[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

Desmond shakes off the momentary disorientation from ramming the tree and returns to the air, surveying the situation and looking for any remaining civilians
Blink was working at getting the area clear, and he was all but finished. The last group of civilians blinked away from the grounds, and Jay looked up at Desmond and waved him off. "I got this, go keep your team alive," he said into the comms. "That blast might not be the worst of it."
With the creature apparently not fighting his attempts to grapple it his powerful wings extended and flapped downwards propelling him threw the air upwards at a rapid 525 miles per hour as he tried to get the thing out of the area as quickly as possible. As he was propelling himself upwards his grip on the creature tightened to insure it couldn't get away and tried to psychicly conect with the creature to communicate with it. "Charity, Thundra, what ever you call yourself, are you in there? Any one in there? or is this some mindless elemental?"

(also Vlad is going to probe his Eidetic memory to see if he has ever come across something of this nature before. Its a feat that lets him make skill checks untrained with no penalty.)


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Stefan watches Vlad pull the creature out of the combat zone and off where it can't hurt anyone, and takes stock. Some wounded civilians, a few scratches on his team, and one Delta leader fallen. And, apparently, the tether either even worse off than he thought or being actively tampered with, and no way to find out which. He punches a few commands into the keypad to make sure his automatic self-healing is turned off, although it already was, and helps move the wounded to whoever is helping them.
Decades ago now, Belial faintly recalled a high society function he'd attended. It had mainly been a dreadful bore, even by country club standards, the gossip unhelpful and uninteresting. The primary draw was supposed to be the attendance of some archeologist who evidently spent far too much time with his fossils, because he was far better at talking to them than he was people. At some point in the course of the night, he'd mentioned a dig somewhere in Italy that depicted Juno as a radiant sphere of light. Why that would have any connection at all, he'd have no idea.

The sentience within certainly had the mentality one could see in a being of that kind. While he detected faint hints of the intellect he'd known as Charity, there was also more, and somehow less. Her mind was distant, unconnected. There was a sense that she thought she could be panicked and confused, but she wasn't. She wasn't, despite a shard of pain that rippled through her from Grace's mental blast.

Her conciseness was really the only thing tying her to this world, and the combination of pain and lethargy caused that to crack a little. With almost a dismissive mental shrug, she slipped from reality. The energy disappeared. The storm clouds began to dissipate, though it would take a little while for the winds to clear it all. Whatever it was, was gone.

Drake lowered them to the ground, slowly returning gravity to its natural state. Sam waited for Vlad and Desmond to return to the ground then said, "Well done. An unexpected encounter, and you handled it well." Unexpected was an understatement.

Marcus looked shaken. He was breathing heavily, pushed to his limits. He bent down and slowly released the gathered electric energy into the ground.

Jay put a hand on Stefan's shoulder. "So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that's not supposed to happen." He tried to infuse his typical humor into the statement and utterly failed. Even his mask couldn't hide just how worn out he was.
Vlad sent a message back to Drake, Stefan, and Sam telepathically, "That Lightning elemental had Charity's consciousness in it, and bit slipped after that mind blast. When the spirit faded so to did what remained of her contentiousness, it was nothing but pain,and confusion, and lethargy, when the spirit faded so to did the consciousness. Im telling you all this because you are the least likely to blab it outloud without thinking of what it will do to the people around you... Just keep that in mind .." He paused for a time. "There is a dig in Itally a couple of decades back I want to check out some time, had something to do with Juno and ball of light.. There was an archeologist that wouldn't stop babbling about it."
"No, that's not supposed to happen. A simple rewind has never gone that wrong before, in the history of the Chronokeepers. I'll join you on that limb and say that Charity hasn't used time travel to heal herself so often that she's worn her thread thin enough to snap, so that should not ever have happened. It's possible my tether is simply that damaged, but I find it much more likely that someone is actively interfering with it. We occasionally get bad results from full replacements - when someone has died and we have to restore them from an alternate temporal copy - but a simple healing rewind should NEVER do that."
Grace settled back down to the ground in a turbulent fury of rage, adrenalin, frustration, sadness and confusion. She had come to a funeral to lay to rest a hero of hers but was confined to a box to watch it on television. Then her best friend was just almost killed by nothing, which she should have been able to deduce. This coming so shortly after she found that her parents might be alive and there were clues that she didn't have time to follow up on. Then, forced to attack a manifestation of her best friend with her own powers.

As she stood back up she did the only thing she could think of. She ripped the circlet from her head, dashed it onto the grass at her feet, and stomped on it. But she wasn't used to wearing heels and the circlet rest lazily between the heel and sole of the shoe. Frustrated at not even being able to take out her anger on the circlet which attacked her best friend, she kicked her leg forward, flinging the circlet harmlessly into a row of toppled chairs.

The swing of her leg however toppled her to the ground where she landed unceremoniously on her backside. She wanted to scream out 'what happened?' but she had been there, she had seen it all, and no matter how many times she ran it through her head in perfect memory, she couldn't understand why it happened.
"Maybe it was freak one-in-a-million thing. Maybe it was the fae screwing with your tech. Maybe it's someone else, trying to help us somehow." Desmond offers, his glow dying down to it's normal level. "Doesn't much matter now. We don't know how it happened or if it could happen again. Maybe you should get your tech checked over by someone with a fresh perspective, see what they think." He turns to Drake and speaks. "Now what?"
Without a word or judgement, Drake retrieved the circlet from its resting place among the abandoned chairs. Then he offered Grace a hand up and handed the device to her. He understood. She was only doing what everyone else wanted to. She only felt what everyone else did.

"The true form of many of the beings we know as the ancient gods are that of pure energy. Fighting that...well, it was like fighting Kronos. That may be your connection," he thought in Vlad's direction.

"I usually leave the paranoia to Drake," Jay said, "but this was far too coincidental to be anything but sabotage."

"I agree," Drake said. "It's not the Fae's MO, though. They wouldn't know a transceiver from a terabyte. My best guess is whoever's behind all this isn't limiting themselves to the Fae as a means to an end. There's a bigger plan at work here." He looked at Stefan and hesitated a moment. "I can look at your tether if you want me to. There might be a clue as to what happened. But I won't if you'd rather not. I'd only be looking at the tether's rewind capabilities, you have my word on that."

Sam had been turned away, speaking into her earpiece on a separate frequency. She turned to them. "Miss London is conscious, but she appears to have undergone some kind of brain trauma. Doctor Franks is looking into it. You'll have to speak to the medical staff to find out visiting privileges."
Vlad landed near the group, taking the best care he could to avoid any one. "Premission? Really?" he asked doing his best What the hell does a thousand year old vampire do with premission? Look.
Stefan looks at Drake, considering his words. "Thank you, but I think I have it handled. I've been considering using a certain... safeguard built into it for a while now, but today's events have made it painfully obvious I need to do so. I will as soon as I can make some preparations." The news about Charity was welcome, at least. "I'm glad whatever... Charlie Foxtrot happened with my attempt to help Miss London doesn't seem to have made her any worse, at least." He wouldn't be visiting unless Sam requested, though. Better to keep his distance. In the meantime, Nicky just watched his "brother" with some concern.
"Brain trauma? She neutralizes poisons. You're going to let her be a brain surgeon as well?" Grace trusted Dr. Franks on the one thing she was capable of doing. Everything else, the woman just seemed very un-doctor-like. She'll be fine. Dr. Franks is very capable. Her mind said that in a voice very much like Sam's. She wanted to dismiss it but couldn't, it was her own thoughts.

"Mister Chronokeeper, I would also be willing to help if you need another set of hands or eyes going over it. And I promise not to take notes or file any reports afterwards." She took Drake's hand as she stood up. She took the circlet from him as well, with an appreciative nod.

"And you," she said directly at Drake, "no teleporting. If I have any hunches left worth following, though I seem to only figure it out as it happens, that will be the next attack. I am not sure if it was the giant gateway or something else somewhere along the line. I get the impression they are sending messages to us. Your most casual power is what they are attacking you with. So unless you have something else that you use, teleporting is right out."
Upon hearing Sam's words, Marcus took off like a shot up the front stairs and through the doors. Jay disappeared as well.

"Dr. Franks is the head of my medical department; believe me I'm not going to let anyone in that position if they are not imminently qualified, Miss Romanelli," Sam responded, then looked at Vlad. An entire sentence seemed to be a bit much to ask of a dragon's expression, but at least his words communicated most of his intent. "As such, she is currently the best authority on Miss London's current condition. I'd suggest checking with her to be sure she is capable of receiving visitors. If that is indeed the case, well, Miss London has frequently shown she values her friends and colleagues, so I'm sure she'd appreciate it."

Her gaze shifted to Stefan. "As you are taking point on this investigation, I'd ask you to consider that Miss London seems to have been the only one to survive on purpose. Regardless of our best efforts, whatever our villain purposed to happen did so, for better or worse. That may indicate some clue as to the perpetrator's identity. I suggest a conversation with Dr. Franks to see what she's discovered, if not one with Miss London herself. Depending on her state of mind, she may be able to offer something helpful."

"My teleportation happens exclusively with a device I programmed," Drake informed Grace. "Most of Delta-issued communication devices have that capability in at least a minimal capacity, in fact. Though our enemy has made it abundantly clear he's got more than a passing knowledge of how to sabotage our tech. So it seems I'll be spending the evening going through every damn device and making sure the son of a bitch knows who he's messing with. It'll go a bit faster, GP, if you'd give me a hand, if you've got time. Though priority should go to making sure the team is in its best form, so if Stefan wishes your assistance, that should be done first."
Vlads form contorted back down into his human form before heading back to the hospital.
Conference room D63 was a madhouse. It was the largest briefing room in the building, specifically designed for events like this--a mass deployment if every available hero. Both Jay Allison and Samantha Clive worked side by side to coordinate teams of four and send them out. The whole of Alliance City was mapped out in a grid on the massive display behind them.

Hundreds of people milled around in the room. Marcus met up with Allen. "Where's Lindsay?" he asked over the din. "Has she been assigned yet?"

Allen shrugged. He had no idea.

Mitch grinned. "Lost track of your girlfriend already, London?"

"Shove it, Roberts." Marcus wasn't in the mood for his shit.
Vlad dropped threw the ceiling in his bird form into the middle of the group, then shifted into human form.

"CAN EVERY ONE PLEASE CALM THE HELL DOWN AND SOME ONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT IS HAPPENING!" the resonance of the room seeming to cause his voise to echo even more then it would normally carrying it to all who could hear, his aggrivation with the current state of affairs now very evident. (using special effects to make him sound louder and more intimidating for the purpose of getting attention)
Stefan arrives not far behind Vlad, reconfiguring his suit for investigation rather than flight speed as he enters the room (having used the flight mode to keep up with Vlad, to an extent). He murmurs to himself as he enters the room - unnecessary for his sense-blocking field to activate, more to help him focus his mind on the individuals in the room he wants to exclude - and a pulse rips from his belt to penetrate the nearby ether. "Any visitors on other realms of existence - or simply invisible to me - should have any advanced senses jammed by my newest toy. Hopefully, that will preclude them spying on us from another dimension or through the walls. Let's take no chances here..." he trails off for a moment as he processes the conversation Vlad interrupted. "...And let's not fight amongst ourselves. I imagine whatever we're up against will be quite enough on its own. What do we have?"

(That effect wasn't cheap, but I feel it shows Stefan's new paranoia as he adapts to be able to combat the intangible and invisible. He'll also shift AMMO to GHOST mode, which should give him the ability to spot most invisible or insubstantial enemies.)
The crowd was already on edge. First Stryker, and then Thundra were attacked, and now the whole building was shaken and the city was going into disaster mode. They had no idea what was going on, and Vlad's sudden and intimidating appearance didn't help matters much. A man beside him screamed, reaching a decibel that would be difficult for a more feminine set of vocal chords. Everyone was paying attention to him, all right. Calming down was another matter entirely.

Something caught Stefan's eye as he shifted modes on his gadgets. The room seemed to grow even more crowded as about three dozen Fae slipped into his field of vision, still embedded in the shadows cast by the large group of people. They looked startled, more than a little surprised at finding their extradimensional senses suddenly cut off. One by one, they slithered out of the shadows to stand among the people. No one else seemed to notice, and besides, the crowd's attention was on Vlad.

"It was like a soundwave of some kind," Mitch filled in, leaving off picking on Marcus for now. They clearly didn't see anything amiss. "Beyond that, I have no idea. Most of the city's out of power from the damage it caused, and the streets are covered in friggin' sheets of broken glass. Anyone who was outside or near a window's gone stone cold deaf for now."

"Weren't you on patrol?" Marcus asked. "Why weren't you affected."

"I was. Just on my way back." He grinned. "Regeneration, bitches. My body's restored by heat."

Vlad needs to roll a Will Save to see the Fae as they're popping into the room.
(Vlad may not need that Will save for long...)

Stefan uses every ounce of his self-control not to react to the additional faces in the crowd, using the general disarray of Vlad's appearance to push his way through the crowd toward Sam. "Nicholas, stay in the hallway. I don't want you accidentally shocking anyone, understand?" Nicky takes a moment to work out the command hidden in the innocent-sounding statement, then realizes Stefan means for him to key up his aura and does so. Stefan reassigns processor priority for his head computer to defensive reinforcement of his normal thought patterns, and then redirects suit power from ancillary investigative abilities to raw defense. Reaching Sam, he speaks as low as he can into her ear, knowing at least a few of the powered persons in the room will hear too, but hopefully none of the Fae (he can't be sure he got them all with his sense-blocker, and it doesn't stop ordinary hearing anyway, only powered senses...). "No one react. The Fae are here. Thirty-plus." He keeps his message as short as possible, so the Fae won't have time to notice him whispering and draw closer to listen. Meeting Sam's eye, he adjusts his inflection to imply the last whispered word is a request for permission. "Engage?"
Vlads eye twitched, these idiots weren't listening to him, and he wasn't patient, or humane enough to realize what his methods of dealing with things just made it worse.

Desmond rolled his eyes as he entered the room, having heard Vlad's shout.

"Calm down mate, we don't need everyone to start panicking about this. Jay and Sam clearly have this under control." He pauses and looks beside him.

"G'day Nicky. Nice to see you again. I assume Stefan bounced back from the whole inadequate tech deal?" He says, his eyes scanning the crowd looking for both Girl Prodigy and Stefan.

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Sam and Jay did indeed seem to have everything under control as far as the deployment was concerned. Of course, there was whatever Stefan was talking to them about beyond his earshot...

Desmond couldn't see it, and Vlad really only saw it out of the corner of his eye at first. Milling about the crowd was a few dozen of very confused Fae. They didn't seem aggressive, at least not for the moment.

For a second, Sam regarded Stefan with a look of genuine surprise, but that was gone as quickly as it came. Very few things caught her off guard. She gave a very subtle shake of her head and spoke in a low voice. "Too many people that'll get caught in the crossfire. Wait till the room is cleared. In the mean time, see if you can ascertain what they're doing here without drawing too much attention to yourself. Tag in Mr. Brodavitch and Mr. West to assist you if needed."

She glanced at her tablet. "I have a conference call I need to take to the UN. It seems this disaster is world wide. Mr. Allison, keep things under control here. Mr. Davis, assist with deployment." Both men nodded and Sam left the room for her office.
(im assuming that "seeing them out of the corner of his eye at first" means that vlad still has seen them, if not let me know and i'll amend my post.)

Vlad almost did a very obvious double check towards the fey, but then caught himself and continued his motion away from the fey looking towards sam, then continued to strafe back across the room looking to the fey he saw then touched his temple and began to focus.

"if you can here me can I ask why you are here?" he telepathically pushed the thought into the feys head hoping he wasn't psychically immune like some of the other people he had met.
The Fae responded to Vlad in a chorus of clamoring voices that echoed in his mind. "To watch," said one. "To observe," said another.

"Gather information."



"But now we cannot see..."

"Through the shadows..."


"What do we do?"

"Cannot see through shadows..."

"Exposed in the light..."

"What do we do?"

They seemed lost, dazed, and confused. With no clear instructions, they were paralyzed into inaction. Finally, somebody seemed to make up their mind that discretion was the better part of valor and teleported away. One by one, they all began to disappear.

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