[The Grid] OOC

So that's... *crunches numbers* 184 XP totaled since the start of the adventure?

Before I post, a roll as Pat takes a scan of the road for obstacles, bumps, ramps, ditch distance from the side of the road and depth, and all that fun jazz that can possibly lead to some Dukes of Hazzard/Knight Rider action.

Per+Awa → [4,2,8,3,5,8,6] = (2)
BR: The road itself is mostly clear. The building on the left is a row of shops, most with concrete facades. There's a couple trees out front, a newspaper machine, etc, but nothing terribly useful. On the right is an office building with a glass wall, leading to an interior atrium. It's one of the new architecture buildings. The atrium is atleast large enough for a fountain, but the windows are shiny and occluding. Hard to tell how big inside. Behind you are cars swinging in, but they haven't dropped spike strips yet, and there is still plenty of room between them. Before you is the aforementiong roadblock, with cops on the sidewalk as well as the street. The road is clear, and provides no useful jumps or bumps. (Though there is a series of grate across the road, and steam billowing upwards. It's possible that shattering those would allow you access to either service tunnels or something below.)

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.â€

Have you ever had a dream you were certain was real? Where does dream end and reality begin? How do you know you’re not dreaming right now?

In The Grid, a group of ordinary, everyday people learn from mysterious rebels about the true nature of reality, their role in the war against its evil creators, and their destiny as the ultimate saviors of a world called…Creation.
Miashara said:
Lord: If you want to roll Int+Medicine, please do. The difficulty is 3. Someone will still need to run so the people from Section 2, the people running Rosehill, don't nab the lot of you. As things stand, I'm going to assume its you, Malcom, and Patrick, while the others go to ground.
That's the idea.
Hmm. Honestly, I'm a bit stumped for my next move. This is a case where Pat would be smarter than his player. :P

Any suggestions, folks?

If not, I'll just flip a coin tomorrow morning and postanini...
These are the choices I intended:

1) jump a dirt pile, crash through third story windows, and drive through the inside of a building.

2) jump a dirt pile, crash into the skyway, and drive along that.

Both of these will make pursuit somewhat complicated.

3) you don't really notice this yet, but Erin (and Hank, if MM resurfaces) does. The city is being remapped around you. If you got on the horn with her, she might be able to guide you through odd, warping parts of the world. This would make pursuit REALLY complicated.

4) alternatively, bear in mind that either Kase or Malcom could start looking for essence warp in the city. One of them should be ready for the fighting, because that's going to happen, but the other could easily start looking for essence warp

5) just drive really, really fast

6) combinations there of. It might, might be possible for you to start taking control of the city warp, which would involve a high-speed car chase through a city being tuned (if you've seen Dark City).
Hmm, I think (2) is the option her. (3)/(6) would be awesome, but with Pat not noticing yet, he has no reason to risk calling Erin yet, and (5) wouldn't be nearly as much fun. ;)

...never seen Dark City, I must admit. Blue Brothers, Dukes of Hazzard and Knight Rider, on the other hand...
Are Stormy, BA, and MM still with us? I know as passengers you aren't getting as much excitement, but there are a fair number of things still to be done.
I think something very bad has happened to MM, judging from what he was posting in the OOC section of his own game before he (and it) went away. :(
Arynne: Perception + Awareness to see what's going on.

Stormy, BA: JB, and post your opening actions. BA, you're sort of clinched, but sort of not. The arm is focusing on Kase more than you, but it is emanating from your guts.

BR: Dex + Ride, please.
Arynne: Made an easy Ride roll for you in the interests of time. You got it. (recognizing the Marauder)

BR: This is how this is going to go. You need to make a Dex + Ride roll, difficulty 2, with every post. That's to drive along the elevated sidewalk. However you may drive FASTER if you so desire, simply by increasing the difficulty of the roll. Basically pick a diff, announce it, and roll it. If you would, use the in house roller and just label the difficulty as the roll name. Your pursuers are going to have to roll your difficulty +1 as they try to catch up. (The +1 represents the fact that they have to go faster than you to gain ground.)

Everyone else in the car is going to take that same difficulty as a modifier to their actions. That represents getting thrown around by the sudden turns and shifting.

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