[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

Stefan's face twitches toward what might be a smile when he sees the look on Grace's face. Into the comms, he whispers, "Smart move, putting the genius where she can apply both her abilities and her intellect to the entire area of engagement. We don't have to worry about the creatures slipping through her blind spot if she doesn't have one, and she can direct and coordinate our efforts from there... plus can't the Maverick teleport her to the action if we need her on the ground? She's everywhere at once..." It's clear that while he's technically addressing Drake and his foresight in determining assignments, the comment is directed towards Girl Prodigy. But then, the next line drops the pretense. "Just promise me my designation won't be Red Queen, chessmaster."
Vlad rolled his eyes, Could be worse, She COULD BE bait.. He thought as he probed people mentally looking for any one trying to start shit, or simply the speratic minds of the fey, infact he made a point to try and single out any of the more hectic thought patterns.
The corner of Drake's mouth jerked at Stefan's comment in a somewhat similar manner, but if he was going to make a smart-ass comment, it never made it past his stoney face.

The crowd trickled in slowly at first, then groups of people arrived all at once. Some were morbidly curious, but most were still in a state of shock, unable to grasp the impact this was going to have on their lives. The tight security was a bit of a wake-up for them; a stark visual reminder that this was happening, that if the impervious hero wasn't safe, then neither were they. Some had genuinely looked up to Stryker. Other had been saved by him one way or another. They were easily identified by drawn, sometimes tearful faces.

"Why aren't they covering it up?" a cynical voice asked of his companions, not quite beyond the edge of Vlad's hearing, given the low hum of the crowd. "I mean, after all, he has to have had a weakness, and they didn't bother telling us that. They're capable of covering it up, so why aren't they?"

"Mommy's he's coming back, right?" a little boy said. "All the heroes come back."

"This isn't a comic book, sweetie," the mother responded.

A few punk teenagers tossed around the idea of setting off some pop rockets in the crowd, "Just to make everyone jump." The idea was discussed at length till someone had the sense to point out that Stryker gone or not, there were still plenty of people to hammer their asses into the ground. That was the closest thing Vlad found to shit disturbance, though, and nothing came of it.

The skies were clear for Desmond and Grace, and the ground free of small fairy-like creatures. No Solstice air raids, no Fae to haunt the grounds. Given the Fae's penchant for infiltration, they were almost conspicuously absent. An argument threatened to get ugly between an anti-metahuman protester and a lost kid without a hero, but one glance at Stefan, and the problem went away without him even saying anything. There was a certain air about the place; the Delta Division had lost one of their own, and they weren't about to take any kind of shit from anyone.

Sam had hired a full-orchestra band for the occasion that had been playing quietly in the background as the grounds filled. Vorg and Thundra walked out with Blink first, escorting the teleporter on either side to offer their moral support. Others filed in and filled the first few rows. The heroes arrived without fanfare, a subdued affair indeed compared to the ostentatious presentations that Sam usually employed. This time, she was demonstrating that at a time like this, less was more. They'd lost someone and making a spectacle of themselves wouldn't do. The heroes would remind everyone in their speeches that they were still watching over Alliance City.

The service started. Sam approached the podium, dressed in a carefully pressed well-tailored black dress suit. The band stilled. She asked the people of Alliance City to rise and sing the North American Amalgamated States national anthem. The crowd rose as one and the band began the first stirring notes. When the last one died away, there was a brief pause as everyone took their seats.

Then came the speeches. Sam started with a talk about how everyone had the potential to be a hero, and even played off of Desmond's light show by encouraging the people to look to a brighter future. The recruitment angle was only mostly subtle. She was a powerful speaker, though, and the crowd hung onto every word. Many even cried.

Lindsey told everyone that Stryker taught her that real strength came from believing in something. He believed that someone gave him powers, and she didn't know if that was really true or not, but she knew he believed in her. The girl had had a rough time of it. Tabloids and social media were still going on about her epic display of juvenile conduct the night of the assassination. She'd managed to get a hold of nullifying agents and went and got wicked drunk. And of course, that always ends so well. Now, she seemed remarkably composed.

Blink took the podium. The most astute would notice he walked with a limp, favoring his left leg. It wasn't a state secret that he wore a prosthetic, but it was hardly common knowledge either. Right now, that and his bowed shoulders added meaning to his broken, grief-stricken image without him even trying. A hush came over the crowd as he took one moment and then another to compose himself, then began to read from a paper. In a shaky voice, he told of how they'd become friends.

Stryker had hated him at first, he began, carefully avoiding mention of either his alien name or his anglicized private identity. Blink had been a stranger in a strange land, and Stryker had viewed him as a threat. It took a year for them to even like each other, let alone trust one another. But by the time they'd come back to Earth, a bond had formed that could not be broken. What Blink didn't say was that their bond had been their love for Stryker's sister, Blink's wife. She was in the audience, certainly, morphed to be someone--anyone else.

What he did speak of was brotherly love. But he only got part way through that before he broke down completely and put his hand to his face to instinctively shield his masked eyes as they filled with tears. Thundra stepped forward. With a gentle hand on Blink's back, she slid the paper from his shaking fingers and read the rest, a heartfelt tribute to his best friend.

That finished, Thundra walked Blink back to his seat. She made sure he was sitting down and put one gloved hand on his cheek in a close, comforting gesture. Wordlessly, she turned back to the podium.

She was halfway up the stairs when she collapsed, unconsciousness.
Vlad was already Stepping out of the shadows under the chairs created by the light and sniffing the scene out for any traces of what happened not even caring about the fact he was a rather LARGE grim looking wolf or weather or not he might be startling people, he was rather annoyed the people were trying to kill those around him, that and he had managed to develop some form of attachment to Thundra.. Mostly because she was like one of 4 people who wasn't or at least didn't show extreme fear, hatred, or discussed for him.. Giving up his blind sence to concentrate on his post cognizance ability Vlad nudged Thundra and tried to pick up what ever might have caused her to collapse, hoping it was simple exhaustion and stress.

Desmond dropped, his signature glow dimming as he descended. He reached out and touched Thundra's head, his finger glowing at the point of contact.

Using healing on Thundra, giving her an immediate recovery check with a +10 bonus


Light Control 6 (12 points)

Flight 3 (6 points)

Healing 10 (20 points)
If only it was something as simple as exhaustion. As far as Vlad could tell, she had been a little tired--they all were--but she tended to handle stress well, and her general athleticism gave her enough stamina that she was not given to sudden dizzy spells. She had been crying; after all, it's an emotional experience to watch friends in such pain. All he could see was her facial muscles twitch as if there was a sudden spasm of pain. Then her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and then she was on the ground.

Physically, there was little wrong with her. Her heart beat a steady, healthy rhythm and her breathing was deep and even. It was almost like she was asleep. The only thing Desmond would notice was that, as he healed her, a large bug bite on her neck disappeared. It was much like the bites they got from the insects at the PSO raid, but that was forever ago now, and wouldn't have anything to do with it. Would it?

Marcus and Eric jumped up in tandem the moment Charity collapsed. They slid in beside her seconds after Desmond touched down. They possibly should have been at least a little disturbed by the large puppy dog hovering over their loved one, but they were far too distracted by rising panic. Stryker's death had them all on edge, and this threatened to be just enough of a push.

Drake took two long steps toward Charity, a look as close to fear as any had seen on his face. He must have thought better of overcrowding her, however, since Dr. Franks was also making her way there. Instead he touched his comm. "Talk to me guys, what the hell happened? GP, you see anything?" His iron control slipped just slightly.
Vlad connected his thoughts to Drake "Im sending you what I saw, witch isnt much" and then sent what the he'd picked up to every one on his team that didn't have some telepathic block as well as sam, the dock, and Eric as well as an apology for intruding on their thoughts but he figured it prudent. Some one might know more then he did on the subject.

Then he hopped up and started trying to search out the cause of the problem.

Seeing Desmond's healing fail, Stefan moves in, spitting orders as he goes. "Prodigy, special attention to leadership, they are the clear targets here. Nicky, stick to Mr. X. Now. Defend him as you would me. I'm going to be distracted for a few... Desmond, watch my back, please." He punches a few commands into his tether as he crosses the room, setting it to scan for incoming or outgoing teleports in the area recently - maybe their hidden opponents have found a way to teleport poisons or insects around unnoticeably. Once he gets to her, though, he drops everything else the tether is maintaining and is giving it commands via both key punches and subvocalization. His English falls away as the tether stops devoting processing power to the translation matrix, and the stream of whispered German sounds like something heard in either an old church choir or else a demonic ritual. Any German speakers listening catch the final command, spoken with authority: "Attempt temporal reversion." Threads of light spread across Charity's body from where Stefan's left hand rest on her shoulder, attempting to undo any damage and remove foreign agents through replacing the damaged parts of her body with her body from hours or days ago, whenever her personal timeline was last in perfect condition.

If she's dead by the time he gets at a fast walk, nothing will happen, and I'll post a slightly more dramatic Resurrection attempt. If she's alive, he keeps trying to heal her until she fails a check, and if he's removing ability damage or drain, he'll keep trying anyway to clean that up. He automatically stabilizes her if she's in dying condition, but doesn't automatically end effects like a Drain that keeps getting worse (like a poison that removes more Constitution per round), so he'll just keep healing it. If she fails a recovery check, he won't be able to heal any more damage off of her, only PP lost to drain effects.
Grace had settled into the Maverick with a broiling cloud of inadequacy. She couldn't have saved Stryker, she knew that and yet it still hurt that there was nothing that she could have done. She really hadn't saved Sam either, except for having been there and watched it happen. And now she was sent to the Maverick to sit there and watch.

She scanned through the screens, before the ceremony started. She had just put in the filter to highlight motion, based on the vectors. On a last screen she set up an algorhythym to sort based on tenser. Maybe something in the randomness would provide some structure. Then the ceremony started.

She sat and listened, her eyes flicking across the screens, as her ears and emotions locked onto the words. Before long the screens became harder to watch as the tears ran down her face. She had wanted to be with the rest of Delta Division, instead she was locked into the Maverick, alone. She tucked her knees under her chin, wrapped her arms around her shins and cried. Watery eyes darted from screen to screen, still doing her job until Charity fell.


In a sudden pulse, The Maverick was instantly made biologically sterile, and Grace didn't even notice as she slumped into the seat, watching with morbid fascination as people gathered around the fallen body. Her breath slowly recontaminating the vehicle, she just sat and watched. Drake's voice barely stirred her. "There was nothing to see... not in the present."

The sound of tears were behind the words. "I was right. I just missed the attack. I was too involved with something else. On both Stryker and Charity, and Sam. I am sorry, guys, I completely missed it." A single tear rolled from her cheek to land on the biologically sterile floor, further spreading contamination back into the Maverick. "Mister Drake, I think you are next."
Stefan's tether reported no activity. Even Jay and any other of Delta's teleporters had walked into the yard, so the scan came back clean. Most of the others were at least familiar with mental communication, so they didn't even react to Vlad's telepathy. Eric took an involuntary step back, but that was about it. Other things were more concerning.

As Stefan knelt beside Charity, Drake put his hand to his comm and shifted his and Grace's to a different frequency. It wouldn't prevent those around him from hearing his words, but he wanted to make sure that she knew he was directing them to her. "Grace, listen to me. This is not your fault. Do not let yourself be dragged down that road, do you hear me? It leads to nothing but unnecessary distractions, and we need your ability to reason. We will understand what's happening, and if anyone can do it, it's you guys. There's a reason I passed lead of the investigation to Stefan. That said, don't concern yourself about me. Yes, I've made enemies, but they know damn well what I'm capable of, and if they're going to kill me, they first have to think twice if that's a risk they're willing to take. I understand you're overwhelmed, but take a breath and focus."

Meanwhile, as Stefan concentrated his efforts, the light spread through her body. It shifted over her core and limbs, and for a second her radiance seemed brighter that even Desmond's. The light settled in her skull, making her face shine. Her eyebrows twitched, and for a moment it looked like it was going to work.

Then everything went horribly wrong. She screamed, and as she screamed, a thunderous crack rent the sky. Lightning flashed and coalesced into a vaguely humanoid shape that hovered six or seven feet from the ground. Electricity arched from the energy being to the ground and into the air. "Get down!" Marcus yelled, and pushed Stefan to the ground, absorbing the energy. He wasn't entirely sure that the man had quite the same vulnerability to electricity as his little robot friend, but hell if he was going to find out the hard way.

Rather than protecting Drake, it seemed quite the opposite was happening with Nicky. The lightning strikes appeared to be hitting a bubble-like shield that protected both the man and the robot. Desmond could feel the tingling sensation of the charged air, but if these strikes were deliberate, it wasn't aimed at him.

Charity still lay prone on the ground, unchanged. Her eyes were closed, and she was unaware of the drama unfolding around her. If the energy being was somehow connected to her, if the restoration attempt had somehow brought back this...thing, it was as a duplicate--not as a replacement, like it was supposed to.

The crowd panicked. Already puzzled at Thundra's collapse, seeing her power manifest in such a way was too much. Faced with very real danger, they scrambled to do something, anything to get out of the way. Pandemonium threatened to overwhelm the courtyard.

Sam took charge. Tapping the comm in her ear, she issued orders, something which Grace could hear as Drake had switched their comms back to the common frequency. "Drake, Spark Plug--containment. Blink, Stefan--crowd control. Get them calmed down, but most importantly, get them out of here. Girl Prodigy, I need you down here now. I need you and Vlad to mind blast this thing. Incapacitate if you can so we can understand what the hell is going on. If it's sentient, you two may have the only actual chance of hurting it. Desmond, you're on triage. She puts out a lot of damage, but no one dies on your watch, got it?"

And...roll initiative.

So, yeah...that's what I meant by completely effing up. Which, given that it is happening via a healthy dose of GM Fiat (and not because of the device's inherit tenancy to screw up, which was my pertinent question), it awards you all a Hero Point.

Charity's mental incapacity is (unsurprisingly) a plot device, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized Stefan's 'reboot' technique should work, I just didn't want it to. Now, as the GM I know I could just say it doesn't, but I really don't like using GM Fiat as "because I said so, that's why." This way it also becomes another piece of the puzzle, as in why did the tech mess up so badly, hm? And no, it's not because I said so, there is an actual reason. But that would be telling ;)

Incidentally, it also gives me an excuse to play out this fight that was in my head. I'd thought about mind controlling Charity, but at the end of the day, that wouldn't serve the purpose of the End Game. But screwing around with timey-wimey spacy-wacey stuff is always fun xD
Vlad thought for a moment then responded "I cant do mind blasts... I can whoop its ass... but not mind blast.. I can however scare every one away if you like?" He said.

Total of a 34 initiative.

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"Triage? That means I'm healing, right boss? On it." Desmond responded as he dived away from the crackling ball, taking to the air again.


Light Control 4 (8 points)

Flight 5 (10 points)

Healing 10 (20 points)

"Its not my fault, I didn't do this. But I could have seen this coming. I could have prevented all of this. No one should be dead now. If I just.... Mister Drake, watch out!" Her warning was a bit late, but Drake had already started to react as the electrical spirit emerged from from Charity.

Then Sam's voice cut in, issuing orders to people, trying to settle things down. Grace grabbed her bag and moved to the teleporter. "Mister Drake, don't teleport until I can figure this out. On my way."

Vlad=47 (plus 5 for critical)

Girl Prodigy=15



"Mr. Brodavitch, do you honestly think people need to be more terrified right now? You've lived for eight centuries, I'm sure you've found some way to deal with an incorporeal sentient ball of energy--please do so." There might have been a hint of annoyance in Sam's voice. It was getting hard to keep track of what his powers were now. "Dr. Franks, you and your medical team get Miss London to the infirmary and take immediate assessment of her condition." They scrambled to follow her orders.

Marcus stood and spread out his arms, focusing on becoming a human lightning rod. The size of the ball of energy lessened. Drake's magnetic shield extended over the whole area, then wrapped around the coursing electricity. He bit back a grunt, as if it was an effort to do so. "Make it quick, guys, she's a feisty one."

Indeed, despite Drake and Marcus' combined efforts, the environment was still a dangerous place. Lightning struck the ground repeatedly, and stormclouds formed overhead from the super heated, rising air. Droplets of rain began to fall.
Vlad grumbled, he allready knew what he was going to have to do in order to get rid of this creature and he wasn't enjoying the idea to much, infact he was starting to get annoyed with having to kill himself. The darkness in the area all started to form up on vlad twisting and englufing his form, vlad simply didnt fight it allowin the darknes to embrace him, constricting around him so that non could see it crush his form.

"Either way a dragon is about to be appearing in this area rather shortly so I suggest you start doing something about them quickly." he replied as the lst of his life was stamped out.

After a second a masive wing cut threw the sphere of darkness and his half transformed could be seen twisting and shifting as he started to become more of a black dragon and less of a ghastly wolf.

(If the creature attacks vlad in this state while he is changing this round He can be critted, afterwords Vlad is imune, I will be Shifting the 5 points of emotion control he has in his dragon form to his vamperic drain witch will pick up the power feat effects incorporeal and pump an additional 3 points into drain for the time being putting it up to a 6 point drain, and I will put 1 point into his super strength giving him effects incorporeal feat their so that his strength will be able to hurt the creature. These points will be transferred back to where they should be after the fight cause Im currently inable to acctually change my sheet, and I kind of like where they are at.

Vlad will relent to himself being killed by his own powers but will revive. If some one trys to shoot him with anything it would have to get threw his darkness before his regeneration heals him up, witch is a solid object.)
Grace wasn't all too sure she wanted to go down and then blast her friend into oblivion, even if her friend was some alternates dimensional person she had never met. Charity, whatever form she was in, was still her friend.

She teleported down to the funeral service, trying to pick a location that was close to the entity but not about to get trampled by the people heading for cover. In a blink she appeared donning her circlet. She wouldn't even bother with the activity bracers. She doubted she would want to get close enough to use them.

"Charity, if that is you, remember we are friends. I am not looking to hurt you, but all this lightning will hurt someone. You need to control it before I am forced to stop you."
For the most part, Desmond ignored the being of animate lightning, focusing instead on evacuating the crowds. He swooped down and grabbed a child that had been left behind, accelerating and releasing her to a pair of arriving policemen.

"Officers." he said before returning to the air.
Stefan positions himself to cover Thundra in case she's not immune to lightning in her current state, and then takes aim at the energy-construct that he isn't certain he's responsible for. Knowing his other attacks rely on physical targets, he's down to just one option - RIOT configuration. The cone of flashing patterns is directed upward at the creature/person/friend/enemy, hopefully missing most of the crowd - while they might could stand the calming effect, the dazing would cause them to flee too slowly.

(ALL the saving throws at DC 12, failing the Will save Calms, failing the Fort save Fatigues, and failing the Will save Blinds. The Calm effect gives a new save every round to shrug off, after 5 rounds the DC drops to 11, after 10 rounds it wears off. The Blind effect gives a Fort save every round to shrug off, with a +1 bonus per previous attempt, although the first round they get their sight back they're at -1 to use it.)

Nicky turns off his microphone and talks to himself in German while he stays within Drake's protection. The things he says range from crass to crossing-every-boundary inappropriate.
The child was crying and screaming in terror at being abandoned when Desmond scooped her up. She couldn't have been more than five. She stopped short, though, when she was deposited by the officers and her panicked mother held her close. "It's okay, Mom, Mister Sun Man saved me." The two of them were whisked off though the gates and loaded onto the ferries. Blink, meanwhile, was shortcutting the whole process by teleporting batches of people to the mainland. He cut a swift glance at Stefan--he was acutely aware how something like this could cripple a man in battle, and had a lecture all prepared about how it wasn't his fault--but he seemed all right, and left it alone.

"Can't say as I entirely disagree with your sentiment there, kid," Drake responded to Nicky, also in German. Something about the absurdity of a small child-like person saying such foul things just made him laugh a little. Probably a touch of hysteria setting in.

The lightning creature paid absolutely no attention to Girl Prodigy and didn't seem to hear her at all. She seemed disinclined to make any deliberately threatening moves, though it was difficult to tell if Stefan's RIOT attack was the reason for that. But it didn't need to be a rampaging monster to be dangerous. Control was out of the question with that level of raw energy. Streaks of blue lit up in contrast against the shadowy construct that hid Vlad's transformation and struck the ground and everyone unlucky to be in range. A man screamed in pain as the lightning ran through him and he fell to the ground. Thunder rolled, and a torrent of rain began to fall.

Roll a Reflex, DC 23. Failing that, roll a Toughness save, DC 28; a success needs a toughness save of DC 21. With Evasion (1), a successful Reflex save takes no damage, though a failed Reflex save will still be rolling Toughness against DC 28. With Evasion (2), a successful Reflex save takes no damage, and a failed Reflex rolls Toughness against DC 21.
"Son of a -" Stefan's curse is cut short as he dives to cover, drowned out in the chorus of thunder.


Nicky's swearing fit peters out with the realization that Drake can understand him. Normally the team's contact with magical dimensions is minimal, they know better than to mess with powers they don't understand. Neither Stefan nor Nicky have been able to help against any real opponent they've faced, and now Stefan's suffering backfires from abilities that have never showed any unreliability in the past. Nicky just wants to go home.
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Grace now wished she had come in full costume. The protection of the costume might have insulated her from the weather around her. But bright blues and yellows were hardly funeral attire. She had barely gotten the circlet on her head and clipped into position when she needed to vacate to spot she was in.


Vlad raised his head as the darkness faded away from view leaving only the large black draconic form snarling at the lightning creature. Bolts of lightning crackling threw his form as he charged the thing, his hind legs propelling him at the creature, his wings spread out wards and his massive hands outstretched glowing and ready to grab the lightning creature. His plan was to grab it and drag it away from the civilians.



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Desmond dived, hitting the ground faster than he liked but shielding a fallen civilian with his body.


Desmond's frantic dive probably saved the life of the burly tank of a man who looked about ready to wet himself from fright. They both went tumbling over and over, narrowly missing the lightning strikes, until they slammed with a hard thud into a tree. He'd be able to feel the shockwave from the impact run up his arm, though it wouldn't hinder him from the game. Blink appeared at that second and gave a nod of thanks to Desmond before teleporting his rescuee away, along with several other civilians.

Stefan's combat training served him well. One would almost think he was used to dodging angry and confused electricity spirits. Though the hair on the back of his head stood at attention in the charged air, he managed to avoid the worst of it. Behind him, a team of medics transported Charity's still-prone figure out of the combat zone. Hopefully in the infirmary, they'd be able to better discover the reason for this mess. With that objective out of the way, and Nicky out of sorts but relatively safe, Stefan could now concentrate on making sure that everyone got out of this more or less intact.

For Grace, this was much like being caught outside on a mountaintop near a lake in the middle of a thunderstorm. It was everything that every elementary science safety lesson told her not to do. Despite her best efforts, a tingling hot and cold rippled through her in the space of a milisecond, leaving a burning sensation. Sparks danced in her eyes, and then Sam was grabbing her shoulders. "You're okay, dear, shake it off. Your team needs you. You want to be a hero, you want to be one of them? Well, here it is. Your chance."

Vlad took the lightning like a boss, shrugging off the damage. It was just as well that Blink was almost forcibly taking the civilians away, because the sight of a dragon surrounded first by swirling darkness, then by dramatic flashes of lightning was almost too much. Some stood in abject terror at the sight. Others stared in awe. The full-body tackle seemed to nearly merge Vlad with the erratic ball of energy. It put up little resistance. If energy could be lethargic, then that was as good a way to describe it as any. Perhaps Stefan's RIOT had done some good after all. Slowly, the mesh of darkness, dragon, and lightning began to rise.

"Take us up with them, Mr. Hashirobie," Sam commanded. Around Stefan, Grace, and Nicky, the gravity began to shift and they rose into the air. Sam and Marcus floated up with them. Desmond was left to fly under his own power. Vlad also didn't seem to have a problem with his own flight. They were taking the battle to the skies. This was going to be an interesting maneuver. Drake's focus slipped just a little from the energy being. Fortunately, the lightning bolt skittered harmlessly between the dark clouds that formed.

Stefan: No Damage

Vlad: No Damage

Desmond: Bruised (-1 to toughness)

Grace: Bruised and stunned (-1 to toughness). Sam uses Leadership and spends a Hero Point to help Grace shake off the stunned condition. Grace can act normally on her turn, but still suffers the -1 to toughness.

Vlad has taken his initiative. The next action is Grace's, followed by Desmond, then Stefan. Then we're back to Vlad.
It was the craziest thing. The woman shaking her back to action almost sounded like her mom. Grace almost reach out and hugged her but as awareness came back she realized the mistake.

That was when they left the ground. Her stomach was suddenly upside down and if she had eaten anything that morning it would have come back up. Flying was one thing. Floating against gravity was another.

"Mister Drake. I don't think energy beings float since they are not affected by gravity to any significant degree. Mass is entirely negligible."

A quick turn of her head started her spinning. It gave her a moment to work her circlet onto her head. As the energy Charity came into alignment Grace triggered the circlet unleashing a beam of mental energy passing through her alt-friend. "Sorry."

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