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Fantasy The Guild

Angelostar4 said:
Name: Rex Bateson
Gender: Male

Age: 13

Race: Brood (Demi-Dragon)

Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/9/93/BoFIII_RyuChild_Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130820112648

Personality: Rex is rather shy, and doesn't talk oh so often to others. But he will open himself up to some individuals. He can be cowardly sometimes, and is reluctant to fight. But if he has no other options, he'll fight for his life. He is very compassionate about growing stronger, and to protect those that can't protect themselves. Meaning, he is the defender of the weak... even though he is scared to stand-up to them. He's also very interested in learning new things, like magic, and monsters. Though the latter does scare him.

Class: Wanderer

Role: Scholar

Bio: Rex is apart of ancient clan of dragons known as the Brood. His clan has been in an ancient battle with another group of dragons known as the Dark Saviors, a group of dragons that wants to reform the order of dragons. They've been battling for 14 years as of late... under the earth's surface. Rex's mother, fearing for her newborn son's life, placed him in a thick forest. She gave the newborn son, 12 gems. After which, is says that she'll return... but she never did, leaving a baby Rex crying in the forest. Thankfully, a caretaker from the village orphanage came by, and took the boy as her own. For 13 years, he would be living in the orphanage... until the attack of the imps happened. With great luck, Rex survived the attack from the imps, thanks to hiding in a pot. And with even greater luck, spots the Twin Dragon guild heading back. So, with his stones in hand, he tails them.

Equipment: The 12 Dragon Stones: Flame, Frost, Thunder, Shadow, Radiant, Force, Defender, Eldritch, Miracle, Trance, Fusion, and Reverse.

Flame: Grants a Flame property

Frost: Grants a Ice property

Thunder: Grants an Lightning property

Shadow: Grants a Dark Property.

Radiant: Grants a Light Property

Force: Grants a form emphasizing Power

Defender: Grants a form emphasizing Defence

Eldritch: Grants a form emphasizing Intelligence

Miracle: Grants a form emphasizing Size.

Trance: A mysterious stone, that holds a incomplete, but great power.

Fusion: Take the powers of nearby creatures, and combine them.

Reverse: Reverse the properties of the other Dragon Stones.

Word: Ellon

Other: Believe it or not, Rex is actually good at fishing, though he never tried it in his life. Rex's has the power to learn the ability of monsters, though he can't learn all of them. Watching them helps him learn, but getting hit by the attack helps him even more. He's rather good with wielding a sword, but is also great at using a boomerang. There is a 13th Dragon Stone, called Infinity. It said to hold the power of the most powerful dragon... in ancient times.
Errrrgggghghhh this makes me want to make another character too but we already have so much
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Errrrgggghghhh this makes me want to make another character too but we already have so much

I'll probably only keep it at two for me. We have enough as is.
Angelostar4 said:
Name: Rex Bateson
Gender: Male

Age: 13

Race: Brood (Demi-Dragon)

Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/9/93/BoFIII_RyuChild_Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130820112648

Personality: Rex is rather shy, and doesn't talk oh so often to others. But he will open himself up to some individuals. He can be cowardly sometimes, and is reluctant to fight. But if he has no other options, he'll fight for his life. He is very compassionate about growing stronger, and to protect those that can't protect themselves. Meaning, he is the defender of the weak... even though he is scared to stand-up to them. He's also very interested in learning new things, like magic, and monsters. Though the latter does scare him.

Class: Wanderer

Role: Scholar

Bio: Rex is apart of ancient clan of dragons known as the Brood. His clan has been in an ancient battle with another group of dragons known as the Dark Saviors, a group of dragons that wants to reform the order of dragons. They've been battling for 14 years as of late... under the earth's surface. Rex's mother, fearing for her newborn son's life, placed him in a thick forest. She gave the newborn son, 12 gems. After which, is says that she'll return... but she never did, leaving a baby Rex crying in the forest. Thankfully, a caretaker from the village orphanage came by, and took the boy as her own. For 13 years, he would be living in the orphanage... until the attack of the imps happened. With great luck, Rex survived the attack from the imps, thanks to hiding in a pot. And with even greater luck, spots the Twin Dragon guild heading back. So, with his stones in hand, he tails them.

Equipment: The 12 Dragon Stones: Flame, Frost, Thunder, Shadow, Radiant, Force, Defender, Eldritch, Miracle, Trance, Fusion, and Reverse.

Flame: Grants a Flame property

Frost: Grants a Ice property

Thunder: Grants an Lightning property

Shadow: Grants a Dark Property.

Radiant: Grants a Light Property

Force: Grants a form emphasizing Power

Defender: Grants a form emphasizing Defence

Eldritch: Grants a form emphasizing Intelligence

Miracle: Grants a form emphasizing Size.

Trance: A mysterious stone, that holds a incomplete, but great power.

Fusion: Take the powers of nearby creatures, and combine them.

Reverse: Reverse the properties of the other Dragon Stones.

Word: Ellon

Other: Believe it or not, Rex is actually good at fishing, though he never tried it in his life. Rex's has the power to learn the ability of monsters, though he can't learn all of them. Watching them helps him learn, but getting hit by the attack helps him even more. He's rather good with wielding a sword, but is also great at using a boomerang. There is a 13th Dragon Stone, called Infinity. It said to hold the power of the most powerful dragon... in ancient times.

Force Appearance: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/9/9e/Flamewarriordragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141030104318

Miracle Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/0/05/BehemothIIIArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20120824062453

Eldritch Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/b/ba/BoFIII_TiamatArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130804160412

Defender Appearance: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/1/18/BoFIII_DragonArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130722205319

Infinity Appearance: His hair turns into a golden color, replacing his blue hair. His eyes turn red, and in the back of him. You could faintly see the golden dragon... known as the Kaiser Dragon. It has golden scales, and it's claws are pitch black. It's eyes are deep red, and the wings are golden in nature.
The second Roman learns of Rex's dragon heritage you will never get him to go away.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb3369f8a_rsz_dsfdfgdf(2).jpg.2e8b41a3096052940d6a22dfdaefc8ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb3369f8a_rsz_dsfdfgdf(2).jpg.2e8b41a3096052940d6a22dfdaefc8ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Caption: Last word was Ellon)


Renkei Kuzumiyo

Physical Description:

Human male, aged 33

5'11 , 163 lbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/15ek4z2222222n.jpg.e87480764de3e030a3fea119cc47578c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/15ek4z2222222n.jpg.e87480764de3e030a3fea119cc47578c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"It's awfully quiet back there. Are you two making out?"


Renkei loves to tease, though he truly means no harm and will lay off the banter if he feels that he is actually hurting the feelings of those whom he picks on. He is both very sympathetic and empathetic. He is also very sensitive and can end up taking personal offense to seemingly harmless jokes directed towards him, though he will most likely not say anything about it and just sulk. Renkei is also very tolerant to different views and opinions and tries to refrain from being judgmental.

He's a very 'go with the flow' kind of person, preferring to follow rather than lead. He is more on the submissive side, though he knows when he's being used and he will not stand for it. Renkei can be protective, but only in certain situations and usually only to those that are close to him.

When he is betrayed or done great harm to, he will not forget until he has forgiven, which typically takes a very long time, or until he has satisfied himself with revenge. He is very emotionally driven.

Basically, he's like the sensitive mom-friend but with a deadly twist.





High Healing Capabilities | Low Damage Output | Little Defense | Moderate Mobility


Healer, Fighter, Scholar, Full-time 'mother'


Renkei was born into a normal household in a largely populated city. He had both a mother and a father and one older twin sister, Rei. And they were a very loving family. Both of his parents were kind and he was very close with his sister. He would have even counted her as his best friend.

Life seemed to flow naturally without any problems. That is- until their parents had divorced when he was at the age of 6. There was no gradual build up... No signs of it happening... It was very unexpected. And to this day, he does not know why his parents had divorced. As a child, the period where the mind is the most fragile, this left a huge impact on him. He very much liked his mother, and they had a great relationship, but even so, she refused custody of her children and she turned them over to the father as she left the city. This was the last time he ever saw her figure, and ever since then, his memory of her appearance had progressively faded.

For a couple years after his mother's parting, life seemed to carry on normally. Though, it was hard getting used to his home life with only his sister and his father present. Renkai and his sister, Rei, had to take up most of the housework while their father would spend most of the day at his job. But at the age of 9, things began to look dim for them. Their father would spend more of his free time out getting drunk. And when he would come home- there would be plenty of yelling and drama, and just general conflict. However, it was only verbal. His father's abuse did not turn physical until him and his sister had both turned the age of 11.

For years this had lasted. It became a common thing for fights to occur on the daily. Both Rei and Renkei turned into very bitter children. They looked to each other for support and had began to only trust and rely on one another. They started to ignore all attempts at interaction from anyone else. The two felt banded together against their father and would often back each other up when he would berate or chastise them.

At the age of 13, both began to develop and leave the house often. Rei began pushing Renkei away from her as she matured and realized that she was the only female in their household. And he understood her reasons for distancing herself, however, he grew to be very protective of his sister because of this. Although the two started to separate more, their relationship was not effected. They both still very much trusted and relied on each other.

They grew- and their father's treatment to them had only gotten worse. At 16, they were inseparable no matter what. But, of course, with their mental states maturing and developing their own personalities, they would have disputes every now and then, but they were never significant. Except for once... when a very heated argument had erupted between the two that resulted in Renkei leaving the house for the day.

After a few hours of him walking around the city with no specific destination, he returned at nightfall. Upon entering the house, he saw his sister, in tears, pinned down to the ground by their father. Without hesitation, he grabbed the nearest object. Without knowing what he had in his hand, he proceeded to beat the man, knocking him unconscious, it seemed, and creating a bloody scene. In an act of the moment, he then grabbed his stunned and crying sister's hand and stormed out of the house. He led her far from their home but still within the city bounds. Every attempt to ask her what had happened had led to her refusing to speak of it.

Eventually, he figured it out himself later.

With no home to return to and without any knowledge of what lay beyond the city, they had no choice but to go into hiding. In truth, they were both afraid of what would happen to them now. They proceeded to live on the streets, racking up as much money as they could and eventually finding somewhere to stay after a couple months.

Turning 18, they left the city. The survival skills that they had learned from their home life and from living independently had them believe that they would be fine in the open world. They traveled from town to town, staying in large groups as to ensure their safety from monsters and bandits.

For what seemed like time uncounted, they lived this way, enjoying their lives now without anything to hold them back. They were young and they had lived sheltered from the world ever since birth. His sister was the natural leader out of the two, and he was perfectly fine with following her.

At age 23, with a simple change of luck, their caravan had went under a bandit attack. Arrows flew through the air and the bandits had managed to pierce through the caravan exterior. All travelers had ducked down for safety while some experienced adventurers tried to fight them off. As Renkei and Rei had no combat experience, they could only rely on the skill of those trying to protect them. As parts of the caravan were torn down, arrows continued to soar. And as Renkei looked down at Rei, he saw the arrow perforated into her abdomen.

After the bandits relented their assault, the caravan made its way to its destination and Renkei immediately carried his sister to a nearby shelter for care. She was treated, but the process took days as the small rest stop which they had visited had no clerics available.

Eventually, Rei died due to infection and lack of proper care.

After this event, Renkei stopped traveling altogether. He shut himself in, no longer wanting anything to do with the world. And for 3 years, he holed himself up. He began obsessing over healing magic. He would read for days anything cleric-related, trying to learn of what he could have done himself to save his sister. And after careful assessment, he began to practice it.

And finally, after successfully learning a new skill and coming halfway to terms with his sister's death, he set out, searching for another purpose to his life at the age of 26.

Today, he is able to think of his sister and smile, but he will still experience the same crushing feeling in his chest.


Cigarettes, Freedom, Kindness, Compassion, Loyalty, Drinking, Friendly atmospheres, Reading, Food, Remembering his sister


Hostility/Aggression (Not necessarily violence ((; ), Disrespect or prejudice to different races and cultures, Being criticized, Having to lead, being pressured, Deeply detests mistreatment towards children


The katana that his sister had bought for him on his 20th birthday. Her exact words to him, "Man up." After that, he cried.

Starting Equipment:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Tenpou_Gaiden_Chapter_30.jpg.9adfa9f8b9cd24f9f9870732aeab5a8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Tenpou_Gaiden_Chapter_30.jpg.9adfa9f8b9cd24f9f9870732aeab5a8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Book of Clerical spells

Race encyclopedias

Various miscellaneous books



Cooking ware/Utensils

Notebooks and pens



Somewhat knows how to use his katana?


Not very adept in combat at all honestly

Very nervous when put into positions of leadership.

Can lose his composure easily in a lot of certain scenarios


Basic healing and stamina regeneration spells

Wind capabilities

Wards, Resistance boosting spells


Sun sign: Capricorn

His wind magic is amplified in combination with his katana.

He learned his wind magic during his time on the road.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rsz_saiyuki_gaiden6.jpg.6d811b56fe4be493bd6d2a381a503d10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rsz_saiyuki_gaiden6.jpg.6d811b56fe4be493bd6d2a381a503d10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I made his CS much like Serna's because I like the amount of detail that I put into Serna's.)

(Devious Dilbert Trivia: Renkei's height is the tallest I have ever made a human male character and it is taking a lot out of me not to reduce his height.)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-2.jpg.cb5dd6ca6a7462a6dea2f13e2f856a19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-2.jpg.cb5dd6ca6a7462a6dea2f13e2f856a19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name Audin uncletin. (Just call him gramps though, he is used to it at this point.)

Personality : To most that have known him for a short while he comes off as respectful and wise to a degree. He has no problem helping out anyone he meets and loves to share the knowledge he has learned over the years. But His true sir is a bit more rough, the the above is true he is actually very grumpy and it truly shows the longer he sticks around. And his idea if sharing his knowledge his giving someone a long stern lecture, and then there his his hobby if complaining about everything. In short he is a grump d man you likes to complain about everything young people due.

Specie half demon half human.

Age (assuming half demons can live much longer lives them normal humans) something over two centurys. Truth be told even he does not remember how old he is anymore.

Class : Wandering weapons master (not on the list but let's just say, good damage, good defense, good mobility. A all rounded fighter.)

Role : blacksmith, choir doer, lecturer, and complainer of things young people do. (I mean young people need a good lecture these days!)

Equipment : two long swords on his back, a steal sword for humans and a silver one for monsters. Also has a knife on his hil and a crossbow and bolts on the other hip. He travels with two bourses and a wagon full of blacksmithing equipment.

Bio : Audin comes a long line if blacksmiths, seven generations to be exact. With more then seven generations and almost one thousand Yeats of the blacksmith trade passed down through him, he has become a master of the trade and even hopes to continue his families dream.

As a boy he would watch his father work in the shop and knew he too wanted to become a smith. One night he snuck into his fathers work shop and messed around with his tools. It ended with a bad burn on his check and the discovery if his families dream. A diagram that had been past down from the first of the family smiths, it was for a blade known as the infernobane, a sword with two single edged black blades back to back to each other and a gap between buringIt would have the ability to cut through nearly anything and the gap would be able to shoot black fire from it.

Such a enchanted blade could only be crafted by the great if all smiths in the lands. With a fire buring in him now he knew he would be the one to craft such a tremendous sword. He spent then next few year working under his father learning how yo become a black smith till the day he was of age to leave his home town. He took a silver sword his father gave him and set off on his path in the world. Over the next century or two Audin hunted monsters and forged mighty blades from their bones. He worked day and night to accomplish master work arms and armor that most blacksmiths would envy.

Lnver the years of hunting he has gathered almost all he needs for the legendary blade, infernobane. lycanthrope fang, devils horns, wood if a elder oak tree, dragon bone, and the last two he is missing are black dragon scales and a fresh dragon heart. While the heart may not be that hard seeing he xoud use a lesser dragons heart it is the scales that allude him after all this years. The scale he need were from that of a queen four winged dragon, which is rare, even back in days of dragon ruled kingdoms. (Assuming there would have been a time period like that.) He would need help finding and defeating a such a beast, and in his old age he would never live to fully fave the beast he now hunts. Soon enough he heard if a new twin dragon guild rising from the ashes. A sign he said when her heard, q new build would most likely need a good blacksmith he thought. So he gathered his things and headed to find the guild and hopefully gain some favors with them and to help him find the dragon he seeks.

Last word was Ellon.

Extra : because IG his demon blood he was born with cat like yellow eyes that let him see in the dark better then most, and a far better hearing then most mortals.

(Well made a grumpy old man out of boredom so enjoy )



  • images-2.jpg
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xD no you made a Witcher character. Dont play this guy off as your own xD maybe not the bio (I really need to finish Witcher 3) but the theme
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]


View attachment 305196

(Caption: Last word was Ellon)


Renkei Kuzumiyo

Physical Description:

Human male, aged 33

5'11 , 163 lbs

View attachment 305264


"It's awfully quiet back there. Are you two making out?"


Renkei loves to tease, though he truly means no harm and will lay off the banter if he feels that he is actually hurting the feelings of those whom he picks on. He is both very sympathetic and empathetic. He will openly show genuine concern for others. He is also very sensitive and can end up taking personal offense to seemingly harmless jokes directed towards him, though he will most likely not say anything about it and just sulk. Renkei is also very tolerant to different views and opinions and tries to refrain from being judgmental.

He's a very 'go with the flow' kind of person, preferring to follow rather than lead. He is more on the submissive side, though he knows when he's being used and he will not stand for it. Renkei can be protective, but only in certain situations and usually only to those that are close to him.

When he is betrayed or done great harm to, he will not forget until he has forgiven, which typically takes a very long time, or until he has satisfied himself with revenge. He is very emotionally driven.

Basically, he's like the sensitive mom-friend but with a deadly twist.





High Healing Capabilities | Low Damage Output | Little Defense | Moderate Mobility


Healer, Fighter, Scholar, Full-time 'mother'


Bio is a wip!! I have to come up with a good one man.

Renkei was born into a normal household in a largely populated city. He had both a mother and a father and one older twin sister, Rei. And they were a very loving family. Both of his parents were kind and he was very close with his sister. He would have even counted her as his best friend.

Life seemed to flow naturally without any problems. That is- until their parents had divorced when he was at the age of 6. There was no gradual build up... No signs of it happening... It was very unexpected. And to this day, he does not know why his parents had divorced. As a child, the period where the mind is the most fragile, this left a huge impact on him. He very much liked his mother, and they had a great relationship, but even so, she refused custody of her children and she turned them over to the father as she left the city. This was the last time he ever saw her figure, and ever since then, his memory of her appearance had progressively faded.

For a couple years after his mother's parting, life seemed to carry on normally. Though, it was hard getting used to his home life with only his sister and his father present. Renkai and his sister, Rei, had to take up most of the housework while their father would spend most of the day at his job. But at the age of 9, things began to look dim for them. Their father would spend more of his free time out getting drunk and when he would come home- there would be plenty of yelling and drama, and just general conflict. However, it was only verbal. His father's abuse did not turn physical until him and his sister had both turned the age of 11.

For years this had lasted. It became a common thing for fights to occur on the daily. Both Rei and Renkei turned into very bitter children. They looked to each other for support and had began to only trust and rely on one another. They began to ignore all attempts at interaction from anyone else. The two felt banded together against their father and would often back each other up when he would berate or chastise them.

At the age of 13, both began to develop and leave the house often. Rei began pushing Renkei away from her as she matured and realized that she was the only female in their household. And he understood her reasons for distancing herself, however, he grew to be very protective of his sister because of this. Although the two started to separate more, their relationship was not effected. They both still very much trusted and relied on each other.

They grew- and their father's treatment to them had only gotten worse. At 16, they were inseparable no matter what. But of course with their mental states maturing and developing their own personalities, they would have disputes every now and then, but they were never significant. Except for once... when a very heated argument had erupted between the two that resulted in Renkei leaving the house for the day.

After a few hours of him walking around the city with no specific destination, he returned at nightfall. Upon entering the house, he saw his sister, in tears, pinned down to the ground by their father. Without hesitation, he grabbed the nearest object. Without knowing what he had in his hand, he proceeded to beat the man, knocking him unconscious, it seemed, and creating a bloody scene. In an act of the moment, he then grabbed his stunned and crying sister's hand and stormed out of the house. He led her far from their home but still within the city bounds. Every attempt to ask her what had happened had led to her refusing to speak of it.

Eventually, he figured it out himself later.

With no home to return to and without any knowledge of what lay beyond the city, they had no choice but to go into hiding. In truth, they were both afraid of what would happen to them now. They proceeded to live on the streets, racking up as much money as they could and eventually finding somewhere to stay after a couple months.

Turning 18, they left the city. The survival skills that they had learned from their home life and from living independently had them believe that they would be fine in the open world. They traveled from town to town, staying in large groups as to ensure their safety from monsters and bandits.

For what seemed like time uncounted, they lived this way, enjoying their lives now without anything to hold them back. They were young and they had lived sheltered from the world ever since birth. His sister was the natural leader out of the two, and he was perfectly fine with following her.

At age 23, with a simple change of luck, their caravan had went under a bandit attack. Arrows flew through the air and the bandits had managed to pierce through the caravan exterior. All travelers had ducked down for safety while some experienced adventurers tried to fight them off. As Renkei and Rei had no combat experience, they could only rely on the skill of those trying to protect them. As parts of the caravan were torn down, arrows continued to soar. And as Renkei looked down at Rei, he saw the arrow perforated into her abdomen.

After the bandits relented their assault, the caravan made it's way to their destination and Renkei immediately carried his sister to a nearby shelter for care. She was treated, but the process took days, as the small rest stop which they had visited had no clerics available.

Eventually, Rei died due to infection and lack of proper care.

After this event, Renkei stopped traveling altogether. He shut himself in, no longer wanting anything to do with the world. And for 3 years, he holed himself up. He began obsessing over healing magic. He would read for days anything cleric-related, trying to learn of what he could have done himself to save his sister. And after careful assessment, he began to practice it.

And finally, after successfully learning a new skill and coming halfway to terms with his sister's death, he set out, searching for another purpose to his life at the age of 26.

Today, he is able to think of his sister and smile, but he will still experience the same crushing feeling in his chest.


Cigarettes, Freedom, Kindness, Compassion, Loyalty, Honesty, Drinking, Remembering his sister


Hostility/Aggression (Not necessarily violence ((; ), The idea of having no morals, Disrespect or prejudice to different races and cultures, Being criticized, Having to lead, being pressured, Deeply detests mistreatment towards children


The katana that his sister had bought for him on his 20th birthday. Her exact words to him, "Man up." After that, he cried.

Starting Equipment:

View attachment 305265


(Will add more)



Somewhat knows how to use his katana?


Not very adept in combat at all honestly

Easily pressured.

Very nervous when put into positions of leadership.

Can lose his composure easily in a lot of certain scenarios


Basic healing and stamina regeneration spells

Wind capabilities

Wards, Resistance boosting spells


Sun sign: Capricorn


View attachment 305271

His wind magic is amplified in combination with his katana.

(I'm making his CS much like Serna's because I like the amount of detail I put into Serna's)

(Devious Dilbert Trivia: Renkei's height is the tallest I have ever made a male character and it is taking a lot out of me not to reduce his height.)

Yep that us one awesome cs.
Roahon said:
Yep that us one awesome cs.
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]


View attachment 305196

(Caption: Last word was Ellon)


Renkei Kuzumiyo

Physical Description:

Human male, aged 33

5'11 , 163 lbs

View attachment 305264


"It's awfully quiet back there. Are you two making out?"


Renkei loves to tease, though he truly means no harm and will lay off the banter if he feels that he is actually hurting the feelings of those whom he picks on. He is both very sympathetic and empathetic. He will openly show genuine concern for others. He is also very sensitive and can end up taking personal offense to seemingly harmless jokes directed towards him, though he will most likely not say anything about it and just sulk. Renkei is also very tolerant to different views and opinions and tries to refrain from being judgmental.

He's a very 'go with the flow' kind of person, preferring to follow rather than lead. He is more on the submissive side, though he knows when he's being used and he will not stand for it. Renkei can be protective, but only in certain situations and usually only to those that are close to him.

When he is betrayed or done great harm to, he will not forget until he has forgiven, which typically takes a very long time, or until he has satisfied himself with revenge. He is very emotionally driven.

Basically, he's like the sensitive mom-friend but with a deadly twist.





High Healing Capabilities | Low Damage Output | Little Defense | Moderate Mobility


Healer, Fighter, Scholar, Full-time 'mother'


Bio is a wip!! I have to come up with a good one man.

Renkei was born into a normal household in a largely populated city. He had both a mother and a father and one older twin sister, Rei. And they were a very loving family. Both of his parents were kind and he was very close with his sister. He would have even counted her as his best friend.

Life seemed to flow naturally without any problems. That is- until their parents had divorced when he was at the age of 6. There was no gradual build up... No signs of it happening... It was very unexpected. And to this day, he does not know why his parents had divorced. As a child, the period where the mind is the most fragile, this left a huge impact on him. He very much liked his mother, and they had a great relationship, but even so, she refused custody of her children and she turned them over to the father as she left the city. This was the last time he ever saw her figure, and ever since then, his memory of her appearance had progressively faded.

For a couple years after his mother's parting, life seemed to carry on normally. Though, it was hard getting used to his home life with only his sister and his father present. Renkai and his sister, Rei, had to take up most of the housework while their father would spend most of the day at his job. But at the age of 9, things began to look dim for them. Their father would spend more of his free time out getting drunk and when he would come home- there would be plenty of yelling and drama, and just general conflict. However, it was only verbal. His father's abuse did not turn physical until him and his sister had both turned the age of 11.

For years this had lasted. It became a common thing for fights to occur on the daily. Both Rei and Renkei turned into very bitter children. They looked to each other for support and had began to only trust and rely on one another. They began to ignore all attempts at interaction from anyone else. The two felt banded together against their father and would often back each other up when he would berate or chastise them.

At the age of 13, both began to develop and leave the house often. Rei began pushing Renkei away from her as she matured and realized that she was the only female in their household. And he understood her reasons for distancing herself, however, he grew to be very protective of his sister because of this. Although the two started to separate more, their relationship was not effected. They both still very much trusted and relied on each other.

They grew- and their father's treatment to them had only gotten worse. At 16, they were inseparable no matter what. But of course with their mental states maturing and developing their own personalities, they would have disputes every now and then, but they were never significant. Except for once... when a very heated argument had erupted between the two that resulted in Renkei leaving the house for the day.

After a few hours of him walking around the city with no specific destination, he returned at nightfall. Upon entering the house, he saw his sister, in tears, pinned down to the ground by their father. Without hesitation, he grabbed the nearest object. Without knowing what he had in his hand, he proceeded to beat the man, knocking him unconscious, it seemed, and creating a bloody scene. In an act of the moment, he then grabbed his stunned and crying sister's hand and stormed out of the house. He led her far from their home but still within the city bounds. Every attempt to ask her what had happened had led to her refusing to speak of it.

Eventually, he figured it out himself later.

With no home to return to and without any knowledge of what lay beyond the city, they had no choice but to go into hiding. In truth, they were both afraid of what would happen to them now. They proceeded to live on the streets, racking up as much money as they could and eventually finding somewhere to stay after a couple months.

Turning 18, they left the city. The survival skills that they had learned from their home life and from living independently had them believe that they would be fine in the open world. They traveled from town to town, staying in large groups as to ensure their safety from monsters and bandits.

For what seemed like time uncounted, they lived this way, enjoying their lives now without anything to hold them back. They were young and they had lived sheltered from the world ever since birth. His sister was the natural leader out of the two, and he was perfectly fine with following her.

At age 23, with a simple change of luck, their caravan had went under a bandit attack. Arrows flew through the air and the bandits had managed to pierce through the caravan exterior. All travelers had ducked down for safety while some experienced adventurers tried to fight them off. As Renkei and Rei had no combat experience, they could only rely on the skill of those trying to protect them. As parts of the caravan were torn down, arrows continued to soar. And as Renkei looked down at Rei, he saw the arrow perforated into her abdomen.

After the bandits relented their assault, the caravan made it's way to their destination and Renkei immediately carried his sister to a nearby shelter for care. She was treated, but the process took days, as the small rest stop which they had visited had no clerics available.

Eventually, Rei died due to infection and lack of proper care.

After this event, Renkei stopped traveling altogether. He shut himself in, no longer wanting anything to do with the world. And for 3 years, he holed himself up. He began obsessing over healing magic. He would read for days anything cleric-related, trying to learn of what he could have done himself to save his sister. And after careful assessment, he began to practice it.

And finally, after successfully learning a new skill and coming halfway to terms with his sister's death, he set out, searching for another purpose to his life at the age of 26.

Today, he is able to think of his sister and smile, but he will still experience the same crushing feeling in his chest.


Cigarettes, Freedom, Kindness, Compassion, Loyalty, Honesty, Drinking, Remembering his sister


Hostility/Aggression (Not necessarily violence ((; ), The idea of having no morals, Disrespect or prejudice to different races and cultures, Being criticized, Having to lead, being pressured, Deeply detests mistreatment towards children


The katana that his sister had bought for him on his 20th birthday. Her exact words to him, "Man up." After that, he cried.

Starting Equipment:

View attachment 305265


(Will add more)



Somewhat knows how to use his katana?


Not very adept in combat at all honestly

Easily pressured.

Very nervous when put into positions of leadership.

Can lose his composure easily in a lot of certain scenarios


Basic healing and stamina regeneration spells

Wind capabilities

Wards, Resistance boosting spells


Sun sign: Capricorn


View attachment 305271

His wind magic is amplified in combination with his katana.

(I'm making his CS much like Serna's because I like the amount of detail I put into Serna's)

(Devious Dilbert Trivia: Renkei's height is the tallest I have ever made a male character and it is taking a lot out of me not to reduce his height.)

dorkling said:




[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]

View attachment 305839

(Caption: Last word was Ellon)


Renkei Kuzumiyo

Physical Description:

Human male, aged 33

5'11 , 163 lbs

View attachment 305264


"It's awfully quiet back there. Are you two making out?"


Renkei loves to tease, though he truly means no harm and will lay off the banter if he feels that he is actually hurting the feelings of those whom he picks on. He is both very sympathetic and empathetic. He is also very sensitive and can end up taking personal offense to seemingly harmless jokes directed towards him, though he will most likely not say anything about it and just sulk. Renkei is also very tolerant to different views and opinions and tries to refrain from being judgmental.

He's a very 'go with the flow' kind of person, preferring to follow rather than lead. He is more on the submissive side, though he knows when he's being used and he will not stand for it. Renkei can be protective, but only in certain situations and usually only to those that are close to him.

When he is betrayed or done great harm to, he will not forget until he has forgiven, which typically takes a very long time, or until he has satisfied himself with revenge. He is very emotionally driven.

Basically, he's like the sensitive mom-friend but with a deadly twist.





High Healing Capabilities | Low Damage Output | Little Defense | Moderate Mobility


Healer, Fighter, Scholar, Full-time 'mother'


Renkei was born into a normal household in a largely populated city. He had both a mother and a father and one older twin sister, Rei. And they were a very loving family. Both of his parents were kind and he was very close with his sister. He would have even counted her as his best friend.

Life seemed to flow naturally without any problems. That is- until their parents had divorced when he was at the age of 6. There was no gradual build up... No signs of it happening... It was very unexpected. And to this day, he does not know why his parents had divorced. As a child, the period where the mind is the most fragile, this left a huge impact on him. He very much liked his mother, and they had a great relationship, but even so, she refused custody of her children and she turned them over to the father as she left the city. This was the last time he ever saw her figure, and ever since then, his memory of her appearance had progressively faded.

For a couple years after his mother's parting, life seemed to carry on normally. Though, it was hard getting used to his home life with only his sister and his father present. Renkai and his sister, Rei, had to take up most of the housework while their father would spend most of the day at his job. But at the age of 9, things began to look dim for them. Their father would spend more of his free time out getting drunk. And when he would come home- there would be plenty of yelling and drama, and just general conflict. However, it was only verbal. His father's abuse did not turn physical until him and his sister had both turned the age of 11.

For years this had lasted. It became a common thing for fights to occur on the daily. Both Rei and Renkei turned into very bitter children. They looked to each other for support and had began to only trust and rely on one another. They started to ignore all attempts at interaction from anyone else. The two felt banded together against their father and would often back each other up when he would berate or chastise them.

At the age of 13, both began to develop and leave the house often. Rei began pushing Renkei away from her as she matured and realized that she was the only female in their household. And he understood her reasons for distancing herself, however, he grew to be very protective of his sister because of this. Although the two started to separate more, their relationship was not effected. They both still very much trusted and relied on each other.

They grew- and their father's treatment to them had only gotten worse. At 16, they were inseparable no matter what. But, of course, with their mental states maturing and developing their own personalities, they would have disputes every now and then, but they were never significant. Except for once... when a very heated argument had erupted between the two that resulted in Renkei leaving the house for the day.

After a few hours of him walking around the city with no specific destination, he returned at nightfall. Upon entering the house, he saw his sister, in tears, pinned down to the ground by their father. Without hesitation, he grabbed the nearest object. Without knowing what he had in his hand, he proceeded to beat the man, knocking him unconscious, it seemed, and creating a bloody scene. In an act of the moment, he then grabbed his stunned and crying sister's hand and stormed out of the house. He led her far from their home but still within the city bounds. Every attempt to ask her what had happened had led to her refusing to speak of it.

Eventually, he figured it out himself later.

With no home to return to and without any knowledge of what lay beyond the city, they had no choice but to go into hiding. In truth, they were both afraid of what would happen to them now. They proceeded to live on the streets, racking up as much money as they could and eventually finding somewhere to stay after a couple months.

Turning 18, they left the city. The survival skills that they had learned from their home life and from living independently had them believe that they would be fine in the open world. They traveled from town to town, staying in large groups as to ensure their safety from monsters and bandits.

For what seemed like time uncounted, they lived this way, enjoying their lives now without anything to hold them back. They were young and they had lived sheltered from the world ever since birth. His sister was the natural leader out of the two, and he was perfectly fine with following her.

At age 23, with a simple change of luck, their caravan had went under a bandit attack. Arrows flew through the air and the bandits had managed to pierce through the caravan exterior. All travelers had ducked down for safety while some experienced adventurers tried to fight them off. As Renkei and Rei had no combat experience, they could only rely on the skill of those trying to protect them. As parts of the caravan were torn down, arrows continued to soar. And as Renkei looked down at Rei, he saw the arrow perforated into her abdomen.

After the bandits relented their assault, the caravan made its way to its destination and Renkei immediately carried his sister to a nearby shelter for care. She was treated, but the process took days as the small rest stop which they had visited had no clerics available.

Eventually, Rei died due to infection and lack of proper care.

After this event, Renkei stopped traveling altogether. He shut himself in, no longer wanting anything to do with the world. And for 3 years, he holed himself up. He began obsessing over healing magic. He would read for days anything cleric-related, trying to learn of what he could have done himself to save his sister. And after careful assessment, he began to practice it.

And finally, after successfully learning a new skill and coming halfway to terms with his sister's death, he set out, searching for another purpose to his life at the age of 26.

Today, he is able to think of his sister and smile, but he will still experience the same crushing feeling in his chest.


Cigarettes, Freedom, Kindness, Compassion, Loyalty, Drinking, Friendly atmospheres, Reading, Food, Remembering his sister


Hostility/Aggression (Not necessarily violence ((; ), Disrespect or prejudice to different races and cultures, Being criticized, Having to lead, being pressured, Deeply detests mistreatment towards children


The katana that his sister had bought for him on his 20th birthday. Her exact words to him, "Man up." After that, he cried.

Starting Equipment:

View attachment 305265


Book of Clerical spells

Race encyclopedias

Various miscellaneous books



Cooking ware/Utensils

Notebooks and pens



Somewhat knows how to use his katana?


Not very adept in combat at all honestly

Very nervous when put into positions of leadership.

Can lose his composure easily in a lot of certain scenarios


Basic healing and stamina regeneration spells

Wind capabilities

Wards, Resistance boosting spells


Sun sign: Capricorn

His wind magic is amplified in combination with his katana.

He learned his wind magic during his time on the road.


View attachment 305271

(I made his CS much like Serna's because I like the amount of detail that I put into Serna's.)

(Devious Dilbert Trivia: Renkei's height is the tallest I have ever made a human male character and it is taking a lot out of me not to reduce his height.)

Roahon said:
View attachment 305434
Name Audin uncletin. (Just call him gramps though, he is used to it at this point.)

Personality : To most that have known him for a short while he comes off as respectful and wise to a degree. He has no problem helping out anyone he meets and loves to share the knowledge he has learned over the years. But His true sir is a bit more rough, the the above is true he is actually very grumpy and it truly shows the longer he sticks around. And his idea if sharing his knowledge his giving someone a long stern lecture, and then there his his hobby if complaining about everything. In short he is a grump d man you likes to complain about everything young people due.

Specie half demon half human.

Age (assuming half demons can live much longer lives them normal humans) something over two centurys. Truth be told even he does not remember how old he is anymore.

Class : Wandering weapons master (not on the list but let's just say, good damage, good defense, good mobility. A all rounded fighter.)

Role : blacksmith, choir doer, lecturer, and complainer of things young people do. (I mean young people need a good lecture these days!)

Equipment : two long swords on his back, a steal sword for humans and a silver one for monsters. Also has a knife on his hil and a crossbow and bolts on the other hip. He travels with two bourses and a wagon full of blacksmithing equipment.

Bio : Audin comes a long line if blacksmiths, seven generations to be exact. With more then seven generations and almost one thousand Yeats of the blacksmith trade passed down through him, he has become a master of the trade and even hopes to continue his families dream.

As a boy he would watch his father work in the shop and knew he too wanted to become a smith. One night he snuck into his fathers work shop and messed around with his tools. It ended with a bad burn on his check and the discovery if his families dream. A diagram that had been past down from the first of the family smiths, it was for a blade known as the infernobane, a sword with two single edged black blades back to back to each other and a gap between buringIt would have the ability to cut through nearly anything and the gap would be able to shoot black fire from it.

Such a enchanted blade could only be crafted by the great if all smiths in the lands. With a fire buring in him now he knew he would be the one to craft such a tremendous sword. He spent then next few year working under his father learning how yo become a black smith till the day he was of age to leave his home town. He took a silver sword his father gave him and set off on his path in the world. Over the next century or two Audin hunted monsters and forged mighty blades from their bones. He worked day and night to accomplish master work arms and armor that most blacksmiths would envy.

Lnver the years of hunting he has gathered almost all he needs for the legendary blade, infernobane. lycanthrope fang, devils horns, wood if a elder oak tree, dragon bone, and the last two he is missing are black dragon scales and a fresh dragon heart. While the heart may not be that hard seeing he xoud use a lesser dragons heart it is the scales that allude him after all this years. The scale he need were from that of a queen four winged dragon, which is rare, even back in days of dragon ruled kingdoms. (Assuming there would have been a time period like that.) He would need help finding and defeating a such a beast, and in his old age he would never live to fully fave the beast he now hunts. Soon enough he heard if a new twin dragon guild rising from the ashes. A sign he said when her heard, q new build would most likely need a good blacksmith he thought. So he gathered his things and headed to find the guild and hopefully gain some favors with them and to help him find the dragon he seeks.

Last word was Ellon.

Extra : because IG his demon blood he was born with cat like yellow eyes that let him see in the dark better then most, and a far better hearing then most mortals.

(Well made a grumpy old man out of boredom so enjoy )
Good, accepted
Is it ok if Asuras brother is part of the council or..?



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