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The Greedy Mermaid (closed w/ Teadhem)


"Ah, what a relief, I was a bit worried you would starve the rest of us to give us a heads up for what hell's gonna be like", he said and nodded to Chester before turning his attention to the stranger. "Yeah, well, since we're already here and doomed to go to the underworld anyway, we might as well give the devil a big smile while we can, right? This little scamp's Matías. He's a great kid. No English though, but he's probably a genius if you know Spanish. And I'm Bernhard", he reached out his hand while leaning down, "but you can call me Bernie."


A curious look spread across her face when the two crew members came over. Matías... Spanish? She looked over at the man who called himself Bernhard, and waited until he had finished introducing himselves. Then she turned to the boy. "Buenas tardes, Matías. ¿Hablas español?", she asked and gave him an encouraging smile. 


He frowned when he felt the Captain's eyes on him and watched him nod. He took a deep breath and looked over at the quartermasters. 


He calmly moved across the deck with his brother beside him. Despite his calm exterior, this was not a meeting he was looking forward to.

He eyed the guy thoughtfully during the introduction, but chuckled at his wit. "The devil, eh? No chance of redemption?" He took his hand and shook it firmly. "Hi Bernie. Name's Tom, of course I can be completely sure that's true, with this huge headache I've got, ye know?" 


As if someone had turned the lights on, the boy woke up at the sound of his mother tongue. "¡Caray! Sí, señorita, claro que sí!" he exclaimed in excitement. "¿Como sabes español?" He dropped to his knees by the lady, with his hands resting in his laps, slightly leaning towards her. 


The second navigator took control, while the Captain jogged down the stairs to the main deck and turned to the Captain's quarters. He pulled the squeaky door open and rested his back against it to keep it open for the approaching men - none of which, he observed, looked particularly excited. 

"Nice to meet you, Tom", he said and returned the firm shake. "Just inform me later if you suddenly remember your name is in fact Humphrey or something. Yi Wei did a checkup on you earlier when she put you here, didn't she? She's the medic here, so it might be a good thing after all that she delivered the punch. Seen as she knows how to professionally knock someone out. But jokes aside, how are you feeling?"


Surprised by the immediate reaction, she didn't manage to form an answer before the boy had sat down. "Mi madre es de España", she replied with a soft voice. "¿Por qué estás aquí?" The boy seemed too young and innocent to be in a place like this. Surrounded by thieves and murderers. 


He joined the quartermasters when they walked past and together they followed the Captain downstairs. 

He leaned back against the mast and shrugged. "Like a fish out of water, to start," he responded. "I still haven't tried to stand up, she thought I should stay down a while." His hand gestured vaguely to the young lady who had helped him, who he realised he still didn't know the name of.


"El capitán me salvó del orfanato," he grinned. "Trabajo aquí ahora!" How cool was this! Finally someone who understood him, and wanted to talk to him! Unlike the captain who always walked off. Man, these new people were great!


After one last glance at the crew and their guests, he entered his quarter and let the door close behind them with a thud. With slow steps he made his way to the chair behind his desk and seated himself in a slouched position. His hands he entwined on his stomach and his eyes rested on the three men. "My, aren't you the cheerful crowd." 

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