[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Not sure I need an attack roll since it is an AOE. They just get a save to be caught in it or not. I was lining up two of them in the middle of the street to avoid innocents.

- Mind Bolt (Mental Blast 3) Mental, Technology

Noticeable, Line 5ft x 75ft, DC18 WILL
its a 75 foot line of energy.... In the middle of a street..... To say im ligning up people so as not to hit some one innocent in the middle of a scramble because a bunch of fey, and people claiming to be heroes are fighting in the middle of the street isnt even being wishful any more its probably delusional. If your lucky you might not be able to hit a building with that.
Well... it is mental energy, so no matter how hard you hit a building with it, you really can't confuse the building too much. And only if the building fails its WILL save. I was more worried about shooting across the street and hitting by-standers, so shooting down the street should help minimize the number of innocents. If I hit a Russian cop, she will apologize and hand him a few aspirin.

Most of GPs attacks are not based on actual damage, but on debilitating effects. She is a bit conscientious about her genius.
Okay, so I edited my post to reflect Grace's actions. She now must make an opposed grapple check. We now go back to the top with Stefan and Vlad.
ok so um i think the initiative has gon all to hell... Its supposed to be Gatherer then me right?
Stefan's taken his turn already. GP was just posting her defence results. It's Vlad's turn to rip some more shit, and then Desmond. Unless he pops back in and says otherwise, we'll move over Jacob in initiative and just assume he's throwing down cover fire.
Huh, so they teleported despite my light control-or do you assume that it wasn't happening because I didn't mention it?
No, I assumed you were. The chanting they were doing just before they dissapeared was them finding a way around it.

Also, I was getting a sense that people were getting bored with the fight :P
Not quite sure I would say 'bored', more like we were in a fight with quicksand. The more we struggled the more daner we were in. It seemed to be the best tactic to disengage, because they didn't seem to be a threat to anything else.
I honestly had no idea of how many there were and it seemed like all that I could do was continue blasting and maybe talking to cops. I kept expecting something else to happen, like a bunch of solstice goons or something.
Yeah, Stefan wasn't in a place where he could "solve" the fight, so he was just killing the hell out of them to thin numbers until someone else found a way to win. He's gonna be pretty confused when Nicky's ok, though. ^_^ Mind-magics aren't something he encounters often.
Well, that does tend to be the feeling one gets from being thrown completely unexpectedly into a fight with an enemy you don't understand and tactically fights on a totally foreign level. Total and utter chaos. That went hell of a lot better than it could have.
OMG. Vlad saying that line. With Stefan five feet away (having just had issues of his own with the Fae). Beyond priceless.
Yeah, especially since Stefan's got a perfect memory and remembers exactly how it went down.... and the hero team only set up defenses until the Fae started attacking, with Vlad yelling the entire time not to harm them. The only thing close to an 'offensive' power we used before they started teleporting into our vehicles and charging through the street was setting up a light field around the vehicles to try to stop them from doing exactly that.
vlad has the same kind of memory as well. and all he saw was some people decide to start yelling THEIR BE EVIL FEY THERE TRYIN TO FUCK OUR MISSION UP THOUGH WE HAAS NO PROOF THEY REALLY GIVE A SHIZZZ!! and some one else hearing OH IS BE GOBLENZ and then shining light all over the SHADOW fey essentially initiating the first contact, then from there EVERYTHING spiraled out of control...SO even if some one wants go and do some hojo on him to deturmin the truth, hell they could even go back in time and see what he saw.. The story he gave was the story he believes and that is how they would see it.

And i dont have to kill some one to feed.. hell they probably wont even get sick, in all reality i probably wont even need to feed off a human I could probably eat a cow...

On a side note he doesnt even register Stefan as anything more then a bug at this point he probably doesn't even know hes in the same room as him beyond there being another body and so would care what he thought of him....
xD I'll post a thread this afternoon after work tracking EXP and hero points and whatnot. It's four-effing-thirty right now, and I need coffeh! Number crunching at this time of the morning is going to make mistakes.
The sites being a little cranky right now, so I'll post the official stuff after I've given it time to think about what it's done. In the meantime. Y'all get a Power Point for successful completion of the mission, your spent Hero Points from your regular pools are reset, and any unspent Hero Points gained from Complications are banked.
Stefan is +1 banked HP since I managed not to spend it (I used Extra Effort but didn't use the Hero Point to negate the Fatigue... he's not only cranky but also tired during this snippy debrief battle :P )

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