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Fantasy The Guild

Ayane said:
You may edit how you please, but include the following: NO MORE ELVES

First name: grok

Surname: Lamont


Sexuality: heterosexual

Race :ork

Appearance: it's the picture

Personality (at least 3 traits): simple he's not to smart, violent, loyal

Class (see overview): paladin

Role: figher

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild): He is a ork as true as any ork violent stupid and likes dem shiny bits. He was not raised by orks but by an clan of humans his real parents died on the battle field leaving him alone he was lucky to picked up. He trained under the paladin of the group when he left when he came of age to be a warrior to find more shiny bits.

Equipment:great axe, plate armor, and three skulls his spike

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other:@Theflamre is my clan brother
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b326b24d5da2c8ad8ea72c5664fe4f67.jpg.fcce3509a60ee69c07b5abf10ef6b8c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b326b24d5da2c8ad8ea72c5664fe4f67.jpg.fcce3509a60ee69c07b5abf10ef6b8c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Twyllvarlais said:


Name: Relleis translates to "dark"

Lor translates to "river"

Age: 45

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Relleis stands at solid 5'10'' in height. Though he is built more lithe than say humans or Orcs, he is in peak physical condition sporting a very well defined physique that is unnoticeable unless he were to take off his armor; which he doesn't for the sole reason of sporting numerous scars, and wounds he collected over his lifetime as a monster slayer.

Class: Warrior/Alchemist

Role: Relleis supports his guild in the making of potions and his own brew of decoctions (which only he can use), which he picked up from his people back home. He is also very adept at swordplay, which he learned from his father. It incorporates fluid transitions between strikes, swings, dodges, pirouettes, parries; so as to not break the flow of battle. Though this sword style is harder for other races to learn because it requires a very nimble and agile body to make it practical on the battlefield.

Bio: Born in the forests of Kagra, Relleis was brought up in a culture of warriors and sages. From a young age, Relleis learned swordplay and fighting from his father, who was strict and you could almost say abusive, but it was to only improve his son so he could survive out in the world. His grandfather was the Sage for the little village where he lived. He taught Relleis secret recipes for making decoctions which are powerful potions only made for Wood Elves, due to their inherent difference in physiology from Orcs and Humans. He would often go hunting with his father to help get food to the village, and teach his son how to provide for himself and learn how to track. Coming of the age of 20, Relleis decided to set out on his own and become a freelance monster slayer. Over the years he became quite proficient at his job, though he has come close to death on many occasions. Hearing about reformation of the Guild, Relleis decided to check them out, to see if he could find a better and more steady stream of income.




Edit: I'll reveal his personality in the RP.

Ayane said:
You may edit how you please, but include the following: NO MORE ELVES

First name:Belmont

Surname: Blackhaven

Age: 29

Sexuality: he really doesn't need to or want to if he does it he simple did it not to be Impolite.

Race (Human, halfling, orc, half-orc): human

Appearance: the picture

Personality (at least 3 traits): well mannered, likes to study things, doesn't question those he has sworn him self to, some times does something completely crazy kind of like a twitch it will warned of by his eyes changing to a dark green and crying blood

Class (see overview):warlock

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc): scholar

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):he has spent his life studying eldritch beings and has even figured out how to steal their powers and use the magic of invocations. He wants to continue his studies but they have become unsafe and feels that if he were to join a guild he would be able to conduct his studies with protection if it went bad. This mostly came from when he was a younger man he had stayed to far in to the dark powers and ended up letting something into his soul which causes his brief flashes of insanity. This made it so he could stray further out with less risk and also allowed him to make the pages of his tome which no man can read. His book was once capture by a holy inquisition doing there attempt to destroy the book they carved holy wards into it making it so no demon could touch the item and only the hand of man could open and close it but they also looked at its pages he re took the book form the blood chapel. When he finally did find one of the planes the elder beings called home he was given a knife by the great patron of madnees he then took a head from one of the beasts there using its skull as a staff topper to this day.

Equipment: a large book containing his studies up to know even a couple of pages that would drive the unprepared mad the large black books covers are covered in holy wards against demons, a large staff shown in his picture, a small sacrificial dagger shown in pictures below, leather armor under his robes

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other: the sacrificial dagger causes a number of effects on the one who is cut I will roll a three sided dice to decide what happens if I roll a they will suffer from auditory illusions screaming, the cries of a loved one, ect if I roll a 2 they will suffer from visual illusions blood flowing from the floor boards, the entire room setting on fire, ect if I roll a three they will suffer from horrible pain
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_21-34-4.png.d43fa24ef3f61f923ce706c539b8049c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_21-34-4.png.d43fa24ef3f61f923ce706c539b8049c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_21-51-6.png.dc26d4e086f43d10e8f5c400c4bf79fd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_21-51-6.png.dc26d4e086f43d10e8f5c400c4bf79fd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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First Name: Jekkel

Surname: Oversight


Sexuality: Hetero

Race: Human

Appearance:This is his attire. That wolf down there, Ignore it, Also Ignore the giant sickle on his back.


Under the hood he sorta looks like this


Personality: Jekkel is an adventurous lad that is very kind to others. He is very stubborn on some topics, but he is also very understanding. Jekkel also likes to now things even if he has no business in doing so. He is also laid back and somewhat sensitive about certain subjects.

Class: Archer

Role: He is mainly a sniper but he does Have a some experience with swords and daggers.

Bio: Jekkel was a human, He had no parents no family he was alone for a long while. It was when he was about 3 an elvish couple took him in and taught him a lot of what he knows know. His father was on the adventurous side and his mother had a little bit of an adventurous spirit but not as much as his father. His Father always took Jekkel out on adventures and if he ever got injured his mother would always heal him up. His mother was a very experienced healer. Jekels father was a gifted archer but he also knew his way around the edges of a blade or two and taught his son Jekkel everything he knew. As he grew older he had more freedom to stroll around by himself. Most of the time the other elves would make fun of him for being a human but it did not bother him much. One day Jekkel left the village to go on an adventure alone when he came back from an unsuccessful adventure, The village was gone. No burn marks, The ground was in perfect condition everything was gone. So Jekkel was left to fight for himself at the age 15 and over the years he became pretty good at archery and parkour, This was one of his favorite things to do in his pastime he also liked to spend time in a little hammack he made. Equipment:


Uno this


2 of these, These daggers do have chains on them, But he does not use the chains for combat, Well sometimes he does. He mainly uses them for parkour.


And one light Bow


And dis Hammock

I don't think you need a picture for this

Last word for plot in the overview: Ellon

Other: Not that I can think of….. Nope nothing
Why is everyone an archer :( At least these puny bows cant compete with the power of a greatbow like Skytalon xD
[QUOTE="Sir Jake]First Name: Jekkel
Surname: Oversight


Sexuality: Hetero

Race: Human

Appearance:This is his attire. That wolf down there, Ignore it, Also Ignore the giant sickle on his back.


Under the hood he sorta looks like this


Personality: Jekkel is an adventurous lad that is very kind to others. He is very stubborn on some topics, but he is also very understanding. Jekkel also likes to now things even if he has no business in doing so. He is also laid back and somewhat sensitive about certain subjects.

Class: Archer

Role: He is mainly a sniper but he does Have a some experience with swords and daggers.

Bio: Jekkel was a human, He had no parents no family he was alone for a long while. It was when he was about 3 an elvish couple took him in and taught him a lot of what he knows know. His father was on the adventurous side and his mother had a little bit of an adventurous spirit but not as much as his father. His Father always took Jekkel out on adventures and if he ever got injured his mother would always heal him up. His mother was a very experienced healer. Jekels father was a gifted archer but he also knew his way around the edges of a blade or two and taught his son Jekkel everything he knew. As he grew older he had more freedom to stroll around by himself. Most of the time the other elves would make fun of him for being a human but it did not bother him much. One day Jekkel left the village to go on an adventure alone when he came back from an unsuccessful adventure, The village was gone. No burn marks, The ground was in perfect condition everything was gone. So Jekkel was left to fight for himself at the age 15 and over the years he became pretty good at archery and parkour, This was one of his favorite things to do in his pastime he also liked to spend time in a little hammack he made. Equipment:


Uno this


2 of these, These daggers do have chains on them, But he does not use the chains for combat, Well sometimes he does. He mainly uses them for parkour.


And one light Bow


And dis Hammock

I don't think you need a picture for this

Last word for plot in the overview: Ellon

Other: Not that I can think of….. Nope nothing

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ebf917d84d348a461968ebd47af3108c.jpg.d9ad0641244427133bd8d4534329296f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ebf917d84d348a461968ebd47af3108c.jpg.d9ad0641244427133bd8d4534329296f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name : Sapphire (Gem) Rosalie

Species : human

Age : 28

Class : assassin, good damage, low defense, high mobility.

Equipment : two sickles on her back, both attached to a teen foot chain. A single katana sheathed to the back of her waist, and a small knife hidden in her boot. Other then the weapons she also carries around a bag with a jar of honey and some meat she got from hunting on the way. Sadly she does not have much else do to not knowning what she needed when she set out.

Personality : generally quite and secretive about her self. Usually when she talks her voice carries dullness and calmness to it. She only ever talks of it is greatly important other wise as may just give a simple nod of the head or grunt. She also has a dark sense of honor and usually finds it easier to kill most people or things off. Though while she is a bit gloom and doom towards most people, when she gets around children she starts to liven up and relaxes a lot.

sexuality : bisexual

Role : fighter, scout, assassin because who says guilds don't need to wack someone off every now and again. CX


Sapphires tell begins years ago when she was but a young lass wandering the streets of a small village after losing her parents. She took up as a thief till she made a grave error that would pay off more then she thought. One day she say a man and two guards standing around and decided to take a great risk and pickpocket them.

She slot walked up behind one and throw a rock when non were looking. It caught the attention of the three men, sapphire then grabbed the boss of the other twos coin purse and ran off. The boss man saw her run away MD sent the two guards after her.

She ducked under and jumped over fences, windows, dogs, people, a building top. She quickly lost the two men after a hour of running around. She headed to her small hideout via a tunnel, unbeknownst to her the boss man somehow found her and grabbed her. She looked him in the yes and gave a hatful look. The man smiled at her and told her he had plans for her.

The man took he back to his place and gave her a new life with him. He feed and clothed her, she felt somewhat scared at this point because she knew not that was going on. The man later reviled hime self as August Wilder, he ran a assassinating group that worked for the high class. August saw potential in sapphire where other did not, so over the next few years he trained her to become the beet of his assassins.

Things would turn out great for sapphire till she came home from a job and found blood everywhere. August lied there dead on the ground, hunched against a wall with a dagger through his eye and multiple cute along his arms and chest. Sapphire was devastated by the scene of her adoptive father's death. She ran out to the streets and found some gutter to lie in for the next day.

Come the morning Sapphire got her self together an d set out to find the people behind Augusts murder. She laughed slightly that she would be avenging a murder and not causing one. After a few days of scouting around the local underworld she found out that the knife she found in Augusts back belonged to a rival assassin name Vetory.

She stalked this man for a fee days then found him in a drunken state one lucky night. She then grabbed him and beat him till he gave her the name of the person that hired him. If was one at all. After a fee deep cuts and head slammings Vetory gave up the name if a noble that August had turned down a job from., Zexel Xenox. She was pleased with this and now she knew who to go after, she left Vetory with a cut on his stomach wait for him to slowly die out. The following week she planed and watched the house that was living in. After paying a few guards and maids off Sapphire set her plan I to motion and snuck into Zexels home. She slowly made her way into his study where she then awaited him to arrive. After about a hour he waked in and did not seem to notice the young assassin behind the door. She slowly closed the door behind him the stuck there same dagger that had ended August, into Zexel's back. He fell and bleed out in minutes, sadly a guard walked in and one that she had not paid off. He called more guards and they surrounded er in no time. The next day she found her self In the local jail house and was awaiting he execution.

That night a fellow member of her group came to get he out but she refused. She had a great plan up her sleeve, she asked the fellow to bring a dead body about her night and build and a candle. Luckily he was able to do it right before dawn where everyone would awake to a burning jail house. She used the candle to start a fire and left that body so people may think she was dead.

With the world now possibly thinking she was dead Sapphire set out on the road to find a place she could hopefully belong. She left behind the world if darkness and blood but still carries part of it with her. Eventually she learned of the twin dragon guild and decided that it would possibly be a place she could start her new life in. So she packed up everything and head onward towards the guild hall.

And last word in overview plot tab is Ellon.

(Kinda new to role playing so sorry if this looked not that great.)



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Roahon said:
View attachment 304125
Name : Sapphire (Gem) Rosalie

Species : human

Age : 28

Class : assassin, good damage, low defense, high mobility.

Equipment : two sickles on her back, both attached to a teen foot chain. A single katana sheathed to the back of her waist, and a small knife hidden in her boot. Other then the weapons she also carries around a bag with a jar of honey and some meat she got from hunting on the way. Sadly she does not have much else do to not knowning what she needed when she set out.

Personality : generally quite and secretive about her self. Usually when she talks her voice carries dullness and calmness to it. She only ever talks of it is greatly important other wise as may just give a simple nod of the head or grunt. She also has a dark sense of honor and usually finds it easier to kill most people or things off. Though while she is a bit gloom and doom towards most people, when she gets around children she starts to liven up and relaxes a lot.

sexuality : bisexual

Role : fighter, scout, assassin because who says guilds don't need to wack someone off every now and again. CX


Sapphires tell begins years ago when she was but a young lass wandering the streets of a small village after losing her parents. She took up as a thief till she made a grave error that would pay off more then she thought. One day she say a man and two guards standing around and decided to take a great risk and pickpocket them.

She slot walked up behind one and throw a rock when non were looking. It caught the attention of the three men, sapphire then grabbed the boss of the other twos coin purse and ran off. The boss man saw her run away MD sent the two guards after her.

She ducked under and jumped over fences, windows, dogs, people, a building top. She quickly lost the two men after a hour of running around. She headed to her small hideout via a tunnel, unbeknownst to her the boss man somehow found her and grabbed her. She looked him in the yes and gave a hatful look. The man smiled at her and told her he had plans for her.

The man took he back to his place and gave her a new life with him. He feed and clothed her, she felt somewhat scared at this point because she knew not that was going on. The man later reviled hime self as August Wilder, he ran a assassinating group that worked for the high class. August saw potential in sapphire where other did not, so over the next few years he trained her to become the beet of his assassins.

Things would turn out great for sapphire till she came home from a job and found blood everywhere. August lied there dead on the ground, hunched against a wall with a dagger through his eye and multiple cute along his arms and chest. Sapphire was devastated by the scene of her adoptive father's death. She ran out to the streets and found some gutter to lie in for the next day.

Come the morning Sapphire got her self together an d set out to find the people behind Augusts murder. She laughed slightly that she would be avenging a murder and not causing one. After a few days of scouting around the local underworld she found out that the knife she found in Augusts back belonged to a rival assassin name Vetory.

She stalked this man for a fee days then found him in a drunken state one lucky night. She then grabbed him and beat him till he gave her the name of the person that hired him. If was one at all. After a fee deep cuts and head slammings Vetory gave up the name if a noble that August had turned down a job from., Zexel Xenox. She was pleased with this and now she knew who to go after, she left Vetory with a cut on his stomach wait for him to slowly die out. The following week she planed and watched the house that was living in. After paying a few guards and maids off Sapphire set her plan I to motion and snuck into Zexels home. She slowly made her way into his study where she then awaited him to arrive. After about a hour he waked in and did not seem to notice the young assassin behind the door. She slowly closed the door behind him the stuck there same dagger that had ended August, into Zexel's back. He fell and bleed out in minutes, sadly a guard walked in and one that she had not paid off. He called more guards and they surrounded er in no time. The next day she found her self In the local jail house and was awaiting he execution.

That night a fellow member of her group came to get he out but she refused. She had a great plan up her sleeve, she asked the fellow to bring a dead body about her night and build and a candle. Luckily he was able to do it right before dawn where everyone would awake to a burning jail house. She used the candle to start a fire and left that body so people may think she was dead.

With the world now possibly thinking she was dead Sapphire set out on the road to find a place she could hopefully belong. She left behind the world if darkness and blood but still carries part of it with her. Eventually she learned of the twin dragon guild and decided that it would possibly be a place she could start her new life in. So she packed up everything and head onward towards the guild hall.

And last word in overview plot tab is Ellon.

(Kinda new to role playing so sorry if this looked not that great.)
It looks great!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1f6eceb_HeroForgeScreenshot(1).png.267c17eb7c928844e26293dfe25fbd34.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1f6eceb_HeroForgeScreenshot(1).png.267c17eb7c928844e26293dfe25fbd34.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First name
: Korvalt

Surname: Arnikson

Age: 26

Sexuality: Heterosexual Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Muscular, tall (6’ 7”), Hairy, shaggy blond hair (tied into a small ponytail at the back), bearded, fair skin, green eyes, White sleevless breastplate, white shoulder pads, tight black pants, white wrist cuffs, grey iron boots.

Personality: Korvalt’s behavior is mostly determined by the situation around him. Normally, he is generally a nice person, but he does tend to be rather blunt and doesn’t really mince his words (though he is not cruel about it). He is also a very one tracked minded, which can be good or bad depending on what he has his mind on.

In an actually battle, Korvalt’s blood flares to high extremes. Even though he is calm in other situations, swinging his blade around can turn him into a fierce deadly warrior, as he fights very aggressively and he rarely holds back (and even when he wants to, it is hard for him).

Class: Warrior

Role: Fighter

Biography Story:

Korvalt was born two a middle classed family with four children, (himself included). The town he was born to was frequently raided by bandits, so many of the town’s men volunteered to fight them off, including Korvalt’s father. During one raid, however, (When Korvalt was 15) his father ended up being killed by the raider’s leader. Grieved by his father’s death, Korvalt believed he could have saved his father if he was able to fight. Knowing her son’s grief, Korvalt’s mother convinced her brother to train him. It took several years, but Korvalt eventually became skilled in combat.

When Korvalt was 26, another raid left a scar on his life. When another raid in the town cleared, he found that his youngest sister was taken away. Distraught, Korvalt was anxious to find her. One day later, he hears of the Twin Dragon Guild, which was looking for warriors such as himself. Believing they would be able to help find his sister, Korvalt leaves his town to join them.

Equipment: Shield, Sword (an enchanted one that can release bursts of light magic), Axe.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon



  • HeroForgeScreenshot (1).png
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Truthblade said:
First name: Korvalt
Surname: Arnikson

Age: 26

Sexuality: Heterosexual Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Muscular, tall (6’ 7”), Hairy, shaggy blond hair (tied into a small ponytail at the back), bearded, fair skin, green eyes, White sleevless breastplate, white shoulder pads, tight black pants, white wrist cuffs, white and gold boots, blue scarf (Like Link’s in Hyrule Warriors).

Personality: Korvalt’s behavior is mostly determined by the situation around him. Normally, he is generally a nice person, but he does tend to be rather blunt and doesn’t really mince his words (though he is not cruel about it). He is also a very one tracked minded, which can be good or bad depending on what he has his mind on. He is willing to take responsibility for his actions, but sometimes can take too much and tends to carry the world on his shoulders.

In an actually battle, Korvalt’s blood flares to high extremes. Even though he is calm in other situations, swinging his blade around can turn him into a fierce deadly warrior, as he fights very aggressively and he rarely holds back (and even when he wants to, it is hard for him).

Class: Warrior

Role: Fighter

Biography Story: WIP

Equipment: Shield, Sword (an enchanted one that can release bursts of light magic), Axe.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon
Hmmm... maybe an adventurer? Umm... no! Maybe he's looking for something, and the guild is the only way he'll find it!
Truthblade said:
View attachment 304370
First name
: Korvalt

Surname: Arnikson

Age: 26

Sexuality: Heterosexual Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Muscular, tall (6’ 7”), Hairy, shaggy blond hair (tied into a small ponytail at the back), bearded, fair skin, green eyes, White sleevless breastplate, white shoulder pads, tight black pants, white wrist cuffs, grey iron boots.

Personality: Korvalt’s behavior is mostly determined by the situation around him. Normally, he is generally a nice person, but he does tend to be rather blunt and doesn’t really mince his words (though he is not cruel about it). He is also a very one tracked minded, which can be good or bad depending on what he has his mind on.

In an actually battle, Korvalt’s blood flares to high extremes. Even though he is calm in other situations, swinging his blade around can turn him into a fierce deadly warrior, as he fights very aggressively and he rarely holds back (and even when he wants to, it is hard for him).

Class: Warrior

Role: Fighter

Biography Story:

Korvalt was born two a middle classed family with four children, (himself included). The town he was born to was frequently raided by bandits, so many of the town’s men volunteered to fight them off, including Korvalt’s father. During one raid, however, (When Korvalt was 15) his father ended up being killed by the raider’s leader. Grieved by his father’s death, Korvalt believed he could have saved his father if he was able to fight. Knowing her son’s grief, Korvalt’s mother convinced her brother to train him. It took several years, but Korvalt eventually became skilled in combat.

When Korvalt was 26, another raid left a scar on his life. When another raid in the town cleared, he found that his youngest sister was taken away. Distraught, Korvalt was anxious to find her. One day later, he hears of the Twin Dragon Guild, which was looking for warriors such as himself. Believing they would be able to help find his sister, Korvalt leaves his town to join them.

Equipment: Shield, Sword (an enchanted one that can release bursts of light magic), Axe.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon
Orrrr maybe i forgot again

Name: Rex Bateson

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Race: Brood (Demi-Dragon)

Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/9/93/BoFIII_RyuChild_Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130820112648

Personality: Rex is rather shy, and doesn't talk oh so often to others. But he will open himself up to some individuals. He can be cowardly sometimes, and is reluctant to fight. But if he has no other options, he'll fight for his life. He is very compassionate about growing stronger, and to protect those that can't protect themselves. Meaning, he is the defender of the weak... even though he is scared to stand-up to them. He's also very interested in learning new things, like magic, and monsters. Though the latter does scare him.

Class: Wanderer

Role: Scholar

Bio: Rex is apart of ancient clan of dragons known as the Brood. His clan has been in an ancient battle with another group of dragons known as the Dark Saviors, a group of dragons that wants to reform the order of dragons. They've been battling for 14 years as of late... under the earth's surface. Rex's mother, fearing for her newborn son's life, placed him in a thick forest. She gave the newborn son, 12 gems. After which, is says that she'll return... but she never did, leaving a baby Rex crying in the forest. Thankfully, a caretaker from the village orphanage came by, and took the boy as her own. For 13 years, he would be living in the orphanage... until the attack of the imps happened. With great luck, Rex survived the attack from the imps, thanks to hiding in a pot. And with even greater luck, spots the Twin Dragon guild heading back. So, with his stones in hand, he tails them.

Equipment: The 12 Dragon Stones: Flame, Frost, Thunder, Shadow, Radiant, Force, Defender, Eldritch, Miracle, Trance, Fusion, and Reverse.

Flame: Grants a Flame property

Frost: Grants a Ice property

Thunder: Grants an Lightning property

Shadow: Grants a Dark Property.

Radiant: Grants a Light Property

Force: Grants a form emphasizing Power

Defender: Grants a form emphasizing Defence

Eldritch: Grants a form emphasizing Intelligence

Miracle: Grants a form emphasizing Size.

Trance: A mysterious stone, that holds a incomplete, but great power.

Fusion: Take the powers of nearby creatures, and combine them.

Reverse: Reverse the properties of the other Dragon Stones.

Word: Ellon

Other: Believe it or not, Rex is actually good at fishing, though he never tried it in his life. Rex's has the power to learn the ability of monsters, though he can't learn all of them. Watching them helps him learn, but getting hit by the attack helps him even more. He's rather good with wielding a sword, but is also great at using a boomerang. There is a 13th Dragon Stone, called Infinity. It said to hold the power of the most powerful dragon... in ancient times.

Force Appearance: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/9/9e/Flamewarriordragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141030104318

Miracle Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/0/05/BehemothIIIArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20120824062453

Eldritch Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/b/ba/BoFIII_TiamatArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130804160412

Defender Appearance: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/1/18/BoFIII_DragonArtwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20130722205319

Infinity Appearance: His hair turns into a golden color, replacing his blue hair. His eyes turn red, and in the back of him. You could faintly see the golden dragon... known as the Kaiser Dragon. It has golden scales, and it's claws are pitch black. It's eyes are deep red, and the wings are golden in nature.
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