[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

"We should call ahead before we travel there, I believe," Miriam says pleasantly, "Myriad can open a channel whenever we're ready. And we can manage transport for dragons as well, should it be required."
Chase shakes Jayson's hand stiffly, years of police training him keeping him on his toes in such formal gatherings. As soon as the explanation of what they're actually going to be doing comes out, Chase raises an eyebrow curiously but says nothing, opting to lean against the wall with his arms folded. A thoughtful expression crosses his features as he wonders, "Are they just hazing the new guys or has the world really gone that far off the rails in the last few weeks?"

Chase quickly follows up the Dragon's words, "500 MPH myself if transport's tight, though I'm not supposed to cross over anyplace that's got a smoking ban in effect after a border restaurant incident a few years ago."
"That would be over 28 hours of flying. I doubt you would be in any position to impress them after that marathon. Even at 500, it will be 14 hours." Grace was not really listening to all the discussion, she had too many other things going on in her head. First was that huge clunking form around the girl, wondering why anyone would build something so huge. Then the concern about her parents disappearance, and whether the elves in Atlantis would be able to provide some insight. Should the Red Raven go visit the Spyder, especially if the shadow fae know about the visit. Should she even go to Atlantis, would there be enough time to get back to make the meeting, and how would she decline if Sam asked her to.

Of course the topic was Atlantis appearing from nowhere. Well, not nowhere, but from some other dimension that would have pulled them from history millennia ago. She could understand why the story of hubris could be attributed to a group that praise intelligence over combat, especially from the Greeks who needed to protect themselves from both Persians and Spartans. Sometimes she wondered how well she fit within this group of heroes.
Penelope Urbain

The Fuelrod

"Whatever you want to do is fine by me. I mean, I'm really excited to be out here on a joint mission finally. I've just been doing solo runs until now, I hope I can keep up"

The suit extends it's arms, making the cracking knuckles gesture.

This was it in more ways than one. A chance to be a famous hero and fight along side creatures of myth and maybe even get to be an equal with them.
Jay's eyes narrowed slightly in concentration, taking a mental inventory of everyone there. "Yeah, I don't think we're at my max for teleportation if I just take the whole group. And Myriad can accomplish pretty much the same thing." He glanced over at Drake. "I assume you're taking the Maverick."


"That'll give us an alternate means of transportation if need be. Backup's never a bad thing." Among his other numerous eccentricities, Drake only ever teleported with something he built himself. Grace had theorized that all the leadership of Delta were a target, a pattern established with Stryker's assassination, and an attempt on Sam's life. That pattern was reinforced when something affected Charity that made her forget everything that had happened in the past twelve years. In keeping with that pattern, Drake was next; though it was hard to tell how anything could happen to a man that took paranoia to the next level.

Sam turned to Miriam. "Open a line of communication to Atlantis. In the event that we obtain permission, we will use your portal to travel directly to the city, so please make sure you'll be able to establish the connection."
As soon as the request has passed Sam's lips, the ambient lights in the roomed started to dim, and the room quieted. It was as if the noises made by powered armors, impatient youths and ancient monsters no longer reached quite as far. In the center of the table, bright points of light come into existence rapidly, forming a roughly spherical configuration not unlike a proto-galaxy. In seconds, the points of light swirl together and expand, forming a faithful rendition of Rio'kir, Elven Chancellor of Atlantis.
"I'm piloting the Maverick, Mister Drake." She was not letting him anywhere near the machine unsupervised. She had already made mistakes with Samantha and Charity and could have prevented that by monitoring more closely. Mister Drake was too important to allow him to vanish on some small mistake caused by the shadow fae infestation.

This was all a bad idea. They had shadow fae in the compound causing all sorts of problems and now they planned a diplomatic mission to a group of finicky elves no one had seen for 3000 years.

But, she knew that a missed opportunity wight the elves would be a disaster. She would go, despite her need to find her parents, to protect her new friends. And maybe even find a way to help them recover. "Ms. Clive, I assume the elves aren't fluent in our languages developed in the last 500 years. What language do they speak, and is it hard to learn?"
Cassandra sits up sharply at that, a wide grin already stretching its way across her face. "Oh! Good thinking! So that's why the suits brought me on!" She throws Sam a thumbs-up that would be a lot more suave if it were at all in-character for the older woman to actually receive such a gesture. Her self-assurance completely gathered, she turns toward Grace.

"Until I get a chance to visit their libraries and brush up on my Atlantistacht, there are still a few dead languages their dip-corps and I might both—"

And then the room gets just a bit quieter. It gets darker, too, as we've been told, but she couldn't be responding to that. It's a shame Cassandra misses the light show.

"Why am I about to talk to someone who isn't here?"
The Dragon frowns. "Huh....? Someone who isn't- atlantean- I.... uhm...." He casts his head down, looking a bit lost, almost- then... "Teleportation! Oh yes, that would solve the issue, wouldn't it?"
Vlads eye brow raised as he looked at the people of the room. "Very well I will go with Drake, as it stands I figure that Vorg and Drake are on the chopping block, and honestly any of the other members of delta that were active in missions within the public eye. As such I figure it might help to have some one else standing there catching a bullet or two should things go south. Weather its my survival instincts kicking in, or my natural paranoya running rampant, at this point i really cant tell the difference any more, but i doubt that all these attacks on delta leadership and Atlantis showing up is a coincidence."
Penelope Urbain

The Fuel rod

"Elves use bullets? Well it isn't like any of us haven't been shot at before right?" Penelope chimes in from the corner, stepping forward. She really doubted anybody would want to pierce her suit anyways. "I haven't gotten really much attention yet but I think I am just as much of a hero as anyone else here. I want to help! I know you can find a use for me somewhere"
Vlad raised a hand "Your a hero, I led armies, slaughtered countless villages, impaled people on large sharpened wooden stakes for my own amusement, and survive off the life blood of others. Im here because the alternative involved being hunted down by angry villagers with pitchforks and stakes. Now can we please move on to the task at hand?"

"Charming," Chase says in response to Vlad's declaration, a familiar itch tickling at his throat. "Not to question how things are done here but isn't it risky bringing along new faces to a diplomatic mission," Chase asks as he removes a cigar from the silver case he always keeps in his jacket pocket. Despite flinching slightly when he spots the lighter's flame, he still manages to turn the cigar's tip a pleasant orange before flicking it closed. He inhales the smoke deeply, its gaseous texture rubbing against the inside of his throat before being released outwards in a relaxed puff. He then turns towards Sam, "You confident you know us well enough that you won't regret this?"
Drake quirked an eyebrow at Grace, an expression of momentary surprise that lasted only an instant. Then he looked like he was going to argue the statement. After all, he'd built the damn thing, and had just recently double- and triple-checked it, and hell if he was going to let any Fae mess with his stuff anyway. But if they were going to have it out on that topic, it wouldn't be here.

Sam's hand hovered over the communication controls for a moment while she answered, "There has been some limited contact within the last hundred years. Not by us, except for the incident with Kronos, nor anyone else affiliated with Delta. It's a long and entertaining story for when we have more time. Suffice it to say, there are a few who speak a little bit of English, though not well. Other than Elven, they are fluent in the common language of the humans who have made a home in Myrathelle for the past few millennia. That's a derivative of Ancient Greek."

Jayson frowned at Vlad's comment. "You know, now that you mention it, I haven't seen Eric in a while. You'd think he wouldn't leave Charity's side after what happened."

Meryl's brow also creased with a look of sympathy. "Charity doesn't even know who he is anymore. I'd imagine he's hurting."

"And dealing with it in his usual manner, I'm sure," Drake interjected. He raised a hand. "I volunteer to go drag his drunk ass from his penthouse and beat him sober." He said it half-teasing. Eric and Drake didn't dislike each other, but they had little in common except they happened to both be in love with the same woman. But Charity had made her choice in that regard.

"I think that can wait, Mr. Hacherobei. We have more important things to think about." Her gaze flickered to Chase. "Mr. Adams, there are designated smoking areas. This isn't one of them. And to answer your question, I am confident that each of you have the requisite skills and abilities to see us all succeed going forward." Now she looked at each of them in turn. "This is not just one mission. It is the start of what will be a mutually beneficial relationship. Bear that in mind. Now: a moment of silence please as I talk to the Chancellor."

With a deliberate wave of her hand over the controls, she completed the connection and began conversing. She spoke Elven at first as pleasantries were exchanged. "I am Samantha Clive, director the Delta Division. I bring greetings of the people of Earth and offer an exchange of knowledge."

It really was a good image. The Elf had brown eyes so dark they were nearly black with flecks of gold. They were spaced just a little farther apart than what was normal for human proportions, giving him a bit of an alien look. His black hair was shoulder length and poker straight, slicked back from his face. A streak of white from his temple was the only recognizable sign of age; his face bore no lines. He would have looked almost youthful if his eyes didn't carry the weight of several centuries. "Knowledge exchanged is never lost, but multiplied many times over. I am Rio'kir, Chancellor of the Elves. Knowledge carries not with it regret; but circumstances have their own burden. Mistrust is the foundation for lies, an enemy of knowledge. Yet, we are no stranger to hostility should such suspicions be enlightened into truth."

Most of this exchange was lost on the group. Myriad had already figured out the language by now, and Stefan had it tucked away in his translator matrix. The language was as foreign as it was flowery. Sam spoke her greeting in careful words, and only sort of because of an attempt at diplomacy. Her Elvin wasn't strong. Their connection, after all, had only been recent, and certainly not frequent enough for her to speak more than a little bit of the language.

"My apologizes, Chancellor. I've had little opportunity to learn your language. Rest assured, the pursuit of this knowledge is a pursuit of mine. I understand you are versed in the knowledge of English? Perhaps this will be the first show of much common ground."

From there the conversation went on in English. Rio'kir spoke with a heavy accent that was a little hard to decipher at first, but he proved to be more fluent in English than Sam was in Elvin.

"English is indeed known to me. Though it is gratifying to see the Earthborn in pursuit of knowledge, we are not yet assured it is a trait of your people. Understand you that knowledge is something to be gained? There is no gain in threats. A lesson perhaps your forefathers should have learned."

"Lessons are learned and knowledge gained and forgotten many times over as time progresses. Our generations pass quickly. History inevitably repeats itself. However, in this case, we make no threat. On the contrary, the sudden appearance of your fair city has indeed threatened us. Through as yet undetermined means, a cascading, damaging effect has touched every corner of the globe; though I assure you we do not remain defenseless. In the interest of further diplomacy, I would prefer to understand all the facts before coming to the conclusion that inevitably occurs first to the ignorant: that we are under attack, and that attack must be met with force. Please further enlighten me on these matters. You did not intend to appear here, did you?"

Rio'kir looked uncomfortable for a moment. "No. To deny truth is a show of ignorance. Atlantis was met with an unexpected attack. An enemy of our people has won a battle this day."

"A mutual enemy, Chancellor. They have won battles here as well. Your unexpected appearance cannot be mere coincidence. I think it best, perhaps, if we discuss this face to face. Our enemy has eyes and ears in unexpected places. Have we your permission to send a diplomatic team to discuss how best to win the war?"

He inclined his head. "I look forward to exchanging knowledge to our mutual benefit. Atlantis is open to you. A contingent of my people will welcome a few of yours and we may begin."

Sam smiled. "Excellent. We have means to open a portal using your technology as a conduit. We shall be ready to greet you in a short time."

"Until then, Director."

The communication ended. Sam turned to Drake. "Since it seems you have a small team that wishes to surround you, you had best get a move on. It will take a few minutes for the Maverick to warm up so you can teleport to Antarctica. Let me know when you're about to leave, and the rest of us will take Myriad's portal."

Drake nodded. He pushed himself off the wall by the doorway and started to head out. "'Kay. Anyone else who's going with me, let's go." He looked at Grace and pointed a stern finger at her. "And you. We're going to have a discussion about who gets to pilot my aircraft."

Chase wordlessly takes the cigar out of his mouth and pushes it against the back of his glove, the brief sizzle quickly dying out as he slipped the cigar back into its case. His glove remained unmarked.
Penelope Urbain

The Fuelrod

Her suit stands still while behind the heavy armor, she makes a face at Vlad. Eventually she re engages her speaker.

"Cool story bro."

She turns away, focusing instead on the events happening before her. An interview with an elf and talks of teleportation. She was a long way from stopping Eco terrorists at various power plants, but hey, this should be fun too. Anything to get her face out there.

Keeping to herself, Penelope runs another systems check, making sure there wasn't any possibility of her contaminating the science behind whatever teleport device about to take her.
"I'll meet you in the hangar," Cassandra says, appearing in the doorway with a hand on Drake's arm. For the moment, her face is all business. "If she's going to crash it, I'll warn you."

Still serious, but with a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Mr. X's fondness for his creations is hard to miss, and he has so few other clear vulnerabilities.

"Maybe I can have the wormhole engine disabled before you get there." And then she takes off down the hall at a casual stroll that looks a lot like teleporting to the unaided eye. On one hand, she probably couldn't bypass the security system. On the other, she has been quite vocal in her distaste for teleportation, ever since first experiencing Jay's. There's a chance she actually means to try.
The Dragon rises- moving a bit of his bulk, and his head, out of the floor. "I don't think I'd fit in the Maverick- best take the portal."

"I'll just fill numbers. Just point when and where you want me to move," Chases says calmly.
Vlads eyes rolled as the elf spoke then his form twisted into that of the white raven. In this form he could not only understand any language but any one could understand him. "Miss Clive, I strongly suggest you send security teams to the homes of the rest of your prievious... A team as I would like to put it. Just to insure they are ok. At the very least we will have something to look into when we return." and with that vlad B lined it strait to the Maverick, flying threw the walls.
Even as Ouroboros looks to Myriad. "So... you will be handling a portal, then...? Th-thats good to know." He nod's his huge head, as he pushes as much of himself as he can fit in to the room. "Will I need to be Corporeal to go through? If so- we'll need to do it in some place my physical form can fit."
Desmond remains seated, frowning while thinking. He had mostly ignored his new teammates, figuring that they could leave as easily as they came. Or he would, especially with whatever was happening now. His thoughts started with every reason he shouldn't go back to Australia as he struggled with the choice to return and help. He visibly perks up when Sam mentions the pursuit of knowledge, unconsciously touching the symbol of the sun upon his head.

"I'll take the portal, but I need to grab something first."

He says as he slowly raises from his chair, glancing at Sam and Drake before taking off through the door, shining brighter than usual and flying through the corridors, unerringly making his way to his assigned quarters. He moved straight from the door to the bedside cabinet and opening the top drawer, pulling out a carved stone box emblazoned with a compass rose and flying straight back to the meeting room, somehow managing to not get lost for once.

Chase glances sideways at Ouroboros, tilting his head, his voice taking on a slightly softer tone as he asks, "Nervous?"
He turns head, which Is about the size of a small horse, to face you, and nods solemnly. "This mission is a great responsibility, especially for a first mission - and I'm no good at dealing with people. I hope I don't have one of my fits and ruin everything.." The young Behemoth lets out a deep sigh.

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