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Fantasy The Guild

[QUOTE="Loex Ibetink]Name:
Loex Ibetink [Lo-ex Ibe-think] also known as Dead Muse


Appears twenty-ish, true age unknown



Race (Human, halfling, orc, half-orc):



Standing at a whopping 5'5" Loex is not a very large man. Skinny and about average height, one wouldn't expect much from appearance alone. The only thing visible on his face are his icy blue eyes, for he seems to always wear a mask depicting a skull that seems to be attached to the outfit belonging more on a Jester then on some sort of fighter. The colors on this Harlequin were a simple red and black, though the red color doesn't seem to be even...

Personality (at least 3 traits):

Some would say insanity best describes the fool. This was surely the case for this little nut. From simply doing the same course of action repeatedly for dofferent results, to the sheer insanity of offering a pebble for a glass of water (very long story). Some would say he was blessed by a Mad God or some lesser divine of insanity, some would say he wasn't all there. All who's seen this Hellequin agrees, insanity ran through his blood and was settled in his bones.

Cheerful, eeriely so. Some may admire laughing in the face of danger or death, yet Loex takes this to a whole new level. If he isn't talking, he's either unable to do so at the moment, or laughing and giggling like a maniac. Although no true evidence has been found, and no sane witness to attest it, some claim he's been stabbed in the gut and simply chortled at the poor fellow. Well, until that fellow was reduced to chunks and a fine red paste by his little dance of death. Yet on he laughed, even at the paste and chunks. Though if nothing else, his laughter has an almost musical sound to it, and it seemed to at least help calm him down.

Reckless/Energetic, as he would call it anyways. Constantly chomping at the bit to get into action, be it for simply moving around, or partaking in the intricate dance of death. He'd fling himself into a fight with a beast twice his size, dancing and darting around it with a flurry of blades and the occasional spherical object. If he could, he'd probably run up the wall, run over the ceiling and then land face first to do it again. Nothing will slow him down once he has been given an objective, save for death and/or injury, maybe. If he felt the need to, he'd probably worsen an injury if it meant he got something done, and he'll laugh to his grave, maybe even beyond.

Class (see overview):

Martial Artist

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc):

Scout, Fighter, and Ambusher (Chaos is his trade, and by the gods, their saints, the devils and their advocates, he'd set traps for monsters given enough time and information)

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):

If Chaos was his trade, chances were it came from birth and his family. Many know of the knights, and priests. Wanderering bands of merchants and martial artists have their time in the spotlight. Yet what of the poor folk, the freaks? Not worth mentioning to most, and for some, downright pathetic. From these freaks though, came a monster to those who crossed them.

Born from a circus performer and what might have been human, hard to tell from all the bandages covering it and the oddly thin skin it had, Loex had it off rather poorly. Treated as another part of the freakshow. Maybe it was the sunken in cheeks, or the oddly sunken in eyes, yet it looked as if someone barely stretched skin over the skull of a starving beast. Forced to be a spectacle for the masses to enjoy and laugh at.

As time went by, and he grew up, he took a more active part in the circus. He was trained to be a Jester, light on his feet and adaptable. Be it graceful movements of a dancer to flipping through the air to land on his feet to the sounds of cheers, he had to do it. He had to learn. With time came skill, and with skill, fame. Soon, he was traveling on his own, performing for minor lords and ladies. Though this brought upon him much danger.

Odd how having money attracts those wishing to take it away, isn't it? First it was a robbery every month or so, then every three weeks, then every other week, then every week. Soon enough, it was a daily occurrence that when he was found in a town, some punk with a knife would hold him until he paid. This had to change, for he couldn't live like this. So, he decided to try something new. Being a performer, he knew much about slight of hand. Items seemingly disappearing or reappearing was a simple flick of the wrist.

So he trained with daggers, sliding them up into his sleeve and back out. He also quickly learned the dull edge from the sharp edge, and the angles of a knife and it's blade, if the scratches on his wrists were anything to go off of. So when he was robbed again, he slipped free and slipped the knife from his sleeve. He knew the angles, yet he didn't know technique. He got a nice little stab for his efforts, though a sliced eye isn't bad for a first try. He quickly passed out from shock and a bit of blood loss. At least the knife in his gut helped stem the blood flow.

When he awoke, he seemed to be in some form of monastery. Was this natural? Was this heaven? Judging by the odd bald guy in green robes, probably not. Though as he quickly found out, this was better. A new home, a new life. Spreading the word of a lesser deity, a deity of joy. He even learned the basics of fighting, in a few different styles. From brawling to the elegance of martial arts, he knew the basics. Incorporating these fighting tactics into his graceful movements was rather easy, adding the twin blades he used simply increased its effectiveness. Thus, his own style began, the Dance of Death.

Once he was physically able, he began his journey to spread the word of his deity. Upon hearing of the reformation of the Twin Dragon Guild, he was overjoyed. If he could spread his god's influence quickly, it'd be by saving others and helping reform a legendary guild. His name shall be known far and wide, and with it, his Deity. The Laughing Man.

Equipment: Twin daggers, Guilt and Joy, typically hidden in the sleeves of his silken jester attire. Both daggers are made of a mixture of iron and silver, capable of warding off fae and killing a wide variety of monsters. Roughly six inches long, and slightly curved like talons. Perfect for digging in and tearing through flesh.

Three brown packs were on his belt, two of which contained twenty knives each, easy access throwing knives. The third one held a variety of spherical objects, smoke bombs and ineffective flame bombs and little more than oversized fire crackers. Disorienting, quite so. Focus is a dangerous thing to lose, especially in combat.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


Hello, I'd just like to say I'm not expecting to get in. I'm at least a week or so late. I made my account today, thought It'd be nice to get a few posts in to reach my posts necessary to unlock other functions. Also, I'd love to simply see if anybody would've been interested in it. I could also adapt this a bit to be a Council Member if I'm not too late. I'm sure this would make an awesome imp.

I love it! Accepted.

I would make a seperate character for the council member since the council will not be a main thing

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/original.jpg.ae9fc292b980bbf9902c0f67611f573a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/original.jpg.ae9fc292b980bbf9902c0f67611f573a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Physical Description:

Human male, Age 23

5'10 , 160-170 lbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5ae89d9_tsukuo_by_reiayer-d8zwmev(1).jpg.ea76639b544e06bbb96cba683c6fbbf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5ae89d9_tsukuo_by_reiayer-d8zwmev(1).jpg.ea76639b544e06bbb96cba683c6fbbf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Upon first meeting Seitsu, you might come to the conclusion that he's a very respectable and likable man. Now- you wouldn't be wrong- but get to know him a bit more and your opinion could change. To him, first impressions are everything. He'll show you his best side before you ever see his worst side, if you ever do- that is.

Back in his younger years, he was a bit softer- but now that he's matured, he's drastically changed. The Seitsu today is rather... charming. He's very flirty and even a bit corny when he tries too hard. He tends to treat women much better than he treats men. He's still generally polite and friendly to both sexes, but he's more of a gentleman when an attractive woman is around. This very defining trait of his is due to his trust issues with women. You may be asking, 'how does this correlate?' Well- a long time ago, he had a love. And that said love betrayed him. Now- he doesn't care anymore about actual romance, he just enjoys messing around with women without any ties.

He dislikes it when people depend on him and he doesn't like hearing people say that they trust him. He believes that 'trust' is all lies. The only person that anyone could truly depend on 100% is themselves. No matter how close you think you are to a person, there is always a chance of betrayal, and it is scarily easy to trick or back stab those that have put all of their faith in you.

Overall, Seitsu is not flaky. He is genuine in most of his actions and his intentions are never malevolent.





High Damage Output | Moderate Defense | Moderate Mobility




"From a young age I served a clan of warriors. I was adopted into their society at the age of 3, and I was raised among them, secluded from the rest. They took me in without a clear purpose and they planned to quickly get rid of me. At the age of 7 I was arranged a future marriage with some prissy chick named 'Elodie.' I don't know whether it was out of sympathy that they chose to push me onto somebody else instead of throwing me out, but I accepted what I was given. And soon after, I met the very girl that I was supposed to be wed to when I matured.

I didn't really know what to think of her at the time... I was so young. She was 'alright,' I guess. We were kids. And because of the lack of other children in the clan, I let myself become friends with her. For a while, we were great friends... 'best friends,' you could say...

At the age of 10, I began to train as a brawler with the rest of the clan. I was put under intense discipline and routine. And this was when I learned deeper of the reasons for my arranged marriage. Apparently, Elodie's clan wanted a stronger bloodline, so they were willing to mix their mage blood with those of warriors. I guess her family wasn't rich enough for my clan to actually take their request seriously as they arranged for me of all people to marry Elodie. But I guess they wanted to at least fake it, since they agreed to train me as one of them. I don't know why this impacted me so much... But when I learned that her family was looking for somebody strong, I felt that I had to live up to their expectations. And... I'll admit. I wanted to impress Elodie.

As time went on, I grew in power and I managed to impress the elders of the clan at age 17. They were actually planning to officially adopt me as one of their own kind after I was to be wed. They said that I would bring great honor to their clan. And I was more than willing to be bestowed their name. And... me and Elodie were getting along greatly. Everything was going well. I was in love and I was finally going to be permanently accepted as a member of my clan. I had never been a part of anything before, so you can imagine how happy I was at this point in time.

But, of course, it didn't last long. I was introduced to another possible suitor for marriage. This time it was a girl who was extremely wealthy and looking for protection. This caught the attention of the higher-ups in the clan and they decided to have us introduced.

What could I say about the girl... She was hardly anything at all compared to Elodie. But she was beautiful- very much so. But looks weren't enough to get me interested, and if you took away her beauty, you'd leave her with nothing- if you catch my drift.

I wanted to make it clear that Elodie was going to be the one that I would marry when I came of age at 18. But my clan was stubborn on insisting that I was to forget about her. I didn't listen to them. And to try and convince me to change my mind, they persisted that I at least spend a day with the girl to see if things would work. I agreed to this as I at least wouldn't mind having her as a friend.

So, for a day, I was to spend every second with this girl. And it quickly got annoying... I would have much rather ditched her to spend the day with Elodie. And- that's what I planned. I set up for Elodie and I to meet. But I just could not get this girl off my back. And as I was just starting to get fed up with her bullshit, she made an advancement on me! Now- This isn't my fault. If a girl just throws herself at me, who am I to refuse? Am I right? But I didn't know that Elodie had seen the whole thing... She stood there wide eyed as this girl embraced me.

'Wait- This isn't what it looks like!' I tried to explain to her as I threw her off of me... But she wouldn't listen.

Shortly after- Elodie called off the marriage... And my other possible suitor had also put in a bad word for me. I felt betrayed by Elodie. I thought that we were fated to be and only now do I realize how childish it was for me to think that way. After both marriages were dropped, the clan revoked my privilege of adopting their clan name. And I left their grounds myself after I had turned 18."


Women, Freedom, Doing things his own way, Food, Lazying around whenever he can, Action and combat, When his smooth-talking actually works, People with personality, When people brag about themselves (But not arrogance. There's a difference)




None. No ties to anything.

Starting equipment:


Various throwing knives


Various hunting knives

Extra clothing (Really just multiple haori that he uses for pretty much everything)

Bags of food (He likes food. Men like food.)


(Overall, his pack is really light)


Excels in both ranged and close-quarters combat

Very high pain-tolerance

Throwing knives




Hunting/ Foraging



Sun sign: Sagittarius

Third member of the pretty boy trio

Fun fact: He doesn't drink or smoke. The pipe is just an accessory honestly.

Don't ask about the scars on his face. You'll trigger him.



(Why are all my characters men? Idk you tell me)

(I had to cut his personality description short... Mainly because I would have excelled the length of the personality section of my other two characters. They all get equal love (: Oh my god I'm lame)



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"Been trying hard not to get in trouble but I got a war on my mind"


Name : Elodie Maluilos

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Half Elf

Sexuality : Pansexual

Hair : Blue

Eyes : Purple

Height : 5'3

Physique : fuckable hnng. body es gud


? Feisty

? Lively

? Determined

? Courageous

? Moody

? Aggressive at times

? Outspoken

? Energetic


"I was born into a famous clan of mages and sorceresses, and the tradition of my clan was to arrange a marriage at age five. I was arranged to marry *cringe*...ugh.. Seitsu, a boy from another famous clan of warriors. Growing up, I made no complaint about it. It was tradition and normal. I didn't see anything wrong with it. *shrug*

From a young age, I was taught the arcane and was given a tome called the Book of Sorcery. Once I got older I was given a special spear/staff that also had magical properties. In time I mastered the Book of Sorcery but... not the staff. Its kinda lame honestly, not as destructive as Book of Sorcery but it actually deals quite a bit of damage. I was also considered...quite the troublesome child. I mean, I was the middle child and I liked causing mischief, can you really blame me?

Ok, now back to me and the asshole- I mean...Seitsus relationship.. *forces a fake smile*

We met when I was five and we seemed to get on great, and he soon became my best friend.. *cough* ok, my only friend-

Anyways, I began to question this arranged marriage and saw no romantic interest in him... of course I was 10 at the time, but, all I wanted to be is really good friends that grew old together I guess.. *snorts, rolling eyes*

When I was...fifteen (jesus I was an idiot..) I fell for Seitsu and...he eventually fell for me I guess.. *bites lip*

That same year they began our planning for marriage, and I was more than ok with it.. Hopelessly- No, recklessly in love with Seitsu.. *sighs*

Our marriage was going to be when I was 16. But that all changed when

I mean... things didn't go too well when she arrived.

She took a rather deep interest in Seitsu.. and they were around eachother constantly..

More than me and him in fact.

Of course.. I grew jealous. Very.

It only grew when I accidentally stumbled upon her all over him and embracing, Seitsu hurriedly explaining that it wasn't what it appeared to me.

I trusted him and left, a little upset, but I believed him.


Rumors began to spread in my family, of that girl being his mistress, him cheating.

I grew piss- angry. Oh so
very angry.

Me and Seitsu fought and it didn't go to well.

In a flurry, I demanded the arrangement off with that whoring pig.

Despite the fact that I was used and lied to, I made history in my family.

The first failed arranged marriage.

After calling off the wedding I didnt speak to him or anything, I absolutely
loathed him and I just want to-

*bleeps out for a rather long time*
Sorry for the inconvenience, there appears to be very strong language and gory images. Please wait.

*takes a deep breath*

Anyways, after a little while of studying and trying to perfect my magic, I left home and began to travel across Ellon for a couple years, hearing word of a once very famous and striving Guild rebooting.."




Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter/Healer/Scholar


? Book of Sorcery; a tome consisting of mainly lighting spells and crafting. Mainly uses magical blocks, trapping, pushing, or completely obliterating her opponents by sending out large amounts of lighting. Ability to heal her allies with this. She mainly uses this and has mastered the Book of Sorcery

? Spear/Staff; made from a magical tree that has been in her family for years. She can summon trees and small animals to help her. Her speed with this weapon is slow though, but deals quite a bit of damage. Water element.

? A little bit of gold

? Some healing potions

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dorkling said:



"Been trying hard not to get in trouble but I got a war on my mind"


Name : Elodie Maluilos

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Half Elf

Sexuality : Pansexual

Hair : Blue

Eyes : Purple

Height : 5'3

Physique : fuckable hnng. body es gud


? Feisty

? Lively

? Determined

? Courageous

? Moody

? Aggressive at times

? Outspoken

? Energetic


"I was born into a famous clan of mages and sorceresses, and the tradition of my clan was to arrange a marriage at birth. I was arranged to marry *cringe*...ugh.. Seitsu, a boy from another famous clan of warriors. Growing up, I made no complaint about it. It was tradition and normal. I didn't see anything wrong with it. *shrug*

From a young age, I was taught the arcane and was given a tome called the Book of Sorcery. Once I got older I was given a special spear/staff that also had magical properties. In time I mastered the Book of Sorcery but... not the staff. Its kinda lame honestly, not as destructive as Book of Sorcery but it actually deals quite a bit of damage.

Ok, now back to me and the asshole- I mean...Seitsus relationship.. *forces a fake smile*

We met when I was five and we seemed to get on great, and he soon became my best friend.. *cough* ok, my only friend-

Anyways, I began to question this arranged marriage and saw no romantic interest in him... of course I was 10 at the time, but, all I wanted to be is really good friends that grew old together I guess.. *snorts, rolling eyes*

When I was...fifteen (jesus I was an idiot..) I fell for Seitsu and...he eventually fell for me I guess.. *bites lip*

17 years old they began our planning for marriage, and I was more than ok with it.. Hopelessly- No, recklessly in love with Seitsu.. *sighs*

Our marriage was going to be when I was 18. But that all changed when

I mean... things didn't go too well when she arrived.

She took a rather deep interest in Seitsu.. and they were around eachother constantly..

More than me and him in fact.

Of course.. I grew jealous. Very.

It only grew when I accidentally stumbled upon her all over him and embracing, Seitsu hurriedly explaining that it wasn't what it appeared to me.

I trusted him and left, a little upset, but I believed him.


Rumors began to spread in my family, of that girl being his mistress, him cheating.

I grew piss- angry. Oh so
very angry.

Me and Seitsu fought and it didnt go to well.

In a flurry, I demanded the arrangement off with that whoring pig.

Despite the fact that I was used and lied to, I made history in my family.

The first failed arranged marriage.

After calling off the wedding I didnt speak to him or anything, I absolutely
loathed him and I just want to-

*bleeps out for a rather long time*
Sorry for the inconvenience, there appears to be very strong language and gory images. Please wait.

*takes a deep breath*

Anyways, after a little while of studying and trying to perfect my magic, I left home and began to travel across Ellon for a couple years, hearing word of a once very famous and striving Guild rebooting.."




Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter/Healer/Scholar


? Book of Sorcery; a tome consisting of mainly lighting spells and and crafting. Mainly uses magical blocks, trapping, pushing, or completely obliterating her opponents by sending out large amounts of lighting. Ability to heal her allies with this. She mainly uses this and has mastered the Book of Sorcery

? Spear/Staff; made from a magical tree that has been in her family for years. She can summon trees and small animals to help her. Her speed with this weapon is slow though, but deals quite a bit of damage. Water element.

? A little bit of gold

? Some healing potions

I can see Roman liking this character... alot.
I can't wait to infuriate all these guild members...once I finally make it through the thirteen pages and extremely long posts
[QUOTE="Loex Ibetink]I can't wait to infuriate all these guild members...once I finally make it through the thirteen pages and extremely long posts

I try :3 short posts are boring. And they don't give much to reply to.

'I swing my sword at the monster, hitting it'


'I duck underneath the swipe of the pissed off dragon. Its talons nearly taking my head off. I strike fast, plunging my sword into the hide of the beast. The enchanted blade easily piercing the tough scales. The dragon recoils in pain, giving my other party members a chance to get in and do some damage.'

Which do you like more :3
dorkling said:



"Been trying hard not to get in trouble but I got a war on my mind"


Name : Elodie Maluilos

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Half Elf

Sexuality : Pansexual

Hair : Blue

Eyes : Purple

Height : 5'3

Physique : fuckable hnng. body es gud


? Feisty

? Lively

? Determined

? Courageous

? Moody

? Aggressive at times

? Outspoken

? Energetic


"I was born into a famous clan of mages and sorceresses, and the tradition of my clan was to arrange a marriage at age five. I was arranged to marry *cringe*...ugh.. Seitsu, a boy from another famous clan of warriors. Growing up, I made no complaint about it. It was tradition and normal. I didn't see anything wrong with it. *shrug*

From a young age, I was taught the arcane and was given a tome called the Book of Sorcery. Once I got older I was given a special spear/staff that also had magical properties. In time I mastered the Book of Sorcery but... not the staff. Its kinda lame honestly, not as destructive as Book of Sorcery but it actually deals quite a bit of damage. I was also considered...quite the troublesome child. I mean, I was the middle child and I liked causing mischief, can you really blame me?

Ok, now back to me and the asshole- I mean...Seitsus relationship.. *forces a fake smile*

We met when I was five and we seemed to get on great, and he soon became my best friend.. *cough* ok, my only friend-

Anyways, I began to question this arranged marriage and saw no romantic interest in him... of course I was 10 at the time, but, all I wanted to be is really good friends that grew old together I guess.. *snorts, rolling eyes*

When I was...fifteen (jesus I was an idiot..) I fell for Seitsu and...he eventually fell for me I guess.. *bites lip*

That same year they began our planning for marriage, and I was more than ok with it.. Hopelessly- No, recklessly in love with Seitsu.. *sighs*

Our marriage was going to be when I was 16. But that all changed when

I mean... things didn't go too well when she arrived.

She took a rather deep interest in Seitsu.. and they were around eachother constantly..

More than me and him in fact.

Of course.. I grew jealous. Very.

It only grew when I accidentally stumbled upon her all over him and embracing, Seitsu hurriedly explaining that it wasn't what it appeared to me.

I trusted him and left, a little upset, but I believed him.


Rumors began to spread in my family, of that girl being his mistress, him cheating.

I grew piss- angry. Oh so
very angry.

Me and Seitsu fought and it didn't go to well.

In a flurry, I demanded the arrangement off with that whoring pig.

Despite the fact that I was used and lied to, I made history in my family.

The first failed arranged marriage.

After calling off the wedding I didnt speak to him or anything, I absolutely
loathed him and I just want to-

*bleeps out for a rather long time*
Sorry for the inconvenience, there appears to be very strong language and gory images. Please wait.

*takes a deep breath*

Anyways, after a little while of studying and trying to perfect my magic, I left home and began to travel across Ellon for a couple years, hearing word of a once very famous and striving Guild rebooting.."




Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter/Healer/Scholar


? Book of Sorcery; a tome consisting of mainly lighting spells and crafting. Mainly uses magical blocks, trapping, pushing, or completely obliterating her opponents by sending out large amounts of lighting. Ability to heal her allies with this. She mainly uses this and has mastered the Book of Sorcery

? Spear/Staff; made from a magical tree that has been in her family for years. She can summon trees and small animals to help her. Her speed with this weapon is slow though, but deals quite a bit of damage. Water element.

? A little bit of gold

? Some healing potions

Zelda fan?
dorkling said:



"Been trying hard not to get in trouble but I got a war on my mind"


Name : Elodie Maluilos

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Race : Half Elf

Sexuality : Pansexual

Hair : Blue

Eyes : Purple

Height : 5'3

Physique : fuckable hnng. body es gud


? Feisty

? Lively

? Determined

? Courageous

? Moody

? Aggressive at times

? Outspoken

? Energetic


"I was born into a famous clan of mages and sorceresses, and the tradition of my clan was to arrange a marriage at age five. I was arranged to marry *cringe*...ugh.. Seitsu, a boy from another famous clan of warriors. Growing up, I made no complaint about it. It was tradition and normal. I didn't see anything wrong with it. *shrug*

From a young age, I was taught the arcane and was given a tome called the Book of Sorcery. Once I got older I was given a special spear/staff that also had magical properties. In time I mastered the Book of Sorcery but... not the staff. Its kinda lame honestly, not as destructive as Book of Sorcery but it actually deals quite a bit of damage. I was also considered...quite the troublesome child. I mean, I was the middle child and I liked causing mischief, can you really blame me?

Ok, now back to me and the asshole- I mean...Seitsus relationship.. *forces a fake smile*

We met when I was five and we seemed to get on great, and he soon became my best friend.. *cough* ok, my only friend-

Anyways, I began to question this arranged marriage and saw no romantic interest in him... of course I was 10 at the time, but, all I wanted to be is really good friends that grew old together I guess.. *snorts, rolling eyes*

When I was...fifteen (jesus I was an idiot..) I fell for Seitsu and...he eventually fell for me I guess.. *bites lip*

That same year they began our planning for marriage, and I was more than ok with it.. Hopelessly- No, recklessly in love with Seitsu.. *sighs*

Our marriage was going to be when I was 16. But that all changed when

I mean... things didn't go too well when she arrived.

She took a rather deep interest in Seitsu.. and they were around eachother constantly..

More than me and him in fact.

Of course.. I grew jealous. Very.

It only grew when I accidentally stumbled upon her all over him and embracing, Seitsu hurriedly explaining that it wasn't what it appeared to me.

I trusted him and left, a little upset, but I believed him.


Rumors began to spread in my family, of that girl being his mistress, him cheating.

I grew piss- angry. Oh so
very angry.

Me and Seitsu fought and it didn't go to well.

In a flurry, I demanded the arrangement off with that whoring pig.

Despite the fact that I was used and lied to, I made history in my family.

The first failed arranged marriage.

After calling off the wedding I didnt speak to him or anything, I absolutely
loathed him and I just want to-

*bleeps out for a rather long time*
Sorry for the inconvenience, there appears to be very strong language and gory images. Please wait.

*takes a deep breath*

Anyways, after a little while of studying and trying to perfect my magic, I left home and began to travel across Ellon for a couple years, hearing word of a once very famous and striving Guild rebooting.."




Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter/Healer/Scholar


? Book of Sorcery; a tome consisting of mainly lighting spells and crafting. Mainly uses magical blocks, trapping, pushing, or completely obliterating her opponents by sending out large amounts of lighting. Ability to heal her allies with this. She mainly uses this and has mastered the Book of Sorcery

? Spear/Staff; made from a magical tree that has been in her family for years. She can summon trees and small animals to help her. Her speed with this weapon is slow though, but deals quite a bit of damage. Water element.

? A little bit of gold

? Some healing potions

Accepted btw

Nicolas "Thios" Mortem
Age: Appears as in his late 20s, early 30s

Race: Demon




Personality (at least 3 traits): Spiteful. If you ever quarrel with him, he will never forget it. He will try to make your life hell once he has a hold on you. Manipulative. He is able to convince others for his needs. As a keeper of false promises, he seems to convince others regardless. Confident. As a dark overlord, who wouldn't be confident? His attitude towards terrible situations is always calm and neutral.

Class: Warlock and Necromancer

Role: Overlord of the Underworld

Biography: Nicolas was once a normal child. His mother practiced the arcane and taught him fire magic. She would always tell him that fire was both a destructive and beautiful thing---he took it to heart as he trained with her. His father, on the other side, mastered the dark arts taught to him by his father. As any curious child would do, he wanted to experience what his father practiced. He soon began to stray away from his mother's practice of the arcane, reassuring her that he would never be consumed by darkness. As time grew he, indeed, was consumed by darkness, greed, and the lust for more power. As his father said, the weak are never destined for greater opportunities. During a ritual for more power, he sacrificed both his mother and father, their blood in his hands as he had no regrets---though the power was not enough. He began to practice necromancy to summon demons of his own to show his power. This was when he met a female. Like many love stories, they fell in love at first sight. She was the small light to all the darkness that consumed him. As they became closer, they were close to having a family of their own---he would promise to give up all the evils from his practice for his love. However, life was never fair. As if he failed the god of the Underworld, his precious love was taking away from him in an instant. The god presented him an offer, an offer that would change him once again---his soul for more power. The man questioned the god's offer. He ony wanted his darling back. The god then replied that if he took over Ellon with the power granted to him, he would have her back. No longer human, he harnessed the powers given to him as the overlord of the Underworld to save his love. Though in the present day, his motive seemed lost as the darkness again consumed him. He just wanted to see Ellon burn.

Equipment: A sword of broken souls with runes that he uses for close range combat.


And a staff for summoning and using various abilities.




Ayane said:
Zelda fan?

I just mainly stole Lanas looks and weapons lel

I didn't use the Summoning Gate tho. I feel like it'd be too OP.

Plus, I feel like the Summoner class would be the one to do that uwu
dorkling said:
I just mainly stole Lanas looks and weapons lel

I didn't use the Summoning Gate tho. I feel like it'd be too OP.

Plus, I feel like the Summoner class would be the one to do that uwu
Lmao xD yea
Ayane said:

Nicolas "Thios" Mortem
Age: Appears as in his late 20s, early 30s

Race: Demon




Personality (at least 3 traits): Spiteful. If you ever quarrel with him, he will never forget it. He will try to make your life hell once he has a hold on you. Manipulative. He is able to convince others for his needs. As a keeper of false promises, he seems to convince others regardless. Confident. As a dark overlord, who wouldn't be confident? His attitude towards terrible situations is always calm and neutral.

Class: Warlock and Necromancer

Role: Overlord of the Underworld

Biography: Nicolas was once a normal child. His mother practiced the arcane and taught him fire magic. She would always tell him that fire was both a destructive and beautiful thing---he took it to heart as he trained with her. His father, on the other side, mastered the dark arts taught to him by his father. As any curious child would do, he wanted to experience what his father practiced. He soon began to stray away from his mother's practice of the arcane, reassuring her that he would never be consumed by darkness. As time grew he, indeed, was consumed by darkness, greed, and the lust for more power. As his father said, the weak are never destined for greater opportunities. During a ritual for more power, he sacrificed both his mother and father, their blood in his hands as he had no regrets---though the power was not enough. He began to practice necromancy to summon demons of his own to show his power. This was when he met a female. Like many love stories, they fell in love at first sight. She was the small light to all the darkness that consumed him. As they became closer, they were close to having a family of their own---he would promise to give up all the evils from his practice for his love. However, life was never fair. As if he failed the god of the Underworld, his precious love was taking away from him in an instant. The god presented him an offer, an offer that would change him once again---his soul for more power. The man questioned the god's offer. He ony wanted his darling back. The god then replied that if he took over Ellon with the power granted to him, he would have her back. No longer human, he harnessed the powers given to him as the overlord of the Underworld to save his love. Though in the present day, his motive seemed lost as the darkness again consumed him. He just wanted to see Ellon burn.

Equipment: A sword of broken souls with runes that he uses for close range combat.


And a staff for summoning and using various abilities.




Why are all dark overlords alike?
This RP is still accepting new charecters, right?

I intended to make two brats from a mage tower/ academy that's involved in a petty rivalry with the one in Kagra if such a thing is okay with @dorkling. As a prodigy, would Eira be well known to the magical community?
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marmar158 said:
This RP is still accepting new character, right?
I intended to make two brats from a mage tower/ academy that's involved in a petty rivalry with the one in Kagra if such a thing is okay with @dorkling. As a prodigy, would Eira be well known to the magical community?
Oh dear

Im sorry O . O

I kinda replaced Eira with Elodie-


But if you'd like to be involved with Elodie somehow we can pm and talk about it ^^
dorkling said:
Oh dear
Im sorry O . O

I kinda replaced Eira with Elodie-


But if you'd like to be involved with Elodie somehow we can pm and talk about it ^^
I see. I'll be putting up my prospective character's soon. After they're up, we could probably work something out if you would like. One's an orphan and the other is the daughter of a big-shot tech-mage that could feasibly know of Elodie's family and the nasty rumors surrounding her flopped marriage.
marmar158 said:
I see. I'll be putting up my prospective character's soon. After they're up, we could probably work something out if you would like. One's an orphan and the other is the daughter of a big-shot tech-mage that could feasibly know of Elodie's family and the nasty rumors surrounding her flopped marriage.
sounds good ^^
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Oh shit, that'd be great since I'm like her ex-fiance

Release the drama lamas!
marmar158 said:
This snippet contains relevant info for Lloyd and Karol's background, and it would be annoying to place them in both profiles, is it okay if I put it here?
Cromwell Tower



The Tower is hosted by an association of mages that hold long lasting, but lax loyalties to the Cromwell Royal line, despite owing its name to it. It was first laid down a mere sixty years after the birth of the first Cromwell Queen, Annette of Scarlet, who was banished to the Isles along with her parents, disenfranchised nobles from Thalore. At the time, they were called the Four Gardens of Strife as they had ample resources, yet remained in a constant state of on-and-off warfare. The women saw herself surrounded by enemies within the surrounding three islands and in response, founded the Tower as a safe place for mages of any race to practice their caft, regardless of how dangerous or aberrant. Outlawed magic users flocked to the tower, seeing both a safe haven and a place where they could connect to others of their kind, advancing the mystical arts without the petty restrictions of the law. Annette asked for one thing in return: make the other three islands hers.

The ensuing unification wars lasted a scant two years, as the other participants were well worn down by their other neighbors and internal squabbling, by the time they saw the need to stand together against Cromwell’s forces, it was far too late. Unlike many of the royals who used the band of mages in the past, Annette kept her promise, leaving them to their own devices rather than abolishing and scattering the Tower. Out of gratitude, the first Archmagus pledged that for as long as his family controlled the Tower they would protect the sovereignty of the newly dubbed Cromwell Isles. Members don red robes in the name of their first patron.

At present, Mages and Spellswords of every kind train within the halls of the part stronghold, part magical institution, where importance is placed on stern but highly individualized study of each initiate’s gift. While certain sanctions and mutual agreements have prevented the Cromwells from using the Tower as an invading force to take chunks of the mainland, none has succeeded in wresting control of the islands from the royal family, though there has been a few token attempts from mercenary groups in the past that nearly accomplished the feat. It is the duty of every Tower Archmagus to ensure that at least a third of their students are prepared to ensure that no one usurps the throne by force of arms.

Cromwell Tower sees itself as one of the largest hoarders of magical knowledge in all of Ellon, and has made every effort to install its members into every guild, coven, and academy on the planet to ensure that it stays ahead of the curve.
I like the amount of detail, and i'm sure it's fine, just make it clear that your posts are all related I guess

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