[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ


Chase chuckles good-naturedly. "You sound like a kid when you say it like that. Besides, we new guys got to stick together, so I'll help you if things get out of hand. I ain't losing a partner on the first job."
Grace was thinking about what type of power cells she could use when she built her device to protect the team against the fae mind control. She also was running through her launch check for the Maverick in her head. "There's nothing to discuss, really. You are vulnerable to the fae, and all they need to do is make you think you triple-checked everything. It would be like with Ms. Clive, you would never know that you overlooked something important."

She walked beside him for a second. "They know they can't affect me. As long as I am in control, you won't even be a target. They know they can't succeed, so they won't expose themselves." It made too much sense. The fae would have to really make a push to distract Grace enough to allow any chance of success. Possibly enough for them to track down their own origins and to discern their motives.
Penelope Urbain

The Fuelrod

"I don't think all of us are vunerable. Like the dragon there. Wouldn't that kinda counteract mind control by being not...human?"

She taps the exterior of her suit as well. "And don't they need to make eye contact or something? This suit is pretty thick."
The Behemoth smiles in a grateful fashion at the man- then at the suit. ".... Thanks, Guys. Let's do our best then- and stick together, right!" It hums pleaseantly, as it rises further out of the stone floor. "Where can I be physical, then? Let's get moving!"
Vlad groaned. "If it has a mind It can be controlled I assure you, secondly No you dont need to make eye contact with the subject... My master had some form of wraith completely dominated under his will during my upbringing. When it comes to dealing with the powers of others Id suggest you not assume your safe based off of some preconceived notion that some form of limit will save you." he informed then thought for a moment amd pushed into her mind
Stefan debates a while, and decides if the dragon and the walking suit of armor are taking the portal, he'd probably better do so as well, if only to add to the number of "normals" to come through and give the appearance of non-violence before the war-machine and beast of destruction ruin the chance at diplomacy. He looks up at the ceiling, looking to see if there's an obvious camera, before saying "Don't wait for us, Mister X, we'll take the portal. No offense to the Maverick intended, of course." Then he looks around at his newer teammates, the ones he's introduced to and the ones he isn't, and smiles. "First missions ALWAYS feel like the fate of the world are riding on them, don't worry. Just try to contain your screwing-up and remember that unless you ACTUALLY destroy the world, you'll probably have a better record around than me."

Nicky is uncharacteristically quiet, twiddling his thumbs and giggling to himself. Eventually he snorts in laughter and mutters, "Where can a dragon 'get physical'? Wherever he wants!" Beyond an eye-roll, Stefan shows no signs of having heard.
Miriam turns to answer Oroborous's question, "we have not previously had occasion to transport an incorporeal being, but Myriad foresees no problems with it. It will be a short while before the portal can be opened, but it is still far swifter than waiting for more conventional transportation." She turns to let her eyes pass over the assembled heroes, "Delta Division has been kind enough to supply us with the resources to construct nearly any kind of equipment thinkable, so if any of you feel you could benefit from additional gear, please let me know so I can pass it on."

A small hovering sphere flies up to Grace and Drake, and projects a voice which is similar, but distinct from Miriam, "miss Romanelli, mr. Hachirobie, we have not been properly introduced, I am Myriad. You left the conference room early, and so did not hear the offer I extended to those there present; if there is any equipment that would ease your mission, please do not hesitate to ask, and we will be happy to supply."
Miriam smiles, "I am sure Millicent would love the challenge, though you would most likely have to be solid during the fitting process. Fortunately, the workshop is large enough to accommodate you."
He nods. "I honestly prefer being solid... pieces of my body being not-real and inside thinks makes me all.. prickly, and very uncomfortable."
Halfway through her argument, Drake stopped in his tracks and stood with his arms crossed, feet planted wide in front of Grace. He fixed her with an inscrutable stare. That continued as Myriad's floating robot approached them and made her offer. Drake's gaze flickered to the sphere and back to Grace, the only acknowledgement that he'd heard.

Finally, he spoke. "Fine." He turned and continued walking down the hallway to the hanger. "But if I catch you messing with the programming or re-engineering any of the components in any way, the Fae will be the least of your worries." He pointed a finger in the direction of the floating orb. "And that goes for you too. If Millicent comes anywhere near my stuff, she'd damn well better enjoy life as a toaster."

Prepping the Maverick took about the same length of time as creating the portal. The entire time, Drake hovered over Grace without uttering a word. Everything went relatively smoothly, though, and with some coordination, the whole group was transported to the Lost City. Upon arrival, Drake instructed Grace to leave the car parked above Atlantis and those in the Maverick used the on-board short-range teleporters to get into the City at the same time as everyone else.

And then it was time for contact with the Elves of Atlantis.

-----------------------------------> Atlantis

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