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The Greedy Mermaid (closed w/ Teadhem)


He only hesitated for a few seconds before nodding with his eyes on the Captain.  "Yes, we are, miss. We just arrived yesterday, in the late evening." While speaking, his free hand moved and touched his fringe, making sure it properly covered his eyepatch.


She bit her lip, regretting every time she had ever acted up and gotten into a fight with her brother. Her father. Everyone. Why couldn't she ever just mind her own business? Killed because of a sack of potatoes, what a wonderful way to go. 

She had hoped the answer would calm her down a bit, but had hoped in vain. Her gaze sunk to their feet, watching their steps synchronize. "Where from?" she inquired politely. 


There it was. His darling ship. He sped up as he spotted in, purely out of habit. Ah, that old thing never stopped exciting him. "Look, blondie," he nudged the lady playfully and grinned crookedly. "Bet you've never seen a prettier ship in your life." 

"We've just been in Prussia", he explained. "They're all so loud, these prussians, my ears hurt so bad once we left." He shook his head mildy, smiling. "Oh! There's the ship, miss", he uttered. He'd noticed Mali speeding up, and his eyes quickly found the ship.


She swallowed, uncapable of sharing the man's enthusiasm. There it was. The ship. As soon as she stepped on it, her life as she knew it would be over. 

She threw a quick glance at him as he spoke. Oh. He had a lovely smile. An embarrassing second later she turned to follow his gaze and saw the large ship ahead. "Oh," she exhaled. "It is big." Her steps slowed down for a second, taking in the sight in front of them. It was actually kind of ... magnificent. 


He really couldn't help it - the grin grew. Ah, even a moment away from her was too long. As they got closer he noticed the little black head popping up from behind the railings. He was almost used to seeing that annoying boy waiting for them by now. His grip on the knife changed, but it stayed put just he wanted it. Not long now.


He had stopped behind the corner of a building, sticking his head out to watch the group. Man, oh man. What was this? He looked around. The streets were vacant. The man was so caught up in his own thoughts and worries, he didn't hear the heavy steps approaching slowly behind him.  

He noticed the girl slowling down and sent her a curious look. "Yes, she is", he studied the girls face before once again turning his head to the Madam. "She's wonderful, and you can always count on her to get you through the storm. Of course, her splendid crew might has something to do with it, but she is a tough lady with or without us."


All her pride was seeping away as they came closer to the ship. She opened her mouth, ready to beg the man not to bring them aboard, tell him that she wouldn't snitch. But no sound came out. Her mouth was completely dry, and she couldn't seem to find the words. 
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She listened quietly to him speak, all without ever taking her eyes off the ship. Her parents rarely wanted to travel by boat, unless it was completely necessary. Her dear papa got seasick so easily. "Have you sailed with her for a long time?" 


It wasn't until the last few meters he began to slow down again and glanced behind him to check on the fishes. After reassuring himself that everything was still under control, he began leading the very stiff woman up the plank of the ship. He made sure the knife lay flat against her skin now, in case she got any crazy, last minute ideas. 

Yi Wei

The dumb man was just about to walk out from behind the corner when she caught up with him. Before he could get a sound out, she knocked him in the temple with her fist and stepped back as the body fell to the ground. The captain better have a good reason for all this trouble. She put the bag of potatoes down by her feet and inhaled, before she lifted the heavy body up. With a few adjusting shakes, she threw the unconscious man over her shoulder. Then she picked up the bag of potatoes, hung it over her other shoulder and began walking. 

"A couple of years", he said, counting in his head. "About four, I think." He slowed down in front of the plank, looking up at the rail. He did a quick nod to himself, before escorting the lady aboard. 


She was certain she was about to faint. In fact, she was almost hoping she would. She couldn't handle all this anxiety much longer. She just wanted to faint and wake up safe at home. Being as terrified as she was, she forgot to mind her step. Her stiff hands hadn't managed to properly lift her skirts, and suddenly she found herself stepping on it and falling over. 

Right in front of the ship the situation began to dawn on her completely. They were stepping up on a huge, unknown ship in an mostly empty area, only accompanied by strangers. Her father would scold her if he knew where she was. Oh... This didn't seem smart, after all. Though, even when her mind started to protest she found herself walking up the plank with the hands.. Ha... Eh.. Stranger. 


He widened his eyes in surprise and let out a small "ey!" when he felt a sudden pull forward. With quick thinking, and pure luck, he jerked the knife away from Blondie's throat just as she fell. Instinctively he hooked his arm around her waist, moments before she'd fall from the plank. He pulled her up in one swift motion and pushed her against his chest, bending a little bit forward to stablize their weight. "¡Jesucristo, mujer! Are you trying to hurt yourself?" He exhaled, looking down at her with a grimace. Motherfuuu.. She startled him! 
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Unable to understand what had just happend, she stared at the man's shirt with her eyes wide open. Her hands had ended up pressed between her and the man's chest, and it took several seconds before she realised she had folded her fingers around his shirt. She was slightly shaking, trying to comprehend the situation. In her confused state, as the sound of his heartbeat reached her, she closed her eyes for a moment and found comfort in the embrace. His words didn't make any sense, and she stood still in his arms. 


He stopped with the lady on his arm as soon as the Captain had to reach out for the blonde woman. He blinked, and looked from one to the other.


As the Captain had to stop, he brought them to a halt as well. He hadn't payed attention to Mali and the blonde, and was now trying to understand what had just happened. 


He was in the middle of a snore, when Mali shouted. The snoring soon came to a stop, and he carefully liftet the shirt lying over his head slightly. 

He titled his head to look down at her and studied her face. His eyebrows slowly raised as he saw her hands holding onto his shirt. She was really scared there. The spaniard could feel her shake in his arms, but the devil knew why he didn't pull away right away. Any other day he would have let go immediately - those kinds of feelings were... yucky. His eyes traveled carefully over her face, until the moment he became very aware that she wasn't pulling away either. Heh. Shock. He cleared his throat and loosened his grip, though didn't trust to let her go completely. "Alright, alright. Come on, there's a queue," he said with a small grin, carefully pushing his knife down by his hip.


Watching the scene made her gasp and cover her mouth with her free hand. Oh my goodness! 

Yi Wei

The queue by the plank made her sigh a little as she reached the boat, looking around to make sure nobody had seen them. She'd want to get this heavy man off her shoulders as quick as possible, please. 

As he started to pull away, it dawned on her what exactly she was doing. In one, quick, stiff movement she pulled both her hands away from him. Had she just been clenching her potential murderer's shirt? Disgusted by her actions, she thightly crossed her arms and looked away. Still numb, she slowly began to walk.


"Everything's fine it seems", he whispered to the brunette when he saw her reaction. "I'll make sure you don't fall over as well on the way up", he tried to reassure her. 

He delayed a moment to watch her face as she returned to reality. He had no idea expressions could change from fear to hatred so fast. Well, he did know he might stink of rum, but was it really that bad? With a swift hand he straightened out his shirt and lead the lady on board the ship, one hand hovering over her hip. 


The way Cornelia acted when she came to her senses brought a chill to her spine. Upon watching her friend's hollow expression, the strangers words failed to comfort her. "Is this safe?" By the last word her voice had reached almost a frightened whisper. Though by the same time, she had also reached her first step onto the ship.


One by one the unfamiliar women entered their ship. A thousand and one questions were already running wild inside his head, but none made it out to the Capítan. The boy had seated himself in the ropes above them and watched with almost unretainable interest and curiousity. What was this?

She took a deep breath as she took her first step onto the ship. With a lowered head, she peeked up at the mast. Her eyes widened when she noticed a little boy in the ropes, but she kept quiet. She let her eyes wander from side to side of the ship.


Suspecting there was more to the question than whether the plank was steady enough, he struggled with keeping his cheerful appearance. "Aye, miss, no one has ever fallen off the plank before, and this ship is one of the best there is", he said, without mentioning the fact that he had no idea what they were going to do with the ladies. 


As he watched the captain and the crew enter the ship with young ladies on their arms, a furrow grew on his forehead. Slowly he lifted off his shirt and got up. "When you said you were going to bring goods from the market, I didn't think you meant these kinds of goods, Captain?"

Bernie's comment made him chuckle. "Neither did I," he gave the old sailor a grin and looked down at Blondie. "But plans changed." With a soft push further in on the ship, he let her go. The woman was like stone - no way she'd try running. "It looks like we'll have some company for ... Well, an indefinite amount of time. Anybody mind? You know, except for ..." He gestured loosely to the women, then raised his eyebrows at the crew. 


He watched the gang from above with his feet kicking in the air. Com-paa-nie? Company? 

Yi Wei

Satisified that the plank was cleared again, she carried both sacks of potatoes onto the ship. Sneaking around the group's back, she walked up to the mast and squatted down. She placed the unconscious man up against the wood and supported him up with the bag of potatoes. All while listening in on the conversation in front of her. 


She could barely get a nod in to the man's reassurement before the blonde man spoke. The one they all called captain. Every touch of colour vanished from her face and she finally got a grasp on reality. On what that horrible knot in her stomach was. Her attention was drawn to the mast behind them, where she saw the unconscious man. Oh no. She instantly pulled away from the tall man and stepped back, holding her hands to her stomach. No. This couldn't be happening. 
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He scratched the back of his head with a sceptical expression, but kept quiet. He didn't want to confront the young Captain without knowing the circumstances and his reasons. Also, the chances of him changing his mind were slim to none.


He looked at the brunette with an apologetic expression as she pulled away from him, and let go. 


She stumbled as he pushed her, but managed to stay on her feet. As soon as she had regained her balance, she quickly turned around, staring at the strange men. Her eyes flickered between them, before stopping at Anny. She looked terrified. She probably didn't look much better herself, but seeing the French lady so distressed made her fury reemerge. Her eyes went to the horrible three men. She opened her mouth, but hesitated. Her father's words went through her mind. He had several times scolded her for speaking up at the wrong moments, saying that she had to get better at knowing when to say something, and when to keep her mouth shut. He had told her that at some point in her life, her big mouth would get her in serious trouble. She bit her lip and stayed quiet. She hadn't just gotten herself into serious trouble. She'd dragged two kind ladies down with her. The best thing to do now, was to try and not make it any worse... 


Still holding onto her necklace, she studied her surroundings. Stay? Here? Indefinite amount of time? What had Cornelia and the brunette gotten themselves into? Her thoughts went to her home and her husband, and suddenly she became very aware that she had walked away from the fisherman without the fish she'd payed for... And... She noticed the unconcious man by the mast. Her eyes widened and she gasped. Instiinctively, she pulled away from the man holding her and ran to him. She knelt down and her suspicion was confirmed. The fisherman. 

He studied each and every one of the men, taking note of Bernie's expression. "Great. That's settled then. We'd better be going." The blonde man cracked his knuckles and rolled his head. "Goldfishes, watch the girls. Bernie, the plank please. Conejito, ayudalo. Raccoon..." His attention turned to the tall woman and he raised two confused eyebrows. With a small sigh, he pointed to the unconscious man on their deck. "What the fuck?" 


The deck gave a soft thump when the boy landed on his feet a few meters away from the blonde lady. He walked directly up to her and titled his head back with a curious expression. There he stood, watching her without a word, for several seconds. Then he titled his head and smiled at her. Cool! 


Seeing the man's expression change made her sick. She began shaking her head with a pleading look in her eyes. This couldn't be real. Her mind filled with worry for her papa. He'd never know what happened to her. "Please," she forced the word out as she took another step back. 

Yi Wei

She stepped away when the lady ran up to the man. There was a small stripe of blood running from his forehead. Hopefully he'd be out for a while. When the captain finally noticed the unconscious body, she did a very slow blink. Wasn't it obvious? Quick hands signed out "he followed". 

He nodded to the Captain before sending the girls a worried look. Then he went to do his given chore.


She was quite startled by the boy's stunt and her hand grasped for her heart. "Oh my goodness!", she exclaimed, staring at the boy. The fact that he was staring back at her creeped her out, and her eye twitched. As a grin grew on his face, she blinked. Who was this boy? He looked so... Unkempt. He couldn't possibly be any older than 12. Did he belong on this ship? What was such a small boy doing here?  


He truly was sorry. The lady looked so terrified and sad, and why wouldn't she be? He looked away, letting his hair move away from the eyepatch. "Aye, Captain".


With his eyes on Yi Wei, he let the lady run to the unconcious man. Being well aware of the Captain's excellent knowledge of sign language, he opened his mouth. "I believe he was following us, Captain".


While staring concerned at the blood running down the fisherman's forehead, she checked his pulse. She let out a small sigh of relief as she felt his heartbeat through her finger, and moved her hand to his forehead. Carefully she wiped the blood away with her thumb while making sure of not touching the wound. 

His eyes moved from the Raccoon and Nico and down to the man. "Good work then," he gave her a quick, approving nod before turning to that damn little boy. "¡Oye, chico, movimiento!" 


The big brown eyes blinked a few times, almost like he was copying her, and he let out a little giggle. He hadn't meant to scare her. "Si, Capitan," he replied without looking at Mali. One last time he blinked, with a slight tilt of his head, before finally taking his eyes off her. On light feet the young boy jogged after Bernhard.


No matter how sad he looked, his cold turndown to her plea made her heart sting. A pale hand moved to cover her mouth when she felt her lips tremble. She widened her eyes when spotting the eyepatch hiding behind his hair and instinctively took another step back. Her knees felt far too weak. 


The fisherman began to hear indiscint voices around him as his consciousness started to return. Slowly, the voices became more and more comprehensible and a sneaking pain built in his forehead. His eyelids twitched a few times before he made an attempt to open them, letting out a small groan. "Blimey..." 

A chill went down her spine as the boy ran off to help the old man. She felt so sorry for the boy, but yet his eyes freaked her out. She crossed her arms again and looked at the boy and the old man, just now realising they were removing the plank. Her head turned to the other side of the boat. Would they shoot her if she jumped? Would she manage to swim far enough in this heavy dress? She looked over at Anny, who looked even more horrified than before. She was backing away from one of the men. Her eyes narrowed, and with at first nervous steps, she walked towards her. 


He looked behind him when he heard the boy's steps. "Coming to help, ey, kid?", he said and brushed through his mustache. 


He took notice of the girl's reaction, and suddenly understood that he was frightening her even more. Quickly he shoved his fringe behind his ear and turned away from her with a sigh. It had been so long since anyone had reacted to his looks, he had almost forgotten how intimidating his appearance could be. It was better to leave her alone. 


Following his orders, he sat down on the rail and watched the ladies and the fisherman with his head resting in his palm. What a mess this was.


As the fisherman groaned, she removed her thumb with a relieved, but worried smile. "How are you feeling?", she asked.

He turned around and headed for his cabin. There was a jacket and a hat waiting for him.


The tone of Bernie's voice sounded like a question, so he nodded. 


She stood absolutely still in her position until she heard the steps approaching. Seeing that it was miss Cornelia gave a rush of much needed relief and she walked to meet her halfway. Her hands were lightly shaking, but seeing someone familiar made it easier to speak again. "Are you okay, miss? Did he hurt you?" She frowned. 


It didn't take long for his eyes to adjust to the light and focus again, which was when he found himself staring right at the lady who had bought fish from him. He felt confused and disoriented. "Did I hit my head?" He muttered groggily, raising a hand to his head. Something warm touched his hand and he glanced down at his red fingers. "Am I ... Bleeding?" 

He gesticulated to make sure the boy knew what he was doing, even though they had done this before. Then he started the process of removing the plank. 


She took the lady's shaking hands between her's as soon as they met halfway. "I am fine", she said, giving miss Anny a concerned look. "And you? How are you feeling?", of course she knew the answer, but she still felt like asking. 


He sat down beside his brother and started to fiddle with a piece of rope he found in his pocket. He felt his brother's eyes on him and gave him a crooked smile in return. 


She stroke a lock of hair behind her ear and peeked over at Yi Wei. "Not you, but someone hit your head", she mumbled. "And yes, as an unfortunate result, you are bleeding". She turned her attention back to the fisherman. 
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The boy nodded several more times to the older man's hand-waving before helping him with the plank.


Though her mouth opened, no sound came out. She turned her head and looked at the tall man, but quickly looked back at Cornelia. "I .. I don't know," she said. "I'm sorry I didn't realize what was going on, I feel so foolish!"


He lowered his hand again and blinked a few times. "Blimey," he muttered and let his eyes wander over his surroundings, only to realize he didn't recognize a single thing. This wasn't the market. And this definitely wasn't the alleyway. After a second or two he started to recall the ship he seen the men stop at, and understood why the lady was here. "Are ya alright, lady? Where are the -" he threw his upper body up in a haste and immediately regretted it. Pain shot through his head and he slowly lowered down against the mast again, a hand on his head. "Oooh, nope. I ain't getting up any moment soon," he groaned with closed eyes.  

A lump formed in her throat as miss Anny spoke. "No, don't", she interrupted her. "You couldn't possibly have known... I am so sorry for getting you into this mess. Those horrible bastards-", her sentence faded out as she thought of everything that was being taken away from them.


She was just about to answer when the man tried to get up. Quickly she raised her arms in protest, but lowered them as soon as he sat down again. "You should stay still for a while I think, mister", she stated with a worried expression. 

Her frown returned and she freed one hand to place it on top of Cornelia's, giving it a light squeeze. "I'd never blame you. There was nothing else you could have done, the man was threatening you!"


"Tom," he corrected her. "All my friends call me Tom." The fisherman opened his eyes again and gave her a quick smile. "And yes, I don't think I'm goin' anywhere right now." 

She looked away. "I just... I should have...", she swallowed. She blinked several times to prevent her eyes from running over. "God, what do we do now?" Clueless she shook her head a few times while closing her eyes. 


She returned the smile. "Tom", she corrected. "Good. I don't think we have much of a choice either". She lowered her voice. "I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but it seems they are planning to keep us on this ship for a while." 

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