• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Guild

Ayane said:
Oh nice ;3
I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening actually right now, and I fudging love it
Dammit, I wanted to get that. But there's no stable 3ds emulators up rn.

I have a whole shitload of games that I need to finish. I keep starting new ones and never finish them.

(Including the game I got my character from)
First name: Roman

Surname: Vokan

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Race : Human

Appearance: Unruly black hair, very much in shape with a decent muscle tone from drawing a bow and crafting his own equipment for most of his life. He normally wears a set of light leather armor that looks carefully crafted to allow maximum movement of its wearer. He also wears a midnight black cloak with holes placed to allow him to wear his quiver on his back. His eyes are a dark stormy blue.

Personality: Obsessed with dragons. Like do not ask him about dragons unless you want to spend the next two to three hours discussing the finer details of each different breed of dragons, how to tell them apart, what do if you encounter one, and so on and so forth. His greatest desire is to encounter one of these powerful beings whether it be a peaceful encounter or one engaged in combat. though he would prefer to have a chance to study the dragon while it was still alive as he would take no pleasure in bringing one to the ground.

While Roman is very chatty about flying lizards, he is not nearly as talkative about himself. It takes a good bit of trust for him to talk about his past as his relationship with his family was... reserved at best. However, he does present himself as though he has something to prove. He wants to reclaim his family name as the best hunter family and that means going after some of the biggest, baddest monsters in town.

Lastly when Roman is not perfecting his archery skill, maintaining his equipment, or actually out on a quest, he spends his time quietly reading about new monsters and beasts, normally dragons, or about other topics that would assist him such as leather working and fletching techniques. Occasionally he can be caught reading a fictional novel and, although he would never tell anyone, he fantasizes about one day being the hero of one of those books, befriending a dragon and saving the kingdom from destruction. Pure research, I swear.

Class: Archer/Hunter

Role: Blacksmith, Leatherwork And Fletching mainly very little metalwork.

Biography: Roman is the last in a long line of famous hunters that have fallen out of favor when his grandfather failed to fell a dragon that proceeded to devastate the countryside. The job was given to a rival family of hunters who dropped the dragon (I can add a name for the rival family if you wish :P ). The next contract was against a Wyvern blocking a trading route which his grandfather also was unable to defeat. Defeat after defeat left his family's name tarnished. When Roman was growing up, his father struggled to find a contract to even take out a Giant Rat infestation and harbored a hatred of dragons for being the beast that his father failed.

However, Roman once saw a miniature Dragon, a summoner's pet, in a town fair and was fascinated with the creatures. He spent most of his free time for the next few months researching dragons and their subspecies in the library. One evening, he was reading "Tales of a Great Dragons" in his room when his father walked in and saw the book. He became furious and told Roman the only thing he needed to know about dragons was how to kill them. Roman insisted not all dragons were as evil as the other monsters of the world. In a rush of anger his father took the dragon book, ripped into pieces and threw it in the fireplace.

Roman left that night, taking his family's ancient dragonbone bow, Skytalon, with him and hasn't looked back since. For a few years he worked as a escort for trading caravans travelling through monster infested regions as his younger years were spent learning the family art of hunting monsters and making new equipment from the fallen monsters. However, he grew restless as none dared go close to the one monster he wished to meet face to face. A Dragon, thus he searched for something that had a better chance of going where he wanted, such as a reforming guild.

Equipment: large Dragonbone bow named Skytalon, a Quiver full of normal Arrows as well as eleven arrows tipped in bone instead of iron. He has only fired one of these special arrows. He also carries an average curved sword for when the foe is too close for the bow to be effective. Though he looks for the first chance he can to get back to a bow range.


  • Long Range Archery - if he takes a moment to aim his shot, he can knock a bird out of flight. Close range he relies on quick aiming and a flurry of arrows to keep enemies at a comfortable range.
  • Piercing Shots - using one of his dragonbone arrows he can pierce through the defenses of most foes, even the tough scales of dragons and most metal armors. One normal sized dragon bone can craft four arrows.
  • Crafting Arrows - Given enough time for research and experimenting, Roman can develop arrows and traps for all sorts of occasions such as splintering arrows, net arrows, sticky traps, and the like.


  • Tracking and Trapping Monsters
  • Long Range Combat


  • Close-range Combat
  • Unforeseen circumstances Roman was not ready for

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

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Ayane said:
Oh nice ;3
I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening actually right now, and I fudging love it
I have FE: Fates Birthright. Still need to play again after one of my characters got one-shot the mission I recruited him :(
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Dammit, I wanted to get that. But there's no stable 3ds emulators up rn.
I have a whole shitload of games that I need to finish. I keep starting new ones and never finish them.

(Including the game I got my character from)

Hopefully one pops up

RaikuKawisa said:
First name: Roman
Surname: Vokan

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Race : Human

Appearance: Unruly black hair, very much in shape with a decent muscle tone from drawing a bow and crafting his own equipment for most of his life. He normally wears a set of light leather armor that looks carefully crafted

Personality: Obsessed with dragons. Like do not ask him about dragons unless you want to spend the next two to three hours discussing the finer details of each different breed of dragons, how to tell them apart, what do if you encounter one, and so on and so forth. His greatest desire is to encounter one of these powerful beings whether it be a peaceful encounter or one engaged in combat. though he would prefer to have a chance to study the dragon while it was still alive as he would take no pleasure in bringing one to the ground.

While Roman is very chatty about flying lizards, he is not nearly as talkative about himself. It takes a good bit of trust for him to talk about his past as his relationship with his family was... reserved at best. However, he does present himself as though he has something to prove. He wants to reclaim his family name as the best hunter family and that means going after some of the biggest, baddest monsters in town.

Lastly when Roman is not perfecting his archery skill, maintaining his equipment, or actually out on a quest, he spends his time quietly reading about new monsters and beasts, normally dragons, or about other topics that would assist him such as leather working and fletching techniques. Occasionally he can be caught reading a fictional novel and, although he would never tell anyone, he fantasizes about one day being the hero of one of those books, befriending a dragon and saving the kingdom from destruction. Pure research, I swear.

Class: Archer/Hunter

Role: Blacksmith, Leatherwork And Fletching mainly very little metalwork.

Biography: Roman is the last in a long line of famous hunters that have fallen out of favor when his grandfather failed to fell a dragon that proceeded to devastate the countryside. The job was given to a rival family of hunters who dropped the dragon (I can add a name for the rival family if you wish :P ). The next contract was against a Wyvern blocking a trading route which his grandfather also was unable to defeat. Defeat after defeat left his family's name tarnished. When Roman was growing up, his father struggled to find a contract to even take out a Giant Rat infestation and harbored a hatred of dragons for being the beast that his father failed.

However, Roman once saw a miniature Dragon, a summoner's pet, in a town fair and was fascinated with the creatures. He spent most of his free time for the next few months researching dragons and their subspecies in the library. One evening, he was reading "Tales of a Great Dragons" in his room when his father walked in and saw the book. He became furious and told Roman the only thing he needed to know about dragons was how to kill them. Roman insisted not all dragons were as evil as the other monsters of the world. In a rush of anger his father took the dragon book, ripped into pieces and threw it in the fireplace.

Roman left that night, taking his family's ancient dragonbone bow, Skytalon, with him and hasn't looked back since. For a few years he worked as a escort for trading caravans travelling through monster infested regions as his younger years were spent learning the family art of hunting monsters and making new equipment from the fallen monsters. However, he grew restless as none dared go close to the one monster he wished to meet face to face. A Dragon, thus he searched for something that had a better chance of going where he wanted, such as a reforming guild.

Equipment: Dragonbone bow named Skytalon, a Quiver full of normal Arrows as well as eleven arrows tipped in bone instead of iron. He has only fired one of these special arrows.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

RaikuKawisa said:
I have FE: Fates Birthright. Still need to play again after one of my characters got one-shot the mission I recruited him :(
O yikes. Sounds like when i accidentally put my healer in front line hahahhahahHhhh kms

I'm getting the other one once I finish Awakening! (Conquest I believe?)

Same. I'm also gonna be editing mine to better fit your rp since I just like recycled another cs of mine from a similar rp

I'll tell you when it's done too
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Devious Dilbert] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35795-ayane/ said:
Same. I'm also gonna be editing mine to better fit your rp since I just like recycled another cs of mine from a similar rp

I'll tell you when it's done too

RaikuKawisa said:
I'll be editting this for a while. But I'll let you know when I'm done messing with it. But the majority is here :3


Caroline Mecheal

"I show you no Mercy."

Age: 24

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human









- @akumashioni 's character ( ;) )

- petty

- short tempered

- impatient


+ food

+ animals

+ friends


- enemies

-nasty food

- abuse

-loud noises


Caroline is a quirky girl, cracking jokes that not many people laugh at, except her, she's one of those people that laugh at her own jokes.(@me) she's not very quiet, having a sharp tongue when you disobey her first gentle words or commands. She doesn't really know what the word no is.. So if you tell her it, she'll continue doing what she was before, or get what she wants even though you said no. She's all around happy-go-lucky, being a great person to be around, even if she's a little "weird"



Caroline grew up in a mid-royal family. By Mid-Royal, I mean her family is well known and well respected like a royal family is. She grew up getting what she wants, having a great life and was raised in a great way, to take care of others who are in danger. Her dad taught her archery, making her a huge daddy's girl and having the same blunt, happy attitude as him. (Meredith type story) her mom was always on her tail on how she never acted lady-like or how a princess should act, running around in the mud, getting her clothes dirty and everything. As she grew up, she became more out spoken and wanting to.. Not be a princess. She joined the guild when she was 18, wanting to get away from her parents. When the group got disbanded and she had to go back to her parents, she was a little sad. Now that the group is getting back together, new beginnings and new people... Let life begin.



Caroline is a gorgeous, 5'2 girl with long flowing brown hair that has small curls in them and chocolate brown eyes. She has a hourglass figure, "flaunting it as she pleases"



"What do you call bees that produce milk?"

"Caroline no."


Caroline then proceeds to die laughing while everyone else looks at her and roll their eyes.

@Ayane I give all credit to her for the outlook of this CS, thank you so much!!
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"Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against."


Name : Asura Eun

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Human

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Amber/Gold

Height : 5'1

Physique : Femininely lithe and slender with some curves

Notes : She has a faint tattoo along her shoulder



Kind to non-evil doers





Strong Hearted



Easily flustered



Asura was born into an honored family of martial artists that has been going on for many generations, in a faraway kingdom outside of Ellom. Unbeknowest to her at the time, her family protected the Royalty of their country and powerful artifacts. As expected from a member of the Eun family, Asura trained in fans and martial arts. But, even a powerful warrior like Asura had someone she looked up to. That being none other than her older brother Chen, with his unmatched swordsmanship, Chen held the position of the guard captain in her countries capital. To Asura, Chen was always a caring and trustworthy older brother.

One night, dark forces from Ellom attacked, setting the village aflame and slaughtering many, including Asuras family. Or so she thought. Desperately trying to save the village and everyone, she came across her brother.. Who seemed different. He was demonic, evil, possesed by the dark forces. Having no other choice than leaving, she fled to Ellom in hopes of answers.

Thats when she came across the Guild.


Casual outfit is shown in the above picture.


Adventuring/Fighting outfit, but with the same color scheme as casual outfit.


Class: Martial Artist

Role: Fighter/Scholar


Quite a bit of gold

Dual metal fans

Chei rocks



"People think we're all evil? Do I look evil to you?"


Name : Mazl Khazdar

Age : 24

Gender : Female

Race : Half-Orc

Sexuality : Bisexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Black, Dark Grey

Height : 5'5

Physique : Fit and curvy, femininely masculine.

Notes : She usually wears some sort of gold















Mazl was born to one of the few wealthiest families in Atrea. Her father being an orc Captain of the army. Her mother was a very well respected human who was an excellent Blacksmith. Her mother fit right in with the savage Orcs, despite being a human.

At a young age, she was pushed to either join the army or blacksmith.

Juggling both, she learned quickly that life wasn't easy at all, despite the wealth surrounding them.

Growing up to be quite an attractive female, she'd be taken advantage by plenty, until she learned how to fight back the hard way.

Constantly seen as a sexual object, she worked extra hard at fighting to intimidate and scare off those who thought her as defenseless.

Getting sick and tired of her parents and how barbaric everyone acted, she left without a word to Etral. Her parents then assumed she was kidnapped for revenge/war, enraged.


Class: Barbarian

Role: Fighter/Blacksmith


A lot of silver



Dual Maces

Dual daggers

Other :

so grateful to have her mothers looks. Jeez. Her skin is still tinted greyish with a tint of golden and has pretty sharp teeth and nails.

She also
loves gold.

dorkling said:



"Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against."


Name : Asura Eun

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Human

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Amber/Gold

Height : 5'1

Physique : Femininely lithe and slender with some curves

Notes : She has a faint tattoo along her shoulder



Kind to non-evil doers





Strong Hearted



Easily flustered



Asura was born into an honored family of martial artists that has been going on for many generations, in a faraway kingdom outside of Ellom. Unbeknowest to her at the time, her family protected the Royalty of their country and powerful artifacts. As expected from a member of the Eun family, Asura trained in fans and martial arts. But, even a powerful warrior like Asura had someone she looked up to. That being none other than her older brother Chen, with his unmatched swordsmanship, Chen held the position of the guard captain in her countries capital. To Asura, Chen was always a caring and trustworthy older brother.

One night, dark forces from Ellom attacked, setting the village aflame and slaughtering many, including Asuras family. Or so she thought. Desperately trying to save the village and everyone, she came across her brother.. Who seemed different. He was demonic, evil, possesed by the dark forces. Having no other choice than leaving, she fled to Ellom in hopes of answers.

Thats when she came across the Guild.


Casual outfit is shown in the above picture.


Adventuring/Fighting outfit, but with the same color scheme as casual outfit.


Class: Martial Artist

Role: Fighter/Scholar


Quite a bit of gold

Dual metal fans

Chei rocks



"People think we're all evil? Do I look evil to you?"


Name : Mazl Khazdar

Age : 24

Gender : Female

Race : Half-Orc

Sexuality : Bisexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Black, Dark Grey

Height : 5'5

Physique : Fit and curvy, femininely masculine.

Notes : She usually wears some sort of gold















Mazl was born to one of the few wealthiest families in Atrea. Her father being an orc Captain of the army. Her mother was a very well respected human who was an excellent Blacksmith. Her mother fit right in with the savage Orcs, despite being a human.

At a young age, she was pushed to either join the army or blacksmith.

Juggling both, she learned quickly that life wasn't easy at all, despite the wealth surrounding them.

Growing up to be quite an attractive female, she'd be taken advantage by plenty, until she learned how to fight back the hard way.

Constantly seen as a sexual object, she worked extra hard at fighting to intimidate and scare off those who thought her as defenseless.

Getting sick and tired of her parents and how barbaric everyone acted, she left without a word to Etral. Her parents then assumed she was kidnapped for revenge/war, enraged.


Class: Barbarian

Role: Fighter/Blacksmith


A lot of silver



Dual Maces

Dual daggers

Other :

so grateful to have her mothers looks. Jeez. Her skin is still tinted greyish with a tint of golden and has pretty sharp teeth and nails.

She also
loves gold.

Barbarian?! consider me surprised

(Please Like me and Is it okay if i use this race *Does a kawii face*)

name: Jing-lou Ling-Lane

Age: 22

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Race (Human, halfling, elf, half-elf, orc, half-orc): Tiefling ~Yay~



Personality (at least 3 traits): Jing can be a very cold and mean person. because of her pass she doesn't trust orc or half orc. She can be a very caring person if you get to know her better and is such a badass.

Class (see overview): Assassin

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc): Fighter

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):

Jing lived with her father for a short time of her life she also had a twin brother. When i say she lived with her father for a short time means that he was murdered. One day a group of Orcs and half orcs raid her town killing her father in front of her and they also killed her brother when she offered to be a pleasure slave *Winks* and they agreed and they keep her brother alive in jail. At a young age of 15 she was constantly raped by the leaders son and was like that everyday for a year. Then one day she saw a dagger that a guard had dropped and she grabbed it and when the kings son came to rape her (I feel bad for this girl already) and killed the kings son and broke her brother out. When they were running a archer shot her and brother but she managed to get to a river and she floated down shore to the beach and never saw her brother again. Reasons she wants to join: Revenge I Guess


.Two Daggers

.6 Health pots

.7 gold and 3 silver

.Picture of her family

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


Name: Izuna Jinkuro

Actual Age: 50

Physical Age: 21

Actual Gender: Male

Physical Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight as an arrow

Race: Human

Appearance: /Momohime/#394639 | Fullsize Image (800x620) - Zerochan

Personality: Jinkuro is a foul person at heart. Ruthless, merciless, and power-hungry, Jinkuro will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He is calculating, calm, and aggressive. He respects those who are strong and despises the weak. Though Jinkuro maybe ruthless, he can show some warmth and kindness from his heart, but don't expect it too often.

Class: Demonic Samurai

Attack: High

Defense: Good

Speed: Good

Roles: Fighter/Blacksmith

Bio: Jinkuro is a wandering samurai that explores the world, killing everything that gets into his path, and taking their souls. Thanks to his blade, the Muramasa. A demon blade that can cut through anything... in it's full powered state. The Muramasa inflicts violent desires and a need to kill. But thanks to Jinkuro's Oboro Style, he is immune to the effects of the blade. During a mission tasked by a cloaked figured, Jinkuro was sent out to kill important figurehead. With quick reflexes, he dispatch his target but unlucky for him, he was near death after the attack. In the forest, Jinkuro saw a young maiden. He drew his blade, and cut her with the Oboro Technique, Soul Transfer. Making him transfer into the young girl's body, and kicking her soul out of it. With a new body, Jinkuro explores the land once again, stumbling on the guild, The Twin Dragons. Hearing some good words from the streets, he'll gladly lend his sword to the team... as long they take on rather difficult jobs, that will help him improve his Oboro Style. And get him some gold and slivers pieces for payment. A mystery surrounding Jinkuro, is that of how he obtain Muramasa, and his past.

Equipment: http://cdn3.volusion.com/z93az.6qog9/v/vspfiles/photos/070-LGSANADA-2.jpg?1438557997


The blade Muramasa, uses the souls of the dead to achieve great power. Legend has it that with enough power, it could cut through a god. This blade holds access to many arts. Like shooting the souls of dead as a projectile, or creating a barrier. But these techniques requires soul power to use. And with the less souls the Muramasa has, the less sharp the blade is.

The Last Word: Ellon

Other: Though it may not look like it, Jinkuro is an excellent weaponsmith. He perfers to make Eastern Swords, but Western Swords are not out of the question. He's rather subpar on making armor, but it'll be decent with his skills.
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Name: Relleis translates to "dark"

Lor translates to "river"

Age: 45

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Relleis stands at solid 5'10'' in height. Though he is built more lithe than say humans or Orcs, he is in peak physical condition sporting a very well defined physique that is unnoticeable unless he were to take off his armor; which he doesn't for the sole reason of sporting numerous scars, and wounds he collected over his lifetime as a monster slayer.

Class: Warrior/Alchemist

Role: Relleis supports his guild in the making of potions and his own brew of decoctions (which only he can use), which he picked up from his people back home. He is also very adept at swordplay, which he learned from his father. It incorporates fluid transitions between strikes, swings, dodges, pirouettes, parries; so as to not break the flow of battle. Though this sword style is harder for other races to learn because it requires a very nimble and agile body to make it practical on the battlefield.

Bio: Born in the forests of Kagra, Relleis was brought up in a culture of warriors and sages. From a young age, Relleis learned swordplay and fighting from his father, who was strict and you could almost say abusive, but it was to only improve his son so he could survive out in the world. His grandfather was the Sage for the little village where he lived. He taught Relleis secret recipes for making decoctions which are powerful potions only made for Wood Elves, due to their inherent difference in physiology from Orcs and Humans. He would often go hunting with his father to help get food to the village, and teach his son how to provide for himself and learn how to track. Coming of the age of 20, Relleis decided to set out on his own and become a freelance monster slayer. Over the years he became quite proficient at his job, though he has come close to death on many occasions. Hearing about reformation of the Guild, Relleis decided to check them out, to see if he could find a better and more steady stream of income.




Edit: I'll reveal his personality in the RP.

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Ayane said:
You may edit how you please, but include the following:

First name: kris

Surname: Lamont

Age: 22

Sexuality: bysexual

Race : Human

Appearance: it's the image I up loaded

Personality :he's easy to anger anything from his last name to his kilt can set him off. Along with that he know no boundaries if you ask what's under the kilt hell show you and the is answer nothing. But he's loyal and after his clan was murdered he's looking for some thing to call a family again that's why he wants to join the guild

Class (see overview): cleric (no armor)

Role: fighter,blacksmith

Biography :he was born to the clan Lamont his father a great warrior. As his father was a great warrior he was trained to be one too. He worked day and night his body became callus and his blade work grand. He also learned to blacksmith during this time. When he was 18 he and the other men of age became warriors during the feast after words a rival clan raided the act was shameless and the fight a slaughter he was knocked out but when he came to everyone was ether gone or dead. He worked but never would he dishonor his name he worked for hospitals guarding carvans full of medical equipment. Along with this he learned the craft of healing. But doing this he would never gain the companion ship and glory he was promised when he hear of the guild reforming he left in search of it to find a new place to call home.

Equipment: glaymore, fireside bagpipe, 10 days rations, and 10 feet of rope

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:Ellon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/claymore__kilt_and_priest__by_nasumaru-d37rg92.jpg.07da9c5e2e5ffa3f383b7b300ccbfcbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136388" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/claymore__kilt_and_priest__by_nasumaru-d37rg92.jpg.07da9c5e2e5ffa3f383b7b300ccbfcbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • claymore__kilt_and_priest__by_nasumaru-d37rg92.jpg
    91.9 KB · Views: 5
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Comet said:


Caroline Mecheal

"I show you no Mercy."

Age: 24

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human









- @akumashioni 's character ( ;) )

- petty

- short tempered

- impatient


+ food

+ animals

+ friends


- enemies

-nasty food

- abuse

-loud noises


Caroline is a quirky girl, cracking jokes that not many people laugh at, except her, she's one of those people that laugh at her own jokes.(@me) she's not very quiet, having a sharp tongue when you disobey her first gentle words or commands. She doesn't really know what the word no is.. So if you tell her it, she'll continue doing what she was before, or get what she wants even though you said no. She's all around happy-go-lucky, being a great person to be around, even if she's a little "weird"



Caroline grew up in a mid-royal family. By Mid-Royal, I mean her family is well known and well respected like a royal family is. She grew up getting what she wants, having a great life and was raised in a great way, to take care of others who are in danger. Her dad taught her archery, making her a huge daddy's girl and having the same blunt, happy attitude as him. (Meredith type story) her mom was always on her tail on how she never acted lady-like or how a princess should act, running around in the mud, getting her clothes dirty and everything. As she grew up, she became more out spoken and wanting to.. Not be a princess. She joined the guild when she was 18, wanting to get away from her parents. When the group got disbanded and she had to go back to her parents, she was a little sad. Now that the group is getting back together, new beginnings and new people... Let life begin.



Caroline is a gorgeous, 5'2 girl with long flowing brown hair that has small curls in them and chocolate brown eyes. She has a hourglass figure, "flaunting it as she pleases"



"What do you call bees that produce milk?"

"Caroline no."


Caroline then proceeds to die laughing while everyone else looks at her and roll their eyes.

@Ayane I give all credit to her for the outlook of this CS, thank you so much!!
Angelostar4 said:
Name: Izuna Jinkuro
Actual Age: 50

Physical Age: 21

Actual Gender: Male

Physical Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight as an arrow

Race: Human

Appearance: /Momohime/#394639 | Fullsize Image (800x620) - Zerochan

Personality: Jinkuro is a foul person at heart. Ruthless, merciless, and power-hungry, Jinkuro will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He is calculating, calm, and aggressive. He respects those who are strong and despises the weak. Though Jinkuro maybe ruthless, he can show some warmth and kindness from his heart, but don't expect it too often.

Class: Demonic Samurai

Attack: High

Defense: Good

Speed: Good

Roles: Fighter/Blacksmith

Bio: Jinkuro is a wandering samurai that explores the world, killing everything that gets into his path, and taking their souls. Thanks to his blade, the Muramasa. A demon blade that can cut through anything... in it's full powered state. The Muramasa inflicts violent desires and a need to kill. But thanks to Jinkuro's Oboro Style, he is immune to the effects of the blade. During a mission tasked by a cloaked figured, Jinkuro was sent out to kill important figurehead. With quick reflexes, he dispatch his target but unlucky for him, he was near death after the attack. In the forest, Jinkuro saw a young maiden. He drew his blade, and cut her with the Oboro Technique, Soul Transfer. Making him transfer into the young girl's body, and kicking her soul out of it. With a new body, Jinkuro explores the land once again, stumbling on the guild, The Twin Dragons. Hearing some good words from the streets, he'll gladly lend his sword to the team... as long they take on rather difficult jobs, that will help him improve his Oboro Style. And get him some gold and slivers pieces for payment. A mystery surrounding Jinkuro, is that of how he obtain Muramasa, and his past.

Equipment: http://cdn3.volusion.com/z93az.6qog9/v/vspfiles/photos/070-LGSANADA-2.jpg?1438557997


The blade Muramasa, uses the souls of the dead to achieve great power. Legend has it that with enough power, it could cut through a god. This blade holds access to many arts. Like shooting the souls of dead as a projectile, or creating a barrier. But these techniques requires soul power to use. And with the less souls the Muramasa has, the less sharp the blade is.

The Last Word: Ellon

Other: Though it may not look like it, Jinkuro is an excellent weaponsmith. He perfers to make Eastern Swords, but Western Swords are not out of the question. He's rather subpar on making armor, but it'll be decent with his skills.
Alllll good
Twyllvarlais said:


Name: WIP

Surename: WIP

Age: WIP

Sexuality: WIP

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: WIP

Class: Warrior/Alchemist

Role: WIP

Bio: WIP

Equipment: WIP


Edit: I know this is bare bones, but it's late right now, so I'm posting a skeleton CS to work on tomorrow.​
No problem
dorkling said:



"Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against."


Name : Asura Eun

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Human

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Amber/Gold

Height : 5'1

Physique : Femininely lithe and slender with some curves

Notes : She has a faint tattoo along her shoulder



Kind to non-evil doers





Strong Hearted



Easily flustered



Asura was born into an honored family of martial artists that has been going on for many generations, in a faraway kingdom outside of Ellom. Unbeknowest to her at the time, her family protected the Royalty of their country and powerful artifacts. As expected from a member of the Eun family, Asura trained in fans and martial arts. But, even a powerful warrior like Asura had someone she looked up to. That being none other than her older brother Chen, with his unmatched swordsmanship, Chen held the position of the guard captain in her countries capital. To Asura, Chen was always a caring and trustworthy older brother.

One night, dark forces from Ellom attacked, setting the village aflame and slaughtering many, including Asuras family. Or so she thought. Desperately trying to save the village and everyone, she came across her brother.. Who seemed different. He was demonic, evil, possesed by the dark forces. Having no other choice than leaving, she fled to Ellom in hopes of answers.

Thats when she came across the Guild.


Casual outfit is shown in the above picture.


Adventuring/Fighting outfit, but with the same color scheme as casual outfit.


Class: Martial Artist

Role: Fighter/Scholar


Quite a bit of gold

Dual metal fans

Chei rocks



"People think we're all evil? Do I look evil to you?"


Name : Mazl Khazdar

Age : 24

Gender : Female

Race : Half-Orc

Sexuality : Bisexual

Hair : Black

Eyes : Black, Dark Grey

Height : 5'5

Physique : Fit and curvy, femininely masculine.

Notes : She usually wears some sort of gold















Mazl was born to one of the few wealthiest families in Atrea. Her father being an orc Captain of the army. Her mother was a very well respected human who was an excellent Blacksmith. Her mother fit right in with the savage Orcs, despite being a human.

At a young age, she was pushed to either join the army or blacksmith.

Juggling both, she learned quickly that life wasn't easy at all, despite the wealth surrounding them.

Growing up to be quite an attractive female, she'd be taken advantage by plenty, until she learned how to fight back the hard way.

Constantly seen as a sexual object, she worked extra hard at fighting to intimidate and scare off those who thought her as defenseless.

Getting sick and tired of her parents and how barbaric everyone acted, she left without a word to Etral. Her parents then assumed she was kidnapped for revenge/war, enraged.


Class: Barbarian

Role: Fighter/Blacksmith


A lot of silver



Dual Maces

Dual daggers

Other :

so grateful to have her mothers looks. Jeez. Her skin is still tinted greyish with a tint of golden and has pretty sharp teeth and nails.

She also
loves gold.

All good

First name: Dura

Surname: Khatl

Age: 24

Sexuality: Straight as the x axis

Race: Half-Orc


Personality: Rude. She rarely has respect for others unless she believes that you are strong both physically and mentally. Sarcastic. Her jokes are usually making fun of someone that she dislikes. Brave. She is willing to go in situations others won't dare to go in.

Class: Fire Mage

Role: Using fire magic from the back lines.

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild): Similar to other half-orc stories, she ran away from the savage land of orcs and went to Etral. Her family were of high status in orc society in Atrea. However, since her mother was human and her father an orc, there was always room for discrimination. Her mother, a mage herself, taught Dura magic. Dura gained much respect of her and from her. Refusing or forced to eat humans, due to the fact her mother was, she was riducled as not a true orc. When she got older, she decided to take the journey to Etral for a better life than in Atrea.


A mage staff like this...


A spell book given by her mother


What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon, scroobs

Other: She is disgusted by orcs that eat humans, (mostly all orcs fyi). She hates her rival orc family from Atrea.​
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