[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

Vlad looked to Desmond and Stefan and tried to connect to his mind They fey are starting to leave, I think do to light. They were trying to gather information observing something. But I dont Entirely know witch.

Vlad shifted into his bird form and began to search about the room for any portals the fey might have gone threw.

This is the power he is using. he needs to make a search check to find the rift they might of used to disappear, that's if they telaported to another dimension. dc is up to you.

Super Movement: 3 ranks (4pp) (Requires a search check -1) Progression feat)

Dimensional Movement, Vlad has to find a dimensional rift leading to the dimension he is going to in order to actually use this power, if he fails he cant find the rift, the story teller is the final arbiter on the dc.
Seeing the creatures fade out, Stefan waits until he's relatively certain they're all gone - they have lots of tricks, and he's never used his dimensional-spying-blocker before - then lets Jay know that they've left, standing down to receive deployment orders for the ongoing emergency situation. (Stefan assumes that Vlad told Desmond, and that Drake already knows - he's never not been the most informed person in the room before, no reason he should start now...) "Apparently they were scouting, according to the voices in my head..." he says in a whisper.
"Do to light?" Desmond mutters. "We know they teleport through shadows, its why I lit myself up in Russia. Any ideas whats happening Nicky?"
Now pocking into Desmon, stefan and Drakes mind, assuming drake hand utterly blocked him out.

"their exact words were To watch, To observe, Gather information. Watch. Observe. But now we cannot see. Through the shadows. Blinded. What do we do? Cannot see through shadows. Exposed in the light. What do we do?"
Search as he might, the Fae were good at covering their tracks. Though shadows swept the great hall, it was nearly impossible to discern them from the ones the Fae used to teleport, and the ones cast by the large crowd.

Jay raised an eyebrow at Stefan. "Voices in your head are always a reliable source," he said with a tone of irony--the closest thing anyone had heard to a joke since Stryker was killed. His customary friendly grin was too much to ask right now. He looked tired; undoubtedly he hadn't slept well in days. Considering he'd literally just lost his best friend, he was doing well to be working at all, but in this level of emergency he was doing his best to put that aside.

Drake actually walked into the room at that exact moment. His eyes quickly scanned the room, not missing for a minute the retreating Fae. And then he completely ignored them. He made a beeline for Jayson, shouldering past the rest of the crowd. Jay looked puzzled. Drake undoubtedly noticed the Fae, and to make a note of that without even an angry grunt? Something was up.

Drake slammed his tablet down in front of Jayson. It was unclear exactly what was on it from Stefan's angle, but as Drake leaned to whisper in Jay's ear, he could catch one word: "Atlantis."

Jayson jerked his head around and stared at Drake. "Are you kidding me?"

"Would I joke about something like this?"

"Um. Yes. Yes you would."

"Fair point. But no."

"What the crap is it doing here?" Drake shrugged, and Jay continued, "Get a team together. Conference room C84. Meet you there after I apprise Sam. Geoff, you can handle deployment here?"

Geoff Davis nodded. He was Samantha Clive's personal assistant, and few could match his metahuman level of speed and ability to multitask. "Yes, Sir."

"Good man." His gaze shifted back to Drake, including Stefan in the sweeping glance. "See you in a bit." He vanished.

Drake glanced at Stefan. "You heard the man." He keyed his comms. "Vlad, Desmond, Conference room C84. Now." He sent a message to Girl Prodigy to the same effect.
Vlad made a minor grunt of annoyance then fluttered threw the walls towards the conference room.
"Yes sir." Desmond responds, his head snapping up. "See ya round Nicky." He says as me follows Vlad, hopefully allowing him to be on time for once
Desmond's efforts to follow Vlad proved to be somewhat difficult when Vlad went through the wall. Fortunately, others seemed to be heading that direction as well, and in startlingly normal fashion. With any luck, he wouldn't lose them before reaching the conference room.

By the time the others got to the room, Jayson Allison and Samantha Clive were there. Sam sat impressively unruffled at the head of the table. She dressed in business attire with a matching midnight blue blazer and pressed dress pants. The blouse she wore was a creme color, and she accessorized the outfit with an emerald set in a gold-plated pendant hanging from a similarly patterned chain. Simple gold earrings also set with emeralds studded her ears. An equally fashionable hair clip pulled her dark locks back from her face. Youth was not something she was lacking; it was a common criticism in the newscast discussions regarding her position. Inevitably, however, the conversation always lead back to just how politically savvy she was. Her grasp of social dynamics could send the most seasoned of politicians into a reeling tailspin.

It was her political talents, after all, that had put the Delta Division in such a good position. Announcing to the world that metahumans existed could have gone so horribly wrong; and yet, with Samantha Clive at the helm, they had weathered the storm. Public opinion of Super Heroes was at an all-time high, and many had the same level of popularity that had once been reserved for pop stars, actors, and other celebrities. People trusted the heroes.

Of course, that was before Stryker was assassinated.

By contrast, Jayson paced the floor as if it was his sole mission to wear a path for others to follow. He walked with a limp. A few knew the story of how he'd lost his leg in his early hero days (though that made him sound much older than he liked) only to have it replaced by a prosthetic of remarkable design. It still pained him, though, when the weather was shifty, or when he was stressed. Stryker had been his best friend, on and off the field. Stress was grossly understating it.

Under normal circumstances, Jay was a happy-go-lucky kind of guy who went out of his way to be friendly to each and every person who came through their doors. He laughed easily and smiled even more. He was the first to joke and the last to take offense at anything. But these were far from normal circumstances. Dark circles were etched under his eyes, and his tan slacks and golf shirt looked like they'd been slept in. On a good day his curly hair couldn't make up its mind which way it was supposed to go; now, if it was possible, it was even more of a mess. He furthered that effort by running his fingers through the sandy red locks.

He attempted a smile as people came in, though it was strained. He was usually the first to put people at ease, but right now that was particularly difficult. Delta was in a state of emergency, with mass deployment all over the city in reaction to a sonic boom the origin was, as of yet, a bit of a mystery. And yet, despite the need for every able-bodied hero on the streets, a handful gathered here.

Whatever the mission was, it had to be hella important.
From his room in the depths of the building, the Dragon dredged his noble and mighty form. He had dampened his gleaming aura out of consideration of others- terrified of causing harm with the horridly lethal energy that so often writhed around his form.

He is Sixteen feet tall at the shoulder, and weighs in at just over Thirty Two Thousand Pounds- a mammoth beast. Despite this however, he has a serpentine, smooth agility and dexterity- this helps him navigate rooms with people in them. As he slinks his way to the Conference room, he contains his brimming excitement. The Goliath serpent holds himself within, and keeps a calm and dignified posture as he advances- drawing much attention through sheer size- and his coloration. He is a dark blue with purple waves- a flowing coat that matches his sinuous form- a graceful mix of Western and Eastern dragon shapes- the long neck, but the stocky body. And even without the damaging arcs of plasma coating his body, the Dragon is resplendent. Now.. just.. contain myself. Hold it together. Okay! You're going on a mission. You haven't done that before, but that's alright! That is A O Kay! Maybe you'll make friends! Yeah! That'd be nice!

As he tries to fit in to the Conference room, then decides to just poke his head in and slide his neck through. "Hello..? Ouroboros, here- I was told to come to this room..?" His voice is deep and rumbling despite his young age of Seven- but then, it befits a creature of his size.
"Already on my way, babe."

Cassandra was certainly on her way to somewhere when Drake almost tripped over her in the hall. Backpack bulging and clinking faintly, she strolls into the room with a distinct lack of concern for the general state of emergency. Some of the more senior metas don't bother to conceal their look of disdain - she hasn't exactly earned that insouciance yet, and dodging foot traffic without her detested white cane always tends to undermine whatever sympathy she might have had coming.

She feels her way toward the table, waving her hands around until she finds a chair, and takes a seat. If she gives any indication of taking the moment seriously, it's only by not propping her bare feet up on the maple. The smirk never leaves her face, and she doesn't immediately take her headphones off. The music streaming out of them sounds like Bach.
Vlad hopped around on the table, still in his raven form and looked at the dragon. "wait those things actually exist??" he squawked out loud in what sounded like normal bird squawks, but surprisingly every one, regardless of languages they spoke, could understand him.

The lights flickered a bit causing the room to go pitch black, and when they came back on Vlad was standing in his full human self, the last of his feathers contorting into his clothing.

"If we are going to make accommodations for creatures as big as him can I walk around in my dragon form as well? I mean i think im shorter then he is."
The Dragon blinks at Vlad, momentarily, and almost recoils at his first sentence - he'd wince if he had human features- but then again, he doesn't. He steps back, and for a moment- seems to focus, and gleam- and then, he is a shimmering being of light and energy- which slides in to the room, and curs up before returning to a Physical state. "My.. Uhm... Apologies, for my.. size. I can't exactly.. help it..."
Cassandra cringes, looking far more pained than the awkwardness should account for.

"You boys think you could stop changing how much you weigh, so often? It's like mixing vanilla extract and cat piss. Only chunkier."

She finally unplugs her headphones and stows them in her bag, muttering about chunks.
Stefan takes his time walking and deploying his new no-spying toy on every stretch of hallway he uses on the way to the conference room. Along the way, he realizes his weapon is useless in the mode that allows him to force the Fae into the open, and so commands Nicky to switch to his new combat form. Nicky smiles and does so, hoping he'll have an effect on the gathering in their destination.

Stefan finally enters room C84, his purple-and-black uniform still crackling with energy from the last inter-dimensional surge it released. He carries what appears to be a large sensing apparatus, which quickly folds all its dishes and antennae into itself and reconfigures itself as a form of assault rifle. He looks over the group, recognizing several faces and more notably not recognizing a few. He glances at the giant lizard before deciding it is probably the new heroine's pet, and so hopefully doesn't warrant an introduction. He walks to Cassandra's seat and offers a hand. "Stefan, former - or future, depending on your point of view - Chronokeeper. And this is my bodyguard and friend, Nicholas," he finishes, gesturing to the door.

Nicholas stomps into the room only slightly more loudly than necessary, showing off his new form a little. It stands about eight feet tall, with large black-and-red feathered wings and lots of shiny chrome where the same colors of paint don't cover his chassis. Articulated metal claws the size of machetes tip his fingers, and they appear to be bloodstained. His body hums with the barely perceptible sound of tiny machines performing maintenance and repairs, and his reinforced shell crackles and flashes with electricity intended to punish those who dare enter into close combat with the mechanical monstrosity. He grins, displaying rows of chrome teeth - and those who know him can see he still has his innocent smile in this form. He winks at his favorites in the room - including Vlad, despite Stefan's personal animosity with the vampire - letting them know he's still him, just more awesome.

(I figured a re-introduction was in order, both since there are new players and Nicky's combat form is new.)
She looks up from—well, "looks" isn't the word. Turns out that white headband Stefan saw was actually tied around her eyes, not holding back her hair. She faces up toward him when he talks, though, her black bob falling to frame a lovely, if clearly not Aryan face. The olive complexion suggests somewhere in the Mediterranean, and the cargo pants and band t-shirt say Third Culture. This girl would definitely make trouble, when Stefan is from.

"So it's you making my teeth itch," she responds, to his perfectly ordinary-sounding introduction. "I hope I short-circuit your metal friend or something." A beat goes by, while she maintains the poker face. Then she breaks into a grin, thrusting a hand vaguely in Stefan's direction (and missing his own completely.) "Cassie. I read too much supernatural horror when I was little, and now I can talk to Cthulhu. Nice to meet you. The bird-man and the really huge thing in the corner are being moody. Don't mind them. But do tell me about your job, huh? Sounds like a riot." She gestures to Vlad and Ouroboros in turn.
Yet another late arrival enters the conference room at a swift, but unhurried walk. Her features would indicate Asian descent if it were not for the metallic layer clearly visible under her carbon-fiber skin. If one looks past her robotic features, she is a striking, some might even say beautiful, young woman dressed in an immaculate business suit with her black hair held up in an elaborate bun by a pair of hairsticks.

She smiles at the assembled heroes, "it is a great pleasure to meet you all. I am called Miriam, and I speak for Myriad, an artificial intelligence that has recently joined Delta Division." Her voice does not sound like something generated by a computer program, it is perfectly smooth with only a faint hint of an accent than an expert might identify as belonging to Singapore. As she speaks, she makes eye contact with those who will (and can) meet her gaze, offering up a forthright expression.
The Dragon nod's it's head cautiously, then looks around again. It would be smiling if it wasn't a reptile- but, well, it is. "Hello... it's... a pleasure to meet you all- and I am /not/ being moody! I mean, I never! That is to say- I.. Erm.. am In a Splendid Mood, actually, and quite excited about my first mission for Delta Division..!"
Desmond's ever bright presence illuminates the hall as he approaches, announcing his presence to anyone who had met him.

"Holy robotic dragon Batman. I mean, I know that I'm relatively new and out of the loop, but I kind of expected to know about the dragon." He says from the doorway before looking at the others in the room.

"I wish that I could be surprised that you beat me here Stefan, but that seems to be my thing now. Desmond, by-the-by." He mentions, glancing at the unfamiliar faces.

"Occasionally known as the Heliomancer. And no, I can't stop glowing."
The Gleaming Dark Blue - Purple Dragon turns it's head- which is roughly the size of Desmonds whole body, to face him, and smiles. "Neither can I. Nice to meet you- I am known as Ouroboros, The Wyrm... And I'm new here- I've mostly only spoken to Charity, actually... she was trying to help me learn how to deal with people, but now that her memories are..." He shakes his large head. "Anyway! I've finally gotten up the Courage, and now I'm on Assignment- so... That's why you didn't know about me, I suppose."
"great you glow, he glows, I glow, The little girl down the street glows every one glows.. Can we get this crazy train a rolling please? Before the 800 year old elder monster starts finding knew ways of entertaining himself... The Glowing dragon looks like he might make a nice play toy for a while." Vlad said, tapping his foot on the table with his hand on his hips, then started paseing up and down the tables length.
Cassandra already has a pair of sunglasses on over her blindfold. Apparently, she keeps sunglasses around. They're as obnoxiously bright as Desmond, the most horrible shade of backscatter orange that highway safety crews have ever devised, and each lens is almost as big as her face. She leans back in her chair and starts to tap on the underside.

"You gonna' be the guy who keeps bragging about how big his talons are, Drakul? Maybe it takes longer to grow out of that. How long do elder monsters take to reach adulthood, anyway? Hey, Ouroboros, does he look like he's molted yet?"
"Age is not a reliable measure of power at the best of times," Miriam says pleasantly, "and even less so in such company as this." Turning to Vlad, she continues, "if your unfulfilled desire for entertainment becomes problematic for the mission, or any of our colleagues, please do let me know. We can be quite accommodating."
"Ignore Vlad, he tends to be unreasonably aggressive at the best of times." Desmond says dismissively as he takes a seat, dimming his light to its lowest as he does so. "Besides, I was glowing before it was cool and I have better fashion taste than miss blindfold and sunglasses."
Vlad starts counting on his fingers "I reached maturity around 26 or so i think... Then Reached a peak around 200 then sort of slid into a digression and like sort of Dematured.. As for my talons... I think he is Technically bigger... not that it matters... and my power has been more then efficient to accommodate deltas needs in the past." he thought for a moment. "Why am i explaining myself to a 12 year old?"

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