my spelling tends to go to shite. I'm OCD about using the spellcheck on my browser, but alas, there is none on my phone.

Unless someone knows how to sweet-talk an Android into checking my spelling? Prefferably without switching applications.
Not sure what app you're using, but my friend has a full version of Firefox on his Kindle Fire, which is an Android device, and installed the exact same spell-checker extension I use on my PC Firefox on it. I haven't taken the time yet to figure out how to install Firefox on my Kindle because I don't use it for much, so I'm not sure how difficult it is to do, but that's certainly a way to spell-check without having to leave your web browser. Not sure if it works with the mobile version of Firefox, haven't tried it either, but it might be worth a shot. I hate Silk with a passion (the Kindle's default browser, in case it isn't the same for other Android devices). I will post... soonish, but if you're ok with initiative being in this thread and me putting Stefan's reaction in his first combat turn, I'll gladly roll it sooner rather than later.
I'll look into the Firefox thing, sometime when it's not 5:30 in the morning and I have to go to work...

Don't much care where the dice rolls go, so long as they're labeled, but that doesn't seem to be at all an issue. While we're on the subject, would it be more convenient going forward if I were to make a separate thread for dice rolls?
I just meant I haven't gotten around to writing a post where Stefan reacts to the monster and all, but if I rolled inititive WITHOUT that post I could just put all that into his first combat turn's post instead of one where he reacts (and rolls initiative) and one where he takes his first turn, since I don't seem to be finding as much RP time recently.
As far as Im concerned as long as the story teller is able to figure out where the dice are going in a reasonable manner I don't care where they go. You're really the only one who needs to see them for the most part.
shepsquared said:
And I failed my initiative. Great

Maybe I should make that separate dice thread just to see if it'll stop making the dice hate on all of you. I've seen PbP games done both ways, with or without the separate thread. I've also seen games where the GM did all the dice rolling. It did speed up the game. But...it's time-consuming for the GM, and I'm not that dedicated, nor do I need that much control. I kinda think it takes away part of the element of the player succeeding or failing on their own merit.

I'll leave it as-is for now. If we do get to the point where you'd feel we'd benefit from a separate thread, lemme know.
Initiative roll here, will write reaction with first combat post... whenever his initiative comes up, or Friday, whichever is later <3


bwah wow I rolled an 18 and I'm not going first, but I AM going before the Celeritous vampire.... weird how these rolls worked out.
I should come up with some comedic effect for the failed initiative, but the classic tripping over something would logically break his surprise attack from invisibility, and i dont wanna be that mean, lol.
Well you could determine that our vamp has surprise and can act before initiative. Then drop into initiative.

And little girls should always get to go first.
well it wasnt like I rolled a one and my invisibility is still up, but more so simply surprised that this creature was so brave as to walk around in THAT outfit... I mean if you are going to walk around dressed and looking like an animal some one should have you locked up like one and not allowing you to bust threw a roof like you got no common sense... I mean for real now people.. I know have to beat this things ass and drag it home and teach it to wear popper clothing.. maybe Ill dress it like a butler.
Sez the dude who dresses like an 18th century costplay xD

But that's a damn good question. No one in the party blew your cover...so who did?

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