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Fantasy The Guild

[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]I like the amount of detail, and i'm sure it's fine, just make it clear that your posts are all related I guess

Would it work if I edited all the posts into one after I finish my other character with each section split off using a line break?
Name: Julian Carter

Surname: Sliver Wolf

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as in arrow

Race: Human



Personality: Julian is a man that doesn't hover around the bush. He is direct, and will always be blunt about his statements. He can also be a total smartass, but that's just how he is as a mercenary. Julian can also be... selfless, putting himself in danger if it means to help others. Another thing is that he is quite... umm... well sometimes he can get annoyed over the smallest of things. But he tries his best to not let the small things get to him.

Class: Swordsman

Role: Fighter

Biography: When he was a little child, Julian has always been living on the streets, no parents... and no shelter. Always doing was needed to survive in the world. One day, an old rich man adopted him, and took him home in his mansion. Julian for the second time, and only time, experienced the caring aura of a parent. But then, demons struck and killed the old man and burnt the mansion down. Julian, swearing vengeance, set out to kill the demons living in this realm, and to earn some money as a mercenary. He's reason for joining the guild is simple... to get money. But... his circumstance will change for a short while.



Chaos Breaker/Force Blade: This sword was made to slay ancient and vile creatures. The perfect blade for him to carry out his revenge. When raised in the air, the blade will release lightning, harming anything around it.

Last Word: Ellon

Other: "He rises above all others with his strong spirit, but carries with him a sorrow, a past full of sadness. Once released of this sorrow, his soul will soar as he becomes a wolf with sharp and virtuous fangs."

Theme: [media]

Name: Cecilia Kinrick

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human




- Has a grand sense of justice

- Is as brave as a lion, but knows when she is beaten

- She sometimes feel... weak, despite her great power.

Class: Onion Knight- Is the jack of all trades, master of none. They can wield weapons and magic of many different caliber, but could only hope of mastering them. Always sticking to the middle ground, as always. They can currently cast the middle level spells of Fire, Thunder, and Ice, and can learn more spells along the way. They only know one healing spell as they become an Onion Knight, and that is Cure, but like always, they can learn more.

Role: Can cover any ground necessary.

Biography: Cecilia was born into a line of exalted knights, known as the Onion Knights. When she was but a child, she turned out worst of the four siblings and is aware of the fact. So, she trained rather hard to be the strongest, and to prove herself worthy of the Onion Knight name. On her father's deathbed, Cecilia was the one chosen to don the armor, sword and shield of the Onion Knight. The house was in an outrage, but the father said these words to her, and those words stuck.

"Why is it that we use the name of a certain vegetable to refer both to those who excel and also those without experience in the ways of the world? It is a well-known fact that all heroes in all tales disliked vegetables as children. Their legend begins with their overcoming of this weakness, and then continues with a journey filled with hardships. That noble vegetable, the onion, lives on as a symbol of hardships overcome, and as the mark of a true hero." He coughs letting a little bit of blood get on his covers. "Another thing...Hear me, Cecilia. For generations, we Onion Knights have stood foremost of those who serve the Crown. Ours is the soul of a knight. Become a knight worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Stray not from the true path. You will know the path you must walk. A Onion Knight can... can walk no other..." And with those words, her father passed on. With her father's passing, she leaves her house and explores the land to make a name for herself. She heard of a guild... a famous one at that. If she go to that guild, she'll surely be known.



Onion Sword- Sword that grows stronger with the wielder. As the Onion Knight grows in power, so will the sword. This sword is rather effective against dark forces, and unholy spirits.


Onion Shield- A shield forged for swordsmen who have mastered every technique and achieved knighthood's most exalted rank. This whimsical shield also grows in power with the wielder. It is rather excellent for blocking projectiles, and sub-par at blocking magic.

Last Word: Ellon

Other: Cecilia likes the sights of women, though she'll never say it out right. Cecilia believes that people who do "good" by manipulation of others are not really virtuous. Though if only she knew that true heroic actions, rarely gets any rewards. Another thing she'll never admit to.... is being a pervert, albit shy.

Theme: [media]

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Angelostar4 said:
Name: Cecilia Kinrick
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human




- Has a grand sense of justice

- Is as brave as a lion, but knows when she is beaten

- She sometimes feel... weak, despite her great power.

Class: Onion Knight- Is the jack of all trades, master of none. They can wield weapons and magic of many different caliber, but could only hope of mastering them. Always sticking to the middle ground, as always. They can currently cast the middle level spells of Fire, Thunder, and Ice, and can learn more spells along the way. They only know one healing spell as they become an Onion Knight, and that is Cure, but like always, they can learn more.

Role: Can cover any ground necessary.

Biography: Cecilia was born into a line of exalted knights, known as the Onion Knights. When she was but a child, she turned out worst of the four siblings and is aware of the fact. So, she trained rather hard to be the strongest, and to prove herself worthy of the Onion Knight name. On her father's deathbed, Cecilia was the one chosen to don the armor, sword and shield of the Onion Knight. The house was in an outrage, but the father said these words to her, and those words stuck.

"Why is it that we use the name of a certain vegetable to refer both to those who excel and also those without experience in the ways of the world? It is a well-known fact that all heroes in all tales disliked vegetables as children. Their legend begins with their overcoming of this weakness, and then continues with a journey filled with hardships. That noble vegetable, the onion, lives on as a symbol of hardships overcome, and as the mark of a true hero." He coughs letting a little bit of blood get on his covers. "Another thing...Hear me, Cecilia. For generations, we Onion Knights have stood foremost of those who serve the Crown. Ours is the soul of a knight. Become a knight worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Stray not from the true path. You will know the path you must walk. A Onion Knight can... can walk no other..." And with those words, her father passed on. With her father's passing, she leaves her house and explores the land to make a name for herself. She heard of a guild... a famous one at that. If she go to that guild, she'll surely be known.



Onion Sword- Sword that grows stronger with the wielder. As the Onion Knight grows in power, so will the sword. This sword is rather effective against dark forces, and unholy spirits.


Onion Shield- A shield forged for swordsmen who have mastered every technique and achieved knighthood's most exalted rank. This whimsical shield also grows in power with the wielder. It is rather excellent for blocking projectiles, and sub-par at blocking magic.

Last Word: Ellon

Other: Cecilia likes the sights of women, though she'll never say it out right. Cecilia believes that people who do "good" by manipulation of others are not really virtuous. Though if only she knew that true heroic actions, rarely gets any rewards. Another thing she'll never admit to.... is being a pervert, albit shy.

Theme: [media]

Angelostar4 said:
Name: Julian Carter
Surname: Sliver Wolf

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as in arrow

Race: Human



Personality: Julian is a man that doesn't hover around the bush. He is direct, and will always be blunt about his statements. He can also be a total smartass, but that's just how he is as a mercenary. Julian can also be... selfless, putting himself in danger if it means to help others. Another thing is that he is quite... umm... well sometimes he can get annoyed over the smallest of things. But he tries his best to not let the small things get to him.

Class: Swordsman

Role: Fighter

Biography: When he was a little child, Julian has always been living on the streets, no parents... and no shelter. Always doing was needed to survive in the world. One day, an old rich man adopted him, and took him home in his mansion. Julian for the second time, and only time, experienced the caring aura of a parent. But then, demons struck and killed the old man and burnt the mansion down. Julian, swearing vengeance, set out to kill the demons living in this realm, and to earn some money as a mercenary. He's reason for joining the guild is simple... to get money. But... his circumstance will change for a short while.



Chaos Breaker/Force Blade: This sword was made to slay ancient and vile creatures. The perfect blade for him to carry out his revenge. When raised in the air, the blade will release lightning, harming anything around it.

Last Word: Ellon

Other: "He rises above all others with his strong spirit, but carries with him a sorrow, a past full of sadness. Once released of this sorrow, his soul will soar as he becomes a wolf with sharp and virtuous fangs."

Theme: [media]

Good, accepted
marmar158 said:
Had fun with this, but it took way too long. I'm finishing up Lloyd's profile right now.


Karol Teram


The Teram estate lies within the easternmost section of the Cromwell Isles, an independent principality of four islands nestled between the ocean passage from Etral to Atrea and has produced Mecha Magi for two and a half centuries. As members of a neutral state, the Teram’s have sold the airships, siege-engines and other toys that are the fruits of their labor to anyone with the coin to do business with them. Some of Karol’s first memories are of her parents bartering with orc tribes over the proper price for a set of clip fed auto crossbows.

Karol’s mother and father taught her from an early age that the only oaths one should make are to currency, and the people that they’ve met with face to face. While she was made aware of the bourgeois life and world politics, her parents ensured that she would never be beholden to them. While other high-class children were learning to eat properly with the silver spoons they were born with, she joined her parents on their business ventures, delving into the realm of magic fueled machines. She picked up a plethora of spoken and written languages along the way.

As soon as she reached the age of nine, Karol became actively involved in negotiating deals with the Teram’s myriad of customers, commanding the automatons in charge of carrying messages over short distances. She particularly enjoyed her interactions with the orcs of Atrea, who were crass, but much more honest than members of the other kingdoms.

While demonstrating an autonomous knight’s capabilities, Karol’s left arm was cleaved off. After the initial shock and scramble to prevent the girl from bleeding to death, her parents helped her craft a magitek replacement that she has modified and upgraded over the years. After reaching thirteen years of age, Karol was shipped off to Cromwell Tower for a more formal education, just like her parents and her parent’s parents.

When Lloyd ran away from the Tower, it was Karol, who the Archmagus sent out to see to the boy’s safety. She found the him, letter in hand, edging dangerously over a sheer cliff, wailing at the ocean waves on moonless night. She embraced him, even as his tears soiled her good robes. After dispatching a small drone to Archmagus Kyras bearing a message with their whereabouts, Karol took Loyd home with her for a week, where she begged her parents to establish an oath of protection over him. Much to both children’s delight, they accepted. Karol was inseparable from her new brother ever since.

Most recently, news of the once great guild Twin Dragon’s rebirth reached the Tower's ears. Sensing a prime chance for some of his students to gain field experience and a reputation spike for the Cromwell Isles, Kyras was quick to send off Karol and Lloyd as both representatives and liaisons.


- Being the only daughter from a line of extremely successful practitioners of magitek has done nothing for Karol’s humility. The girl is prone to bouts of boisterousness, especially when speaking of, or displaying, her craft. The worse part of this being that she is actually good at what she does. This extends to the way she talks about fellow Tower members and friends; often over exaggerating stories of their success. However, this doesn’t mean that she is crude or patronizing (at least, not intentionally). The best way to describe her would be aggressively friendly.

- She was brought up to believe firmly in the bonds of people she spends time with, Karol tries to keep tabs on anyone who she’s met more than thrice, oftentimes sending letters after distant business partners with simple inquiries after their health or the state of their families. Such a trait has ensured that most Terams have no shortage of buyers, even if their wares cost more than many competing Mecha Magos inventors.

- Karol does not react well to failure… at all. Faulty machines and flawed designs feel like negative reflections of her family as a whole, causing her no small amount of stress. She will often refuse to abandon a product until she is certain that nothing can be done for it.


Age: 18

Sexuality: Hetero


Mecha Magos:

some attack|some defense| good mobility| can create magitek minions

Role: Fighter/Tinkerer/Crafter

Race: Human

Height: 5,9

Weight: 129 lbs


-Assorted tinkering tools, hunks of ore, and oil, all stored in a mini-foundry loaded into a tent-sized cart.

-Aether sources of various sizes (think magical batteries)

-Three replacement magitec arms that can be outfitted with auto-bows, claws and arc-casters.


- A standard Mecha Magos chainsword which Karol has spent many hours maintaining.



While she can often be found in the red robes of the Tower, she does have a liking for leather jerkins crafted in orcish style. Her robes are inlaid with a silver triple ring crest at their center, signifying her status as a full-fledged practitioner of the Tower.



Curry, money, Lloyd’s cooking, family members, fellow Tower mages.


Lloyd's uncle, bullies, bitter foods, dogs.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon
Cromwell Tower



The Tower is hosted by an association of mages that hold long lasting, but lax loyalties to the Cromwell Royal line, despite owing its name to it. It was first laid down a mere sixty years after the birth of the first Cromwell Queen, Annette of Scarlet, who was banished to the Isles along with her parents, disenfranchised nobles from Thalore. At the time, they were called the Four Gardens of Strife as they had ample resources, yet remained in a constant state of on-and-off warfare. The women saw herself surrounded by enemies within the surrounding three islands and in response, founded the Tower as a safe place for mages of any race to practice their caft, regardless of how dangerous or aberrant. Outlawed magic users flocked to the tower, seeing both a safe haven and a place where they could connect to others of their kind, advancing the mystical arts without the petty restrictions of the law. Annette asked for one thing in return: make the other three islands hers.

The ensuing unification wars lasted a scant two years, as the other participants were well worn down by their other neighbors and internal squabbling, by the time they saw the need to stand together against Cromwell’s forces, it was far too late. Unlike many of the royals who used the band of mages in the past, Annette kept her promise, leaving them to their own devices rather than abolishing and scattering the Tower. Out of gratitude, the first Archmagus pledged that for as long as his family controlled the Tower they would protect the sovereignty of the newly dubbed Cromwell Isles. Members don red robes in the name of their first patron.

At present, Mages and Spellswords of every kind train within the halls of the part stronghold, part magical institution, where importance is placed on stern but highly individualized study of each initiate’s gift. While certain sanctions and mutual agreements have prevented the Cromwells from using the Tower as an invading force to take chunks of the mainland, none has succeeded in wresting control of the islands from the royal family, though there has been a few token attempts from mercenary groups in the past that nearly accomplished the feat. It is the duty of every Tower Archmagus to ensure that at least a third of their students are prepared to ensure that no one usurps the throne by force of arms.

Cromwell Tower sees itself as one of the largest hoarders of magical knowledge in all of Ellon, and has made every effort to install its members into every guild, coven, and academy on the planet to ensure that it stays ahead of the curve.



Lloyd Solace


Lloyd was born to an average family; a baker and a butcher combining their trades to create a well-off eatery. His childhood, however, was anything but average.

Like the other chef’s children, he learned to make edible dishes before he could read, his most exciting foray was participating in the youth choir of the local church of Ellon.

When traveling along with his parents to the market, or working in the family restaurant, he would talk to people who weren't there. This behavior gave credence to rumors about the Solace boy being a loon, which served to prompt other children to stay away from him. As his interactions with people grew fewer, his “conversations” with his imaginary friends grew in frequency and detail. Lloyd’s parents nearly considered the rumors themselves until he pulled a sprite from the Plane of the fair folk. Mr. and Mrs. Solace had raised a magic practitioner. Without the funds to obtain a proper tutor for him, they spent nearly all of their disposable income on a single staff and scrounged the rumor mill until they found a man willing to take Lloyd under his wing for free, Illador Cane.


Under Mr. Cane, Lloyd learned how to call out to mystical beings from other realms of existence, but was also tricked into extending his reach to the underworld. Cane, unbeknownst to the boy’s parents, was a Cabalist who intended to create a cult to satisfy his contracted demons’ desire for young souls. Lloyd was slated to be the first sacrifice until he’d gotten into one of his master’s books and successfully summoned a demon.

Rather than bind the creature to his will, the only term for allowing it a link to the realm of the living was that it become the boy’s companion, no strings attached. Such a loose contract would have burned a normal, untrained human’s soul to nothing in a matter of minutes, so upon discovery, Illador waited. And waited. And waited.

Apparently, the commoner’s soul was sturdy enough to survive and recover from the strain placed upon it by summoning demons, even without without a proper contract.

Illador, elated at the prospect of acquiring an actual student, fully disclosed his plans to Lloyd. This proved to be a mistake, as he passed on the “good news” to his parents who forbade him from seeing Illador again.

In a fit of rage, Illador hunted Llyod down to his residence, threatening to kill off his parents if he didn’t continue his pupilage. Lacking the power to dispatch Illador without the local guard discovering demonic taint in their town, and knowing that Illador would possibly lead its contractor to ruin, the demon took control of Lloyd’s body and fled Etral. It wasn’t until it threw the boy at the mercy of Cromwell Tower that Llyod found himself aware of his surroundings again. He would ask the demon about the content of the missing week in his memories many times, only for it to answer with apologies and half truths. With nowhere else to go, Lloyd immersed himself in his studies.

Though Lloyd could find little in common with the other practitioner children of the Tower, being a first generation magic-user. He was, however, a quick and attentive learner; appreciating what the other students, many from a higher station, took for granted. Upon gaining full literacy, moments where Lloyd would not have a book in his hands became a rare occurrence. He would constantly be found sleeping in the library with his staff propped against his body, sitting vigil until on of the proctors would drag him off to his dorm. Eventually, they got tired of chastising the boy, agreeing to let him take up lodging with the tomes if he became a librarian's aide.

Lloyd never quite grew into a well adjusted individual, as he spent more time speaking with summoned creatures than natural denizens of Ellon. Being seen as weird due to his willing friendship with a demon who could kill him on a whim and the social gap presented by those of high-class upbringings didn’t help. Most of his peers that were freindly believed that Lloyd wished to be left alone, and Lloyd oftentimes felt too intimidated to initiate conversations with anyone who wasn’t a teacher.

Despite the occasional bump on the road, life slipped into some semblance of normalcy. That is, until a letter found its way to the boy's hands, all the way from Etral. It was from a grieving uncle, detailing in no uncertain words, the truth that he had long since been in denial of: his parents were dead, and it was his fault. Had he simply fought the demon for control of his body and given himself up to the cabalist...

Lloyd did not show up for class that day. He did not confide in a dragon or the demon, even as it sensed his distress, and pleaded for the boy to let it know what troubled him so much that it received an involuntary echo of grief from their mutual bond. Lloyd believed that anyone he spoke to would just be disgusted at his self pity. Instead, he walked aimlessly in a single direction, which, in the Cromwell Islands quickly leads one face to face with the sea.

On a rocky cliff where he was certain that no one would pay him any mind, the boy broke down, crying out against the cruelty of fate. He was ready to just allow himself to fall down to the ocean and give up, when a sixteen year old Karol found and brought him, literally, back from the edge, going as far as sharing her family with him.

He spent the rest of his years as an initiate making himself useful to others; while he was indeed responsible for what happened to his parents, he could mitigate his karmic debt by spreading goodwill. What free time he didn’t spend reading or training was dedicated to helping out in the kitchens of the Tower, or pointing out new students to certain books or instructors, oftentimes enlisting his sprites to expedite the tasks, and skipping meals to do so. This lifestyle, in addition to his connection to the underworld, has left him with a feeble body, prone to illness. If he had no magical talent to keep himself alive, he’d be a corpse six times over.

Now that the Archmagus has selected Karol and himself as the Tower’s representatives in the guild, perhaps he has been presented a chance to make up for his parents’ early demise. If the rotten cabalist still lived, Lloyd would confront Illador, and ensure that he can hurt no one ever again.


-Has spent entirely too much time around pygmy dragons, and has picked up on their proclivities for rapid turns of mood and conversational subject as a result. In the first year spent under the Teram’s care his tendency to hiss or click his tongue were curbed, but not eliminated entirely.

-Even after nearly becoming the pawn of a cabalist, Lloyd maintains a certain naivete, often trusting people to his own detriment.

-Lloyd still blames himself for his parent’s death, leaving the boy contritious for his age. He falls into bouts of self-loathing when there is nothing for him to take his mind off of the past.


Age: 15

Sexuality: Hetero



(a summoner who has formed a contract with at least one demon, all cabalists are summoners, but not all summoners are cabalists. They have access to dark magic due to their connection to the underworld, but their bodies suffer as a result, ergo, the “no defence” stat)

Moderate damage|no defense|High mobility| |lowered stamina| can summon normal entities and demons| “natural” access to dark magic (pulse, void tendrils, etc)|

Roll: Artillery/Support/Cook/entertainer “Karol, No! I don’t want to sing in front of everyone!”

Height: 5,1

Weight: 93 lbs


Lloyd can be seen wearing the standard red robes of Cromwell Tower (pictured above) in addition to the set of grey, red, and black ones that Tower Librarians and Aides wear (On character portrait.) Inlaid on the chest area of his robes, is a silver emblem of a sapling, signifying a Tower adept, members who are one step away from full practitioner status.



- Assorted books.

- Cookware.

- A week’s worth of groceries.

-Papers, a journal, various writing implements.

-Bags and canvas wrappings to hold the above (loaded in Karol’s cart)

-Longstaff: a gift, and now a keepsake from Lloyd’s parents, though it’s unwieldy (five feet and a half tall), and there are better tools to channel magic through, it has immense sentimental value.



-Small knife: used to offer blood to creatures he form contracts with, if he ever has to draw it in self defense, he is too close to the enemy, and likely moments away from a gruesome death.

-A letter from archmagus Kyras, to the leader of the Twin Dragons.


Being useful, books, animals and summoned creatures, peacefully ending conflicts, magical theory, his staff


Becoming a burden for others, crass behavior, himself, Illador Cane


Lloyd's summoning specialties:

Lesser Sprites

(low attack, no defence, highest mobility, good utility, random low level magic)


- Low upkeep summons that are about the size of a man’s palm and cost negligible amounts of aether. Comes in a variety of colors depending on the natural magic they bear. Though they give off the impression of sapience, they are simply organic constructs created by the fair folk, they last for a few weeks, and then dissolve into nothingness, sending a recording of all their deeds to their creators. Allowing summoners of the physical plane to make use of them is an intentional design, viewing the matters of mortals is a sport for them.

- Llyod can keep and regularly use fourteen of them in the physical realm with only a moderate hit to his aether regeneration.

- Can copy a weaker version of their summoner’s spells (one at a time), allowing Llyod to cast multiple small spells in very short periods of time or aid multiple allies at once (magic missile spam ftw!).

-Loyal and easy to control.

-Not very smart, but can follow simple commands, and are capable of simple communication equivalent to the skills of a nine-year old.

-Very useful for chores

-They don’t typically pack much of a punch alone and die quickly when hit.

- No sense of self preservation whatsoever

-Not very good conversational partners

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

-Low chance to accidentally summon a member of the fair folk rather than a sprite, who often drain summoners of aether and leave, or, in rare cases, kill them for being a nuisance.

Pygmy Dragons:


-Dragons with fur rather than scales (steel, prickly scales in the case of the armoured variant, but meh.), typically stands up to an average man’s waist when on all fours. They Live up to a few thousand years, growing more powerful with age and are the middle of the food chain within the Other Plane ( Native world to many summoned creatures.), older ones often dedicate their loyalty to single families.

-Comes in the following forms:

Armoured: (Good attack, High defence, low mobility, no breath weapon)

Fell: (High attack, some defense, some mobility, breath weapon and venomous fangs, access to beginner magic, bad fliers.)

Common: (Some attack, some defense, high mobility, assorted breath weapons)

Eldritch: (Highest attack, no defense, some mobility, breath weapon and intermediate to advanced long range magic, higher aether cost to summon and upkeep.)

Waif: (Crap direct combat stats all around, flightless, pitiful breath weapons, and prone to meeting very swift, very brutal ends, excellent healers and buffers)

-Good for hugging, confiding, and unbiased taste-testing.

- Lyod can keep and command one in the physical realm 24/7 (about twelve hours for the eldritch variety), provided, he summons nothing else.

-Less consistent power and intelligence wise, though almost always smarter than sprites.

-Not too easy to control; pygmy dragons often demand food, or gemstones, or both for extended service. A token few are content with being called upon by summoners just to stretch their wings in a new place.

-Will often dismiss themselves if bored or afraid, hard to keep in the physical realm if they don’t want to be in the physical realm, conversely, it is often hard to dismiss them when they do not want to leave.

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

List of successfully contracted Pygmies (Crossed out names are deceased)

Fer’uah: Waif (barrier and sense enhancement specialist, flame breath weapon ( enough to light a campfire)) age 28, female.

Ald’neir: Waif (healing specialist, electric breath weapon (enough to taze a small dog) age 37, male.

Zao’udin: Common (laser breath weapon) age 22, male.

Mer’thua: Eldritch (paralytic gas breath weapon, telekinetic magic) age 96, female.

Drakia the Faith Sunderer


Drakia has been around for the greater part of six millennia as an instrumental being in the rise and fall of many early civilizations upon many worlds. Her name and actions are recorded in many Cabalist tomes, but few give the spell formulae required to attempt a contract with her as she, like most demons of her class, likes fulfilling contracts to the letter before tricking and wearing her summoner’s body like a cheap set of clothes, for the few hours that an unwilling mortal can stand a demonic presence inside them at least.

Imagine her surprise when a pathetic child, only capable of drawing a fraction of her power unaided dared call upon her name. She went with the full intention of manipulating whatever contract the child would form to instantly fail. Children always were the easiest to manipulate. She was greeted not with rings of salt, and demands for the strength of ten men, but a plate of cookies and simple request: “Please be my friend!”

Drakia thought the boy to be joking at first, humoring him while quietly biding her time for Llyod to drop the nice act. He never did.

The demon’s belief that: “there are no good cabalists”, changed to: “there is one good cabalist”. Drakia sought to keep Lloyd alive for as long as possible so she couldn’t be shackled to another summoner.

With the Tower’s policy of not outlawing any kind of magic, so long as it isn’t catastrophically harmfull to the inhabitants of the islands, Drakia has been able to spend time on the physical plane without orders to kill, maim, or desecrate some foe. She enjoys walks, reading stories about herself, and learning to cook from Lloyd, though she has little patience for the harder to prepare dishes such as cake, often making them too sweet for human consumption.

On standby:

-Through their mutual binding, Drakia sometimes lends her own aether to Lloyd’s spells, enhancing their effects, or allows him to cast advanced magic through her, though this is extremely tiring and potentially fatal for the boy.

-Can “tug” on their binding to sense the things that Lloyd sees/hears/etc and even take control of his body. Under Drakia’s influence, Lloyd's eyes take on a red hue with slitted pupils.

When summoned:

-Capable of enhancing the physical and magical abilities of allies within line of sight via aether infusions. (much more effective than sprites and waif-class pygmy dragons)

-Mass teleportation

-Master-tier gravity and dark magic, intermediate fire magic, and illusions.

-Llyod can keep Drakia in the physical world for three hours if she doesn’t need to use magic, though this time can drop to mere seconds should heavy use of her powers be required. Extensive and frequent stays in the physical world are taxing enough to be invariably fatal for Llyod, even if Drakia were to expend her own aether to maintain the link.

-Can be permanently unleashed upon the physical world with her full powers for a year if allowed to consume one hundred and eight souls. As Lloyd’s friend, however, Drakia has little desire or reason to work towards such ends. If she wants to take a walk, she simply asks the boy to summon her, or borrow his body for a bit.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon



Karol Teram


The Teram estate lies within the easternmost section of the Cromwell Isles, an independent principality of four islands nestled between the ocean passage from Etral to Atrea and has produced Mecha Magi for two and a half centuries. As members of a neutral state, the Teram’s have sold the airships, siege-engines and other toys that are the fruits of their labor to anyone with the coin to do business with them. Some of Karol’s first memories are of her parents bartering with orc tribes over the proper price for a set of clip fed auto crossbows.

Karol’s mother and father taught her from an early age that the only oaths one should make are to currency, and the people that they’ve met with face to face. While she was made aware of the bourgeois life and world politics, her parents ensured that she would never be beholden to them. While other high-class children were learning to eat properly with the silver spoons they were born with, she joined her parents on their business ventures, delving into the realm of magic fueled machines. She picked up a plethora of spoken and written languages along the way.

As soon as she reached the age of nine, Karol became actively involved in negotiating deals with the Teram’s myriad of customers, commanding the automatons in charge of carrying messages over short distances. She particularly enjoyed her interactions with the orcs of Atrea, who were crass, but much more honest than members of the other kingdoms.

While demonstrating an autonomous knight’s capabilities, Karol’s left arm was cleaved off. After the initial shock and scramble to prevent the girl from bleeding to death, her parents helped her craft a magitek replacement that she has modified and upgraded over the years. After reaching thirteen years of age, Karol was shipped off to Cromwell Tower for a more formal education, just like her parents and her parent’s parents.

When Lloyd ran away from the Tower, it was Karol, who the Archmagus sent out to see to the boy’s safety. She found the him, letter in hand, edging dangerously over a sheer cliff, wailing at the ocean waves on moonless night. She embraced him, even as his tears soiled her good robes. After dispatching a small drone to Archmagus Kyras bearing a message with their whereabouts, Karol took Loyd home with her for a week, where she begged her parents to establish an oath of protection over him. Much to both children’s delight, they accepted. Karol was inseparable from her new brother ever since.

Most recently, news of the once great guild Twin Dragon’s rebirth reached the Tower's ears. Sensing a prime chance for some of his students to gain field experience and a reputation spike for the Cromwell Isles, Kyras was quick to send off Karol and Lloyd as both representatives and liaisons.


- Being the only daughter from a line of extremely successful practitioners of magitek has done nothing for Karol’s humility. The girl is prone to bouts of boisterousness, especially when speaking of, or displaying, her craft. The worse part of this being that she is actually good at what she does. This extends to the way she talks about fellow Tower members and friends; often over exaggerating stories of their success. However, this doesn’t mean that she is crude or patronizing (at least, not intentionally). The best way to describe her would be aggressively friendly.

- She was brought up to believe firmly in the bonds of people she spends time with, Karol tries to keep tabs on anyone who she’s met more than thrice, oftentimes sending letters after distant business partners with simple inquiries after their health or the state of their families. Such a trait has ensured that most Terams have no shortage of buyers, even if their wares cost more than many competing Mecha Magos inventors.

- Karol does not react well to failure… at all. Faulty machines and flawed designs feel like negative reflections of her family as a whole, causing her no small amount of stress. She will often refuse to abandon a product until she is certain that nothing can be done for it.


Age: 18

Sexuality: Hetero


Mecha Magos:

some attack|some defense| good mobility| can create magitek minions

Role: Fighter/Tinkerer/Crafter

Race: Human

Height: 5,9

Weight: 129 lbs


-Assorted tinkering tools, hunks of ore, and oil, all stored in a mini-foundry loaded into a tent-sized cart.

-Aether sources of various sizes (think magical batteries)

-Three replacement magitec arms that can be outfitted with auto-bows, claws and arc-casters.


- A standard Mecha Magos chainsword which Karol has spent many hours maintaining.



While she can often be found in the red robes of the Tower, she does have a liking for leather jerkins crafted in orcish style. Her robes are inlaid with a silver triple ring crest at their center, signifying her status as a full-fledged practitioner of the Tower.



Curry, money, Lloyd’s cooking, family members, fellow Tower mages.


Lloyd's uncle, bullies, bitter foods, dogs.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon​

Last edited by a moderator:
marmar158 said:
Cromwell Tower



The Tower is hosted by an association of mages that hold long lasting, but lax loyalties to the Cromwell Royal line, despite owing its name to it. It was first laid down a mere sixty years after the birth of the first Cromwell Queen, Annette of Scarlet, who was banished to the Isles along with her parents, disenfranchised nobles from Thalore. At the time, they were called the Four Gardens of Strife as they had ample resources, yet remained in a constant state of on-and-off warfare. The women saw herself surrounded by enemies within the surrounding three islands and in response, founded the Tower as a safe place for mages of any race to practice their caft, regardless of how dangerous or aberrant. Outlawed magic users flocked to the tower, seeing both a safe haven and a place where they could connect to others of their kind, advancing the mystical arts without the petty restrictions of the law. Annette asked for one thing in return: make the other three islands hers.

The ensuing unification wars lasted a scant two years, as the other participants were well worn down by their other neighbors and internal squabbling, by the time they saw the need to stand together against Cromwell’s forces, it was far too late. Unlike many of the royals who used the band of mages in the past, Annette kept her promise, leaving them to their own devices rather than abolishing and scattering the Tower. Out of gratitude, the first Archmagus pledged that for as long as his family controlled the Tower they would protect the sovereignty of the newly dubbed Cromwell Isles. Members don red robes in the name of their first patron.

At present, Mages and Spellswords of every kind train within the halls of the part stronghold, part magical institution, where importance is placed on stern but highly individualized study of each initiate’s gift. While certain sanctions and mutual agreements have prevented the Cromwells from using the Tower as an invading force to take chunks of the mainland, none has succeeded in wresting control of the islands from the royal family, though there has been a few token attempts from mercenary groups in the past that nearly accomplished the feat. It is the duty of every Tower Archmagus to ensure that at least a third of their students are prepared to ensure that no one usurps the throne by force of arms.

Cromwell Tower sees itself as one of the largest hoarders of magical knowledge in all of Ellon, and has made every effort to install its members into every guild, coven, and academy on the planet to ensure that it stays ahead of the curve.



Lloyd Solace


Lloyd was born to an average family; a baker and a butcher combining their trades to create a well-off eatery. His childhood, however, was anything but average.

Like the other chef’s children, he learned to make edible dishes before he could read, his most exciting foray was participating in the youth choir of the local church of Ellon.

When traveling along with his parents to the market, or working in the family restaurant, he would talk to people who weren't there. This behavior gave credence to rumors about the Solace boy being a loon, which served to prompt other children to stay away from him. As his interactions with people grew fewer, his “conversations” with his imaginary friends grew in frequency and detail. Lloyd’s parents nearly considered the rumors themselves until he pulled a sprite from the Plane of the fair folk. Mr. and Mrs. Solace had raised a magic practitioner. Without the funds to obtain a proper tutor for him, they spent nearly all of their disposable income on a single staff and scrounged the rumor mill until they found a man willing to take Llyod under his wing for free, Illador Cane.

Under Mr. Cane, Lloyd learned how to call out to mystical beings from other realms of existence, but was also tricked into extending his reach to the underworld. Cane, unbeknownst to the boy’s parents, was a Cabalist who intended to create a cult to satisfy his contracted demons’ desire for young souls. Lloyd was slated to be the first sacrifice until he’d gotten into one of his master’s books and successfully summoned a demon.


Rather than bind the creature to his will, the only term for allowing it a link to the realm of the living was that it become the boy’s companion, no strings attached. Such a loose contract would have burned a normal, untrained human’s soul to nothing in a matter of minutes, so upon discovery, Illador waited. And waited. And waited.

Apparently, the commoner’s soul was sturdy enough to survive and recover from the strain placed upon it by summoning demons, even without without a proper contract.

Illador, elated at the prospect of acquiring an actual student, fully disclosed his plans to Lloyd. This proved to be a mistake, as he passed on the “good news” to his parents who forbade him from seeing Illador again.

In a fit of rage, Illador hunted Llyod down to his residence, threatening to kill off his parents if he didn’t continue his pupilage. Lacking the power to dispatch Illador without the local guard discovering demonic taint in their town, and knowing that Illador would possibly lead its contractor to ruin, the demon took control of Lloyd’s body and fled Etrial. It wasn’t until it threw the boy at the mercy of Cromwell Tower that Llyod found himself aware of his surroundings again. He would ask the demon about the content of the missing week in his memories many times, only for it to answer with apologies and half truths. With nowhere else to go, Lloyd immersed himself in his studies.

Though Lloyd could find little in common with the other practitioner children of the Tower, being a first generation magic-user. He was, however, a quick and attentive learner; appreciating what the other students, many from a higher station, took for granted. Upon gaining full literacy, moments where Lloyd would not have a book in his hands became a rare occurrence. He would constantly be found sleeping in the library with his staff propped against his body, sitting vigil until on of the proctors would drag him off to his dorm. Eventually, they got tired of chastising the boy, agreeing to let him take up lodging with the tomes if he became a librarian's aide.

Lloyd never quite grew into a well adjusted individual, as he spent more time speaking with summoned creatures than natural denizens of Ellon. Being seen as weird due to his willing friendship with a demon who could kill him on a whim and the social gap presented by those of high-class upbringings didn’t help. Most of his peers that were freindly believed that Lloyd wished to be left alone, and Lloyd oftentimes felt too intimidated to initiate conversations with anyone who wasn’t a teacher.

Despite the occasional bump on the road, life slipped into some semblance of normalcy. That is, until a letter found its way to the boy's hands, all the way from Etria. It was from a grieving uncle, detailing in no uncertain words, the truth that he had long since been in denial of: his parents were dead, and it was his fault. Had he simply fought the demon for control of his body and given himself up to the Cabalist...

Lloyd did not show up for class that day. He did not confide in a dragon or the demon, even as it sensed his distress, and pleaded for the boy to let it know what troubled him so much that it received an involuntary echo of grief from their mutual bond. Lloyd believed that anyone he spoke to would just be disgusted at his self pity. Instead, he walked aimlessly in a single direction, which, in the Cromwell Islands quickly leads one face to face with the sea.

On a rocky cliff where he was certain that no one would pay him any mind, the boy broke down, crying out against the cruelty of fate. He was ready to just allow himself to fall down to the ocean and give up, when a sixteen year old Karol found and brought him, literally, back from the edge, going as far as sharing her family with him.

He spent the rest of his years as an initiate making himself useful to others; while he was indeed responsible for what happened to his parents, he could mitigate his karmic debt by spreading goodwill. What free time he didn’t spend reading or training was dedicated to helping out in the kitchens of the Tower, or pointing out new students to certain books or instructors, oftentimes enlisting his sprites to expedite the tasks, and skipping meals to do so. This lifestyle, in addition to his connection to the underworld, has left him with a feeble body, prone to illness. If he had no magical talent to keep himself alive, he’d be a corpse six times over.

Now that the Archmagus has selected Karol and himself as the Tower’s representatives, in the guild. He has been presented a chance to make up for his parents’ early demise. If the rotten cabalist still lived, Lloyd would confront Illador, and ensure that he can hurt no one ever again.


-Has spent entirely too much time around pygmy dragons, and has picked up on their proclivities for rapid turns of mood and conversational subject as a result. In the first year spent under the Teram’s care his tendency to hiss or click his tongue were curbed, but not eliminated entirely.

-Even after nearly becoming the pawn of a cabalist, Lloyd maintains a certain naivete, often trusting people to his own detriment.

-Lloyd still blames himself for his parent’s death, leaving the boy contritious for his age. He falls into bouts of self-loathing when there is nothing for him to take his mind off of the past.


Age: 15

Sexuality: Hetero



(a summoner who has formed a contract with at least one demon, all cabalists are summoners, but not all summoners are cabalists. They have access to dark magic due to their connection to the underworld, but their bodies suffer as a result, ergo, the “no defence” stat)

Moderate damage|no defense|High mobility| |lowered stamina| can summon normal entities and demons| “natural” access to dark magic (Pulse, Void tendrils, etc)|

Roll: Artillery/Support/Cook/entertainer “Karol, No! I don’t want to sing in front of everyone!”

Height: 5,1

Weight: 93 lbs


Lloyd can be seen wearing the standard red robes of Cromwell Tower (pictured above) in addition to the set of grey, red, and black ones that Tower Librarians and Aides wear (On character portrait.) Inlaid on the chest area of his robes, is a silver emblem of a sapling, signifying a Tower adept, members who are one step away from full practitioner status.



- Assorted books.

- Cookware.

- A week’s worth of groceries.

-Papers, a journal, various writing implements.

-Bags and canvas wrappings to hold the above (loaded in Karol’s cart)

-Longstaff: a gift, and now a keepsake from Lloyd’s parents, though it’s unwieldy (five feet and a half tall), and there are better tools to channel magic through, it has immense sentimental value.



-Small knife: used to offer blood to creatures he form contracts with, if he ever has to draw it in self defense, he is too close to the enemy, and likely moments away from a gruesome death.

-A letter from archmagus Kyras, to the leader of the Twin Dragons.


Being useful, books, animals and summoned creatures, peacefully ending conflicts, magical theory, his staff


Becoming a burden for others, crass behavior, himself, Illador Cane


Lloyd's summoning specialties:

Lesser Sprites

(low attack, no defence, highest mobility, good utility, random low level magic)


- Low upkeep summons that are about the size of a man’s palm and cost negligible amounts of aether. Comes in a variety of colors depending on the natural magic they bear. Though they give off the impression of sapience, they are simply organic constructs created by the fair folk, they last for a few weeks, and then dissolve into nothingness, sending a recording of all their deeds to their creators. Allowing summoners of the physical plane to make use of them is an intentional design, viewing the matters of mortals is a sport for them.

- Llyod can keep and regularly use fourteen of them in the physical realm with only a moderate hit to his aether regeneration.

- Can copy a weaker version of their summoner’s spells (one at a time), allowing Llyod to cast multiple small spells in very short periods of time or aid multiple allies at once (magic missile spam ftw!).

-Loyal and easy to control.

-Not very smart, but can follow simple commands, and are capable of simple communication equivalent to the skills of a nine-year old.

-Very useful for chores

-They don’t typically pack much of a punch alone and die quickly when hit.

- No sense of self preservation whatsoever

-Not very good conversational partners

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

-Low chance to accidentally summon a member of the fair folk rather than a sprite, who often drain summoners of aether and leave, or, in rare cases, kill them for being a nuisance.

Pygmy Dragons:


-Dragons with fur rather than scales (steel, prickly scales in the case of the armoured variant, but meh.), typically stands up to an average man’s waist when on all fours. They Live up to a few thousand years, growing more powerful with age and are the middle of the food chain within the Other Plane ( Native world to many summoned creatures.), older ones often dedicate their loyalty to single families.

-Comes in the following forms:

Armoured: (Good attack, High defence, low mobility, no breath weapon)

Fell: (High attack, some defense, some mobility, breath weapon and venomous fangs, access to beginner magic, bad fliers.)

Common: (Some attack, some defense, high mobility, assorted breath weapons)

Eldritch: (Highest attack, no defense, some mobility, breath weapon and intermediate to advanced long range magic, higher aether cost to summon and upkeep.)

Waif: (Crap direct combat stats all around, flightless, pitiful breath weapons, and prone to meeting very swift, very brutal ends, excellent healers and buffers)

-Good for hugging, confiding, and unbiased taste-testing.

- Lyod can keep and command one in the physical realm 24/7 (about twelve hours for the eldritch variety), provided, he summons nothing else.

-Less consistent power and intelligence wise, though almost always smarter than sprites.

-Not too easy to control, pygmy dragons othen demand food or gemstones or both for extended service, though a token few are content with being called upon by

-Will often dismiss themselves if bored or afraid, hard to keep in the physical realm if they don’t want to be in the physical realm, conversely, it is often hard to dismiss them when they do not want to leave.

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

List of successfully contracted Pygmies (Crossed out names are deceased)

Fer’uah: Waif (Barrier and Sense enhancement specialist, flame breath weapon (strong enough to light a campfire)) age 28, female.

Ald’neir: Waif (Healing specialist, electric breath weapon (enough to taze a small dog) age 37, male.

Zao’udin: Common (Laser breath weapon) age 22, male.

Mer’thua: Eldritch (Paralytic gas breath weapon, telekinetic magic) age 96, female.

Drakia the Faith Sunderer


Drakia has been around for the greater part of six millennia as an instrumental being in the rise and fall of many early civilizations upon many worlds. Her name and actions are recorded in many Cabalist tomes, but few give the spell formulae required to attempt a contract with her as she, like most demons of her class, likes fulfilling contracts to the letter before tricking and wearing her summoner’s body like a cheap set of clothes, for the few hours that an unwilling mortal can stand a demonic presence inside them at least.

Imagine her surprise when a pathetic child, only capable of drawing a fraction of her power unaided dared call upon her name. She went with the full intention of manipulating whatever contract the child would form to instantly fail. Children always were the easiest to manipulate. She was greeted not with rings of salt, and demands for the strength of ten men, but a plate of cookies and simple request: “Please be my friend!”

Drakia thought the boy to be joking at first, humoring him while quietly biding her time for Llyod to drop the nice act. He never did.

The demon’s belief that: “there are no good cabalists”, changed to: “there is one good cabalist”. Drakia sought to keep Lloyd alive for as long as possible so she couldn’t be shackled to another summoner.

With the Tower’s policy of not outlawing any kind of magic, so long as it isn’t catastrophically harmfull to the inhabitants of the islands, Drakia has been able to spend time on the physical plane without orders to kill, maim, or desecrate some foe. She enjoys walks, reading stories about herself, and learning to cook from Lloyd, though she has little patience for the harder to prepare dishes such as cake, often making them too sweet for human consumption.

On standby:

-Through their mutual binding, Drakia sometimes lends her own aether to Lloyd’s spells, enhancing their effects, or allows him to cast advanced magic through her, though this is extremely tiring and potentially fatal for the boy.

-Can “tug” on their binding to sense the things that Lloyd sees/hears/etc and even take control of his body. Under Drakia’s influence, Lloyd's eyes take on a red hue with slitted pupils.

When summoned:

-Capable of enhancing the physical and magical abilities of allies within line of sight via aether infusions. (much more effective than sprites and waif-class pygmy dragons)

-Mass teleportation

-Master-tier gravity and dark magic, intermediate fire magic, and illusions.

-Llyod can keep Drakia in the physical world for three hours if she doesn’t need to use magic, though this time can drop to mere seconds should heavy use of her powers be required. Extensive and frequent stays in the physical world are taxing enough to be invariably fatal for Llyod, even if Drakia were to expend her own aether to maintain the link.

-Can be permanently unleashed upon the physical world with her full powers for a year if allowed to consume one hundred and eight souls. As Lloyd’s friend, however, Drakia has little desire or reason to work towards such ends. If she wants to take a walk, she simply asks the boy to summon her, or borrow his body for a bit.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon



Karol Teram


The Teram estate lies within the easternmost section of the Cromwell Isles, an independent principality of four islands nestled between the ocean passage from Etral to Atrea and has produced Mecha Magi for two and a half centuries. As members of a neutral state, the Teram’s have sold the airships, siege-engines and other toys that are the fruits of their labor to anyone with the coin to do business with them. Some of Karol’s first memories are of her parents bartering with orc tribes over the proper price for a set of clip fed auto crossbows.

Karol’s mother and father taught her from an early age that the only oaths one should make are to currency, and the people that they’ve met with face to face. While she was made aware of the bourgeois life and world politics, her parents ensured that she would never be beholden to them. While other high-class children were learning to eat properly with the silver spoons they were born with, she joined her parents on their business ventures, delving into the realm of magic fueled machines. She picked up a plethora of spoken and written languages along the way.

As soon as she reached the age of nine, Karol became actively involved in negotiating deals with the Teram’s myriad of customers, commanding the automatons in charge of carrying messages over short distances. She particularly enjoyed her interactions with the orcs of Atrea, who were crass, but much more honest than members of the other kingdoms.

While demonstrating an autonomous knight’s capabilities, Karol’s left arm was cleaved off. After the initial shock and scramble to prevent the girl from bleeding to death, her parents helped her craft a magitek replacement that she has modified and upgraded over the years. After reaching thirteen years of age, Karol was shipped off to Cromwell Tower for a more formal education, just like her parents and her parent’s parents.

When Lloyd ran away from the Tower, it was Karol, who the Archmagus sent out to see to the boy’s safety. She found the him, letter in hand, edging dangerously over a sheer cliff, wailing at the ocean waves on moonless night. She embraced him, even as his tears soiled her good robes. After dispatching a small drone to Archmagus Kyras bearing a message with their whereabouts, Karol took Loyd home with her for a week, where she begged her parents to establish an oath of protection over him. Much to both children’s delight, they accepted. Karol was inseparable from her new brother ever since.

Most recently, news of the once great guild Twin Dragon’s rebirth reached the Tower's ears. Sensing a prime chance for some of his students to gain field experience and a reputation spike for the Cromwell Isles, Kyras was quick to send off Karol and Lloyd as both representatives and liaisons.


- Being the only daughter from a line of extremely successful practitioners of magitek has done nothing for Karol’s humility. The girl is prone to bouts of boisterousness, especially when speaking of, or displaying, her craft. The worse part of this being that she is actually good at what she does. This extends to the way she talks about fellow Tower members and friends; often over exaggerating stories of their success. However, this doesn’t mean that she is crude or patronizing (at least, not intentionally). The best way to describe her would be aggressively friendly.

- She was brought up to believe firmly in the bonds of people she spends time with, Karol tries to keep tabs on anyone who she’s met more than thrice, oftentimes sending letters after distant business partners with simple inquiries after their health or the state of their families. Such a trait has ensured that most Terams have no shortage of buyers, even if their wares cost more than many competing Mecha Magos inventors.

- Karol does not react well to failure… at all. Faulty machines and flawed designs feel like negative reflections of her family as a whole, causing her no small amount of stress. She will often refuse to abandon a product until she is certain that nothing can be done for it.


Age: 18

Sexuality: Hetero


Mecha Magos:

some attack|some defense| good mobility| can create magitek minions

Role: Fighter/Tinkerer/Crafter

Race: Human

Height: 5,9

Weight: 129 lbs


-Assorted tinkering tools, hunks of ore, and oil, all stored in a mini-foundry loaded into a tent-sized cart.

-Aether sources of various sizes (think magical batteries)

-Three replacement magitec arms that can be outfitted with auto-bows, claws and arc-casters.


- A standard Mecha Magos chainsword which Karol has spent many hours maintaining.



While she can often be found in the red robes of the Tower, she does have a liking for leather jerkins crafted in orcish style. Her robes are inlaid with a silver triple ring crest at their center, signifying her status as a full-fledged practitioner of the Tower.



Curry, money, Lloyd’s cooking, family members, fellow Tower mages.


Lloyd's uncle, bullies, bitter foods, dogs.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon​

*Sees new reply. Opens notifications. Flies backwards as he screen explodes with this monster of a post.*

marmar158 said:
Cromwell Tower



The Tower is hosted by an association of mages that hold long lasting, but lax loyalties to the Cromwell Royal line, despite owing its name to it. It was first laid down a mere sixty years after the birth of the first Cromwell Queen, Annette of Scarlet, who was banished to the Isles along with her parents, disenfranchised nobles from Thalore. At the time, they were called the Four Gardens of Strife as they had ample resources, yet remained in a constant state of on-and-off warfare. The women saw herself surrounded by enemies within the surrounding three islands and in response, founded the Tower as a safe place for mages of any race to practice their caft, regardless of how dangerous or aberrant. Outlawed magic users flocked to the tower, seeing both a safe haven and a place where they could connect to others of their kind, advancing the mystical arts without the petty restrictions of the law. Annette asked for one thing in return: make the other three islands hers.

The ensuing unification wars lasted a scant two years, as the other participants were well worn down by their other neighbors and internal squabbling, by the time they saw the need to stand together against Cromwell’s forces, it was far too late. Unlike many of the royals who used the band of mages in the past, Annette kept her promise, leaving them to their own devices rather than abolishing and scattering the Tower. Out of gratitude, the first Archmagus pledged that for as long as his family controlled the Tower they would protect the sovereignty of the newly dubbed Cromwell Isles. Members don red robes in the name of their first patron.

At present, Mages and Spellswords of every kind train within the halls of the part stronghold, part magical institution, where importance is placed on stern but highly individualized study of each initiate’s gift. While certain sanctions and mutual agreements have prevented the Cromwells from using the Tower as an invading force to take chunks of the mainland, none has succeeded in wresting control of the islands from the royal family, though there has been a few token attempts from mercenary groups in the past that nearly accomplished the feat. It is the duty of every Tower Archmagus to ensure that at least a third of their students are prepared to ensure that no one usurps the throne by force of arms.

Cromwell Tower sees itself as one of the largest hoarders of magical knowledge in all of Ellon, and has made every effort to install its members into every guild, coven, and academy on the planet to ensure that it stays ahead of the curve.



Lloyd Solace


Lloyd was born to an average family; a baker and a butcher combining their trades to create a well-off eatery. His childhood, however, was anything but average.

Like the other chef’s children, he learned to make edible dishes before he could read, his most exciting foray was participating in the youth choir of the local church of Ellon.

When traveling along with his parents to the market, or working in the family restaurant, he would talk to people who weren't there. This behavior gave credence to rumors about the Solace boy being a loon, which served to prompt other children to stay away from him. As his interactions with people grew fewer, his “conversations” with his imaginary friends grew in frequency and detail. Lloyd’s parents nearly considered the rumors themselves until he pulled a sprite from the Plane of the fair folk. Mr. and Mrs. Solace had raised a magic practitioner. Without the funds to obtain a proper tutor for him, they spent nearly all of their disposable income on a single staff and scrounged the rumor mill until they found a man willing to take Llyod under his wing for free, Illador Cane.

Under Mr. Cane, Lloyd learned how to call out to mystical beings from other realms of existence, but was also tricked into extending his reach to the underworld. Cane, unbeknownst to the boy’s parents, was a Cabalist who intended to create a cult to satisfy his contracted demons’ desire for young souls. Lloyd was slated to be the first sacrifice until he’d gotten into one of his master’s books and successfully summoned a demon.


Rather than bind the creature to his will, the only term for allowing it a link to the realm of the living was that it become the boy’s companion, no strings attached. Such a loose contract would have burned a normal, untrained human’s soul to nothing in a matter of minutes, so upon discovery, Illador waited. And waited. And waited.

Apparently, the commoner’s soul was sturdy enough to survive and recover from the strain placed upon it by summoning demons, even without without a proper contract.

Illador, elated at the prospect of acquiring an actual student, fully disclosed his plans to Lloyd. This proved to be a mistake, as he passed on the “good news” to his parents who forbade him from seeing Illador again.

In a fit of rage, Illador hunted Llyod down to his residence, threatening to kill off his parents if he didn’t continue his pupilage. Lacking the power to dispatch Illador without the local guard discovering demonic taint in their town, and knowing that Illador would possibly lead its contractor to ruin, the demon took control of Lloyd’s body and fled Etral. It wasn’t until it threw the boy at the mercy of Cromwell Tower that Llyod found himself aware of his surroundings again. He would ask the demon about the content of the missing week in his memories many times, only for it to answer with apologies and half truths. With nowhere else to go, Lloyd immersed himself in his studies.

Though Lloyd could find little in common with the other practitioner children of the Tower, being a first generation magic-user. He was, however, a quick and attentive learner; appreciating what the other students, many from a higher station, took for granted. Upon gaining full literacy, moments where Lloyd would not have a book in his hands became a rare occurrence. He would constantly be found sleeping in the library with his staff propped against his body, sitting vigil until on of the proctors would drag him off to his dorm. Eventually, they got tired of chastising the boy, agreeing to let him take up lodging with the tomes if he became a librarian's aide.

Lloyd never quite grew into a well adjusted individual, as he spent more time speaking with summoned creatures than natural denizens of Ellon. Being seen as weird due to his willing friendship with a demon who could kill him on a whim and the social gap presented by those of high-class upbringings didn’t help. Most of his peers that were freindly believed that Lloyd wished to be left alone, and Lloyd oftentimes felt too intimidated to initiate conversations with anyone who wasn’t a teacher.

Despite the occasional bump on the road, life slipped into some semblance of normalcy. That is, until a letter found its way to the boy's hands, all the way from Etral. It was from a grieving uncle, detailing in no uncertain words, the truth that he had long since been in denial of: his parents were dead, and it was his fault. Had he simply fought the demon for control of his body and given himself up to the Cabalist...

Lloyd did not show up for class that day. He did not confide in a dragon or the demon, even as it sensed his distress, and pleaded for the boy to let it know what troubled him so much that it received an involuntary echo of grief from their mutual bond. Lloyd believed that anyone he spoke to would just be disgusted at his self pity. Instead, he walked aimlessly in a single direction, which, in the Cromwell Islands quickly leads one face to face with the sea.

On a rocky cliff where he was certain that no one would pay him any mind, the boy broke down, crying out against the cruelty of fate. He was ready to just allow himself to fall down to the ocean and give up, when a sixteen year old Karol found and brought him, literally, back from the edge, going as far as sharing her family with him.

He spent the rest of his years as an initiate making himself useful to others; while he was indeed responsible for what happened to his parents, he could mitigate his karmic debt by spreading goodwill. What free time he didn’t spend reading or training was dedicated to helping out in the kitchens of the Tower, or pointing out new students to certain books or instructors, oftentimes enlisting his sprites to expedite the tasks, and skipping meals to do so. This lifestyle, in addition to his connection to the underworld, has left him with a feeble body, prone to illness. If he had no magical talent to keep himself alive, he’d be a corpse six times over.

Now that the Archmagus has selected Karol and himself as the Tower’s representatives, in the guild. He has been presented a chance to make up for his parents’ early demise. If the rotten cabalist still lived, Lloyd would confront Illador, and ensure that he can hurt no one ever again.


-Has spent entirely too much time around pygmy dragons, and has picked up on their proclivities for rapid turns of mood and conversational subject as a result. In the first year spent under the Teram’s care his tendency to hiss or click his tongue were curbed, but not eliminated entirely.

-Even after nearly becoming the pawn of a cabalist, Lloyd maintains a certain naivete, often trusting people to his own detriment.

-Lloyd still blames himself for his parent’s death, leaving the boy contritious for his age. He falls into bouts of self-loathing when there is nothing for him to take his mind off of the past.


Age: 15

Sexuality: Hetero



(a summoner who has formed a contract with at least one demon, all cabalists are summoners, but not all summoners are cabalists. They have access to dark magic due to their connection to the underworld, but their bodies suffer as a result, ergo, the “no defence” stat)

Moderate damage|no defense|High mobility| |lowered stamina| can summon normal entities and demons| “natural” access to dark magic (Pulse, Void tendrils, etc)|

Roll: Artillery/Support/Cook/entertainer “Karol, No! I don’t want to sing in front of everyone!”

Height: 5,1

Weight: 93 lbs


Lloyd can be seen wearing the standard red robes of Cromwell Tower (pictured above) in addition to the set of grey, red, and black ones that Tower Librarians and Aides wear (On character portrait.) Inlaid on the chest area of his robes, is a silver emblem of a sapling, signifying a Tower adept, members who are one step away from full practitioner status.



- Assorted books.

- Cookware.

- A week’s worth of groceries.

-Papers, a journal, various writing implements.

-Bags and canvas wrappings to hold the above (loaded in Karol’s cart)

-Longstaff: a gift, and now a keepsake from Lloyd’s parents, though it’s unwieldy (five feet and a half tall), and there are better tools to channel magic through, it has immense sentimental value.



-Small knife: used to offer blood to creatures he form contracts with, if he ever has to draw it in self defense, he is too close to the enemy, and likely moments away from a gruesome death.

-A letter from archmagus Kyras, to the leader of the Twin Dragons.


Being useful, books, animals and summoned creatures, peacefully ending conflicts, magical theory, his staff


Becoming a burden for others, crass behavior, himself, Illador Cane


Lloyd's summoning specialties:

Lesser Sprites

(low attack, no defence, highest mobility, good utility, random low level magic)


- Low upkeep summons that are about the size of a man’s palm and cost negligible amounts of aether. Comes in a variety of colors depending on the natural magic they bear. Though they give off the impression of sapience, they are simply organic constructs created by the fair folk, they last for a few weeks, and then dissolve into nothingness, sending a recording of all their deeds to their creators. Allowing summoners of the physical plane to make use of them is an intentional design, viewing the matters of mortals is a sport for them.

- Llyod can keep and regularly use fourteen of them in the physical realm with only a moderate hit to his aether regeneration.

- Can copy a weaker version of their summoner’s spells (one at a time), allowing Llyod to cast multiple small spells in very short periods of time or aid multiple allies at once (magic missile spam ftw!).

-Loyal and easy to control.

-Not very smart, but can follow simple commands, and are capable of simple communication equivalent to the skills of a nine-year old.

-Very useful for chores

-They don’t typically pack much of a punch alone and die quickly when hit.

- No sense of self preservation whatsoever

-Not very good conversational partners

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

-Low chance to accidentally summon a member of the fair folk rather than a sprite, who often drain summoners of aether and leave, or, in rare cases, kill them for being a nuisance.

Pygmy Dragons:


-Dragons with fur rather than scales (steel, prickly scales in the case of the armoured variant, but meh.), typically stands up to an average man’s waist when on all fours. They Live up to a few thousand years, growing more powerful with age and are the middle of the food chain within the Other Plane ( Native world to many summoned creatures.), older ones often dedicate their loyalty to single families.

-Comes in the following forms:

Armoured: (Good attack, High defence, low mobility, no breath weapon)

Fell: (High attack, some defense, some mobility, breath weapon and venomous fangs, access to beginner magic, bad fliers.)

Common: (Some attack, some defense, high mobility, assorted breath weapons)

Eldritch: (Highest attack, no defense, some mobility, breath weapon and intermediate to advanced long range magic, higher aether cost to summon and upkeep.)

Waif: (Crap direct combat stats all around, flightless, pitiful breath weapons, and prone to meeting very swift, very brutal ends, excellent healers and buffers)

-Good for hugging, confiding, and unbiased taste-testing.

- Lyod can keep and command one in the physical realm 24/7 (about twelve hours for the eldritch variety), provided, he summons nothing else.

-Less consistent power and intelligence wise, though almost always smarter than sprites.

-Not too easy to control, pygmy dragons othen demand food or gemstones or both for extended service, though a token few are content with being called upon by

-Will often dismiss themselves if bored or afraid, hard to keep in the physical realm if they don’t want to be in the physical realm, conversely, it is often hard to dismiss them when they do not want to leave.

-Extensive spell use typical of long, drawn out engagements will exhaust Lloyd

List of successfully contracted Pygmies (Crossed out names are deceased)

Fer’uah: Waif (Barrier and Sense enhancement specialist, flame breath weapon (strong enough to light a campfire)) age 28, female.

Ald’neir: Waif (Healing specialist, electric breath weapon (enough to taze a small dog) age 37, male.

Zao’udin: Common (Laser breath weapon) age 22, male.

Mer’thua: Eldritch (Paralytic gas breath weapon, telekinetic magic) age 96, female.

Drakia the Faith Sunderer


Drakia has been around for the greater part of six millennia as an instrumental being in the rise and fall of many early civilizations upon many worlds. Her name and actions are recorded in many Cabalist tomes, but few give the spell formulae required to attempt a contract with her as she, like most demons of her class, likes fulfilling contracts to the letter before tricking and wearing her summoner’s body like a cheap set of clothes, for the few hours that an unwilling mortal can stand a demonic presence inside them at least.

Imagine her surprise when a pathetic child, only capable of drawing a fraction of her power unaided dared call upon her name. She went with the full intention of manipulating whatever contract the child would form to instantly fail. Children always were the easiest to manipulate. She was greeted not with rings of salt, and demands for the strength of ten men, but a plate of cookies and simple request: “Please be my friend!”

Drakia thought the boy to be joking at first, humoring him while quietly biding her time for Llyod to drop the nice act. He never did.

The demon’s belief that: “there are no good cabalists”, changed to: “there is one good cabalist”. Drakia sought to keep Lloyd alive for as long as possible so she couldn’t be shackled to another summoner.

With the Tower’s policy of not outlawing any kind of magic, so long as it isn’t catastrophically harmfull to the inhabitants of the islands, Drakia has been able to spend time on the physical plane without orders to kill, maim, or desecrate some foe. She enjoys walks, reading stories about herself, and learning to cook from Lloyd, though she has little patience for the harder to prepare dishes such as cake, often making them too sweet for human consumption.

On standby:

-Through their mutual binding, Drakia sometimes lends her own aether to Lloyd’s spells, enhancing their effects, or allows him to cast advanced magic through her, though this is extremely tiring and potentially fatal for the boy.

-Can “tug” on their binding to sense the things that Lloyd sees/hears/etc and even take control of his body. Under Drakia’s influence, Lloyd's eyes take on a red hue with slitted pupils.

When summoned:

-Capable of enhancing the physical and magical abilities of allies within line of sight via aether infusions. (much more effective than sprites and waif-class pygmy dragons)

-Mass teleportation

-Master-tier gravity and dark magic, intermediate fire magic, and illusions.

-Llyod can keep Drakia in the physical world for three hours if she doesn’t need to use magic, though this time can drop to mere seconds should heavy use of her powers be required. Extensive and frequent stays in the physical world are taxing enough to be invariably fatal for Llyod, even if Drakia were to expend her own aether to maintain the link.

-Can be permanently unleashed upon the physical world with her full powers for a year if allowed to consume one hundred and eight souls. As Lloyd’s friend, however, Drakia has little desire or reason to work towards such ends. If she wants to take a walk, she simply asks the boy to summon her, or borrow his body for a bit.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon



Karol Teram


The Teram estate lies within the easternmost section of the Cromwell Isles, an independent principality of four islands nestled between the ocean passage from Etral to Atrea and has produced Mecha Magi for two and a half centuries. As members of a neutral state, the Teram’s have sold the airships, siege-engines and other toys that are the fruits of their labor to anyone with the coin to do business with them. Some of Karol’s first memories are of her parents bartering with orc tribes over the proper price for a set of clip fed auto crossbows.

Karol’s mother and father taught her from an early age that the only oaths one should make are to currency, and the people that they’ve met with face to face. While she was made aware of the bourgeois life and world politics, her parents ensured that she would never be beholden to them. While other high-class children were learning to eat properly with the silver spoons they were born with, she joined her parents on their business ventures, delving into the realm of magic fueled machines. She picked up a plethora of spoken and written languages along the way.

As soon as she reached the age of nine, Karol became actively involved in negotiating deals with the Teram’s myriad of customers, commanding the automatons in charge of carrying messages over short distances. She particularly enjoyed her interactions with the orcs of Atrea, who were crass, but much more honest than members of the other kingdoms.

While demonstrating an autonomous knight’s capabilities, Karol’s left arm was cleaved off. After the initial shock and scramble to prevent the girl from bleeding to death, her parents helped her craft a magitek replacement that she has modified and upgraded over the years. After reaching thirteen years of age, Karol was shipped off to Cromwell Tower for a more formal education, just like her parents and her parent’s parents.

When Lloyd ran away from the Tower, it was Karol, who the Archmagus sent out to see to the boy’s safety. She found the him, letter in hand, edging dangerously over a sheer cliff, wailing at the ocean waves on moonless night. She embraced him, even as his tears soiled her good robes. After dispatching a small drone to Archmagus Kyras bearing a message with their whereabouts, Karol took Loyd home with her for a week, where she begged her parents to establish an oath of protection over him. Much to both children’s delight, they accepted. Karol was inseparable from her new brother ever since.

Most recently, news of the once great guild Twin Dragon’s rebirth reached the Tower's ears. Sensing a prime chance for some of his students to gain field experience and a reputation spike for the Cromwell Isles, Kyras was quick to send off Karol and Lloyd as both representatives and liaisons.


- Being the only daughter from a line of extremely successful practitioners of magitek has done nothing for Karol’s humility. The girl is prone to bouts of boisterousness, especially when speaking of, or displaying, her craft. The worse part of this being that she is actually good at what she does. This extends to the way she talks about fellow Tower members and friends; often over exaggerating stories of their success. However, this doesn’t mean that she is crude or patronizing (at least, not intentionally). The best way to describe her would be aggressively friendly.

- She was brought up to believe firmly in the bonds of people she spends time with, Karol tries to keep tabs on anyone who she’s met more than thrice, oftentimes sending letters after distant business partners with simple inquiries after their health or the state of their families. Such a trait has ensured that most Terams have no shortage of buyers, even if their wares cost more than many competing Mecha Magos inventors.

- Karol does not react well to failure… at all. Faulty machines and flawed designs feel like negative reflections of her family as a whole, causing her no small amount of stress. She will often refuse to abandon a product until she is certain that nothing can be done for it.


Age: 18

Sexuality: Hetero


Mecha Magos:

some attack|some defense| good mobility| can create magitek minions

Role: Fighter/Tinkerer/Crafter

Race: Human

Height: 5,9

Weight: 129 lbs


-Assorted tinkering tools, hunks of ore, and oil, all stored in a mini-foundry loaded into a tent-sized cart.

-Aether sources of various sizes (think magical batteries)

-Three replacement magitec arms that can be outfitted with auto-bows, claws and arc-casters.


- A standard Mecha Magos chainsword which Karol has spent many hours maintaining.



While she can often be found in the red robes of the Tower, she does have a liking for leather jerkins crafted in orcish style. Her robes are inlaid with a silver triple ring crest at their center, signifying her status as a full-fledged practitioner of the Tower.



Curry, money, Lloyd’s cooking, family members, fellow Tower mages.


Lloyd's uncle, bullies, bitter foods, dogs.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon​

First name:Terricus




Race: Human



Personality (at least 3 traits):Cheerful, loves to be happy and joke about, he's a fighter so if he's mad at someone he won't give them any respect, being in his line of work means he has to follow orders but won't follow orders that mean the death of innocent lives.

Class (see overview):Paladin(That's why he's huge looking)

Role:Fighter or guard, depends where he's needed

Biography:His mother, Tillota the Loving, was a healer of the guild before she died, his father, Stephanus the Faithful, was a paladin of the guild, since his mother birthed a man, he had no choice but to follow in his fathers foot steps, while being a very scary looking man, he has a nice kind heart, he owns a puppy named Maxus. But during his time before the guild, Terricus(TRY CUSS) was a scrappy kid, and fought a lot in and out of school. At age 16 he was a small sell sword for travailing merchants, protecting the merchants and their goods, at age 18, he was a soldier, fighting bandits and marauders. After he retired from the war, his mother died during a battle, she was killed by a large clan of bandits who were attacking a village. His father died soon after, trying to kill the bandits that killed her, he killed them alright, but died of his wounds a day later. Terricus decided to join up, making the Tybolt legacy live on, and stay strong, so the God's themselves will put him in Valhalla, with his mother and father...


Warpick:Like a war hammer, the war pick has a blunt end, but also has a large long spike on the other side, making that side itself, deadlier than the blunt side

Battle Axe:A long double sided axe with a large spike at the top and a small hook at the bottom

Sword:It's a large sword, with gutters on the blade, so if he stabs an enemy, the sword will cause more damage coming out, than going in...

Large shield:Large Ebony black shield, bladed at the bottom.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


Abilities:Control/summon fire, only when he has no choice, but likes to play with it and watch it race around his fingers and arms when he's out of his armor.

Likes:Anything hot or spicy, since he can taste it, and can't have the terrible aftermath of eating something like it, wine, sweets, and reading

Dislikes:Feeling useless and any food too bland, he'll add his own special sauce made from 'demon tears' peppers.



First name: Ivory

Surname: Faust

Age: 21

Sexuality: bi

Race: Elf


* 5'9"


Personality (at least 3 traits): Very quiet, Fiercely Loyal, Blatantly Realistic

Class: Necromancer

Role: Healer, fighter, scholar

Biography: Born into a family of elvish aristocrats Ivory was assumed to be a rising prodigy, savior of their elvish city scholars, from the day he was born. But, something wasn't quite with the child. All doubts were quickly dismissed soon after. Growing up, he excelled at the healing arts. Be it song, lute, rhyme or dance his magiks grew profoundly. But, on his birthday, the day of the Autumn Solstice, he danced with his brethren. Drinking and frolicking like any elf would. All without a care in the world.

It began small, no one noticed the husk of moths and butterflies rising from where they died. Or, the skeletons of small woodland creatures digging there way from beneath the roots of the mighty trees growing around them. It wasnt until the spirits of the once living guardians of the forest, great bears, and wolves, began to emerge. The remains of animals that had died over a fortnight ago within a league stirred and rose. They began to frolic as though they were alive. And the more Ivory danced and sang the more the dead around him rejoiced.

Then, a scream sounded loudly through the woods, ceasing all sound and movement. Ivory stopped dead in his tracks. His friends backed away from him. The un-dead creatures all dropped dead where they stood and crumbled. Ivory's vision began to fade as fear crept into his heart. A wave of nausea swept over him. He could barely see those around him flee away from him like darts of shadow. Tears fell down his face. And he fell into the darkness.

When he awoke, he was naked, face down. He felt an aching in his upper back. He sat up to look, between his shoulder blade, a fresh brand lay burned into his flesh. he had been branded by the government as a bad omen. Banished and stripped of his family name.

Destroyed, mentally and, burned he walked through the trees aimlessly. He felt void. He walked and walked barely able to stand having had not been able to replenish his energy. He, yet again, passed out. he awoke to a face red as rubies peering down with a mixed sparkle of intellect and mischievousness.

The Tiefling was simply named. BloodTomb. He taught Ivoy how to ballance and control his necromancy with his life magic. But, only until Ivory was 21. If he could not control his magicks by then. He would be killed and consumed for life energy. On his 21st birthday. BloodTomb battled Ivory. It was a ferocious battle to the death. In the end Ivory succeeded by using both Life and Death magic to to defeat his master. By adsorbing BloodTomb, Ivory gained his power and knoledge. This method allows Blood Tomb to sometimes materialize so that only Ivory can see him inn times of great peril. Ivory for a time was devastated. He was alone and with out sanctum. So he journey'd to Etral.

Shortly after arriving. Ivory found himself at th doors to the Twin Dragons Guild. Hopefully he could find a new home here.

Equipment: a rack of arrows, catalyst that hold different types of spirits.


Other: His left eye, holds the power to look into the past.

Has a photographic memory.

Constantly reading about magic and history.
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First name: Kailun (Kai-lun)

Surname: Allone

Age: 14

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kailun.jpg.325726ac1c473004d3ebea043848239c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kailun.jpg.325726ac1c473004d3ebea043848239c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Volkias: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb6df0ebd_LightningDragon.jpg.4794a09caabcda62252ff17bafc5ed69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb6df0ebd_LightningDragon.jpg.4794a09caabcda62252ff17bafc5ed69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kai is carefree for the most part. Darting from one interest to the next like the lightning that dances from his fingertips. However, this all changes when he sits down for his studies and practicing. The normally carefree lad becomes extremely intense and focused on his task and the pursuit of his mastery. He understands fully well the dangers of wielding lightning. Containing so much raw energy has consumed many a mage who thought they could tame its terrible power only for a stray spark to hit their heart ending their lives.

His studies is not the only thing that gets his full devovtion. He cares more about his juvinile dragon familiar/companion Volkias more than himself. He is easily able to ignore comments and insults about himself, but any comment about his dragon he takes personally. Its gotten so bad that the Tower had to give him his own private tutor after he paralyzed another student for two days after the student commented that Volkias would be better used for alchemical reagents and materials than as Kai's familiar. He knows they are jealous of his true dragon familiar and his ability with an extremely difficult element to control, but he still lets it get to him.

When he is not studying or caring for his dragon, Kai heads to a clearing outside the tower and lays in the grass with Volkias and daydreams about when they get older. When Volkias is large enough to carry him into the sky and he has mastered the art of channeling lightning and he becomes the King of the Storms. Riding across the land wielding his lightning to bring light to the dark corners of the world.

Class: Lightning Mage

Role: Fighter/Lorekeeper

Biography: Kailun was born to a simple family of merchants. They owned the general good store of a small little village on the outskirts of the nation. There was big celebration when Kailun was born. Being so far away from the main cities and the festivals that are put on there, the townspeople of the small village found any excuse they could to throw a party. He grew up with a unusual fascination with thunderstorms. When everyone else took shelter inside. He was also at the window watching the lightning streak across the sky and then the deafening BOOM that followed soon after. Soon he learned to walk and explore as other boys do. When he was about eight, there was a particularly bad thunderstorm. Kailun of course was giddy as could be and snuck out of the house to the top of the hill outside of town, not caring about the torrential downpour. His parents just realized his absence when a bolt of lightning stuck the hill, deafening the town. Kailun, of course, was directly stuck. As people looked outside to see the site of the lightning, they saw a Kailua stumbling down the hill. Dazed and laughing like a drunk who had one too many drinks, he was mostly unharmed. Smoke rose off his burnt colors, and his hair, which had been a dusty brown before, was now pure white and stuck up in spikes.

His parents requested the lord's wizard come and see if there was something more to their son. When the wizard tested the boy for magic, he was found to posses a great ability to channel raw energy. Being a wizard himself, he would be unable to train Kailun who wouldn't need spells to be able to 'cast' and recommended they contact the Cromwell Tower. The merchant family was well off, but they were no where near rich. So when the Tower replied back with interest saying finding a mage who could channel lightning was rare and would be of great benefit of understanding the primal forces of nature, the family sent Kailun to the Tower so he could learn to control his newfound power.

When he arrived, the Tower preformed a series of tests to determine the extent of his power and ability. One of the such test involved his ability to sense his element around him. He was shown five identical chests, each containing a dragon's egg from a different elemental alignment. One of which, of course, a lightning dragon's egg. Dragon's are natually magic creatures, especially of their respective alignments. When Kailun was shown the eggs, it took him a moment, but he opened the chest that contained the right egg. The examiners were about to take him to the next test when he reached forward and a spark jumped from his finger to the egg. A moment later a crack could be heard from the egg. Large spiderweb cracks covered the surface of the egg. A black snout pushed its way out of the egg. Big blue eyes looked at Kailun before the hatchling shook itself free from the rest of its egg. The young dragon climbed up Kailun's arm and rested on his shoulder before nuzzling the boy's cheek. tiny sparks jumping between the skin and scales of the two. From that point on, the dragon and the mage were nigh inseparable. When the mages tried to get Volkias to sleep in the aviary with the other winged creatures, they would always find the dragon curled up on Kailun's bed in the morning and eventually they just gave up. Volkias is intelligent and understands the Common tongue, but is still too young to speak it himself.

Equipment: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb6d215f1_LightningSpear.jpg.02701f23931342072ceba272e7ac2fb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb6d215f1_LightningSpear.jpg.02701f23931342072ceba272e7ac2fb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He wields a spear made out of a special crystal found deep in caves of the Thunderfield Valley. While it does function as a usable weapon. It also channels and stores lightning energy. Using the spear, Kailun can extend the reach of his lightning touch as well as store excess energy for later use. He doesn't know how much energy the spear can store, but the spear does glow brighter based on how much of a charge is left in it. Kai can discharge a portion, or even all of that energy in a bolt of lightning from the tip of the spear or channel it into his body for him to use it in other ways.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Bacon (Ellon, its not my first character xD )

Other: Kailun has mastered a few different ways to channel lightning energy. However, he can only use so much lightning before he has to wait for it to recharge, or dip into the power stored in his spear.

  • Lightning Touch: He touches you and shocks you. Whether is a simple static shock, or enough to stop someone's heart, is up to Kai. Particularly powerful uses of this ability will have lightning arcing around his hand.
  • Electric Circuit: Kai creates a field of static energy around him. Anything that steps into this field gets zapped with arcs of lightning from Kai's body as they complete a grounded circuit. Mostly defensive.
  • Channeled Lightning: Kai focuses his energy and directs it in a beam in front of him. This is the most dangerous of Kai's 'spells' as he most focus on keeping the flow of lightning in his body from striking vital organs. Kai is resistant to lightning after wielding it for so long, but he is not immune.

((As a side note. Killua was NOT the basis of this character xD I couldn't decide on an appearance so I was looking for images and when I saw him in the results and realized what the character already was... i had to!))



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Kleopatris said:
First name: Ivory
Surname: Faust

Age: 21

Sexuality: bi

Race: Elf


* 5'9"


Personality (at least 3 traits): Very quiet, Fiercely Loyal, Blatantly Realistic

Class: Necromancer

Role: Healer, fighter, scholar

Biography: Born into a family of elvish aristocrats Ivory was assumed to be a rising prodigy, savior of their elvish city scholars, from the day he was born. But, something wasn't quite with the child. All doubts were quickly dismissed soon after. Growing up, he excelled at the healing arts. Be it song, lute, rhyme or dance his magiks grew profoundly. But, on his birthday, the day of the Autumn Solstice, he danced with his brethren. Drinking and frolicking like any elf would. All without a care in the world.

It began small, no one noticed the husk of moths and butterflies rising from where they died. Or, the skeletons of small woodland creatures digging there way from beneath the roots of the mighty trees growing around them. It wasnt until the spirits of the once living guardians of the forest, great bears, and wolves, began to emerge. The remains of animals that had died over a fortnight ago within a league stirred and rose. They began to frolic as though they were alive. And the more Ivory danced and sang the more the dead around him rejoiced.

Then, a scream sounded loudly through the woods, ceasing all sound and movement. Ivory stopped dead in his tracks. His friends backed away from him. The un-dead creatures all dropped dead where they stood and crumbled. Ivory's vision began to fade as fear crept into his heart. A wave of nausea swept over him. He could barely see those around him flee away from him like darts of shadow. Tears fell down his face. And he fell into the darkness.

When he awoke, he was naked, face down. He felt an aching in his upper back. He sat up to look, between his shoulder blade, a fresh brand lay burned into his flesh. he had been branded by the government as a bad omen. Banished and stripped of his family name.

Destroyed, mentally and, burned he walked through the trees aimlessly. He felt void. He walked and walked barely able to stand having had not been able to replenish his energy. He, yet again, passed out. he awoke to a face red as rubies peering down with a mixed sparkle of intellect and mischievousness.

The Tiefling was simply named. BloodTomb. He taught Ivoy how to ballance and control his necromancy with his life magic. But, only until Ivory was 21. If he could not control his magicks by then. He would be killed and consumed for life energy. On his 21st birthday. BloodTomb battled Ivory. It was a ferocious battle to the death. In the end Ivory succeeded by using both Life and Death magic to to defeat his master. By adsorbing BloodTomb, Ivory gained his power and knoledge. This method allows Blood Tomb to sometimes materialize so that only Ivory can see him inn times of great peril. Ivory for a time was devastated. He was alone and with out sanctum. So he journey'd to Etral.

Shortly after arriving. Ivory found himself at th doors to the Twin Dragons Guild. Hopefully he could find a new home here.

Equipment: a rack of arrows, catalyst that hold different types of spirits.


Other: His left eye, holds the power to look into the past.

Has a photographic memory.

Constantly reading about magic and history.
Kleopatris said:
First name: Ivory
Surname: Faust

Age: 21

Sexuality: bi

Race: Elf


* 5'9"


Personality (at least 3 traits): Very quiet, Fiercely Loyal, Blatantly Realistic

Class: Necromancer

Role: Healer, fighter, scholar

Biography: Born into a family of elvish aristocrats Ivory was assumed to be a rising prodigy, savior of their elvish city scholars, from the day he was born. But, something wasn't quite with the child. All doubts were quickly dismissed soon after. Growing up, he excelled at the healing arts. Be it song, lute, rhyme or dance his magiks grew profoundly. But, on his birthday, the day of the Autumn Solstice, he danced with his brethren. Drinking and frolicking like any elf would. All without a care in the world.

It began small, no one noticed the husk of moths and butterflies rising from where they died. Or, the skeletons of small woodland creatures digging there way from beneath the roots of the mighty trees growing around them. It wasnt until the spirits of the once living guardians of the forest, great bears, and wolves, began to emerge. The remains of animals that had died over a fortnight ago within a league stirred and rose. They began to frolic as though they were alive. And the more Ivory danced and sang the more the dead around him rejoiced.

Then, a scream sounded loudly through the woods, ceasing all sound and movement. Ivory stopped dead in his tracks. His friends backed away from him. The un-dead creatures all dropped dead where they stood and crumbled. Ivory's vision began to fade as fear crept into his heart. A wave of nausea swept over him. He could barely see those around him flee away from him like darts of shadow. Tears fell down his face. And he fell into the darkness.

When he awoke, he was naked, face down. He felt an aching in his upper back. He sat up to look, between his shoulder blade, a fresh brand lay burned into his flesh. he had been branded by the government as a bad omen. Banished and stripped of his family name.

Destroyed, mentally and, burned he walked through the trees aimlessly. He felt void. He walked and walked barely able to stand having had not been able to replenish his energy. He, yet again, passed out. he awoke to a face red as rubies peering down with a mixed sparkle of intellect and mischievousness.

The Tiefling was simply named. BloodTomb. He taught Ivoy how to ballance and control his necromancy with his life magic. But, only until Ivory was 21. If he could not control his magicks by then. He would be killed and consumed for life energy. On his 21st birthday. BloodTomb battled Ivory. It was a ferocious battle to the death. In the end Ivory succeeded by using both Life and Death magic to to defeat his master. By adsorbing BloodTomb, Ivory gained his power and knoledge. This method allows Blood Tomb to sometimes materialize so that only Ivory can see him inn times of great peril. Ivory for a time was devastated. He was alone and with out sanctum. So he journey'd to Etral.

Shortly after arriving. Ivory found himself at th doors to the Twin Dragons Guild. Hopefully he could find a new home here.

Equipment: a rack of arrows, catalyst that hold different types of spirits.


Other: His left eye, holds the power to look into the past.

Has a photographic memory.

Constantly reading about magic and history.
CERBERUS177 said:
First name:Terricus



Race: Human



Personality (at least 3 traits):Cheerful, loves to be happy and joke about, he's a fighter so if he's mad at someone he won't give them any respect, being in his line of work means he has to follow orders but won't follow orders that mean the death of innocent lives.

Class (see overview):Paladin(That's why he's huge looking)

Role:Fighter or guard, depends where he's needed

Biography:His mother, Tillota the Loving, was a healer of the guild before she died, his father, Stephanus the Faithful, was a paladin of the guild, since his mother birthed a man, he had no choice but to follow in his fathers foot steps, while being a very scary looking man, he has a nice kind heart, he owns a puppy named Maxus. But during his time before the guild, Terricus(TRY CUSS) was a scrappy kid, and fought a lot in and out of school. At age 16 he was a small sell sword for travailing merchants, protecting the merchants and their goods, at age 18, he was a soldier, fighting bandits and marauders. After he retired from the war, his mother died during a battle, she was killed by a large clan of bandits who were attacking a village. His father died soon after, trying to kill the bandits that killed her, he killed them alright, but died of his wounds a day later. Terricus decided to join up, making the Tybolt legacy live on, and stay strong, so the God's themselves will put him in Valhalla, with his mother and father...


Warpick:Like a war hammer, the war pick has a blunt end, but also has a large long spike on the other side, making that side itself, deadlier than the blunt side

Battle Axe:A long double sided axe with a large spike at the top and a small hook at the bottom

Sword:It's a large sword, with gutters on the blade, so if he stabs an enemy, the sword will cause more damage coming out, than going in...

Large shield:Large Ebony black shield, bladed at the bottom.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


Abilities:Control/summon fire, only when he has no choice, but likes to play with it and watch it race around his fingers and arms when he's out of his armor.

Likes:Anything hot or spicy, since he can taste it, and can't have the terrible aftermath of eating something like it, wine, sweets, and reading

Dislikes:Feeling useless and any food too bland, he'll add his own special sauce made from 'demon tears' peppers.



Both good

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