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Fantasy The heretics

MadGod said:


View attachment 228976

"Don't worry my dear, this will only hurt a lot!"


Daniel Artosh








Day - Archer

Night - Monster


Day - none

Night - Conjuration, only weapons and armor

Weapon and fighting style:

NOTE - Daniel will only fight using his day form and not reveal his abilities at night unless forced to. His night form, while by no means undefeatable, would take at least a group of strong experienced fighters to match.

Day - Daniel fights from a distance using an ordinary iron crossbow and also has a short sword for close combat, but he is mostly incapable of using it. Low strength, stamina and reflexes put him in a level slightly below the average foot soldier and much lower than any knight. Decent shot with the crossbow, but nothing spectacular. Completely incapable of healing, to the point where even blood won't coagulate in wounds and even the smallest cut can lead to death by blood loss. Immune to healing magic and medicine.

Night - Daniel possesses supernatural strength and is capable of healing any non-instakill injury within minutes. He can conjure up dagger sized claws and a hideous full body armor, but these are mostly unneeded as he can easily rip an armored fighter in two with his bare hands. His armor provides very high magic resistance, effectively nullifying low to medium level magic. The armor also has high defence against slashing and piercing attacks, but does little to protect against blunt damage.


+ Avoiding Combat

+ Kind people

+ Torturing and killing kind people

+ Solitude


- Talkative and pushy people

- Nice weather

- Musclebrains

Weaknesses: Severely weakened by sunlight, paranoia, dual personality, cowardice


Day - At day Daniel can only be described as a useless pushover. Shy, unsocial and a coward, he tends to always get bullied into obedience. He tries his best however to be of use to others and be "good". He doesn't care at all about other people and would probably burst into laughter if he saw them hurt or killed, yet he is constantly fighting to mask his sadism because he fears that if he stops acting the part, then he really will stop being human and the thing possessing him will take over. In other people's eyes he could actually be seen as a caring person.

Night - At night Daniel's mask shatters and he reveals his malevolent nature. He is aware of this and tries his best not to interact with others so as to not raise suspicion. As he is incapable of sleeping and finds faking sleep to be incredibly annoying, so he will often go on "walks" at night, walks which sometimes end up with some poor innocent person turned to mincemeat.


Daniel was the youngest child in a family of farmers who worked on the De Clare family estate, having 4 brothers and 2 sisters.

He had been born with a weak body, being sick most of the time which caused him to be constantly bullied by his older sibling. Being the way he was, he couldn't help very much in the fields either which caused his parents to dislike him as well, regarding him only as a waste of food. Cursed child, that's what his mother would call him every time he stumbled, never failing to remind him that he shouldn't have been born.

Daniel never learned the feeling of anger, being told all of this for as long as he could remember he could only believe it to be true. It was his fault that he was useless, his fault for being born into this world only to be a burden to others, so he would only smile when being hit, because he deserved it.

When he was 11 he became bedridden for almost 2 weeks. One day his father who hadn't talked to him for so long came to his bed and lifted him into his arms then started walking. Neither of them said a thing to the other, they just walked for a few hours until they reached a forest. There he father put him down then turned around and left. He watched his back as he was going away, he thought he should say something, but that would probably just annoy his father. So he decided to wait until he came back.

It became night, and no one came for him, he would only stay there, occasionally convulsing in pain and passing out only to wake up again to the cold wet ground.

By the time he realized he was abandoned he didn't even have the strength to cry anymore.

In his delirium filled with desperation he saw a ... thing approach him. He couldn't figure out it's shape, if it had any. After watching him for a while the thing spoke:

"Do you wish to die?"

He thought it would be for the best, an unwanted existence should just die.


No? Why did he answer no? Didn't he want to die? He felt more confusion at his reply then at the thing offering him death.

"Do you wish for power?"


If he had power, he could be useful he could be...

His thoughts were interrupted as the being suddenly grabbed him and enveloped him. He felt a strong chill and lost consciousness. When he woke up his mind felt clear. He didn't bother thinking or wondering about anything, he just staring running towards home. Despite having taken his father a couple hours to get him there he arrived home in less than 10 minutes.

Before they could react, his parents had been torn apart. When he looked at their mangled corpses he finally realized what he had done: he let them die so easily, such a mistake, a mistake he would not repeat with his siblings.

After that he lived for a while by working for food scraps and some straw to sleep, until he realized he could earn money and have fun by killing travelers at night. Eventually he joined the Knights Academy in an attempt to preserve what was left of his humanity.


TL;DR version of Daniel.

He's possessed by something which makes him extremely weak while the Sun is up and unable to heal at all or be healed. After sundown the influence of the "being" becomes a lot stronger making him all mean and powerful, but not mindless, he won't go attacking allies.

He's afraid of being exposed and hunted down so he won't show his abilities at night unless forced to.


[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]




"Life? its a very Beautiful Lie... Death? well its the very Ungliest Truth but i love it"


Cassiopea Bathleth


Dark Demonic Magician








Thief and Mage


Dark Magic

Weapon and fighting style:

this is her weapon at Combat


this is her book witch she uses different kind of magic without this book she is powerless and only the spear she can be save



all the Food

cute things






evil people



food that has no taste

scary things


shes afraid of the sea cuz she can swim

shes afraid of people staring at her differently

shes afraid to lose people that is important to her

if her precious magic book disappear she is powerless


happy,exited,kind,loyal and an easy going demon


she was born as an adopted child all the people in the city look at her with no pitty as they throw stones at her and never gave her food she has nothing but to learn how to survive by stealing and sometimes she go to some random school to learn thing she needed in life she never get chought. when she turn 14 she found a book that have magic there she learn how to use it and to save herself from people who wanted to hurt her and now as she is a well grown woman she will not take revenge on what happen to her but to show who are in pity that there is hope for them and never give up for their is a brighter fate waiting for them


lazer and cute animals attract her to do nothing but to follow them.
.A little question about the race. Does it count as a demon, or is she just a magician who uses dark magic?

Eagershadow3 said:
.A little question about the race. Does it count as a demon, or is she just a magician who uses dark magic?
well she is a demon that use magic ehehehe and yes sir it count as a demon :)
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]sir is my character accepted?

It says above the sheet that races such as dragons, demons, and angles are not acceoted. They would create a huge plot hole in the story.
Alys Lei


"I'm not scared. No matter what you put me through, I will not be afraid. I will be resilient, but the one thought that terrifies me is losing you."


Alys Lei








Support Mage [sorcerer]


+ Earth

+ Healing

+ Enhanced party buffs

Weapon and Fighting Style:

Alys wields a magic grimoire passed down from generation to generation in her family. Her field of expertise revolves around supporting the party with healing from a distance away, and is not too skilled with melee. She can handle a bit of ranged combat with her earth manipulation, preferring to deal damage over time rather than burst.


+ Her family

+ Magic

+ Nature

+ Peace

+ Allies

+ Kindness

+ Books

+ Fancy attire

+ Butterflies

+ Sparkly things


- Violence (unless it's absolutely necessary)

- Losing friends

- Cold weather


Alys naturally has low defense and attack power, and would be easily vulnerable if it weren't for her supportive abilities. If her grimoire was taken away, then the power and efficiency of her magic greatly decreases.


Alys is a mature, composed, reserved, and well-mannered individual. She's kindhearted and caring, and will do anything and everything if it meant helping out her friends. Despite being quiet most of the time, she always attempts to break her shell by being friendly to greet her peers and such, just to be polite. Oddly, Alys is quite resilient and seems to be almost fearless.


As a child, Alys had strong familial bonds with her family, which consisted of her mother, father, and older sister. From a young age, she had an affinity for topics revolving around nature and such. Her heart was large, and she was generous to those around her. The person who she treasured most was her older sister, Anna. They constantly spent their time playing together, hanging out, and having fun. Alys loved those times, but they didn't last long. First of all, her father had to depart for private matters, most-likely involving war.

Second, when they were old enough, their mother lectured them about the magic grimoire of the Lei family, which was a very powerful spellbook when mastered to the best of the user's ability. Because there were two possible successors, Alys and Anna, only one of them would succeed. Though their parents had watched their potential from when they were born, Alys was already a clear winner, and without a second thought, the grimoire was immediately passed down to her.

Anna was enraged. She thought that she deserved the magical book more than her younger sister did, because she was older, and had "more expertise". She protested and protested, but her parents wouldn't listen.

From that point on, Anna's jealousy corrupted her. She began to physically and verbally abuse Alys everyday. Their friendship shattered into billions of pieces, and it remained unfixed. However, Alys didn't complain. She would've handed the book to her sister if she could, to mend all the broken parts, but it was impossible. The book was already attached to Alys with a contract until the day of her death. Even if Anna had stolen it, the grimoire's benefits would not be applied to her.

The only reason why Anna hadn't killed Alys was the fear of being disowned and hated by her parents. She put up a facade of being a sweet, innocent girl, though when hey were away, she continued on to abuse Alys. The pain stung, but it would be healed by the next morning. Because of her healing ability, it had angered Anna even more. The stronger the healing, the stronger the abuse.

"I'm not scared. No matter what you put me through, I will not be afraid. I will be resilient, but the one thought that terrifies me is losing you."

Alys had endured the pain for many, many years. She valued her sister, so she accepted the mistreatment; she wasn't scared. She thought of it as punishment for being the one with more potential out of the two. Though her mother had eventually found out, and banished Anna from home, sending her to the authorities and thrown into prison for her actions.

Several months later, Anna had escaped, returned to the Lei household, and brutally murdered her mother while she was off guard. As Alys was off buying groceries that day, she was shocked when she found Anna, who stood by the dying body. Alys attempted to heal her mother, but she was too late, and her power wasn't enough.

Anna thought it was enough suffering for her younger sister, in which it was. No amount of physical abuse would scare her, despite the agony, but once her family members were involved, it was hell. She mourned her mother's death, and the broken bonds between her and Anna.

Alys enrolled into the academy in hopes of improving her abilities and protecting the land, so she wouldn't have to face the loss of her loved ones once more.

Bio TLDR; Used to be a happy family and all that stuff. But soon enough, Alys was abused by her older sister (Anna) due to being better than her in terms of magical potential. (because the family spellbook was passed down to Alys rather than Anna) Alys didn't mind and endured the pain, since she valued her sister.

Mother eventually died due to Anna murdering her, Father left off somewhere related to the war. Anna's location is now unknown, probably a wandering criminal or something.


((OOC, but if I'm accepted, does anyone mind briefly summarizing what is currently happening in the rp? Thank you in advance!))
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Hatz said:
Alys Lei


"I'm not scared. No matter what you put me through, I will not be afraid. I will be resilient, but the one thought that terrifies me is losing you."


Alys Lei








Support Mage [sorcerer]


+ Earth

+ Healing

+ Enhanced party buffs

Weapon and Fighting Style:

Alys wields a magic grimoire passed down from generation to generation in her family. Her field of expertise revolves around supporting the party with healing from a distance away, and is not too skilled with melee. She can handle a bit of ranged combat with her earth manipulation, preferring to deal damage over time rather than burst.


+ Her family

+ Magic

+ Nature

+ Peace

+ Allies

+ Kindness

+ Books

+ Fancy attire

+ Butterflies

+ Sparkly things


- Violence (unless it's absolutely necessary)

- Losing friends

- Cold weather


Alys naturally has low defense and attack power, and would be easily vulnerable if it weren't for her supportive abilities. If her grimoire was taken away, then the power and efficiency of her magic greatly decreases.


Alys is a mature, composed, reserved, and well-mannered individual. She's kindhearted and caring, and will do anything and everything if it meant helping out her friends. Despite being quiet most of the time, she always attempts to break her shell by being friendly to greet her peers and such, just to be polite. Oddly, Alys is quite resilient and seems to be almost fearless.


As a child, Alys had strong familial bonds with her family, which consisted of her mother, father, and older sister. From a young age, she had an affinity for topics revolving around nature and such. Her heart was large, and she was generous to those around her. The person who she treasured most was her older sister, Anna. They constantly spent their time playing together, hanging out, and having fun. Alys loved those times, but they didn't last long. First of all, her father had to depart for private matters, most-likely involving war.

Second, when they were old enough, their mother lectured them about the magic grimoire of the Lei family, which was a very powerful spellbook when mastered to the best of the user's ability. Because there were two possible successors, Alys and Anna, only one of them would succeed. Though their parents had watched their potential from when they were born, Alys was already a clear winner, and without a second thought, the grimoire was immediately passed down to her.

Anna was enraged. She thought that she deserved the magical book more than her younger sister did, because she was older, and had "more expertise". She protested and protested, but her parents wouldn't listen.

From that point on, Anna's jealousy corrupted her. She began to physically and verbally abuse Alys everyday. Their friendship shattered into billions of pieces, and it remained unfixed. However, Alys didn't complain. She would've handed the book to her sister if she could, to mend all the broken parts, but it was impossible. The book was already attached to Alys with a contract until the day of her death. Even if Anna had stolen it, the grimoire's benefits would not be applied to her.

The only reason why Anna hadn't killed Alys was the fear of being disowned and hated by her parents. She put up a facade of being a sweet, innocent girl, though when hey were away, she continued on to abuse Alys. The pain stung, but it would be healed by the next morning. Because of her healing ability, it had angered Anna even more. The stronger the healing, the stronger the abuse.

"I'm not scared. No matter what you put me through, I will not be afraid. I will be resilient, but the one thought that terrifies me is losing you."

Alys had endured the pain for many, many years. She valued her sister, so she accepted the mistreatment; she wasn't scared. She thought of it as punishment for being the one with more potential out of the two. Though her mother had eventually found out, and banished Anna from home, sending her to the authorities and thrown into prison for her actions.

Several months later, Anna had escaped, returned to the Lei household, and brutally murdered her mother while she was off guard. As Alys was off buying groceries that day, she was shocked when she found Anna, who stood by the dying body. Alys attempted to heal her mother, but she was too late, and her power wasn't enough.

Anna thought it was enough suffering for her younger sister, in which it was. No amount of physical abuse would scare her, despite the agony, but once her family members were involved, it was hell. She mourned her mother's death, and the broken bonds between her and Anna.

Alys enrolled into the academy in hopes of improving her abilities and protecting the land, so she wouldn't have to face the loss of her loved ones once more.

Bio TLDR; Used to be a happy family and all that stuff. But soon enough, Alys was abused by her older sister (Anna) due to being better than her in terms of magical potential. (because the family spellbook was passed down to Alys rather than Anna) Alys didn't mind and endured the pain, since she valued her sister.

Mother eventually died due to Anna murdering her, Father left off somewhere related to the war. Anna's location is now unknown, probably a wandering criminal or something.


((OOC, but if I'm accepted, does anyone mind briefly summarizing what is currently happening in the rp? Thank you in advance!))
Accepted. As a little summary, our characters left a Knight Academy to aid a small village with a bandit problem, and after chasing them off they go to stay at one of the characters mothers home, and tomorrow they will head out to Tulkan castle to stand guard there.
Eagershadow3 said:
Accepted. As a little summary, our characters left a Knight Academy to aid a small village with a bandit problem, and after chasing them off they go to stay at one of the characters mothers home, and tomorrow they will head out to Tulkan castle to stand guard there.
Thank you! I'll try my best to jump in!
Eagershadow3 said:
It says above the sheet that races such as dragons, demons, and angles are not acceoted. They would create a huge plot hole in the story.
okey uumm would i be accepted if i change it into a human sir?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.fa3f7e1bc109364a1cc7e75fa261596c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.fa3f7e1bc109364a1cc7e75fa261596c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Under his hood is silver hair which is kept smooth and goes down past his ears to the edge of his neck)

"Quote": "I am well acquainted with the darkness. It has accepted me where all others deny me."

Name: Verinus Cavinear

Race: Elf

Age: 20

Sexuality: heterosexual

Class: Assassin

Weapon and fighting style: he holds a sword for close combat, but his other weapons consist of a knife used for hunting and killing, a bow, three throwing knives, and a few poisons.

While he prefers sneaking around and avoiding close quarters combat, he will fight face to face if he must. When he is in open conflict, Verinus will use his agility to avoid as many attacks as possible while landing as many attacks as he can on his opponent in order to wear them down. Once he knows h has the advantage, he will take on the offensive and end the battle as quickly as possible.

Likes: a low profile, walks, night, climbing, and some conversation.

Dislikes: annoyances, being caught, and talking about his past.

Weaknesses: He usually plans things out, so if his plans don't follow through, he is at a big disadvantage. He is also quite low on how hard he can get hit and t is hard for him to battle an armoroed or tough foe because he relies much on his agility.

Personality: He has a serious side and a social side. The social side is when he has his hood and mask off, that way, he can blend in public and manage to be a little more social. When he has suspicions or his hood is up, he's usually very serious. When he doesn't have his hood up, his personality can be talkative and a little bit cocky or teasing in some cases. If he has comrades, he is actually a nice person, but one doesn't usually get that impression from their first meeting. He doesn't justify his killings even though he usually takes jobs to assassinate scum.

Bio: Abandoned as a child and left to starve, Verinus's early life was a night mare as he struggled to survive. He quickly turned to thievery and the like to try and gain his meals, but after far too much, people decided to drive him out into the wilderness. Now alone armed with only a rusted knife, he was determined to survive. He stayed in the wilderness for a year before returning to civilization. People quickly recognized his skills and he was taken in by a group of assassins who taught him several arts of combat, killing, and how to use poisons. Now he is merely a wandering man who kills and steals from scum for coin.



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