[The Grid] OOC

I'd recommend you not just remain back at the car, because that gets kinda boring. You might not all want to run up on this guard at once, though.
At first, I had the patently bad idea of grabbing his cell phone and throwing it, allowing all of us to slip in the door as he chased it. But that was dumb.

Now I think the plan of playing pastor relationship counsellor is much smarter, hoping to convince him to run to her to fix everything, and absent mindedly leave the door open as he runs straight to his car. Here's hoping.

If all else fails we can jump him.

Edit: and if THAT fails, I also have the spell Violent Opening of Closed Portals, or whatever it is called, but that brings its own baggage.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays as you prefer to all and sundry. I'm going to jumpstart things come Monday, but for now, best of luck to you all.
Hmmm, it occurs to me I really should see about updating Patrick's character sheet to reflect all his new learnin'...any guidelines on how I should do it, or is it just "X number of XP, spend it?"

(should also stop staying up till 7am, but that's a different matter)
The easiest way seems to be appending the original sheet with the new dots, and then just adding a reply to your thread with the xp cost.
BA: Since you're effectively locked out of your body, you can wake up if you want. I had some ideas for a crazy parkour-style chase between you and the ghosts over the Neverborn while it hung above the void, but if that didn't work, don't worry about it.

I'm sick. Posting has been intermittent and may continue to be so.
BA: You're starting to bleed out, so you take another lhl. Every five minutes you'll take another until that gets fixed.
Hope you're feeling better, I sure am! Having to deal with a court that's over 2 hours away from your domicile can really suck up your free time, but I made off scott free and I am ready to roleplay. Standard apologies and grovelling, I don't mean to make a habit of this.
Good to hear you're OK. I was getting worried when we hadn't heard from you and hearing harmonica music in my head. :P

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