[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Yes. I do remember that. Also a good reason Sam's telling them to rest for the night before going and dealing with a bunch of experimental metahuman monsters.

Vlad should fit right in.

I mean.... Uh.... did I say that out loud?
K, so I figured out why I couldn't post another thread. Turns out Internet Explorer was being a bitch again. And before you start telling me "Oh! Use <insert pet browser here>!" Let me explain that my relationship is...complicated. It's like being in that sort of relationship where you know the other person is bad for you, but it's a comfortable level of bad. IE is the only browser I've seen that lets me organize my 20-some-odd webcomics and other links I follow, just the way I want them--a complicated pattern based on when they update, etc. I've futzed with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc, and I just haven't found a way to emulate it. Even though the latest version of IE is complete and utter crap, it occasionally chooses to ignore my updated Flash, flashes reminders at me to fix things that aren't broken, and every now and then up and shuts down. But still.... better the devil you know...

Anywho. Thread is posted (using Firefox...) listing in no particular order any who earned a power point from that mission. Those that went inactive during the mission are not listed. I genuinely appreciate being given notice that one wishes to no longer participate, but I understand and empathise that...well...real life's a bitch sometimes. I'm also not going to chase anyone down. I have neither the time nor the effort for it. If you straight up stop posting, I'll assume that's your notice.

And we could roleplay Vlad's...date, but it might be far more interesting to just move on to the next mission, assuming he's had the time to go and do that (thereby not triggering his drawback). Unless everyone wants to play through a 'night in the life of...', then I can come up with something. Or you could continue pelting the NPCs with questions.
In all honesty, "A day in the life of Desmond" right now would involve him asking loads of questions. Mainly because he suspects that the old man who empowered him could be Helios or something.
Hm. I might post a thread later tonight with an info dump on that particular species of energy beings. Effectively it would be easily aquired information, either by searching Delta's database, or by pestering NPCs. It would be a place to start for Desmond anyway, and might be useful for the others as well.
I dont care either way, if you would prefer to move on then so be it, if you want to stick around for a night of Vlad fighting around with what is left of his humanity and his need to survive then that's cool to. I'm sure it could cause all sorts of issues.
I think, unless there is a strong objection, I shall move us onto the next mission. I will post to that effect sometime within the next couple of days. It may or may not be tomorrow. My brother turns thirteen, and I should probably be there for the eating of the cake in commemoration. Besides, who doesn't like cake!

I now have a thread posted on the First and Second created, which is effectively where any ancient gods fall into within this setting. It's...kinda cryptic and I'm not sure how much help it's going to be to Desmond, exactly, but we can't solve everything about everyone's characters within the span of a few in-game days!
mines probably got more to do with early aliens meddling with human genetics then actually a god or anything...

I figured basically a vampire was something to the extent of a flawed meta human, the idea originated from the concept of adaption all things have the power of adaption, human in particular we've adapted from single celled organisms all the way to where we are. So basically I got the idea their power is in all reality super powered adaption gone astray. Their body's are constantly adapting to knew things, such as age, witch is something that happens usually early on, their regeneration, they develop the thirst for blood because they require the extra genetics as their bodies use up alot of resources with the regeneration. This however created a downside early in that their bodys would develope strange flaws, generally they would develope from lack of interaction with something such as sunlight and their bodys simply adapting to a life with out sun, others were simply little more then some form of cancer for lack of a better term all the mutating started creating flaws sort of like a computer does when you overlay a program on top of an older program constantly without really fixing the code, sooner or later things break down and you start to develop curios quarks.
@Vlad: hence the crack about fitting in well with other experiments. I don't think it was Ptah-Setker-Osiris who was involved with the creation of this version of vampires, being as I'm pretty sure he was stuck in some kind of ancient prison at the time.

I'm a bit of a fan of the ancient-aliens-we-don't-understand-as-gods thing. Stargate SG-1 influenced a great deal of my early science fiction writing. My standard ancient god isn't so much an evil snake in the head as it is an interdimensional energy being, but it's the same concept. That being said, there have been many influences upon human culture, from a multitude of sources. As Stefan pointed out, you never know what you're going to find in other timelines.

On another note, my last post in the Mission thread has been updated to set the stage for the next mission briefing.
I love the hole ancient aliens are really the gods thing as well.... Admittedly it sort of shaped mutch of my religious beliefs....

And before you go saying Im nuts for that let me explain ( besides there are so many other better reasons for calling me nuts)

The hole thing is if you a mud slapping cave man, or you have next to no knowledge of technology, or modern technology what do you call something that lands on your planet in a space ship has some form of lazer or even an m16, and looks probably different then you... You call him a god who can throw deadly light forth from his hands, or wields lightning, and rides dragons.
Nah, to me that totally makes sense. As for you being nuts.... Well, being completely sane is no fun anyway :D

So, just came back from Iron Man 3.... and I seriously need to start publishing my book series before they steal all my good ideas <_< In an attempt to stay non-spoilery, let's just say the Extremis project is not entirely dissimilar to PSO's bioengineering.

I hate it when that happens -.-
Sorry for the short absense. Several of my employees got arrested in a road rage incident. Charged with class-6 felonies, they are on suspension now, and I had to do a bunch of paperwork which basically left me brain dead. That, and having to completely rewrite the schedules and not having enough people to cover shifts and calling other shops to see if I could get help only to find that they never had enough people ...

It was a cascading form of disaster. Anyway, things seem sorted out somewhat now. and I can get back to playing.

I posted in the old thread because it seemed like you were just going to continue that. If you choose to start a new thread, I will copy the post to the new one, if that is okay.
Oh, dear, I hope no one got hurt :S

The current thread is fine, I was going to do a short mission briefing at the HQ, then head out for the mission. Currently it seems you are the first to have arrived in the scene decribed in the last few paragrahs.

Glad you're back :) For one, Charity'll be happy to have another gal along in the otherwise all boy's club :P For another, I was getting all ready to start pulling in your backstory--not with this mission specifically, but with the direction the story is going.
It's been a long week for me. I'll try to get something posted tomorrow and move us on.

On a positive note, today is my and my husband's wedding anniversary :D
Congratulations. On my personal side note, I only just noticed your post saying you're not opening a new thread for the next mission. Sincerely sorry for the delay, I was sitting on my thumbs (when I wasn't busy, which is probably why I missed it in the first place) waiting for the new thread to appear....
Happy Anniversary. No need to post tonite, just have fun. Maybe a few others will jump on the thread.
Way to go, Vlad, for hitting on the underage chick.

I'll post something later this afternoon after work. Stefan had better be careful or it'll be his turn to get the tardy angel taunt :P
hes 800 years old... your all jail bait... and he wasn't propositioning for that sort of thing he was just looking for a meal..
also i forgot to ask, but what year is it, I assumed it was only current era, but I some what get the feeling it might be different.
2068. I like playing around in a not-too-distant future. Makes it easy to draw from life experiences, while still giving some freedom to imagine what could be. Given that reading tablets are becoming commonplace as it is, I figure books are going to become something of a rarity as time progresses to that date.
Yes, but in situations like this its more like a candle. It gets brighter automatically if its dark, and he can make it brighter if he wants. And I just realized that I have no idea what to do with the extra power point we got after the last adventure
It's up to you what you want to do with it. You could spend it right away to boost some skills, or save it till you have more and buy something more expensive.

Hm, now the question is, are your powers going to work considering it's going to be roughly 3 in the morning where we're going.
Maybe at half strength? They fade at night because he can't help but use them, but he stores enough that he can glow like a light bulb until dawn.

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