[The Grid] OOC

*tap tap*

Is this thing on?

Ah, it is. I went to post the other day but found the site locked down for merging or whatnot.

I'll let somebody else post first after the recent DM post but I will be able (finally!) to check daily now.
Are conversations how the new forum setup handles PMs? If so, I think I've messaged the absentees.

Anyway, Malcom needs to get bandaged. Either a PC can do it, or he can be extracted so Athena will handle it in real space. If people are saving xp for things, this is the cheapest way to go _but_ the extraction point will be in the city. The people chasing you will not let you go willingly.

Otherwise, the sculptor needs to be brought to a place he can get to work. To recap, he can't be extracted because you don't know where his body is. Once he starts working, you might be able to get more information about the age before, and that may lead you to your prior incarnation's names. This, if you recall, is the barrier between you now and your Exaltations.
Arynne: Yeah, I was thinking about that. The Matrix image seems to be Neo with the shades in front of a black field with green code coming down behind him. I wouldn't mind that, but this game hasn't really delved into the coding aspects of the grid at all.
Anyone mind if we skip forward? We can split into two groups.

Group 1 takes Malcom to an exit point. He will be chased. There will be horrifying vehicular pursuit through downtown Chicago.

Group 2 will take Szulaski to a safe house and establish a safehouse and a reentry point. This group will be somewhat more social based, involving some investigation.

As an aside, you're probably noting that I'm harping on this damage/bleeding thing. That's intentional. If there're no negative consequences to fighting it becomes pointless.
I'll roll with group 2.

Sorry for in the inconsistency, as of late, but I have yet another wrench in my works. I just lost my job! So I'll have an amazing amount of free time after I finish my job application blitz.
Glad to have you back.

So, may I suggest Patrick, Malcom, and Kase go for the extraction, while Hank and Erin take Szulaski to a safehouse? Please post something to the effect of doing that, and I'll get events rolling.
Well, I've spent the XP necessary to bump up my Medicine. I assume the roll to stop Malcom's bleeding is the same as it was for him?
Lord: If you want to roll Int+Medicine, please do. The difficulty is 3. Someone will still need to run so the people from Section 2, the people running Rosehill, don't nab the lot of you. As things stand, I'm going to assume its you, Malcom, and Patrick, while the others go to ground.
On the new board, pages are 20 posts long instead of 15. So pages of the IC thread are now worth 4 xp each, not three.

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